Herbs & Plants

Black Walnuts (Juglans nigra)

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Botanical Name : Juglans nigra
Family: Juglandaceae
Subfamily: Juglandoideae
Tribe: Juglandeae
Subtribe: Juglandinae
Genus: Juglans
Species: J. nigra
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Fagales

Common Names : Black Wallnut, Eastern black walnut

Parts Used: Inner bark, fruits and leaves.
Habitat: Rich woods. Western Massachusetts to Florida; Texas to Minnesota.

The Black Walnut or American Walnut (Juglans nigra L.) is a native of eastern North America, where it grows, mostly alongside rivers, from southern Ontario, Canada west to southeast South Dakota, south to Georgia, northern Florida and southwest to central Texas.

Description:It is a large deciduous tree attaining heights of 30â- 40 metres (100-130 feet). Under forest competition it develops a tall, clear bole; the open-grown form has a short bole and broad crown. The bark is grey-black and deeply furrowed. The pith of the twigs contains air spaces. The leaves are alternate, 30-60 cm long, odd-pinnate with 1-23 leaflets, the largest leaflets located in the centre, 7-10 cm long and 2-3 cm broad. The male flowers are in drooping catkins 8–10 cm long, the female flowers terminal, in clusters of two to five, ripening in the autumn into a fruit with a brownish-green, semi-fleshy husk and a brown corrugated nut. The whole fruit, including the husk, falls in October; the seed is relatively small and very hard.
Mature tree..………. Leaves and fruit….Leaves

The stem pith is light brown. The leaves are pinnate, with 12 to 23 leaflets; the leaflets are slightly alternate, heart-shaped or uneven at base. Leaf stalks and
leaf undersides are slightly hairy; the hairs being solitary or in pairs, not in clusters. Male and female flowers grow in separate catkins. The fruits are rounded, reaching maturity during October and November. The bark is dark brown to grayish black, divided by deep, narrow furrows into thin ridges, forming aroughly diamond-shaped pattern.

History: The American Indians inner bark tea as an emetic and laxative. They chewed the bark for toothaches; used fruit husk juice on ringworm; chewed the husk for colic and poulticed for inflammation. They uses a leaf tea as an astringent and an insecticidal against bedbugs.

The Black Walnut was introduced into Europe in 1629. It is cultivated there as a forest tree for its high quality wood. It is more resistant to frost than the Persian Walnut, but thrives best in the warmer regions of Europe of fertile, lowland soils with a high water table. It is a light-demanding species. The wood is used to make furniture and rifle stocks, and oil is pressed from the seeds.

The Black Walnut produces a substance that is toxic or “allelopathic” to other plants called juglone. It interferes with the healthy development of other plants, especially plants in the Nightshade family (e.g. tomatoes), causing wilting and yellowing of the foliage. This has caused some to believe that nothing grows under a Black Walnut, but there are many varieties of plants that can. Fescue grass is a type of grass that is allelopathic to the Black Walnut.

Constituents: The active principle of the whole Walnut tree, as well as of the nuts, is Nucin or Juglon. The nuts contain oil, mucilage, albumin, mineral matter, cellulose and water.

Use as food:
The extraction of the kernel from the fruit of the Black Walnut is difficult. The shell is covered by a thick husk that exudes a dark, staining, strong-smelling juice. The juice will often be a yellow brown at first, then rapidly assume a deep black-green color upon exposure to the air. The shell often protrudes into the meat, so that whole kernels often cannot be obtained.

click for the picture
Nut with the outer husk removed

The husk is best removed when green, as the nuts taste better if it is removed then. Rolling the nut underfoot on a hard surface such as a driveway is a common method; commercial huskers use a car tire rotating against a metal mesh. Some take a thick plywood board and drill a nut sized hole in it (from one to two inches in diameter) and smash the nut through using a hammer. The nut goes through and the husk remains behind. To keep the husk juices from splattering, a board or canvas scrap may be used to cover the nut before hammering. The black walnut’s husks are known to leave durable, hard to remove stains on hands and clothing.

Before eating or storage, the nuts should be cured in a dry place for at least two weeks. Before cracking, the unshelled nuts may be soaked in hot water for 24 hours in order to soften the shells, but with a proper cracker this is not necessary. While the flavor is prized, the difficulty in preparing the Black Walnut may account for the wider popularity and availability of the Persian Walnut.

Wood: click for the picture
Black Walnut is highly prized for its dark-colored true heartwood. It is heavy and strong, yet easily split and worked. Walnut wood has historically been used for gunstocks, furniture, flooring, paddles, coffins, and a variety of other woodworking products. It is so valuable that so-called “walnut rustlers” have been known to harvest it illegally by posing as forestry officials, cutting trees during the night, and even using helicopters to take them away quickly; such overharvesting has greatly reduced its numbers and range since colonial times

Medicinal Properties:
Properties: Alterative, astringent, detergent, tonic, vermifuge.

Main Uses:
The bark and leaves are used in the treatment of skin troubles. They are of the highest value for curing scrofulous diseases, herpes, eczema, etc., and for healing indolent ulcers. The bark, dried and powdered, and made into a strong infusion, is a useful purgative. The husk, shell and peel are sudorific, especially if used when the walnuts are green. While unripe, the nut has worm destroying properties.

Preparation And Dosages:
Tincture: (Fresh Leaves [1:2] Dry Leaves [1:5] 50% alcohol), 30-90 drops up to 3 times a day.
Infusion: 2-4 ounces

The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.


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News on Health & Science

Holistic Way To Loose Weight

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By understanding the importance of aahar (eating), vihar(exercise) and vishram(rest) in your lifestyle, you can lead a healthy life, says holistic health expert Mickey Mehta.

Oof the biggest problems of today is obesity. It not only affects one physically but psychologically as well. It’s been proved that diseases like diabetes, heart problem are the close relatives of obesity. The holistic approach towards obesity is a better longer lasting sustainable solution.

The three things that support human health are aahar, vihar and vishram. Aahar is what we eat. Vihar is how we exercise and vishram is how and how much we rest and relax.

The human body is controlled by tridoahas, which are kuph, wata and pitta. The person under the influence of the kuph dosh has the tendency to put on weight.

The excessive weight can be looked at as unburned food and/or the unwanted storage of various thoughts, desires and wishes in the mind as well. Let’s have a look at how aahar, vihar and vishram take care of our health by the way of purifying, correcting, rejuvenating and recreating the body.

Aahar or the Appropriate Food
Foods which are designed to be digested by the human system supplies you with energy for life.

Improper and excessive or unwanted consumption of food gives rise to improper burning or utilisation of this fuel and leads to chocking of the system, ie. fat. Foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts, seeds, grains, and herbs in their most natural, wholesome form should be consumed seasonally, for these have a lot of medicinal, healing and regenerative properties. Remember one thing: Cater to your hunger and not to your appetite; Fulfill it with nourishment and not through unwanted cravings.

Vihar or Exercise
Exercise or orderly application of energy for productive physical activity to keep one well circulated, removing all energy blocks, tenderly challenging the entire musculo-skeletal structure, addressing totality.

This results in transcendence of the subject-object duality and experiencing this transformation into wholeness and wellness.

Workouts need to be done on a daily basis preferably in the morning with thorough warm-ups, slow conscious breathing throughout, stretching and contracting every part of the body through yoga or pilates postures, surya namaskars, slow bouncing activities like jumping jacks and mock skipping for cardiovascular benefits and boosting stamina and the immune system through lymphatic stimulation, push-ups and pull-ups using your own body weight for strength, power and increasing muscle and bone density and muscle tone overall.

Each workout should be finished off with an abdominal workout targeting the lower, upper and mid-abdominal exercises, with slow controlled profound movements.

All these will also improve the sense of equilibrium, coordination, assist in reaching an ideal metabolic state and give a new lease of life to the nervous system, thereby improving reflexes, responses, alertness, spontaneity, etc.

Last but not the least, one must either sit or lie down with the eyes shut, in a state of pure being. In this state of bliss, rejuvenation and the buoyancy of the spirit grow.

Vishram or Rest
Vishram is the time when body repairs itself. So give proper and sufficient time for relaxation and sleep.

Here relaxation means the total relaxation, that of body as well as mind. Proper rest ensures proper utilisation of the food you consume and proper disposal of the waste products.

Pranayams and meditation help you to relax and ensures proper burning of the fuel ie. food to leave back minimum wastes which then are efficiently eliminated; leaving your body clean free of toxins — thus free of disease. So help your self by spending some time just for yourself. Try to listen to the signals of your body and be in shape and health for life.

Source:The Times Of India

News on Health & Science

New Anti-Aging Methods Found

 [amazon_link asins=’B01DC6XTYC,B06XXQSN16,B0090UJFYI,B00008ZPGA,B01K2UMMI0,B06WV8XNFZ,B01M4MCUAF,B00QD8QXEA,B01LWSN8IS’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’845d9bbe-74d6-11e7-a249-93e6bfe1c245′]

Researchers said on Thursday they had found more ways to activate the body’s own anti-aging defenses – perhaps with a pill that could fight multiple diseases at once.

Their study, published in the journal Cell, helps explain why animals fed very low-calorie diets live longer, but it also offers new ways to try to replicate the effects of these diets using a pill instead of hunger, the researchers said.

“What we are talking about is potentially having one pill that prevents and even cures many diseases at once,” said David Sinclair, a pathologist at Harvard Medical School who helped lead the research.

Sinclair helped found a company that is working on drugs based on this research, Sirtris Pharmaceuticals. The key is a family of enzymes called sirtuins. They are controlled by genes called SIRT1, SIRT2 and so on.

Last year, researchers showed that stimulating SIRT1 can help yeast cells live longer.

Sinclair, working with colleagues at his company, at Cornell University in New York and the US National Institutes of Health, identified the actions of two more sirtuin genes called SIRT3 and SIRT4.

They found the enzymes controlled by these genes help preserve the mitochondria – little organs inside of cells that provide their energy.

“These two genes, SIRT3 and SIRT4, they make proteins that go into mitochondria. … These are little energy packs inside our cells that are very important for staying healthy and youthful and, as we age, we lose them and they get less efficient,” Sinclair said in a videotaped statement.

“They are also very important for keeping the cells healthy and alive when they undergo stress and DNA damage, as we undergo every day during the aging process.”

Sinclair and colleagues have found in other studies that even if the rest of a cell is destroyed – the nucleus and other parts – it can still function if the mitochondria are alive. His team found that fasting raises levels of another protein called NAD. This, in turn, activates SIRT3 and SIRT4 in the mitochondria of the cell and these help keep the mitochondria youthful.

Source: The Times Of India

Ailmemts & Remedies

Abdominal Bloating

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Abdominal bloating is a condition in which the abdomen feels full and tight. It is usually caused by gas in the bowel.

It is any abnormal general swelling, or increase in diameter of the abdominal area. As a symptom, the patient feels a full and tight abdomen, which may cause abdominal pain sometimes accompanied by borborygmus. Bloating may have several causes, the most common being accumulation of liquids and intestinal gas. Ascites is the proper medical term for abdominal bloating caused by excessive accumulation of liquid inside the cavity.


Common causes for abdominal bloating are:

1.Overeating (gastric distension)
2.Lactose intolerance, fructose intolerance and other food intolerances
3.Food allergy
4.Aerophagia (air swallowing, a nervous habit)
5.Irritable bowel syndrome
6.Partial bowel obstruction
7.Gastric dumping syndrome or rapid gastric emptying
8.Gas-producing foods
10.Visceral fat
11.Splenic-flexure syndrome
12.Menstruation, dysmenorrhea and premenstrual stress syndrome
13.Polycystic ovary syndrome and ovarian cysts
14.Alvarez’ syndrome, hysterical or neurotic abdominal bloating without excess of gas in the digestive tract .
15.Massive infestation with intestinal parasites, such as worms (e.g, Ascaris lumbricoides)
17.Small bowel bacterial overgrowth
18.Immunodeficiency, such as AIDS

Important but uncommon causes of abdominal bloating include large intra-abdominal tumors, such as those arising from ovarian, liver, uterus and stomach cancer; and megacolon, an abnormal dilation of the colon, due to some diseases, such as Chagas disease, a parasitic infection. Gaseous bloating may be a consequence of cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedures, due to the artificial mouth-to-mouth insufflation of air. In some animals, like cats, dogs and cattle, gastric dilatation-volvulus, or bloat also occurs when gas is trapped inside the stomach and a gastric torsion or volvulus prevents it from escaping.

Bloating from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is of unknown origin but often results from an insult to the gut, and as such can overlap with infective diarrhea, celiac, and inflammatory bowel diseases. IBS is a brain-gut dysfunction that causes visceral hypersensitivity and results in bloating in association with recurrent diarrhea (or constipation) and abdominal pain. While there is no direct treatment for the underlying pathology of IBS, the symptom of bloating can be well managed through dietary changes that prevent the over-reaction of the gastrocolic reflex. Having soluble fiber foods and supplements, substituting dairy with soy or rice products, being careful with fresh fruits and vegetables that are high in insoluble fiber, and eating regular small amounts can all help to lessen the symptoms of IBS (Van Vorous 2000). Foods and beverages to be avoided or minimized include red meat, oily, fatty and fried products, dairy (even when there is no lactose intolerance), solid chocolate, coffee (regular and decaffeinated), alcohol, carbonated beverages, especially those also containing sorbitol, and artificial sweeteners (Van Vorous 2000).

Postmortem bloating occurs in cadavers, due to the formation of gases by bacterial action and putrefaction of the internal tissues of the abdomen and the inside of the intestines.

The most common symptoms are abdominal pain and cramps, fullness, bloating, and diarrhea. The diarrhea can be watery or bloody. Other symptoms may include:

Anemia (low levels of red blood cells)
Weight loss
Fatty, floating stool

The goal is to treat the cause of the intestinal bacterial overgrowth. For certain conditions, antibiotics, anti-motility drugs, or hormones may be considered.

Treatment also involves getting enough fluids and nutrition.

If the person is already dehydrated, he or she may need intravenous (IV) fluids in a hospital. And, if already malnourished, total parenteral nutrition (TPN) may be necessary. TPN is nutrition (food) given through a vein.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Abdominal Bloating……………(A)…………...(B).……..(C)..…..(D)

Homeopathic Treatment of Abdominal Bloating……….(A)……………(B)

Click to read Can Chiropractic Help Relieve PMS?

Yoga Exercise under the guidance of an expert gives very good result in Abdominal Bloating and in most cases it cures permanently.

Complications :
Severe cases lead to malnutrition. Other possible complications include:

Toxic megacolon
Liver disease

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies


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News on Health & Science

Alkaline Vegetables To Keep You Fit

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Fruits and vegetables should be included in your diet to maintain a healthy and balanced body, which then functions optimally thus leading to a longer life span.
The greener the vegetable, the more alkaline it is said to be
About 80 per cent of our food intake should be alkaline vegetables and alkaline fruits and no more than 20 per cent of the entire food intake should be acidic.

Alkaline vegetables help maintain the ph balance of the body at 7.3. They can be included to form part of your diet and should be substituted for most of the acid food.

The greener the vegetable, the more alkaline it is said to be. So when looking for alkaline vegetables, choose greens more.

Broccoli is a good alkaline vegetable and can be consumed in plenty by just boiling it and adding some salt and lemon to it for flavour.

[amazon_link asins=’B008N8K15K,B000P6L3K0,B01EJN0EZE,B0109SBFX8,B01DXGMHQC,B01D15LMCK,B011SZQF0E,B000P6H3V8,B06XXQBC6Q’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’06f7a16b-74d4-11e7-8129-af12ff8c1ca9′]

Bamboo shoots also fall in the alkaline vegetables category. Keep the bamboo shoots dipped in some lemon syrup for about 30 min. Peel and cut a few potatoes and add a large tomato and a glass of water and the bamboo shoots to the vessel.

All these are alkaline vegetables. Boil all the ingredients for half an hour add spices according to taste and simmer for another 20 minutes, you will have a lovely soupy dish to be eaten with rice or just consumed as it is.

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Garlic is very good for cleansing the body of toxic wastes and should be added to most of the meals for it’s alkalising effect.

Egg plant though not a green vegetable is still an alkaline vegetable. Eggplants can be consumed in a variety of ways. Eggplants with a few potatoes can make a lovely alkaline vegetable dish. For children try out mashed eggplant as a side dish.

[amazon_link asins=’B019YIIZFU,B00V1CUJ0C,B005I7AFUU,B000HQR0NC,B000UXBRSG,B0031YIN7O,B002TXFXT4,B0081UFYMA,B01BGYA56W’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’a1615aca-74d4-11e7-a9cd-c930ab2999e5′]

The alkaline vegetable list is unending. Cabbages, lettuce, mushrooms, onions, peas, pepper bells, parsley, radish, cucumber and almost all vegetables are all alkaline vegetables. So go out there and skip the meat section and walk into health and vigour. With an alkaline vegetable diet plan, you cannot go wrong.

Source:The Times Of India
