Health Quaries

Breast Cancer Prevention’s Dirty Little Secret …

[amazon_link asins=’B00NH5AK2S,B0018O8IQA,B000GH0PFM,B000F4WS6A,B00020IDB6,B00CL3XE5M,B000T3OSNS,B00X88U7VI,B000X9WXSU’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’e41bcbda-200d-11e7-a650-6d85ddb8a8a3′][amazon_link asins=’B015F96O2I,B004TBCT4G,B00IP1E3O0,B01M3PRSSF,B0013OULGA,B01GNZ1F9K,B06XC9M8T5,B003O1Y4C2,B0020MMBWQ’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’a750e6e2-200d-11e7-bd9b-e12266dd6405′]


If you haven’t yet done so you can claim your FREE REPORT right now that details why conventional medicine stubbornly clings to out-dated ideas of breast cancer detection — despite the fact that the health hazards of mammograms have been reliably demonstrated. Plus, get the scoop on a safer, non-invasive alternative.

Your doctor isn’t telling you about this painless and non-invasive breast cancer screening test that’s been shown to prevent cancer, not just find it. Instead, your doctor probably advises you to undergo mammograms, despite their known health hazards..

While mammograms are highly touted to screen for breast cancer, there is no solid evidence that they save lives. Plus, they expose you to 1,000 times more radiation than you’d get from a chest x-ray. Remember to grab your FREE REPORT.

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Health Quaries

Some Health Quaries & Answers


Q: I have skinny arms and an ugly pot belly. I wish to increase the size of my arms and reduce my stomach.


A: First you need to attain your ideal body weight. Divide your weight by your height in metre squared and see if it is 25. If it is more you need to lose weight. This can be done by a combination of diet and exercise. You also need about 40 minutes of aerobic exercise like running, jogging and walking everyday. This has to be combined with anaerobic weight training and abdominal crunches. Also, if you have a desk job try to maintain proper posture while sitting. Pull in your stomach and hold it in several times a day. It is not possible to reduce your pot belly alone.

[amazon_link asins=’B07835B77Y,B077PL9NRF,B077XG5QT4,B01HDIOHJ6,B077XCQ19S,B077129M1J,B077MJS7RL,B078N5VK78,B0785GKK1J’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’f2f2b342-eb12-11e7-8b2d-73f4e22450cd’]


My father had fever and throat pain. He was diagnosed with diphtheria and admitted him in the ICU. Later we learnt that adults don’t get diphtheria.
A: Diphtheria is rare today because of the routine immunisation of all children with the “triple” vaccine DPT which protects against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough). Immunity has to be reinforced with booster doses until the age of 16 years. Immunity tends to fall over time. This makes older individuals susceptible to infection. Diphtheria can produce heart (myocarditis) and nerve (paralysis) complications. Maybe that is why your father was admitted into the ICU.

[amazon_link asins=’B000GCLBAU,B00A7H8GOI,B0057UUBJI,B01C4UKUTO,B075WF7YNW,B074ZNB7XS,B00RCA13W0,B001LFCYLQ,B0014CV4Y4′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’1a0bb4a1-eb13-11e7-81c1-cb3e68b86b60′]


Q: My sister had bleeding during pregnancy. The doctor diagnosed placenta previa (I don’t know what that is) and did a caesarean section. The baby is premature and very sick. What is this? Will it recur in her next pregnancy?


A: Placenta previa occurs when the placenta fixes itself near the outlet of the uterus. It occurs once in 200 pregnancies. The bleeding is painless, and can be mild or profuse enough to endanger the life of the mother and the baby. It is diagnosed by an ultrasound scan. Treatment can be bed rest in mild cases or immediate caesarean in severe cases. I think in your sister’s case the doctors had no choice. Premature babies have a lot of complications, most of which can be tackled by a competent neonatologist.

[amazon_link asins=’B06X6JMYGD,B00746UG16,B009H1RU4M,B004382GWK,B01GY6NOWE,B00EKT7VRM,B071V7MHXF,B00IND6QF4,B00IV3C2TU’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’7d8f5275-eb13-11e7-ab88-591f01991a76′]

Fortunately placenta previa is not a recurrent condition.


Q: My father had a stroke and his left arm and leg are paralysed. I have been advised to take him for physiotherapy, but how is that going to help?

A: Paralysed muscles become stiff and inflexible. This makes changing the position of the limb difficult. The bones and joints may get pulled out of alignment. Walking and balance become difficult. If he remains immobile bed sores may develop.

It is possible to retrain muscles and brain circuits. Muscle strength, power and flexibility will all improve with consistent physiotherapy. It is worth making the effort and taking your father for treatment.

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Q: I have dark itchy patches under my breasts, in my arm pits and the thigh creases. They are very ugly.
……………………………………...CLICK & SEE
A: These patches are called intertrigo. They occur when there is a reaction between sebum, sweat, detergents and moisture. There may be a secondary bacterial or fungal infection.

You need to bathe twice a day and dry the area well with a soft towel. Check with a dermatologist about the type of infection (if any) which may have occurred. Applying the specific antibacterial or antifungal cream or dusting powder will help.


Q: My grandfather is bedridden and has developed a bed sore. What should we do?
………………………….CLICK & SEE
A: Bed sores can develop in anyone who is bedridden and unable to change his or her position. Prolonged sitting or lying in one position compromises blood supply to the skin and soft tissue of the area. Bedsores can develop quickly, progress rapidly and be difficult to treat.

Small sores may heal on their own if cleaned appropriately. Deep sores need surgical cleaning, dressings and, sometimes, surgical closure with skin grafts.

It is important to try and prevent sores from developing and spreading by changing the person’s position often.

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Q: I used to drink a glass of milk in the morning and in the evening. I had stomach cramps, bloating and terrible gas. Recently, after a naturopath told me to avoid milk and milk products there was a vast improvement. I need my tea in the morning though. How can I live without milk? I am 35 years old.
A: The naturopath has accurately deduced that you have lactose intolerance. His advice to avoid milk is right and you have improved. At your age a tablet containing 1gm of calcium and three eggs a week will probably replace the nutrition you used to get from milk. You can drink black or green tea without milk.

[amazon_link asins=’B001B24ZN4,B001G7QGCM,B018YHOL4G,B00B9H46NK,B00M3AK91A,B000FONIIW,B01N149S92,B01ECAEMPC,B00U2QEXRI’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’2b1a337c-eb14-11e7-bdba-790df6936664′]

Sources: The Telegraph (Kolkata, India)

Health Quaries

Some Health Quaries & Answers

Q: All the people in my apartment block are afflicted by sneezing and skin allergies. Recently I discovered that a neighbour rears parrots. Could it be due to this?


A: Parrots and other birds can cause allergies. Mites that live on the birds’ dander or feathers cause the allergies. The problem will persist as long as the parrots are there. But if they are confined to his apartment, it is unlikely that the allergens will affect all of you. So, before you blame the parrot fancier, please check if there are other allergens in the environment. Many people are allergic to incense sticks, mosquito repellents, burning camphor, or pollen.

Untreated schizophrenia:

Q: My brother has schizophrenia. My parents do not want to have him treated as they are afraid of what our relatives will say if the news leaks out. They are also afraid it will hamper my marriage prospects.

[amazon_link asins=’B004W5B1FW,B00MU5DVHC,0879839104,B00368B78M,0465020143,B011BXY0ZA,1557666229,B016APTXWO,0307452425′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’8d918994-0992-11e7-b5ed-4356f250143a’]

A: Mental illnesses are due to biochemical imbalances in the brain. They are chronic illnesses, like diabetes, high blood pressure and arthritis. They require medication, rehabilitation and regular follow up visits to a psychiatrist. Medication is also needed for rectification. Unfortunately 75 per cent of the people do not accept this. The mentally ill are often denied treatment by their families. You need to take a firm stand in this regard and insist on treatment for your brother.

Boils on my face

Q: I get painful boils (not pimples) on my face, and my arms and legs also. After a few days they turn yellow and burst, discharging blood stained yellow pus.

[amazon_link asins=’B00SB6EANI,B01MTRX9PB,B00NCLXKZG,B009VWRA10,B00HEFEQNG,B01APTEAYC,B0027FFPHE,B0013RB0SA,B01MQKOXMW’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’f6641abd-0992-11e7-a745-09fd93e4faeb’]

A: Some people carry an organism called Staphylococcus on their skin and in their nose. The bacteria live in harmony with the person. When the skin is injured, they get access to the deeper layers of the skin. They then form these boils.

Bacteria have cell walls that can be broken by certain chemicals like trichlorocarbanilide (TCC). Some soaps like Neko and Dial contain this compound. The total fat content of these soaps is adjusted to be lethal for these bacteria. Bathe twice a day using one of these. On the appearance of a boil, apply a bactericidal ointment like mupirocin or bacitracin after a bath. Apply the same ointment to the nostrils twice a day using buds. Eventually the frequency and intensity of the attacks will reduce.

Low back pain

Q: My mother has terrible backache and the doctor says it is spondolisthesis. Is surgery essential?

[amazon_link asins=’0446557684,B01N5SQDNL,B01H72LYSA,B01CGQYTB6,B005JS75YC,B01A4WL5B6,B01CVR6468,0979303605,B00UV5450U’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’42cd6929-0993-11e7-8468-eb534731fdda’]

A: Spondolisthesis is a term used to describe the slipping forward of the lumbar (back) vertebrae on the sacrum (tailbone). The degree of the slip is measured through CT scans. Surgery is required if it is grade 2 or higher. She can try conservative methods like physiotherapy and a lumbo-sacral support belt initially. As long as she can manage, it may be better to do so as surgery has its own inherent risks. After surgery physical rehabilitation and exercises are essential.

Missing fingers

Q: My daughter was born with the tips of two fingers of her left hand missing. The paediatrician said it is amniotic band syndrome. Will my next child also be affected?

A: The amniotic sac lines the inside of the uterus during pregnancy. The baby floats in this sac in a fluid called amniotic fluid. At times the sac ruptures in a place or two. This results in the formation of fibrous bands in the fluid. As the uterus grows the bands tighten. If it occurs around a finger, that may get severed (congenital amputation). The fingers can be reconstructed through plastic surgery. The condition is non-recurrent and your next child is unlikely to inherit it.

Reconstruction of the fingers with plastic surgery is the remedy.

Martial dad

Q: My father, 70 years, wants to join a Tai-chi class. Is that advisable? I have heard that it is a form of martial art from China which consists of hundreds of combinations of graceful and flowing movements.

[amazon_link asins=’B001JXPBRE,1590309421,B00FGLYSQU,B01FZCTOIQ,B004ZKINWS,B00B42QG4M,1594392005,B0182Z7A34,B0022D1RNC’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’8a51d2c3-0993-11e7-9895-8549e8541338′]

A: Taught well by an expert and practised scientifically, Tai Chi improves balance, posture and strength. It provides flexibility and aligns painful arthritic and ageing joints. It also helps focus and improves concentration. Hence it has a positive effect on loss of memory, forgetfulness and mild dementia related to old age. The rhythmic breathing tones circulation, relaxes the mind, eases tension and aids restful sleep at night.

The advantages are many. In short, it is an ideal form of exercise for older people. You should be glad that your father wants to join a class.

Sources: The Telegraph (Kolkata, India)

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Health Quaries

Some Health Quaries & Answers

Towering disturbance:-…....CLICK & SEE

Q: I own a flat on the third (top) floor of a building. The residents’ association has leased out the terrace to a cell phone company which has erected a tower there. I have a pacemaker and am worried about the impact of the signals from the tower on my heart. What should I do?

[amazon_link asins=’B001HSMW82,B0065PVLTS,B00453MS12,B001AWYR4C,B010TQO6O0,B00JDNL6B2′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’f7e2b413-c8fd-11e7-a9f3-d1685f6efb0d’]

A: Signals from microwaves and cell phones do affect pacemakers. Irregularities in the heart rate have been noticed when a phone is held even 15cm away from the pacemaker. When you are living just under a phone tower, the signal is likely to be strong and powerful. The first symptoms of the pacemaker being affected are a feeling of faintness and irregularity in your pulse rate. You can be fitted with a 24-hour monitoring device by your cardiologist. This will document any irregularity, so you know it is real and not psychological.

If there are any changes, it may make sense to move. Your building association is unlikely to cancel a financially lucrative enterprise and get the tower relocated.

Circumcise to protect:-

Q: I read that circumcision offers protection against AIDS. I wonder if I should get my one-year-old son circumcised.

[amazon_link asins=’0465026532,B0083Y0W26,0983411573,0964489538,B000FA5TTC,1451012772′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’3fcbab51-c8fe-11e7-ba3f-ed9eaf7e3cf6′]

A: Circumcision is a surgical procedure that involves removal of the skin and mucosal tissue that covers the glans, the tip of the penis. Circumcision is unconditionally practised by Jews and Muslims. It is a part of their religious culture. In others it is usually performed if the foreskin gets stuck (phimosis) or infected. It does help in the prevention of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. But it does not give 100 per cent protection.

All operations can have complications. Problems like infection or bleeding, though rare, can arise after the surgery. Unless your son’s paediatrician has advised circumcision for a particular reason, it does not make sense to put him through elective surgery. When he is older, teaching him about responsibility, sexual norms and safe sex may be a better option.

Yellow vs white:-

Q: There are natural and “artificial” eggs available in the market. The colour of the yolk in the two differs. Is there a difference in their nutritive values? Is eating eggs healthy?

[amazon_link asins=’B00YT6QD70,B016V9W6QE,B00SPJBT8U,B00DDXWFY0,B008T9SHRW,0062408720′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’b9a6bc79-c8fe-11e7-a65d-b3deb3184632′]

A: Eggs contain easily digestible proteins, fats, vitamins and antioxidants. They are a complete food in themselves. The recommended intake is one egg a day for those with a normal lipid profile (cholesterol and triglycerides). If the lipids are raised, cutting down on yolks to a maximum of two per week would be fine. Egg whites do not add to the cholesterol level, and you can eat as many of these as you like.

The colour of the yolk only depends on the type of feed the hen has received. It does not affect the egg’s nutritive value. By natural eggs, I think you mean those laid by hens that roam free, and by “artificial” the ones that are laid in hatcheries. Nutrition-wise, both are the same.

Music mania:-

Q: My daughter listens to music the whole day. I don’t like it, but do not want to put a stop to it unless it is harmful.

[amazon_link asins=’1590789016,0967890691,1889163023,076792536X,1542814472,1542685184′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’ab4c280d-c8ff-11e7-a003-f5eace4fbdc7′]

A: If your daughter is listening to music instead of doing her homework or studying, perhaps you need to interfere. But do check her academic performance first. Listening to music does have many positive effects. It soothes, pacifies and relieves tension in children and in adults. Music during exercise provides a cognitive boost, in addition to the other benefits of regular activity. Loud music, on the other hand, can damage hearing, increase the heart rate and produce paradoxical excitement.

Unequal feet:

Q: My shoes never fit both the feet perfectly. One is always a little loose or tight.

A: A person’s feet may not be identical in shape and size. One is usually marginally larger than the other. If this difference is marked, footwear will never fit properly. It is better to buy a bigger size and wear two socks on the foot that is smaller. Otherwise, you have to buy two pairs of shoes.

Cauliflower ear:

Q: I pierced my ear in the upper part, in addition to the ear lobe. It has become red, swollen and painful. My ear now looks ugly and deformed. What should I do?

[amazon_link asins=’B006SBMZ9Y,B01LY71ZN5,B01DAYRA0U,B00R0ZD06E,B0768SVSN1,B07315P7YD’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’16604419-c900-11e7-bb9b-91c25c1d7ec4′]

A: The condition you are describing is called “cauliflower ear”. It occurs when a blood clot develops in the cartilage of the ear as a result of injury. The accumulated blood becomes infected and this destroys the cartilage, making it shrunken and shrivelled.

As soon as there is pain and swelling owing to an injury (even piercing), it should be treated with ice packs and antibiotics. Once it becomes misshapen, cosmetic reconstruction by a plastic surgeon is the only option.

Sources: The Telegraph (Kolkata, India)

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Health Quaries

Some Health Quaries & Answers

Q: My neighbour has about 30 cats. They are strays who have congregated on his verandah because he feeds them cooked chicken and fish offal purchased from the market. The stench permeates everywhere and is repulsive. He recently developed cancer of the colon. Could it be because of the cats? You had mentioned in an earlier column that cats harbour cancer causing H. pylori.

A: Cats do carry H. pylori which is associated with cancer of the stomach, not of the colon. But more disturbing here is the large congregation of unimmunised cats. Any one of them might harbour the rabies virus. Also, the garbage will attract flies and rodents that are responsible for spreading their own set of infectious diseases.

It is best to inform the local public health authorities about the hygiene problem. There is usually a medical health officer who can be approached on such matters. The neighbours should immunise themselves against rabies (in case a person is accidentally scratched or bitten). This can be done by taking “pre-exposure prophylaxis”. The vaccine consists of three injections and will give protection against rabies for five years. The schedule is available with doctors. Also, as far as possible, avoid contact with the cats.

[amazon_link asins=’0956923003,B075MP5CMN,B00Y50V4DS,B000J3FKZ8,B005VDSZFS,B01GO4IAVQ,B00PZ4W3Z6,B012AH1RA2,B00A3C621Q’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’e17035ae-eb14-11e7-bc8f-7557b65dfeac’]

Chewing vs smoking:

Q: I have heard that chewing tobacco is safer than smoking. Is this true?

A: No, that’s a myth. If you hold tobacco flakes or leaves between your gums and cheek for 30 minutes, your body receives the same amount of harmful chemicals as that contained in three cigarettes. Chewing tobacco is as addictive as smoking cigarettes. In addition, the chemicals in it can cause cancers of the gum and cheek. As the juice is often swallowed, the risk of cancers of the throat, larynx and oesophagus also increases. Teeth and gum problems abound, with inflammation and recession of the gums.

[amazon_link asins=’B00CPPG23W,B00FEZNXP0′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’155f57f5-eb15-11e7-a5af-cf263d6813ce’][amazon_link asins=’0615482155,B077FQ3635,184837464X,178404542X,B014J0RQM6,1402771630,B00HOGMMBS,B01BW0P5MO,1405923318′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’4af54cfe-eb15-11e7-b5c8-2ff180acbc11′]

Rising BP:-

Q: Is there any way to control my blood pressure? I am on medication but it doesn’t seem to be helping.

A: You can buy an electronic blood pressure recording apparatus. You can then monitor your blood pressure. Other measures are to maintain an ideal body weight with diet and exercise, stop using tobacco, and reduce caffeine and alcohol intake. Sodium contained in table salt plays a role in blood pressure control and maintenance. There is a medical controversy about whether salt restriction should be recommended to all persons with high blood pressure. The recommended dietary intake of sodium is only half teaspoon (2.5gm) per person a day. Most of us consume more than this. One way to cut down is to avoid salty snacks, pickles, chutneys and preserved and canned foods. Also, do not sprinkle extra salt on your food.

[amazon_link asins=’B00VH6V50U’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’7098c4ee-eb15-11e7-9ae4-a3dfb3d06419′][amazon_link asins=’B00KPQB2NS,B06W9JNPVZ,B00KW4PO82,B0743LGMT8,B00N9I63PG,B00KPQB2KG,B00ACBKNS6,B01GQHTF4M,B073H3CDJ7′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’8ad6251a-eb15-11e7-a353-bf13b9d02ef4′]

Eyesight correction:-

Q: I have poor eyesight and have been recommended surgical correction. I have heard the results are good, but no one is mentioning the side effects, if any. Is surgery advisable?

A: Technology is improving in this field rapidly. You can expect to achieve 20/20 (70 per cent) or 20/40 (90 per cent). The side effects are increased sensitivity to light, problems with glare, clouded vision, haloes around lights and intolerance to contact lenses. Before deciding on the surgeon, check for how many years he or she has been performing this operation and how good the results have been.

[amazon_link asins=’B00OJWNY1C,B01MRJHRMS,B01LH8H3CQ,B06Y3WL4ZB,B01M99HDLA,1451175329,B01LXYNO0H,B072N7WRHS,B0786KY9F2′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’c8da7539-eb15-11e7-8a8f-1b387b441b63′]

Collar not cool:-

Q: I suffer from neck pain. The doctor has diagnosed cervical spondylosis and has asked me to wear a collar for three months. However, I find this awkward and uncomfortable. Is there any other way out?

A: Cervical spondylosis usually occurs as part of the normal ageing process. The cartilage cushioning bones of the neck deteriorate with age. As the body attempts to repair this damage, extra spurs of bones are formed, pressing on the nerves and causing pain. Mild cervical spondylosis needs exercises to strengthen the neck muscles and either traction or a collar to relieve the discomfort. If you do not follow the doctor’s advice, the condition may worsen. Once that happens you may require surgery. A collar worn short term is definitely an easier option.

[amazon_link asins=’B00573S4KI,B0746HYTSY,B075FL4T6T,B072FTLRT2,B073WC95N4,B001BXS6CE,B01H72LYSA,B07252Y75K,B077BYCX71′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’f0113730-eb15-11e7-ad53-71dbd83b223a’]

Baby’s day out:-

Q: I am pregnant and want to know when the baby is due.

A: You can calculate the due date if you know the date of your last menstrual period. The first day of that is taken as day 1. Add seven days and then nine months. If your period started on, say, March 7, 2008, your baby is due on December 14, 2008. If your cycles are not regular this date may not be accurate. A scan can also tell you the approximate due date. But all these calculations are only approximate. The best thing would be to have regular antenatal check-ups with a doctor. He or she will be able to advice you appropriately.

[amazon_link asins=’B076L1D6QG,030746542X,B0002A6I40,B00N1S08A0,B018AGOB2S,B07118B37R,0804185808,B004PLNS4U,B017PEGDPE’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’29c84d6a-eb16-11e7-bf13-c3589822fe73′]

You may click to see:->Pregnancy timeline

Sources: The Telegraph (Kolkata, India)

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