Ailmemts & Remedies

Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia

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Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disorder that gradually destroys a person’s memory and ability to learn, reason, make judgments, communicate and carry out daily activities. As Alzheimer’s progresses, individuals may also experience changes in personality and behavior, such as anxiety, suspiciousness or agitation, as well as delusions or hallucinations.


Dementia simply means the symptom of a deterioration of intellectual abilities resulting from an unspecified disease or disorder of the brain.Dementia can best be defined as one of the symtoms of Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimers Disease is one disease/disorder that causes dementia. Many other illnesses or “syndromes” can also cause dementia. Parkinsons Disease can cause dementia. A stroke can cause dementia. Even dehydration can cause dementia...CLICK & SEE

When people think about staying fit, they generally think from the neck down. But the health of your brain plays a critical role in almost everything you do: thinking, feeling, remembering, working, and playing “ and even sleeping.He can be called a fit person who is perfect in body,mind and sole.

There are two basic types of Alzheimer’s disease: Early-onset Alzheimer’s disease tends to strike people under age 65 and is more likely to run in families. Late-onset Alzheimer’s disease, the much more common type, generally afflicts people after age 65. The exact cause of Alzheimer’s is unknown, although researchers studying this puzzling disease are making progress.

Who Is Affected?
The chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease increase with age. It usually occurs after age 65. Most people are not affected even at advanced ages. Research indicates that there are two definite factors which may increase the risk for Alzheimer’s disease: a family history of dementia and Down’s syndrome.

  • Family History of Dementia
    Some forms of Alzheimer’s disease are inherited. If Alzheimer’s disease has occurred in your family members, other members are more likely to develop it.
  • Down’s Syndrome
    Persons with Down’s syndrome have a higher chance of getting Alzheimer’s disease. Close relatives of persons with Down’s syndrome also may be at risk

The good news is that we now know there’s a lot you can do to help keep your brain healthier as you age. These steps might also reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia.

Simple lifestyle modifications also would have an enormous impact on our public health and the cost of healthcare woul be reduced. If you make brain-healthy lifestyle changes and take action by getting involved, we could realize a future without Alzheimer’s disease.

1.Try to make you brain healthy and keep you happy in most of your actions.

Like other parts of your body, your brain may lose some agility as you get older. It can deteriorate even more if you don’t take care of it. Science is unlocking many of the mysteries of the brain, but we don’t have all the answers yet.

2.Stay mentally active

This will strengthen your brain cells and improve connections between them.

3. Stay physically active

This will increase the blood flow to the brain as well as encourage new new brain cells.

4. Always try to eat healthy diet.

Research suggests that high cholesterol may contribute to stroke and brain cell damage. A low fat, low cholesterol diet is advisable. And there is growing evidence that a diet rich in dark vegetables and fruits, which contain antioxidants, may help protect brain cells.

I personally believe that regular practice of YOGA and MEDITATION this type of disease can be kept under total control and particularly PRANAYAM is very good for this.


Click to see :Moss protein linked to Alzheimer’s? published in the Times Of India. 9Th. Feb.’08.

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.This is purely for educational purpose.

Ailmemts & Remedies


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Gastritis is a medical term for inflammation of the lining of the stomach. It may be a sudden attack or chronic. It means that white blood cells move into the wall of the stomach as a response to some type of injury. Gastritis does not mean that there is an ulcer or cancer. It is simply inflammation , either acute or chronic gastritis has many underlying causes, from infection with the bacterium H. pylori, bile reflux, or excessive consumption of alcohol or certain foods.

You may click to learn more about Gastritis

Gastritis is not a single disease, but several different conditions that all have inflammation of the stomach lining. Gastritis can be caused by drinking too much alcohol, prolonged use of non -steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin or ibuprofen, or infection with bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Sometimes gastritis develops after major surgery, traumatic injury, burns, or severe infections. Certain diseases, such as pernicious anemia, autoimmune disorders, and chronic bile reflux, can cause gastritis as well.


The most common symptoms are abdominal upset or pain. Other symptoms are belching, abdominal bloating, nausea, and vomiting or a feeling of fullness or of burning in the upper abdomen. Blood in your vomit or black stools may be a sign of bleeding in the stomach, which may indicate a serious problem requiring immediate medical attention.

Gastritis may be caused by:

  • Bacterial or viral infection (infection by a virus is contagious)
  • Excess stomach acid caused by heavy smoking, alcohol use, caffeine, improper diet such as spicy, greasy foods
  • Use of drugs such as Aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, cortisone
  • Stress

Preventing gastritis

  • Eat regularly and moderately
  • Stop smoking
  • Limit or avoid alcohol and caffeine
  • If possible avoid drugs that are irritating to your stomach
  • Avoid foods that you don’t digest easily

Before starting any type of treatment the patient must try to locate the cause of this Gastritis and his first and foremost duty is to stop the cause. Those who drink alcohol or smoke or eat too much fast-food or spicy food , should stop as soon as he detects Gastritis.
Several very good Ayurvedic medicines are available in the market which may cure the disease.This web site may be a help.One can try Extra virgin Siberian pine oil to stop gastric pain and heal gastritis.

In several cases it is due to Constipation or IBS and for all these,one may visit this site
I would also recommend him this site to get rid of all this type of diseases permanently by doing regularly Shudhikriyas yoga.

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Ailmemts & Remedies

Cold Allergy

Every year, millions of people use over-the-counter (OTC) products to relieve nasal stuffiness and congestion, sneezing, runny noses, sore throat, and cough. The common causes of these symptoms include the cold virus, influnza virus, allergic rhinitis (hay fever), and sinus infections (sinusitis). Viral infections can also cause headache, body- aches, fatigue, and sometimes fever. Hay fever symptoms can also include itchy eyes, nose, and throat, and watery eyes.

The symptoms are : headache,body-aches, flue like fever, nasal congestion,running nose,sneezing and then cough and some times sore throat.

Often the patient is having symptoms such as nasal congestion, drainage, coughing, sneezing, low grade fever (under 101 degrees). These are symptoms of “colds.” But they are also symptoms of allergy. These symptoms can be confusing. It helps to note on the calendar when symptoms begin and end. You may notice a “pattern;” particularly, if the cause is allergy. The “pattern” may be symptoms that occur at the same “pollen” season each year.

For example, many people get “colds” during December, January and February of each year. Others have “cedar fever” during these months, each year. Patients realize they are having “cold” symptoms, including “cedar fever,” all of which are really “allergies” giving rise to these symptoms. “Cedar fever” or “hay fever” are simply descriptive labels describing the low grade fever that accompanies most allergy reactions. It usually is under 100 degrees and often is accompanied by “night sweats.”

The fever of a real-cold is usually much higher – often 103-105 degrees. The symptoms are similar but are usually much more severe and overwhelming with a “cold.” So we often confuse the two.

These are just a few guidelines to help you tell the difference, but basically one rule helps differentiate allergy from almost every other medical disorder: it comes and goes, comes and goes. Almost any other disorder gets worse . . . or better; but, they don’t appear and disappear, come and go week by week, month by month, season by season, year in and year out.

According to Ayurvedic thought, seasonal allergies are connected to the earth. As the earth is more saturated during this time of the year due to the increased rain, the earth is holding on to more water than usual. This then is also occurring in our bodies, and is what we refer to as congestion. In order to figure out what the best remedy for our bodies would be, we need only refer to what is going on with the earth. During spring, the earth produces many different vegetables and berries. These foods are naturally healthy and fat-free and are exactly what our bodies need to rid ourselves of congestion and counteract all of the increased fats we absorbed.

The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology reports that Allergic disorders affect at least 50 million people in the US. Common symptoms range from Asthma, Eczema, Hay Fever, Headaches, swellings, fatigue, chills, sensitivity to light and Loss of Appetite. These symptoms can be worsened by inherited tendencies, or exposure to environmental toxins such as smog, pesticides, even the food we eat and the water we drink! Allergies are often manifestations of the immune system being overloaded by the constant assault of pollution associated with modern life.

Olive Leaf the Allergy Buster:
The botanical Olea Europaea (olive leaf) tea, extracts and capsules are immune system boosters known to help control and eliminate various allergies. The antioxidants of olive leaf act directly to eliminate free radicals from the body, as well as aiding with digestion. The less energy that your immune system uses acting as a “cleanup crew” for the body, the more of it’s resources are available for combating environmental allergens such as Pollen, Dust and Mold. The key to utilizing olive leaf as consistency so that the immune system may permanently shift it’s focus to environmental allergens, and away from internal toxins, leaving you happier, healthier and more able to enjoy life.

Some home remedies for common cold:

For dry and stuffy nose, try normal saline or salt water nasal drops made by adding 1/4 teaspoon of table salt to about 4 ml lukewarm water. Make a fresh solution every few days keeping it in refrigerator. Use a clean dropper to instill 1 to 2 drops in each nostril about 3 to 4 times daily for common cold .

Do not use medicated nasal drops without physician’s consent as excessive use will cause chemical rhinitis with rebound block

Garlic juice made by adding few drops of garlic oil to a teaspoonful of onion juice and diluting it in a cup of water is helpful for common cold

Ginger tea or a teaspoonful of ginger juice taken with equal quantity of honey brings relief from common cold

Related articles
According to me, we can get more benefits if we treat Cold Allergy of all kind with HERBAL REMEDIES .We may visit this web site and at the same time try to develop the immune system that is within our body. Regular Yoga exercise and sometimes Urotherapy may be a few of several natural process of developing this.

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Herbs & Plants (Spices)

Wanders of Garlic

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Garlic is a wonder
Garlic and its cousins (onions, chives and scallions) are probably the most intriguing of all vegetables. Garlic lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of heart diseases, fights infection and boosts immunity. And, as if that weren’t enough, the data is strong for the prevention of cancers of the digestive system, including the esophagus, stomach, colon and rectum. The National Cancer Institute is sponsoring a huge clinical trial on garlic’s ability to prevent stomach cancer. But why wait years for the results of this clinical trial?

It was Louis Pasteur who first described the antibacterial effect of garlic and onion juices. Garlic is effective even against antibiotic-resistant strains. It even kills Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), a kind of bacteria which is implicated in the cause of some stomach cancers and ulcers.

The medicinal properties of garlic are now scientifically recognised. It is widely available in different forms in Britain as over-the-counter supplements, particularly to treat the blood conditions and as an antiviral medicine.

Human population studies suggest that eating garlic regularly reduces the risk of esophageal, colon and stomach cancer.(4,5) This may be partly due to garlic’s ability to reduce the formation of carcinogenic compounds.Many publications have shown that garlic supports the cardiovascular system, while earlier trials suggest it may lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood

Warmed garlic juice, or a mixture made with oil and the boiled bulb has been dropped into the ear to relieve earache and deafness. In Ayurvedic and Siddha medicine garlic juice has been used to alleviate sinus problems. In Unani medicine, an extract is prepared from the dried bulb which is inhaled to promote abortion or taken to regulate menstruation. Unani physicians also use garlic to treat paralysis, forgetfulness, tremor, colic pains, internal ulcers and fevers

Many people avoid eating garlic since it can make one’s breath smell pretty strong. In that case, garlic supplements are a convenient alternative
For those who prefer it, odor-controlled, enteric-coated tablets or capsules with approximately 1.3% allin are available

Indeed, if you‘re concerned about garlic breath, an aged extract or enteric-coated tablet is the way to go. If you‘re treating an infection of some kind, a standardized high-allicin extract or the actual food is the better choice. Aging destroys garlic‘s antibiotic properties.

Some individuals who are sensitive to garlic may experience heartburn and flatulence. Because of garlic’s anticlotting properties, those taking anticoagulant drugs should check with their nutritionally oriented doctor before taking garlic. Those scheduled for surgery should inform their surgeon if they are taking garlic supplement.

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Fruits & Vegetables Herbs & Plants

Wood apple or Bael Fruit

Botanical Name :Aegle marmelos .
Family: Rutaceae
Subfamily: Aurantioideae
Tribe: Clauseneae
Genus: Aegle
Species: A. marmelos
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Sapindales

Common Name :Bael, Belgiri, Bel, Bilva, Bilpatri, sriphal

Local Common Names in    South-East Asia:

* Burmese: Oushi
Indonesian: Maja
Khmer: Pniv
Lao: Maktum
Malay: pokok maja batu (tree)
Thai: Matuum

Indian Subcontinent
Assamese: Bael
Hindi: Sriphal

Urdu: Bael or sriphal
Bengali: Bael

Kannada: bilva (sacred variety)
Konkani: gorakamli
Malayalam: koo-valam
Marathi: Kaveeth
Punjabi: Beel
Sanskrit : Billa

Sinhalese: Beli
Tamil: Vilvam
Telugu: Maredu
Sir Phal (old Hindi)

Habitat :Native to India and Pakistan. It has since spread to throughout South-east Asia. It is a gum-bearing tree.

It is is indigenous to dry forests on hills and plains of northern, central and southern India, southern Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. It is cultivated throughout India, as well as in Sri Lanka, northern Malay Peninsula, Java in the Philippines and Fiji Islands

Very useful fruit for all kinds of stomach disorder

Flesh is eaten raw or processed into drinks.Fruit pulp is sometimes used as detergent and adhesive.Ripe pulp is used as a digestive aid and a very good laxative.Unripe pulp is used to treat diarrhea and dysentery.Fibre content of the pulp, whether ripen or green is very high. All other parts of the plant are used for a wide variety of medicinal purpose.Beal leafs are used by Hindus in their worship.Several Ayurvedic medicines are made from most of the parts of the plant.

..Click to see the pictures…>…..…(1)..…….(2).…….(3).……..(4)..

Plant Cultivation:

Medium sized tree to 40ft. The bael fruit is slow growing but very tough for a subtropical tree, surviving a wide temperature range from 20-120F. It easily withstands long periods of drought, which are needed for better fruit yields. It grows in most soil and climate types, and requires little care when established. Fruits take 10-12 months to ripen from flowering.
Propagation: Usually by seed. Seedling trees bear within 6+ years

Origin and Distribution:

Native to central and southern and northern India,Pakistan,Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Burma.But only in very few places perhaps it is commercially grown.

Several variety of wood apples grow in India, but two types are very popular, one is Yellow beal(Feronia limonia), sweet when ripen and the other is Kod beal(Banglapedia) sweet and sower when ripen. But both of them have tremendous medicinal value

Many pharmaceutical companies are now a days doing extensive research on this fruit and its plant.


Medicinal Uses: The fruit is much used in India as a liver and cardiac tonic, and, when unripe, as an astringent means of halting diarrhea and dysentery and effective treatment for hiccough, sore throat and diseases of the gums. The pulp is poulticed onto bites and stings of venomous insects, as is the powdered rind.

Juice of young leaves is mixed with milk and sugar candy and given as a remedy for biliousness and intestinal troubles of children. The powdered gum, mixed with honey, is given to overcome dysentery and diarrhea in children.

Oil derived from the crushed leaves is applied on itch and the leaf decoction is given to children as an aid to digestion. Leaves, bark, roots and fruit pulp are all used against snakebite. The spines are crushed with those of other trees and an infusion taken as a remedy for menorrhagia. The bark is chewed with that of Barringtonia and applied on venomous wounds.

The unripe fruits contain 0.015% stigmasterol. Leaves contain stigmasterol (0.012%) and bergapten (0.01%). The bark contains 0.016% marmesin. Root bark contains aurapten, bergapten, isopimpinellin and other coumarins.

Dirrhoea & Dysentery:– The half-ripe beal fruit is perhaps the most effective remedy for these diseases .

Respiratory Disorders:– A medicated oil prepared from beal leaves gives relief from recurrent cold and respiratory affections.A tea spoonful of this oil should be massaged into the scalp before a head bath.It’s regular use builds the resistance of cold and coughs.

Peptic Ulcer:- An infusion of beal leaves is an effective remedy for this disease.Beal leaves are reach in tannin which reduces inflammation and help in the healing of ulcers.

Earache:- The root of the beal tree is used as a domestic remedy to check several kinds of ear problem.A stiff piece of beal fruit is dipped in neam oil and lighted.The oil and the drips of the burning end is a highly effective medicine for problems related to ears.

PRECAUTIONS:The ripped beal fruit should not be taken regularly. It’s regular use produces atomy of the intensives and consequent flautence in the abdomen. The excessive use of beal fruit may produce sensation of heaviness in the stomach. The sherbet (Juice with water) made of beal fruit can produce heavyness in the stomach if it is taken hurriedly.

Food Uses:

The rind must be cracked with a hammer. The scooped-out pulp, though sticky, is eaten raw with or without sugar, or is blended with coconut milk and palm-sugar sirup and drunk as a beverage, or frozen as an ice cream. It is also used in chutneys and for making jelly and jam. The jelly is purple and much like that made from black currants.

A bottled nectar is made by diluting the pulp with water, passing through a pulper to remove seeds and fiber, further diluting, straining, and pasteurizing. A clear juice for blending with other fruit juices, has been obtained by clarifying the nectar with Pectinol R-10. Pulp sweetened with sirup of cane or palm sugar, has been canned and sterilized. The pulp can be freeze-dried for future use but it has not been satisfactorily dried by other methods.

Food Value Per 100 g of Edible Pulp*

Pulp………………… (ripe)…….. …Seeds
Moisture…………… 74.0%…….. 4.0%
Protein……………….. 8.00%…… 26.18%
Fat…………………….. 1.45%…… 27%
Carbohydrates…… 7.45%…… 35.49%
Ash…………………….. 5.0%…….. 5.03%
Calcium…………….. 0.17%……. 1.58%
Phosphorus………….. 0.08%……. 1.43%
Iron…………………….. 0.07%……. 0.03%
Tannins………………. 1.03%……. 0.08%
*According to analyses made in India.

The pulp represents 36% of the whole fruit. The pectin content of the pulp is 3 to 5% (16% yield on dry-weight basis). The seeds contain a bland, non-bitter, oil high in unsaturated fatty acids.

Other Uses:

Pectin: The pectin has potential for multiple uses in pectin-short India, but it is reddish and requires purification.

The fruit shell is fashioned into snuffboxes and other small containers.

Gum: The trunk and branches exude a white, transparent gum especially following the rainy season. It is utilized as a substitute for, or adulterant of, gum arabic, and is also used in making artists’ watercolors, ink, dyes and varnish. It consists of 35.5% arabinose and xylose, 42.7% d-galactose, and traces of rhamnose and glucuronic acid.

Wood: The wood is yellow-gray or whitish, hard, heavy, durable, and valued for construction, pattern-making, agricultural implements, rollers for mills, carving, rulers, and other products. It also serves as fuel.

The heartwood contains ursolic acid and a flavanone glycoside, 7-methylporiol-b-D-xylopyranosyl-D-glucopyranoside.

Click to learn more about-> Wood apple tree[Aegle marmelos Corr. (Rutaceae)]

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Research has found the essential oil of the Bael tree to be effective against 21 types of bacteria. It is prescribed for smooth bowel movement to patients suffering from constipation and other gastrointestinal problems.

Research also indicates that unripe Bael fruit is effective in combating giardia and rotavirus. While unripe Bael fruit did not show antimicrobial properties, it did inhibit bacteria adherence to and invasion of the gut (i.e. the ability to infect the gut).

The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider


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