Healthy Tips

Some Tips to Actually Enjoy Exercising

A lot of people complain about not having enough time to stay in shape. Are you one of them? Does exercise always get bumped to the bottom of your list of things to do? The problem may have nothing to do with time   it might just be that you hate exercise…

If that’s  the case, some of these tips may be just what you need to change your attitude, and in return, exercise might just change your whole life. For the full list of all 13 tips, see the Lifehack link below, but here are a few good ones:

  • Tune Your Challenge Level   Don’t start out by running until you are winded and dry-heaving into a ditch, and don’t just mess around in the gym without doing anything strenuous at all. Instead, make it your goal to set a workout routine that is challenging, but not overwhelming. Challenge is key to enjoyment.
  • Set Goals   Don’t just set weight-loss or muscle gain goals, set fitness goals. Set goals to beat your past records in distance, push-ups, or chin-ups you can do, weight you can lift, or degree you can stretch. Make it a game where you strive to beat your previous high-score.
  • Music   This shouldn’t come as a surprise, but music can enhance a workout, making it far more enjoyable and less like   work.
  • Short Workouts   Don’ t have time or enthusiasm to last an hour? Just go for twenty or thirty minutes. Shorter, but higher-intensity workouts can be better than longer ones and you can become more focused as a result.
  • Make Exercise Your Stress Relief    Many swear by using the gym to relieve stress. Exercising can be cathartic and release negative feelings if you get used to using it that way. Then instead of avoiding the gym because of a stressful day, it will be your reason to go.

Click to learn October 19, 2007

Healthy Tips

Anti-Aging the Natural Way

Americans go to great lengths to reduce the signs of aging. But risky surgeries and synthetic injections are not the answer. What is? Good old-fashioned exercise.

click & see

A recent study in PLoS One evaluated the effects of six months of strength
training in volunteers aged 65 or older. Researchers compared thigh-muscle cells
from the seniors with cells from volunteers in their 20s. At the end of the
six-month period, researchers discovered not only a 50 percent increase in
strength and higher energy in the seniors, but also dramatic changes at the
genetic level.

It doesn’t take working out five days a week to get these results. The seniors
performed one hour of strength training twice a week for six months, completing
three sets of 10 repetitions for each muscle group on typical gym equipment. At
the start of the study, researchers noted significant differences between older
and younger participants in 600 genes. After six months of training, exercise
had changed a third of those genes, most of which affected the process of
turning nutrients into energy.

So, next time you look in the mirror and ponder the latest anti-aging treatment, remember this: An exercise regimen at any age can improve your strength and appearance, sure – but it also can keep you young and healthy all the way down to a cellular level. Now that’s deep cleansing.

Yoga exercise with Pranayama   is the best  way to keep some one young and fit till old age

For more information, go to

News on Health & Science

Stay Healthy While Travelling

A workout always helps
To ensure that your hard work at the gym doesn’t go by the wayside on the road, there are a few simple steps that you can take to keep your waistline and calorie intake in check while travelling.

Include workouts in your travel itinerary
You can do a lot of shoulder shrugs and calf raises. Try walking on your toes around the room. If there is no gym at your hotel, try squats, stationary lunges and crunches, which work out your abs and lower back. You can also do full body stretches.

The best alternative is to carry your iPod and go for a jog, advises fitness expert Leena Mogre. When you travel, the days can be long and last-minute client dinners can interfere with your evening workout.

Exercising in the morning helps ensure success.
Determine how you will exercise on your trip before you leave. Most hotels have gyms. Call ahead to determine the gym’s hours and range of equipment. Once you know what the hotel offers, you can decide whether you will need to bring additional equipment, like exercise bands or a swimsuit, if there’s a pool.

Don’t forget your sports shoes
When you travel for business, you would never think of leaving your laptop or cell phone behind. The same should hold true for your tennis shoes and workout gear. Just as your computer provides the tools you need for your work, your tennis shoes offer a wealth of exercise possibilities.

Don’t be rigid when it comes to your fitness routine
When you travel, even the best plans can be disrupted by flight delays, traffic jams and scheduling changes. If you miss your  scheduled  workout, a short routine is better than nothing. Consider doing sit-ups or yoga stretches in your room, or running up and down the stairs in the hotel a few times.

Even 10 minutes of activity can make a difference. Make the most of your time by taking a power walk around the airport.

Pack healthy snacks
When you make a list of things to take on your trip, make sure to include fruits, nuts and dried apricots. Dried apricots are actually the best to carry as they release energy in the body over a period of time,  says nutritionist Naini Setalvad.

Not only will the snacks tide you over until your next meal, they also will ensure that you donât make frequent trips to the coffee shop for a pastry. And, always carry water. Travelling dehydrates the body. Water satisfies hunger and helps you stay alert.

Have it your way
Remember that restaurants are there to serve you. If you can’t finish your meal, take a doggie bag. Also, if you are required to attend cocktail parties, order a glass of water between each beverage. Whether you drink alcohol, colas, or coffee, water decreases the calories that you consume and counteracts the effects of alcohol and caffeine.

At the very least, try not to lose ground
If you know that you are going to eat more when you travel, make sure that you institute some type of daily exercise so that you balance the increase in calories with physical activity. While it may not be realistic to think that you will lose weight while travelling, you will feel better if you maintain some healthy habits.

While travelling for business offers some challenges to your exercise routine, a little creativity can go a long way to helping you stay fit at home and on the road.

Source: The Times Of India

Exercise Healthy Tips

8 Secrets to Optimizing Your Exercise Plan

Simple ideas you can use to meet fitness goals in less time.
We’d be lucky if having the motivation to move was all it took to make exercise a part of our daily activities. When it comes to making motion an aim we often find ourselves face-to-face with the most persistent of obstacles. Here are some tips for conquering time when it threatens to bump exercise plans from your date book:

1. Book yourself.
Don’t have time for all this exercise? Sometimes it’s a matter of perception — other people’s. If coworkers, friends, or even family can’t understand why you take time for exercise but not for what they think is important, keep your priorities to yourself — but schedule your exercise in your date book. That way, when sticking to your guns on workouts, you can merely say you’re keeping a prior appointment.

2. Keep it interesting. Some people have a high tolerance for routine — and may even elevate it to ritual. But if your attention span is closer to monkey than monk, try to introduce variety into your workout on a regular basis. One way to do it: Change two things about your routine every week. It could be as simple as adding repetitions, resistance, or sets — or substituting one exercise for another. Change isn’t just an antidote to boredom, it allows you to continually challenge muscles in new ways, which makes you stronger faster.

3. Try slow motion. Want to try a difficult challenge that’s easy on joints? Lift a light weight only one time — but do it very slowly. Pick out a weight about half what you’d normally lift 10 times. Take 15 to 20 seconds to lift the weight, hold for another 15 to 20 seconds, then take another 15 to 20 seconds to bring it back down. The constant stress through the entire range of motion will work muscles in an entirely new way.

4. Judge gym transit time. Made the decision to join a health club? When choosing, follow the golden rule of gym location: Keep it within a 15-minute drive. Any farther and your chances of actually getting there for a workout drop considerably.

5. Spread the effort. If doing an entire full-body workout all at once is too fatiguing or demanding on your time, try doing only one part of the workout each day. If your workout has 12 exercises, for example, do the first three on Monday, the next three on Tuesday, and the rest on Wednesday. On Thursday, start the routine again. That way, you’re still doing each exercise three times during a one-week period without exhausting yourself with your routine.

6. Hold on to your gains.
While giving your muscles a chance to rest is important to making them stronger, there’s inevitably a point of diminishing returns when it comes to slacking off. How much rest is too much? A good rule of thumb is to expect about a 10 percent loss of your strength gains after about 10 days. The more training you’ve done, the slower your strength will decline. The bottom line: To maintain your gains, you need to keep exercising regularly.

7. Count backward. Problem: Strength exercises are no fun when the last repetitions are tough to do. Interpretation: If you’re challenging your muscles enough to want to quit, you’re probably doing them at just the right intensity. Mental trick: Your final repetitions will seem easier if you count backward from your target instead of forward from zero because you’ll be thinking about how few you have left, rather than how many you’ve already done.

8. Get off the floor safely. For exercises and stretches that require you to get on all fours, it’s easier to get back up again if you walk your hands back until you’re in a kneeling position, place one foot on the floor in front of you with your knee bent at about 90 degrees, then use your leg as a support for your hands as you stand or ease yourself into a chair.

From : The Everyday Arthritis Solution

News on Health & Science

Midlife Weight Gain

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As you progress through mid-life you will find your metabolism does slow down. You will need fewer calories to maintain the same weight–about 400-500 less by the time you are eighty. This and the tendency to decrease physical activity in mid-life contributes to weight gain. In addition, weight gain will tend to be concentrated more in the lower body–the lower abdomen, hips, buttocks and thighs. The average woman will gain one to two pounds per year…… & see

But, weight gain is not inevitable. You can maintain a constant weight with an appropriate plan of diet and exercise. This is important, especially for women, as one study found that increased weight between the ages of thirty and fifty was the single greatest risk factor for breast cancer, later on in life.
In mid-life, how and when you eat may be as important as how much. One study showed that mid-life women who consumed their calories in about six small meals had faster metabolisms and lower weights than their counterparts who ate three large meals. Eating earlier in the day as opposed to later also allows you to consume the same amount of calories with less stored as fat. And, as always, if less of your calories are from fat, then you will tend to be thinner.

Regular aerobic exercise or yoga under the guidance of an expart is a way to boost your metabolic rate and counteract the slowing due to aging. It lowers your risk of heart disease, breast cancer, and osteoporosis, as well. Even if you haven’t had an exercise program up to now, you can benefit. While cardiovascular fitness will improve with as little as twenty minutes of aerobic exercise or yoga three times a week, forty-five minutes per day is necessary to make an impact on weight.
