Positive thinking

Spring Brings The Yellow Miracles

Some things on this earth look as if they were designed to bring happiness to the hearts of humans. The daffodil, with its bright yellow coloring and green stem, is one such creation. The daffodil makes its appearance in the spring, abundant and inexpensive, bringing gladness as sure as sunshine itself to whoever is lucky enough to receive a single stem, or a bunch, of these delicate yellow miracles. It is as if the sun has shed a layer of skin and fashioned a flower out of it….click & see

Color psychologists suggest that too much yellow can be too stimulating, but in small doses it inspires hope and good cheer. The daffodil is a perfect-sized package of yellow for anyone feeling glum or energetically low. It can spur us to action or simply imbue us with a feeling of optimism as it vibrantly glows in our homes or on our desks at work. The daffodil’s presence is ideal in any region where sunshine is scarce as it seems to carry the sun in the soft flesh of its petals. The bulbs are not expensive, and the flowers give so much that you may decide to plant a few in your yard or in a window box. Then again, you may simply wait until they arrive in neat little bundles in the grocery store or flower shop. They are usually very reasonably priced, so you can afford to spoil yourself, and those you love, with a large bouquet.

A daffodil placed under the windshield wiper of a loved one’s car says, “Be happy! Spring has sprung! I love you!” A collection of stems gathered and placed in a Mason jar can be left on someone’s doorstep to remind them of the simple beauties that abound in this life. Don’t forget to bless yourself with a vase of these bright blossoms on your kitchen table or nightstand. Every time you see them, you will be filled with the happiness and warmth of the sun.

Source:Daily Om

News on Health & Science

‘High temp leads to infertility’

NEW DELHI: Researchers recorded the temperature changes to the scrotum caused by laptop use among 29 healthy male volunteers aged between 21 and 35 and found that just sitting with thighs pressed together, caused scrotal temperatures to rise by 2.1 degrees C.

click & see

The AIIMS study also found that majority of men who were exposed to high temperature at their work places welders, dyers, blast furnace workers, cement and steel factories are also more prone to infertility. All this happens because even small changes in temperature have a negative effect on sperm production.

Testes are located outside of the body, suspended by the spermatic cord within the scrotum. This allows for more efficient and fertile sperm production.

The temperature of the testes is usually three degrees lower than the core body temperature (37 degrees C or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit). Even one degree elevation in testicular temperature leads to 14% depression of spermatogenesis.

“Not only has quantity of sperm production declined in males across the world, there has been a decrease in mortility (sperm movement) and morphology (shape and structure) of the sperms.

“There has been a 2% decrease in quality of male sperm annually. Also, 40% men in the reproductive age group are at present recording a quantitative and qualitative decline in sperm quality,” Dr Dada said. The study also found that nearly 20% of infertile men with low sperm count, or oligospermia, harboured genetic abnormalities.

The abnormality either involved sex chromosomes or autosomes or micro deletions in the ‘Y’ chromosome, said Dada. The ‘Y’ chromosome harbours the gene critical for germ cell development and differentiation, without which a person will have no sperms or will have very low sperm count.

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Source:The times of India

Herbs & Plants


Pipal tree (Ficus religiosa), a native tree of India, held sacred by the Buddhists, who believe that Gautama Buddha received enlightenment under a Bo tree at Bodh Gaya. The Bo tree attains great size and age; the leaves, which hang from long, flexible petioles, rustle in the slightest breeze. Pipal is also spelled peepul or pipul.

The botanical classification of the  tree is:

Botanical Name : Ficus religiosa Linn
Family Name: .
vernacular Name: Sans
ashvatthah ,Hindpippal , Eng – sacred tree , Bengali -Asotha

Habitat: Native to India, Grows in Bangladesh,Burma, Sreelankha and Thiland

Common Names: bodhi tree, pippala tree, peepul tree, peepal tree or ashwattha tree

Description of the Plant:

Click to see the pictures.>.....(01)....(1).…………..(2)


Large tree. Flower color red. Flowers in February. Fruits in May / June. Widely found in uplands and plain area.The Sacred Fig Ficus religiosa, also known as Bo (from the Sinhalese Bo), Pipal (Peepul) or Ashwattha tree, is a species of banyan fig native to India, southwest China and Indochina east to Vietnam. It is a large dry season-deciduous or semi-evergreen tree up to 30 m tall and with a trunk diameter of up to 3 m
The leaves are cordate in shape with a distinctive extended tip; they are 10-17 cm long and 8-12 cm broad, with a 6-10 cm petiole. The fruit is a small fig 1-1.5 cm diameter, green ripening purple
The peepal is one of the best known trees of India. The peepal is considered very sacred and venerated by the Hindus & the Buddhists. It is mentioned in the Vedas & Epics. The saints (rishis) of yore meditated under it. It was under the peepal tree that Gautam Buddha attained enlightenment & that particular tree came to be called “Bodhi”, the “Tree of wisdom”. In the popular Indian fold core, the peepal is considered as a female to the male Banyan. Peepal tree grows to large proportions. The tree is found wild in the forests on the lower slopes of the Himalayas, Orissa & in central India. It also grows in most parts of India, especially on the banks of rivers & lakes.

Plant Parts Used: All parts of the Pipal tree, including roots, bark, leaf and fruit, are useful

Healing & curative properties: –
The leaves of peepal tree are useful in many common ailments. Its leaves are laxative and a tonic. They relieve feverish feeling of coolness. They are also useful in arresting secretion or bleeding. In such cases, about 50 ml of raw juice of the leaves or 1 teaspoon of powdered dried leaves can be taken with water.

Heart diseases:
The leaves of the peepal are used in the treatment of heart diseases. The leaves are infused in water at night. Distilled the following morning & then stored in white bottles. About 15 mg of this infusion is administered thrice daily. It is highly effective in relieving palpitation of the heart & cardiac weakness.

The leaves of peepal should be dried in the shade & powdered. Pills are made by adding the required quantity of a solution of anise & jaggery with water. One pill taken with warm milk at bedtime ensures proper bowl movement, the following morning. In the same way, the fruits can be dried in shade, powdered & mixed with an equal quantity of sugar. This compound in doses of 4 to 6 GMS, taken at bedtime with milk, serves the same function.

Dysentery: –
Equal parts of tender leave, coriander leaves & sugars are chewed slowly to relieve the condition.

The leaves of peepal ground fine, mixed 25 gms of jaggery and made into 8 pills. One pill taken daily with milk can also relieve pain due to injury.

Mumps: –

Peepal leaves smeared with ghee, warmed over a fire & bandaged over the inflamed part (mumps) to get relieve.

Boils: –
A leaf of peepal smeard with ghee can be banged like worm on the boil. If there is any pus formation, it will burst, if it is in preliminary stages, the growth will subside in initial stage itself.

Other uses: –

In Ayurveda a peepal grown on a cemented wall , with its roots still not reaching the ground, is a specific treatment for serious disease of the neck.A plaster- like paste prepared by rubbing its roots with water can be applied on the affected glands. A popular remedy for excessive urine output amongst jaundice patience is to soak a piece of tender bark of the peepal in water overnight & allow the water to be taken the following morning. According to Hakeem Hashmi, peepal fruits dried in shade & powdered are helpful in sexual disorders such as spermatorrhoea, nocturnal emissions & premature ejaculation.

As per Ayurveda:
Sacred fig is madhura, kasaya and sheetaveerya; subdues deranged function of kapha and pitta; useful in the treatment of dyscrasia and burning sensation of the body. The ripe fruits exert immediate action in the diseases of female genital organs

Parts used: bark, leaves, tender shoots, fruits, seeds, latex

Properties and uses:
The bark is astringent, sweet, cooling and aphrodisiac. and an aqueous extract of it has an antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aurells and Escherichia coli. It is used in the treatment of gonorrhoea, diarrhoea, dysentery, haemorrhoids and gastrohelcosis.

Bark is found efficacious in gonorrhoea; pulverised bark is applied externally on unhealthy ulcer and wounds to promote granulation; efficacious when rubbed with honey and applied to aphthous sores of children. Infusion of the bark is astringent.

The bark has an acrid bad taste; useful in inflammations and glandular swelling of the neck.

A paste of the powdered bark is a good absorbent for inflammatory swellings and good for burns.
Leaves and tender shoots have purgative properties and are also recommended for wounds and skin diseases.

Tender and fresh leaves found beneficial when used along with butter-fat to cover the inflammatory areas of ulcer; oil, medicated with the leaves, cures earache when used as eardrops

The old leaves soaked in water stop vomiting.

Fruits are laxative and digestive; the dried fruit pulverised and taken in water cure, asthma: seeds are refrigerant and laxative.

The fruit is purgative, aphrodisiac; checks vomiting

The latex is good for neuralgia,. inflammations and haemorrhages.

All the parts are bitter, sweetish, acrid, cooling; useful in diseases, of the blood, vagina, uterus; given in leucorrhoea, burning sensation, biliousness, ulcers.-

The ripe fruit is cooling; alexipharmic; good for burning sensation, foul taste, thirst, biliousness, diseases of the blood and heart.-

The root is good for gout; the root bark is useful in stomatitis, to cleanse ulcers, as an astringent in leucorrhoea, to promote granulatlons.-The young bark is useful in bone fracture.-
The root bark is aphrodisiac and good for lumbago.-
The seeds are said to be cooling and alterative. The seeds are useful in urinary discharges

The leaves and young shoots are used as a purgative, and an infusion of the bark is given internally in scabies.
A paste of the powdered bark is used. as an absorbent in inflammatory swellings.

The dried fruit, pulverized and taken in water for a fortnight, removes asthma, and produces fruitfulness in women. Water in which the freshly.burnt bark has been ,steeped is said to cure cases of obstinate hiccup.

In cracked foot the juice is employed.
The powder of the dried bark is used in fistula in ano;
The juice of the bark is used as a mouth wash for toothache and for strengthening the gums.

Disclaimer:The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.

Miracles of Herbs


Why do some people have vertigo?

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Vertigo is a certain kind of dizziness, often wrongly used to describe a fear of heights (actually called acrophobia). Vertigo is not a disease, but only a symptom. It refers to the sensation of spinning or whirling one experiences when there is a disturbance in the body equilibrium    the feeling that you or the environment is moving when there is actually no movement. The sensation of movement is called subjective vertigo while the perception of movement in objects around is called objective vertigo. The term may also be used to describe lightheadedness, faintness or unsteadiness.

click & see

Vertigo usually occurs due to a disorder in the vestibular system (comprising the inner ear, the vestibular nerve, brainstem and cerebellum). This system is responsible for integrating sensory stimuli and movement and keeping objects in visual focus as a person moves.

When the head moves, signals are transmitted to the labyrinth, an apparatus in the inner ear that is made up of three semicircular canals surrounded by fluid. The labyrinth then transmits the information to the vestibular nerve which in turn passes it to the brainstem and cerebellum (areas of the brain that control balance, posture and motor coordination). There are a number of reasons for dizzy spells.

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is the most common form, caused by sudden head movements. Vertigo can also be caused by certain problems in the brain or the inner ear. It may also be caused by inflammation within the inner ear. Other causes include migraine, head trauma, decreased blood flow to the brain and base of the brain, fluctuating pressure of the inner ear fluid, systemic diseases, certain antibiotics, environmental chemicals, etc.

Source:The Telegraph(Kolkata,India)

News on Health & Science

Cocoa, not tea, calms BP:

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Some may see a cup of tea as soothing but chocolate is more likely to lower one’s blood pressure, German researchers reported on Monday.

Foods rich in cocoa appear to reduce blood pressure but drinking green and black tea may not, according to an analysis of previously published research in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

The drop in blood pressure among participants who consumed cocoa products for at least two weeks was in the same range as achieved by someone taking drugs commonly prescribed to control high blood pressure.

The fall in blood pressure credited to cocoa could be expected to reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks by 10-20%, the report said.

Both cocoa and tea contain polyphenols, a class of chemicals known to help prevent cardiovascular disease that are present in most fruits and vegetables. But cocoa has a different type than tea — procyanids — that appear to be more active.

Currently, patients with high blood pressure are urged to eat more fruits and vegetables, although cocoa and tea products account for the bulk of total polyphenol consumption in Western countries, the study said.

But don’t start gobbling up chocolate bars just yet, wrote the study’s author of the University Hospital of Cologne.

Treats such as dark chocolate might be substituted for other high-calorie desserts, based on the study’s findings, but “we believe that any dietary advice must account for the high sugar, fat and calorie intake with most cocoa products.”

Source:The Times Of India
