Health Problems & Solutions Healthy Tips

Get Rid of Your Anger

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Anger is a feeling that many of us know all too well. Some of us experience it daily, while others hold on to it for years at a time. As you likely know, anger is not at all a healthy emotion, and it doesnt make you feel good. Over time it can become self-destructive, ruining relationships and even your health…...CLICK & SEE

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This is not to say that anger is always a bad thing–anger is a natural part of living; it is a signal that something is wrong and needs your attention. Anger evokes that well-known “fight-or-flight” response, preparing us to defend ourselves physically and psychologically.

Sometimes it is required to get angry to get the job done from subordinates or for some other purposes.But this anger should just be a show only,and this is not harmful.
But if it pushes your body into an overdrive mode that is almost always unnecessary.

It is always said that Wiser and Cleaver people never get angry but shows anger.Anger always slows down the progress.A bad worker always gets angry with his tools.

When you become angry the hormones adrenaline and cortisol are released, causing your heart rate and blood pressure to increase. Also, your muscles get tense, your digestive processes stop and certain brain centers are triggered, which alters your brain chemistry.

In the long run, and sometimes even short term, this automatic response to anger can lead to a variety of health problems such as:

  • Headaches
  • Problems with digestion
  • Insomnia
  • Increased anxiety
  • Depression
  • High blood pressure
  • Skin problems, such as eczema
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke

Not only that, but anger can lead to other negative emotions like bitterness, hopelessness, futility and overall sadness. Let’s face it; it’s hard to have a good time if you are holding on to anger.It always hrms us,never does any good to any one.So the obvious answer here is: let the anger go. Get rid of it, and it will not be able to bring you down either physically or emotionally.Yes, everyone knows that this is easier said than done, of course, and while the anger management techniques may not guarantee that your life will become suddenly anger-free, they will certainly help you deal with the anger that does come along in a more healthy, proactive way.It is a fact, if you are really interested to get you free from anger, you can surely do it but with time. But your mental strength and strong wish should always be there.Let me write down some of the techniques and methods through which a person can get rid of anger and they are as follows::-

This overcomes variety of emotional changes.But you will have to learn it from some expert
.It involves tapping your body’s energy meridians and voicing specific positive affirmations about, in this case, your anger. While this may sound unusual, it works to clear the “short-circuit”–the emotional block behind your anger–from your body’s bioenergy system, thus restoring your mind and body’s balance, which is essential for optimal health and the healing of physical disease.

If you feel anger starting to take over, simply trying to relax can dissuade the negative feelings. This doesn’t mean that you should ignore your feelings. Take a step back and assess the situation. Is your anger justified? If you determine that it is, give yourself a moment to feel hurt, frustrated or annoyed, but don’t let it consume you.Always try to control your mind,never allow your mind to overtake you in getting angry which will never do any good to you.
There are simple steps that you can use daily to overcome anger. These include:

  • Slow, deep breathing
  • Imagining a peaceful scene
  • Relaxation exercises, such as yoga poses

After awhile you’ll see that these steps become automatic reactions, and you won’t even have to think about doing them when anger confronts you.

Don’t let the source of your anger get the better of you. If someone makes you angry, try viewing the situation from his or her angles. Looking at things from a different perspective may make it easier to understand why the situation is occurring, and it may help you to calm down if you come up with a reasonable explanation.

Physical activity is a great way to reduce angry feelings. It gives you a chance to focus your mind on something else and once your body is hard at work you will be less likely to obsess over angry feelings.

Vigorous activities such as running and kickboxing are healthy ways to release angry energy that has built up. Follow the intense portion of your workout with something soothing, such as meditation or yoga, to help you relax.

Stimulants like sugar,caffeine and nicotine speed up the nervous and cardiovascular systems, which can add to the symptoms of anger. If you have recurrent problems with anger, staying away from these items can help. Avoiding them will also produce other health benefits beyond anger reduction.


There are Good things and Bad things, Beautiful thing and Ugly things, one should accept Good things,admire them, enjoy the beautiful things but never hate bad or ugly things.Because anger develops from hate, if one wants, may avoid them to get mental peace.We should always remember that for all circumstances we get into trouble are created temporarily and the time resolves it.Nonviolent Peaceful Solution is the best way to handle personal problems.Even the toughest problem can be solved permanently through this process.
Anger Management: A Simple –Twelve-Step Program

1. Accept that most things in the world are out of your control.

2. Accept that it is your choice to get angry about those things.

3. No one makes you angry.

4. Life is unfair. Waste no energy lamenting or trying to change that fact.

5. No one likes to be around an angry person. No one feels like helping an angry person.

6. So why be angry? Maybe you really don’t want your problems solved. Maybe you just want to complain and wail and gnash your teeth.

7. Take stock of yourself. What do you want?

8. You should smile more. Your face won’t break.

9. Anger is a weed; hate is the tree. –St. Augustine

10. Anger makes a rich man hated and a poor man scorned. –Thomas Fuller

11.It is always wise to see the good side of every person you meet with.

12.Try to avoid the persons you dislike..

(Help taken from :

Healthy Tips Meditation

Control your depression

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Depression is one of the most under-diagnosed and misunderstood illnesses……

Sign of Depression
Constant sadness,Lack of motivation,Irretability,Trouble of concentration,Feeling isolation,Loss of interest in favorite activities,Hopelessness,Feeling worthless or guilty for no reason,Fatigue, Low energy,Sleeping trouble, and significant wet loss….CLICK & SEE

There might be thousand reasons for mental Depression but you will have to find out some ways to get rid of it.You will have to alter your wayof thinking.You must look at the people arround you and observe what has happned or is happening in your life ,the same might have happened or is happening in their lives too.But all are not reacting the same way like you.Some are crying and getting more and more depressed and few are taking it as a life’s experience and again fighting it out as a challange.

It is a fact, that everyone wil not be challinging type, but one can always alters one’s way of thinking which is verymuch possible for most of the person.

If you start thinking with reasons, you will understand that it is only your Personality which gives all the mental pain and if you can take strong decision that you are not going to entangle yourself again to this type of situation.… I believe,… HALF WORK IS DONE.

There are reasons for depression but all reasons are not controlable, we can only alter our thinking. When we cannot control certain thing ,our mood gets off,our mind deeps into negativity. If that very moment we start doing something which is within our control and successfully overcome it , we get back into positivity and get relief from Depression.

According to me MEDITATION is the best way to get rid of all kinds of frastration and mental depression and quickest and easiest way to get back to normal happy life.
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Now,what is meditation?
There are many types of meditation, but all involve focussing one’s attention on something, such as a word, a phrase, an image, an idea or the act of breathing. Some people think that meditation is a way to awareness of your thoughts and how they affect your life. Some people see meditation as a way to “quiet the chatter” of their own minds. Some people think that meditating is a form of prayer – another way of communing with God.

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Meditation would typically be practised sitting in a quiet environment for around 20 minutes a day. For some people, meditation is a spiritual or religious activity and they use meaningful thoughts as the focus of their meditation. However, meditation can also be used as a relaxation method without any spiritual or religious goal .
Meditation has been used as a relaxation method to relieve stress and anxiety. Because anxiety and depression often occur together, meditation may help with depression as well.

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How do you meditate?
Popular books on how to meditate are available in many bookshops. Various organisations (generally with spiritual goals) also offer training in meditation. Here is a simple technique of meditation that is similar to those taught in these books and courses:
1.Sit in a quiet room in a comfortable position with eyes closed.
2.Choose a word which is relaxing or meaningful for you (for example, ‘Love’ or ‘Calm’ or “ Jesus” or OM or whatever as per your wish) and repeat it silently over and over in your mind. Do not force yourself to concentrate on the word. Alternatively, concentrate on your breathing or look at the flame of a candle.
3.If your mind wanders, turn your attention gently back to the word, or to your breathing, or to the candle.
4.Do this for about 20 minutes each day

In few ocations meditation can make depression worse
Although meditation can be very helpful in relieving depression or in preventing depression from arising, the act of focussing inwards can actually heighten feelings of despair. I would suggest not trying to meditate when you are extremely depressed, and especially not at times that you are having any thoughts of self-harm.

As one experienced meditator said, “Meditation while clinically depressed can result in intensification of feelings of despondency, hopelessness, and negativity generally. The metta practice (where the meditation is focussed on the development of loving kindness towards yourself, and others) is theoretically a good thing, but in practice it can be a nightmare if all you feel is self-hatred!”

Thus, if meditation seems to be making things worse, then you would be advised to stop immediately.

However extremely depressed students have benefited from meditation when they have had constant guidance and feedback from an experienced teacher to make sure that they are using meditative techniques in a helpful way.
Although such opportunities are unfortunately very rare, a very experienced meditation teacher who is on hand to give you step by step guidance can probably help you even when you are experiencing severe depression.

 Click & see : How to Tackle  depression otherwise
