Health Quaries

Some Medical Question & Answers

Q: My blood sugar value is 180 on an empty stomach and the same after food. I am confused as to whether I am diabetic.

A: It is not very clear what you mean by an empty stomach. If your blood sugar value is more than 120 after an overnight 12 hour fast, you are diabetic. The “post prandial” blood value is taken 2 hours after a normal meal: 200 mg or more means that you are diabetic. A value between 180 and 200 is suspect and classified as “prediabetic”. You need to get the values rechecked. Otherwise you could always do a “glucose tolerance test” or a single “glycosylated haemoglobin” value. This should provide the answers. Instead of trying to sort this out yourself, it is better to contact a physician.

Better safe than sorry:

Q: I read in the newspaper that many children died after immunisation in some states. I am scared to take my daughter for her booster injection. She is now one year old.

A: Some deaths did occur in the states of Tamil Nadu and Orissa after measles immunisation. The deaths occurred in government-run Primary Health Centres (PHCs). The exact cause was not established. One of the theories put forward was that the water used to reconstitute the vials was contaminated with bacteria. Another theory was that the reconstituent liquid was not water but some other colourless but harmful compound. The truth is not known but the immunisation programme has been adversely affected. Immunisations are safe. They are life saving and reduce morbidity owing to preventable illnesses. Many injections are given only once in a lifetime. It would be advisable to go to a private hospital, have individual immunisation (as opposed to the mass campaigns), insist on and pay for single dose vials (as opposed to multidose), and make sure there is adequate documentation both with you and the physician. Better to be safe than sorry.

Ideal distance from TV

Q: My nephew sits very close to the television. I feel he is ruining his eyesight.

A: The ideal distance for watching television is one and a half times the diagonal measurement of the screen. So if it’s a 24-inch screen, the distance should be 36 inches or three feet. If your nephew sits close to the television, his eyesight needs to be checked. He should also be encouraged to engage in activities like playing, reading books, arts and crafts, or puzzles. Perhaps your nephew is being reared as a couch potato, who will eventually join the millions of obese unhealthy young diabetics in our country.

As a general rule, we’ve found that sitting a distance of four to six times the height of your television works for standard PAL pictures. Since HD pictures have fewer noise and artefact issues, the ideal spot for HD viewing is three to four times the height of the screen. This does, of course mean that you would only have to sit four to five feet away from a 32in screen showing HD signals, hence our belief that larger screens will become increasingly popular as HD becomes more common.

High heels are bad

Q: At what age is it permissible to wear heels?

A: By heels I presume you mean high heels which are not really advisable at any age. In children they cause deformities of the feet which are still pliable and growing. In adults, stilettos cause bad posture and are responsible for back and knee problems. Women tend to lose their balance and develop sprains and strains, especially of the ankles. In pregnancy, the centre of gravity is already pushed forward. Heels contribute to loss of balance, falls and injuries.

How much is enough?

Q: I keep reading different recommendations for the amount of exercise needed to keep fit. It is all very confusing.

A: It is not very clear whether you just want to maintain an adequate level of fitness or if you want to lose weight. Exercise alone, with uncontrolled intake, will not result in weight loss. The recommendations for an adequate level of exercise vary from 30 minutes of fast walking three days a week to 40 minutes of jogging every day. The general consensus is that you need to walk or run 10,000 steps a day. There are approximately 2,100-2,500 steps to a mile (1.6km), depending on your stride. This means you need to walk approximately 8km a day. If you run or jog, the time taken to cover this distance is reduced. Exercise then becomes more efficient. The calories burned depends on the total distance covered and not on the speed.

Flat feet

Q: My three-year-old nephew has flat feet. Please advise.

A: Flat foot, or “pes planus”, to give its correct name, may be a perception. The arch may actually be present. This can be determined by asking your nephew to stand on his toes. If the normal arch appears there is no deformity. Usually, even if flat foot, it can be managed conservatively. An obese child should lose weight. The child should be advised to play barefoot. Footwear with arch supports and corrective exercises may be needed if the condition persists even after the age of six.

Sources: The Telegraph (Kolkata, India)

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Health Quaries

Some Health Quaries & Answers

‘I strayed and am scared’:-

Q: I had a misunderstanding with my wife and left her for three years. At that time I fell in love with a married woman. Recently her husband died. I think he had AIDS. I have left my partner and am back home, but am very scared.

Having a single sexual partner considerably lowers the risk of STDs

A: Fear of disease is difficult to live with. You can have yourself tested for HIV infection at any government hospital or voluntary counselling and testing centre at a nominal cost. If you wish to maintain confidentiality you can go to a reputed private laboratory. HIV is only one of the sexually transmitted diseases. It is better to also check for syphilis and hepatitis B by doing the appropriate blood tests. Use a condom until you have got the results of the tests.

Terminating a pregnancy:-

Q: My periods are overdue by 10 days and I feel I may be pregnant. I have a one-year-old baby born by caesarean section, and am not prepared to have another child. I want to know if I can take tablets to abort the pregnancy.

A: Having only one child is a decision to be made by you and your husband. However, you must use some form of contraception to efficiently prevent pregnancy rather than try to terminate it after conception. The former recourse is medically safer than the latter. Before you panic, do a pregnancy test rather than “feel” pregnant. Feelings and symptoms can be deceptive. Tablets (Mifepristone) can be taken to terminate a pregnancy under strict medical supervision. If the tablets fail, you must be prepared to follow through with a surgical termination. Otherwise you are likely to have a malformed baby.

Asthmatic child:-

Q: My son wishes to do computer engineering. I do not want to send him for the course, as I know the classrooms are air-conditioned. He has asthma.

An asthmatic child takes an inhaler to help him breathe more easily

A: Today, asthma can be managed effectively with inhalers, rotahalors, nebulisers and other drug delivery devices. The attack is controlled in minutes. Your son needs to be educated in the use of these devices and in the control of his problem. You could get in touch with a respiratory physician who will be able to guide you. Having asthma is not a contra indication to studying engineering in an air-conditioned classroom.

The calcium question:-

Q: How long do I need to take calcium tablets?

A: People need calcium all through their lives. The amount of calcium you need to stay healthy changes over your lifetime. The highest requirements are during adolescence, pregnancy and lactation. Although much of the calcium comes from the diet, supplements are required during this time. Postmenopausal women and older men also need to take more calcium. This is because as age advances the body not only becomes less efficient at absorbing calcium, there may also be other medications that interfere with its absorption. Around 1,500mg a day is needed at this time.

Stomach disease:-

Q: I have been told I have GERD. I do not know what it is and if it is curable. I have been given tablets but would prefer to drink antacids.

A: GERD simply is a pneumonic for Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease. It can be controlled by a variety of tablets that suppress acid formation. The medication works faster and at a lower dose if a few lifestyle changes are made at the same time.

If you are overweight, diet and exercise to get in shape

Eat small, frequent meals instead of three large ones

Drink at least 3-4 litres of water a day.

Remember, drinking milk only provides temporary respite. It often results in rebound acidity. Drinking glucose dissolved in water aggravates the problem and may cause vomiting. Antacids neutralise the acid but do not suppress the formation. They interfere with other medication and prevent their absorption. Long-term use of antacids containing aluminium has been associated with Alzheimer’s disease. It is thus better to follow your doctor’s advice.

My baby vomits:-

Q: My baby vomits whenever I feed him. I am very worried.

A: If a child vomits consistently after feeding, you must weigh him every week. If the weight is increasing it means the baby is getting enough food despite the vomiting. Some simple remedies are to feed the baby with the body held at least at a 45-degree angle, not lying down, even at night. After feeding, the baby needs to be burped to release air inadvertently trapped while swallowing. This may help.

If the vomited material looks like curd, it is “spitting up” and this is usually harmless. If it is yellow in colour and projectile, the symptom needs evaluation. Just blindly giving commercially available carminative preparations is neither advisable nor effective.

Sources: The Telegraph (Kolkata, India)

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Health Quaries

Some Medical Questions And Answers By Dr.Gita Mathai

How much can I drink?

Q: I like my drink in the evening and I don’t think it does any harm to me or anyone else. However, I do not want to wind up an alcoholic. What are the safe limits? Some guidelines say one drink, some two. The exact quantity (small or large pegs) is not specified.

Current guidelines state that men should consume no more than three or four units of alcohol a day; women should consume no more than two or three units. The limits for women are less than for men because their body composition is different with more fat and less muscle. Some physicians feel that these limits are too high. They think it should be reduced to three units a day for men and two units a day for women. Two days a week should be drink free.

A unit is not the same as a drink. Most alcoholic drinks contain more than one unit. A premium pint of lager, bitter or cider (5 per cent alcohol), contains 3 units. A large 250 ml glass of wine (12 per cent) contains 3 units, a large double measure of spirits (2 x 35ml at 40 per cent) contains 3 units.

The long-term effects of uncontrolled drinking include cirrhosis and mouth, esophageal, liver and breast cancer. The risks are increased if drinking is combined with smoking.

Also, even controlled drinking takes its toll on the wallet. Your family may not be happy with the money you spend on your “social drinking”. Always remember, no matter how sober you feel, drinking and driving can be a fatal combination.

Itchy vagina

Q: I have repeated attacks of itching in my vagina. I am 27 years old. Please advise.

A: You probably have an infection caused by an yeast called Candida. It tends to occur in overweight people, in pregnancy, or if you or your partner have diabetes or HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection. It occurs if the normal bacterial flora of the vagina changes. This can take place after treatment with certain antibiotics, corticosteroids or hormones. It occurs in some women when they take oral contraceptive pills.

Correction of any underlying precipitating factor will reduce the recurrences. Treatment of the infection is simple. Oral antifungal agents (usually single dose therapy) can be used. Vaginal tablets or pesssaries can deliver the medication directly to the source of infection.


Q: I feel giddy and dizzy and sometimes I feel I am going to vomit or lose my balance and fall down. I am very worried.

A: I think you are describing vertigo, a sense that the room is spinning around you. It can occur normally if you suddenly change the position of your head relative to your body. If it is frequent and recurrent you need to have it evaluated by an ENT (ear nose and throat) physician. You also need to have an X-ray of your neck bones. A physician can also do relevant blood tests to rule out anaemia.

There are several possibilities like benign positional vertigo, inner or middle ear infections or Meniere’s disease. Some of these require medication. Others need positional exercises.

Treatment of the disease will remove the precipitating factor and cure you.

You may click to see also:->An article on Giddiness

Dry, itchy skin

Q: I have very dry skin that is also very itchy. If I scratch, it sometimes bleeds and becomes infected. The dermatologist says I have icthyosis and that I must apply oil. If I stop, my skin becomes dry and itchy all over again.

A: Icthyosis is a hereditary condition of the skin. It can be mild or severe. You need to apply oil regularly as your skin requires a lot more oil than those of other people. A small quantity of a mixture of 500 ml of coconut oil, 500 ml of sesame oil and 100 ml of olive oil can be applied half an hour before bathing. A tablespoon of coconut oil can also be put in the bath water. A non-drying emollient soap like Dove or a glycerine-based soap like Pears will help to keep the skin moist. Baby oil or Vaseline can be applied at night. Both these will not stain the bed clothes.

You may also click to see:->

Winterizing Dry Itchy Skin

8 Home Remedies for Dry Skin

Sources: The Telegraph (Kolkata, India)

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Health Quaries

Some Health Questions And Answers


Q: I have been losing hair at an alarming rate. I do not want to become bald, as girls don’t seem to like bald men. Please help.

BALD AND THE BEAUTIFUL: Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf

A: Two out of three men become bald by the time they are 50. People normally lose 50-100 strands of hair a day. The loss become obvious when the hair lost is not replaced and 25 per cent of the hair is gone. This may be due to a medical disorder, fungal infection or mineral or vitamin deficiency. A physician will be able to diagnose the problem. These causes are potentially reversible and need to be ruled out and tackled first.

Otherwise, changing your hairstyle, cutting your hair short or wearing a well-fitted hairpiece may help. If you are looking for a more permanent long-term solution, medications like minoxidil or finasteride can be used. Medications take months to act and have to be taken long term. They also have potential side effects. Hair transplant surgery or scalp flap surgery is also popular. Perhaps you could try the Yul Brynner or Andre Agassi look; many women find them attractive.

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TB on fingertip :-

Q: I have stiffening of a fingertip. After removing a piece of it, the doctor says it is tuberculosis. Can this be true?

A: TB can occur anywhere and is a great imitator of other diseases. If the doctor has removed a piece of it, it probably means he has done a biopsy. The diagnosis is, therefore, reliable. TB is curable, provided you strictly follow the guidelines for treatment. Also, since the disease is confined to your finger, you are not potentially infectious to others.

Night cough :-

Q: My daughter coughs all the time at night. Her nose is also blocked and she is unable to breathe freely. She cannot sleep and neither can we. We have taken her to many doctors and all her tests are normal.

A: Since your daughter does not seem to cough at all during the day even when she is active, it probably means there is something in the room triggering the paroxysms of cough.

Perhaps you could:

Stop using allergens like room fresheners and vapourising mosquito repellents

Not allow anyone to smoke in the house

Vacuum the house regularly

Avoid cotton mattresses.

Also try giving a steam inhalation the last thing at night in addition to her present medications.

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Hepatitis B :-

Q: I developed jaundice six months ago. Now I am Hepatitis B positive. My liver functions are normal. I am 32.

A: Hepatitis B is caused by a virus against which immunisation is available. Unfortunately, you seemed to have missed it.

Hepatitis B can be transmitted by sexual intercourse. If you are sexually active, and your partner is negative, it is important that she or he be immunised immediately. Please use a condom to prevent transmission of the infection. If you have children please check their immunisation status. It would be advisable for you to check your liver functions regularly once a year to ensure there is no deterioration.

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Hysterectomy :-

Q: I have been advised a hysterectomy. Will it have any side effects? I am 32.

A: As you are a younger woman, with many years left before you attain natural menopause, your doctor must have considered all options before advising you to have the surgery. A hysterectomy alone without an oopherectomy means that the ovaries will be left behind to produce the necessary protective hormones. They will work for some years.

You definitely need to take calcium supplements. In case of side effects like hot flushes or dyspareunia (painful intercourse), they can be tackled if and when they occur.

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Burning sensation :-

Q: I have a burning sensation while passing urine. Please help.

A: This may be a symptom of lower urinary tract infection (in the bladder). You could check your urine and see if there is an infection. Sometimes this occurs because of not drinking enough water, especially in summer. Also, girls sometimes restrain themselves from passing urine as the circumstances are not conducive.

You should always:

Drink at least three litres of water a day

Pass urine before travelling and after reaching the destination

Pass urine during your lunch break. Do not try to wait till you reach home

Pass urine before and after intercourse.

Sources: The Telegraph (Kolkata, India)

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Health Quaries

Some Medical Questions and Answers by Dr.Gita Mathai

Dealing with motion sickness:-

Q: My son vomits every time we travel, whether it is by car, bus, train or in a plane. It is exhausting to us and irritating for other passengers.

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.A: Your son has the classic symptoms of motion sickness. In some people like him, movement by all the modes of transportation you have mentioned causes a dissociation in the information that the brain receives. The person is immobile, seated in a chair, but is actually moving. The balance centre in the ear becomes affected, causing dizziness, nausea and eventually vomiting.

Simple methods like facing forwards or smelling a lemon may ease motion sickness

Simple methods like facing forwards, or sitting in the centre of the vehicle may help. Smelling a lemon or sucking on ginger-flavoured sweets helps some people overcome the nausea. Medications like Dramamine or Avomine taken half an hour before the journey usually stop the vomiting. Consult your paediatrician, who will be able to prescribe appropriate medication if required.

Fortunately, some children outgrow motion sickness as they grow older and travel more frequently.

Blocked nose :-

Q: One side of my nose is permanently blocked and if I get a cold I cannot breathe at all.

A: If your nose has been blocked from birth, there may be a congenital absence of the opening, a condition called chonal atresia. This requires surgical correction. If the block is recent, you need to consult an ear, nose and throat surgeon to evaluate the nasal passages. He will be able to tell you if the obstruction is due to a mechanical cause like a deviated nasal septum or nasal polyps or a reactive intermittent block caused by a local response to allergens. Just using nosal drops and sprays is not the answer. Many of the chemical drops cause rebound congestion. The saline drops are safer but they are milder and short acting.

Insect stings :-

Q: I got stung by a wasp and the sting remained in my flesh for a long time. Please advise.

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A: An insect sting can be very painful and may cause allergic reactions. The proboscis (stinging apparatus) should be quickly removed. The easiest way to do this is to apply ice to the site of the injury. The swelling subsides and enough of the sting is usually exposed to facilitate removal. If there is redness and itching, calamine lotion can be applied. If the allergy is severe, antihistamines many need to be taken.

Some people can develop life-threatening allergic reactions to insect bites or stings, with swelling in the lips, tongue and throat and breathing obstructed. They need immediate medical attention.

Varicose veins :-

Q: I have ugly blue veins on my legs which swell up when I stand. What can I do?

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A: The swellings you describe are varicose veins. This condition is commoner in women. It tends to get aggravated during pregnancy. It is due to weak and faulty valves in the veins of the leg. Many patients can manage this with weight reduction, exercises and elastic stockings. If there is constant pain and repeated ulcer formation, it is better to opt for surgery.

Pregnancy after a caesarean :-

Q: I delivered my first baby by caesarean and was advised to wait for three years before the second baby. As I did not menstruate for seven months, I thought I did not need contraception. Now I find I am pregnant. Can I have a medical termination of the pregnancy?

A: Unfortunately, after vague post natal instructions stating   “come for a check up after six weeks   or  use contraception  (details unspecified) for three years, most couples are left to their own devices. Here, unfortunately, old wives   tales   You cannot get pregnant as long as you breast feed the baby.” “I did not become pregnant for three years and neither did your grand mother.” “If you have not menstruated, you are safe.” “If you have intercourse infrequently, you will not get pregnant.”

None of these theories has any scientific basis. Even a single act of intercourse can result in pregnancy. In your case, options are limited. Return to the obstetrician who performed the first caesarean and follow her advice.

Sources: The Telegraph (Kolkata, India)
