Health Quaries

Some Health Quaries & Answers

Jobless and lethargic :-

Q: My parents did not want me to study engineering, as I am an only child and a girl. Their old fashioned idea was that I should get a bachelors degree and get married. I finished my BE and was recruited on campus. Unfortunately, the company has been postponing my joining. Now I feel I may never get the job. I feel lethargic, am putting on weight and sleep all day.

A: Perhaps a feeling of being out of control and uncertainty about your professional future has caused this change in your personality. It is unsettling and depressing. Try to establish a routine even though at present you do not need to. Get up in the morning, jog for 40 minutes, do some ground exercises and keep an eye on your diet. Join a course that will enhance your skills. If you are still worried, check your haemoglobin and thyroid functions to see if your symptoms are due to some correctable extrinsic cause like anaemia or thyroid malfunction.

Irregular periods ..
Q: I have irregular periods which appear embarrassingly unscheduled. I am now 23 years old and my parents are looking for a “suitable alliance”. They are convinced that “everything will be alright after marriage” but I am not. Will pregnancy be a problem?

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A: Your body won’t change and start behaving differently just because you are married. It is better to investigate the reasons for your irregular periods before you proceed with an “alliance”. The doctor will probably do an ultrasound scan of your uterus and ovaries and suggest blood tests to check your hormone levels. The cause of the irregularity can usually be treated. It is better to know and be aware rather than proceed blindly with the surmise that “everything will be alright after marriage”.

No sex :-
Q: I was recently diagnosed as being diabetic and hypertensive. Now I am facing erectile problem and the problem of premature ejaculation. Can these be cured?

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A: This problem can occur in people with diabetes and hypertension. It is due to a neuropathy or nerve dysfunction. It can get aggravated if the diabetes is uncontrolled and also by some medications prescribed for hypertension. You need to control your blood sugar well and inform your physician about this problem so that suitable alterations can be made in the medication.

Small head :
Q: My child has a very small head and is also not developing normally. The doctor said this is “microcephaly”. She is three years old and has stiff limbs. She speaks only a few words and has seizures. Will this recur in the next pregnancy?

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A: Microcephaly can be present at birth or it may develop in the first few years of life. It occurs due to interference with the growth of the brain during the early months of development in the uterus. It can be genetic, or occur because the mother unfortunately develops an infection with cytomegalovirus, rubella (German measles) or varicella (chicken pox) virus.

If there are other affected family members, or if you are married to a close relative, the likelihood of recurrence is greater. Immunisations against varicella and rubella are available. Folic acid supplements (5 mg a day) started even before pregnancy occurs and continued for the first five months of conception also helps normal brain development.

Thumping headache :

Q: I develop a severe headache on one side of the head whenever I have a cold and then I cannot concentrate.

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A: Your nose may be blocked because of the discharge caused by the cold. Try putting saline nose drops into each nostril with the head tilted back and then take steam inhalations. Avoid vaporising mosquito repellents (available as mats coils and liquids) or room fresheners which aggravate the problem. If the headache still persists try taking paracetemol and an over the counter antihistamine like non-sedating levocetrizine.

: The Telegraph (Kolkata, India)

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Health Quaries

Some Health Quaries & Answers

Q: I like to avoid breakfast as I feel it is unnecessary. I also think I am more likely to lose weight in this way.

[amazon_link asins=’B01IFOMP6O,B011VSQEUE,B00T0NE37O,B00DILEFNQ’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’ab7098c5-4817-11e7-b5e0-85b6237dd573′]

A: Many studies have shown that 40 minutes of exercise followed by a healthy breakfast is the best way to kickstart your day. It prevents “mid morning blues” and reduces the craving for food and hence the total consumption of calories during the day.

Dog bite bother

Q: I got bitten on the cheek by my neighbour’s dog. They say that they were unable to complete the schedule of immunising the dog.

[amazon_link asins=’B00089WVUA’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’e86af28c-4817-11e7-827b-b18de405ec2d’]

A: Dog bites are dangerous as they can transmit rabies. The safest course of action is to clean the wound thoroughly with soap and water and then leave it open. Take a single injection of tetanus toxoid and then proceed to take the anti-rabies injections as per schedule of the injection package. The newer vaccines are given in the arm. They are safe and produce fewer side effects than the older vaccine which was given around the umbilicus. The vaccine is freely available. You need not go to a government hospital for treatment as earlier.

Better safe than sorry

Q: I was told that only the semen contains disease causing organisms, and so using a condom just before ejaculation is enough to prevent diseases like AIDS.

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A: During sex the skin of the vagina is in close contact with that of the penis even before ejaculation. Small abrasions are enough to transmit infection. Be safe. Use a condom from the beginning of the intercourse. You have only one life. Why endanger yourself?


Q: My wife has just had a baby. How soon can we have intercourse? I don’t want another child before 3-4 years. Can we use the i-pill?

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A: Intercourse can be resumed six weeks after childbirth, provided the attending physician hasn’t advised otherwise. You need to use contraception even if your wife doesn’t begin menstruating after six weeks or if she is breast feeding. You can use condoms, or opt for the insertion of an IUCD (intrauterine contraceptive device), also called a “loop”, or take regular injections (every 12 weeks) of a long acting progesterone or take “progesterone only” pills daily. Combined (estrogen-progesterone) pills are not advisable for breast feeding mothers.

The i-pill is intended only for emergency contraception. It is not meant for use on a regular basis.

Rash riddle

Q: My one-year-old son developed rashes on both his cheeks. The doctor said it is allergy to cow milk. Although I’ve stopped giving him milk, the rash has not improved. How is that possible?

[amazon_link asins=’B017EZ2EWA,B01FH81TFE,B01N1QJNNJ,B01NAHKGXX’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’0bd489d6-4819-11e7-9528-215d2f82918a’]

A: What you are describing is eczema, an allergic skin reaction. You may have stopped giving him milk but he may be receiving milk indirectly in biscuits or pre-packaged ready to eat weaning cereals. This may perpetuate the problem.

Help, I’m fat

Q: I am 32 years old and weigh 97kg. I calculated my BMI and it is 37. I read recently that if the cholesterol values are high, it is not possible to lose weight no matter what you do. This is very discouraging.

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A: You do urgently need to lose weight and this cannot be achieved by diet alone. You need a sensible low fat 1,500-calorie diet and at least an hour of exercise. Brisk walking is probably sufficient. Consult your physician for your cholesterol values and appropriate treatment. Safe medications are now available to lower cholesterol and also to control appetite.

Twin trouble

Q: What are the chances of having twins? The number of twins seems to be increasing in general and I am worried.

[amazon_link asins=’B00NNR2F78,B013RMKCV4,B00TXP0DBY,B000FKMKRG’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’87d90b06-4819-11e7-8a90-ef7eb9971907′]

A: Twins occur in around 30 out of 1,000 pregnancies. The percentage may seem to be high. In fact, pregnancies after fertility medication or in vitro fertilisation (test tube babies) are more likely to be multiple.

Your chance of having twins is greater if there is a family history of twins.

The Telegraph (Kolkata, India)

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Health Quaries

Some Health Quaries & Answers

Q.I‘ve suffered with Raynaud’s disease in my hands for two years. There is no underlying cause, such as lupus.

My doctor has prescribed blood pressure medicines that are supposed to work for this condition, but nothing seems to help. Is there a natural remedy that might help? Would acupuncture work? Any suggestions would be most appreciated, as cold weather makes it hard for me to function.

[amazon_link asins=’B06XWJ6XDQ,B01MA4AY6Q,B01N7FOE7Q,B01MSCYNHX’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’ed171f40-47a9-11e7-8066-2f612f2e0890′]

A.People with Raynaud’s syndrome really suffer in the winter. In this condition, blood vessels in the hands and feet constrict. Fingers may turn white or blue and be painful or numb. The colder the temperature, the worse the symptoms.

Acupuncture may be helpful. One small study found that acupuncture reduced attacks by 63%, compared with a 27% reduction in the control patients (Journal of Internal Medicine, February 1997).

Some one reported that taking cinnamon capsules alleviated her Raynaud’s symptoms. In Chinese medicine, cinnamon and astragalus have been used for circulatory problems of this sort.

[amazon_link asins=’B01NBAOYX3,B01BNW5EFO,B01CRBESJI,B01LX8UHB4′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’47a4bb79-47aa-11e7-aa50-b531b4da7ebe’]

Q.I was having trouble with my nails. Although I tried numerous remedies, some very expensive, nothing seemed to work. Then my daughter told me to try castor oil.

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A.I put it on my nails and leave it on for 15 or 20 minutes, then rub it in and wipe the residue off. It has made all the difference. I’m glad I found something so effective and yet so simple. I don’t get hangnails anymore either.Others have found almond oil helpful.

Sources: Los Angles Times

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Health Quaries

Some Health Quaries & Answers

Q: Once there was only one Robitussin cough medicine. Now there are lots. The one with dextromethorphan almost killed me. I had such a hard time breathing, I thought I was going to die.

I reported this to my pharmacist and was told that I might be allergic to the DM in Robitussin. He warned me to read all labels on cough medicines from now on.

People need to be warned, especially parents who might give this to their children.

A: Dextromethorphan, or DM, is the leading ingredient in most over-the-counter cough medicines. Its effectiveness has been controversial, particularly in children. Parents have been warned to avoid cough and cold medicines for kids 4 years and younger.

Although allergic reactions to DM seem uncommon, there are reports in the medical literature of serious breathing difficulties triggered by this cough medicine (Allergy, August 2004). Follow your pharmacist’s advice to read labels.

[amazon_link asins=’B00CSF8070,B005E74U3W,B01AS1DG88,B00Q39EGIY,B01EU7460I,B06XDX1LMR,B00TPH5O5K,B01AS1DQM4,B002CQUFX2′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’ee105f73-e47b-11e7-be80-ab55ace18e51′]

Q: My boyfriend was recently released from prison and believes saltpeter was put in the food. How do you remove the effects after numerous years?

A:  Saltpeter: (potassium nitrate) is falsely believed to lower libido. Youngsters in boarding schools and summer camps, as well as men in the military or in prison, have perpetuated the myth that they are being fed saltpeter.

If time and support don’t overcome your boyfriend’s sexual difficulties, counseling may help. Hormonal assessment also may be needed.

[amazon_link asins=’B06XDGNHZL,B00XUXTOU6,B06XS6CGJZ,B00KZOEBS8,B004GVYXKC,B008GN8H7G,B008X6KE0E,B073W3XT1Y,019969575X’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’5f2cac03-e47c-11e7-ab8c-3bc8f463289b’]

Q:Is there anything to help with pediatric eczema? Topical steroids helped my granddaughter for a while, but I worry about long-term side effects. Probiotics were suggested; I don’t know anything about them.

A:Research suggests that good bacteria (probiotics) may prevent or reduce eczema severity in children (Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology online, Sept. 2). American health professionals are less familiar than those in Europe with using probiotics to treat eczema, food allergies, irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea.

Q:I have several little skin tags in my armpits. I do not want to pay a doctor to cut them off.

A:Dermatologists can easily remove skin tags (small, benign fleshy skin growths), but it will cost you. Readers have offered suggestions: “Band-Aid makes a product called Clear Spots — 50 tiny square pads with adhesive around all four sides. I cover the skin tag tightly with a Clear Spot, and after a week to 10 days, it shrivels up and falls off.”

“I have skin tags on my neck and chest. The smallest shriveled and fell off after a couple of days of applying New-Skin [liquid bandage] twice a day.”

“I am a nurse, and for years I have tied a piece of thread around the tag at the base, pulled it tight, made a tight knot and cut off the long ends. (It stings at first.) After three or four days, the tag turns black and falls off. It works every time. It helps to have someone do it for you.”

Reach Joe Graedon, a pharmacologist, and Teresa Graedon, an expert in medical anthropology and nutrition, at or in care of this newspaper.

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Q:I appreciate you writing about home remedies for children when they come down with colds, but I am alarmed that you suggested lemon and honey for coughs. I feel this needs an urgent disclaimer.

A.Honey can be dangerous for a child under age 2. A friend’s 6-month-old baby nearly died of infant botulism. Honey can cause this in infants. Even honey jars have a warning that it is not for small children.

Children 1 year old and younger should never be given honey. You are correct that this warning is designed to reduce the risk of infant botulism. Honey is occasionally contaminated with spores of the bacteria that cause botulism. Honey poses little risk for adults or children older than 1, but babies may not be able to fend off the bacteria.

[amazon_link asins=’B00VN9NMEI,B06Y1GBDFG,B002MTYF6M,B01HPOWCO0,B018S68W70,B075ZBQZNT,B06Y1FYRXB,B00E1NUSIG,B00L3LAK7S’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’fbee5e82-e47c-11e7-852a-7517d94e1623′]

Q. Someone asked about natural migraine remedies and you mentioned spicy hot and sour soup, among other things. I’ve had migraines since before I was in kindergarten (I’m 58 now), and the best thing I’ve found is ginger.

A.Jamaican-style ginger beer is good, though rather sweet. The pickled ginger sold with sushi is a godsend. It also helps with the nausea.

Ginger has been documented as a migraine treatment for decades (Journal of Ethnopharmacology, July 1990). A small study testing a combination product (GelStat Migraine) containing ginger and the herb feverfew found that it could help alleviate migraines (Medical Science Monitor, September 2005).

[amazon_link asins=’B071VDQ2LZ,B00DFFUS4A,B00QEUAASW,B00014G3W4,B00HQ29TAM,B073DNGX59,B01AX2SAMO,B010KXCY0U,B076JFCLBT’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’39d9814b-e47d-11e7-90ea-89d236139fc9′]

Q.My life is so much better since I read your column about rinsing my hair with vinegar. I am 56 years old, and for the previous 30 years my scalp has itched intensely whenever I sweat. No anti-itching shampoo or skin specialist could cure me, but rinsing with vinegar did.

A.Itching and flaking can be caused by dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis. Dermatologists believe that these conditions are caused by the yeast malassezia that grows on the scalp. A vinegar rinse apparently makes conditions unfavorable for this fungus. One woman has used a solution of 4 parts warm water to 1 part apple cider vinegar for more than 50 years. Others prefer a 1-to-1 water/vinegar mixture.

In India, we offer fennel seeds after meals. This helps avoid flatulence. Fennel is also good for sore throat and sinus problems.

I use the following recipe for my sinus trouble: Combine 1 tablespoon fennel seeds, 1/4 teaspoon powdered ginger, 1 clove, a 1/2 -inch piece of stick cinnamon and 1 teaspoon brown sugar in 2 cups of water. Boil it until there are 1 1/2 cups of liquid left, strain it and drink it hot with a little milk. You can substitute honey for the brown sugar.

I also rinse my nasal passages with a homemade saline solution and find it helpful.

Your recipe sounds delicious. Traditional uses for fennel include preventing flatulence and treating upper respiratory infections. Whether that extends to sinus congestion, we don’t know.

[amazon_link asins=’B00AINMFAC,B0153VB80G,B00CNTJHQO,B000NJG82W,B01MFGTAO5,B0099EHM86,B0009KN8UA,B00FIZGN2Q,B000FGDIAS’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’0e1e2caf-e47e-11e7-b79c-8563bb31f548′]

Q.I am having trouble leveling out my Coumadin. Cranberries are a puzzle: The nurse says eat them; the doctor says don’t.

A.Maintaining a steady anticoagulant effect from Coumadin (warfarin) can be like walking a tightrope. Too much can lead to bleeding, while too little may permit blood clots to form.

British health authorities warned against combining cranberries or cranberry juice with Coumadin after some people on a stable dose of Coumadin had serious bleeding after drinking cranberry juice or eating cranberries. Australian scientists have reported that cranberry significantly increases warfarin’s anticoagulant effect. We suggest you avoid cranberries and cranberry juice while on Coumadin.


Q.I have a 17-year-old son. For years, I have suspected that he has a mild form of ADD. He’s willing to try medicine but I’d like to try a more natural approach.

A.Diagnosing attention-deficit disorder (ADD) is not simple. There’s no definitive blood test or questionnaire.

Medications that can help focus attention don’t work for everyone and they have some side effects. Ritalin, for example, can cause nausea, insomnia, weight loss, anxiety, heart palpitations, headaches and increases in blood pressure.

Dr. Edward Hallowell, one of the world’s leading experts on ADD, suggests dietary supplements such as fish oil, grape seed extract and pine bark extract (Pycnogenol), as well as exercise, adequate sleep and a structured environment.

Sources: Los Angles Time

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Health Quaries

Some Health Quaries & Answers

Paranoid uncle:

Q: My uncle has started to suspect that everyone is against him. It started with his job where he felt he was being victimised. He then decided that the rest of his family (wife and children) is poisoning him. He has also become involved with a woman in his office, who encourages his beliefs and wants to cut all of us out of his life.

………………....CLICK & SEE

A: It sounds like your uncle is slowly becoming paranoid, suffering from delusions and maybe becoming schizophrenic as well. This is very difficult to treat as he will suspect that the medication is poison as well.

The “other woman” may be mildly schizophrenic herself. People with these illnesses tend to gravitate together. She may have an ulterior motive for encouraging your uncle’s beliefs. You could try to speak to him and try to encourage him to see a psychiatrist.

Preventing pimples
Q: I have pimples on the back below the neck. It looks ugly when I wear low-necked outfits. I have tried prickly heat powder to no avail.
A: Pimples or acne on the back of the neck can be itchy and leave disfiguring dark scars. It is aggravated by dandruff. Anti dandruff shampoos will help. Also, do not use powder. Talc blocks the pores and makes the pimples worse. Try to use soap with the correct TFC (total fat content) and TCC (tricholorohexidine) like Neko. If applied using a loofah, it kills the skin bacteria that aggravate acne.

[amazon_link asins=’B00TDSMNT6,B00HKV60PG,B01GPBX1VW,B00K83V1EI,B014K0AELK,B007ZFF4SQ,B01N691882,B015269LI8,B01MQCLWFC’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20? marketplace=’US’ link_id=’1ee99f36-2f47-11e7-855c-1731ce19dfac’]

Relief from arthritis
Q: I have arthritis and I have been prescribed capsules containing chondroitin sulphate. Will it help?


A: Chondroitin sulphate is a natural ingredient found in joint cartilage. The question of whether it actually reaches damaged cartilage and repairs it is not proven. Many people who take it feel that it does reduce the symptoms of arthritis. It has to be taken for 3-6 months before its effects are seen. It needs to be taken 2-3 times a day or as recommended. It is relatively expensive. It is often combined with NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and physiotherapy. It is difficult to say exactly which of these three ingredients plays the maximum role in reducing the arthritis.

[amazon_link asins=’B009SQ7U28,B010PZ1QRA,B00AM1S4S2,B06X9XZMVL,B01N1UK8LY,B01882RQXK,B00L5G82D0,B0026HDURA’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’560aa0fd-2f47-11e7-af56-938563d12bb1′][

Pop a pill daily
Q: I have mild hypertension and have been prescribed 2.5 mg of amlodipin once a day. I check my BP myself with an electronic machine. Whenever I find it is normal I stop the tablet. I take it again only if I have a headache or the reading is high. Is this all right?

2.5 mg of amlodipin>.…..

Once hypertension has been diagnosed and the treatment started, you have to take the medication every day at the same time, as this particular drug acts for 24 hours. Once you start the treatment the blood pressure will get controlled. Even if you stop the tablets the BP (blood pressure) will remain under control for 2-3 days before it starts to rise again. Therefore, you can’t start and stop medication based on headaches and BP readings. Unlike diabetes where the sugars are controlled on a day-to-day basis, in BP the control is usually monthly. Take the tablets regularly as prescribed to prevent unnoticed elevations in the BP.

[amazon_link asins=’B01KAHYG0C,B00WIPQY5A,B00U2WMWDO,B00E4QT1XS,B000S0CVDQ,1442215178,B00TG9CBYO,B00CZTBJHC’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’c60acf1b-2f47-11e7-85c5-65abb057f1cb’]

Try surgery :
Q: I have an umbilical hernia and the doctor told me that as it is small I can leave it alone. I am 47 years old.


A: Umbilical hernia is a generic term and can be used for a defect exactly at the umbilicus, or above (paraumbilical). Intestines or other contents from the abdomen can pass through the defect. As long as the contents pass freely there is no problem. However the contents can get stuck as they pass outwards. This compromises the blood supply to that area and it can even be fatal.You are young and healthy. It is probably better to have surgery while there are no risk factors.

Brittle-boned babe :
Q: My daughter who is 18 years old has weak bones and cannot do any work or lift weights. What can I do?


A: An 18 year old should not have weak bones unless there is an underlying kidney, intestinal, blood or bone disease. You need to get the diagnosis sorted out first. Remove the cause and the disease will be cured.

Sources: The Telegraph (Kolkata, India)

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