News on Health & Science

Black Tea May Fight Diabetes


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Black tea, long known for its antioxidants, immune boosting and antihypertensive properties, could have another health benefit.
Researchers studied the polysaccharide levels of green, oolong and black teas and whether they could be used to treat diabetes.

Polysaccharides, a type of carbohydrate that includes starch and cellulose, may benefit people with diabetes because they help retard absorption of glucose.

The researchers found that of the three teas, the polysaccharides in black tea had the most glucose-inhibiting properties. The black tea polysaccharides also showed the highest scavenging effect on free radicals, which are involved in the onset of diseases such as cancer and rheumatoid arthritis.

Science Daily July 28, 2009
Institute of Food Technologists July 28, 2009

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Can Krill Help You Lose Weight?

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Omega-3s sourced from krill are more effective than fish oil in combating some metabolic symptoms, including raised fat levels in the heart and liver and violent mood swings.

The study concludes that while both fish-sourced and krill-sourced omega-3 fats are effective in reducing fat levels, krill is more effective.

The researchers said the mechanisms of why this was the case had not been made clear in the study, but suggested long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) may reduce activity in the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system consists of a group of neuromodulatory lipids and receptors that influence appetite, pain sensation, mood and memory.

The researchers found that, when parameters associated with obesity were considered, krill oil reduced rat heart fat levels by 42 percent, compared to 2 percent for fish oils.

In the liver, a 60 percent reduction was observed for krill, 38 percent for fish oil. Fat build up in the liver can lead to insulin insensitivity and cause type 2 diabetes

Resources: June 30, 2009
Journal of Nutrition June 23, 2009

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Diagnonistic Test

Thyroid Scan

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A thyroid scan uses a radioactive tracer and a special camera to measure how much tracer the thyroid gland absorbs from the blood. A thyroid scan is done to find problems with the thyroid gland. A thyroid scan may be done to check for thyroid nodules, or it may be done with a radioactive iodine uptake test (RAIU) to check how well the thyroid gland is working.

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A thyroid scan can show the size, shape, and location of the thyroid gland. It can also find areas of the thyroid gland that are overactive or underactive. The camera takes pictures of the thyroid gland from three different angles. The radioactive tracer used in this test is either iodine or technetium.

A radioactive iodine uptake test measures the amount of radioactivity in your thyroid after you’ve been given a relatively small dose of radioactive iodine in pill form. Your thyroid gland absorbs iodine and uses it to make hormones. Therefore, the amount of radioactive iodine detected in your thyroid gland corresponds with the amount of hormone your thyroid is producing.

Another type of thyroid scan, a whole-body thyroid scan, may be done for people who have had thyroid cancer that has been treated. The whole-body scan can check to see if cancer has spread to other areas of the body.

Why It Is Done:-
A thyroid scan is done to:

*See whether thyroid nodules are present.
*Find the cause of an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism).
*See whether thyroid cancer has spread outside the thyroid gland. A whole-body thyroid scan will usually be done for this evaluation.

How To Prepare:-
For about a week before a thyroid scan, your doctor may ask you to avoid certain foods and medicines that can interfere with the results, including thyroid hormones and shellfish (which contain iodine). You might have to fast entirely for several hours beforehand if you’ll be given a radioactive iodine pill for the test.You might also need to have blood tests that check thyroid function.

The preparation for a radioactive iodine uptake test is almost the same as for a thyroid scan. However, because you are given radioactive iodine in pill form for an uptake test, you need to wait four to six hours, and possibly as long as a day, before having the scan. (This gives the radioactive iodine time to reach your thyroid.)

Tell your doctor if you:

*Take any medicines regularly. Be sure your doctor knows the names and doses of all your medicines. Your doctor will instruct you if and when you need to stop taking any of the following medicines that can change the thyroid scan test results.

*Thyroid hormones

*Antithyroid medicines

*Medicines that have iodine, such as iodized salt, kelp, cough syrups, multivitamins, or the heart medicine amiodarone (Cordarone, Pacerone)

*Are allergic to any medicines, such as iodine. But even if you are allergic to iodine, you will likely be able to have this test because the amount used in the tracer is so small that your chance of an allergic reaction is very low.

*Have ever had a serious allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) from any substance, such as the venom from a bee sting or from eating shellfish.

*Have had bleeding problems or take blood thinners, such as aspirin or warfarin (Coumadin).

*Have had any test using radioactive materials or iodine dye 4 weeks before the thyroid scan. These other tests may change the results of the thyroid scan.

*Are or might be pregnant.

*Are breast-feeding.

Before a thyroid scan, blood tests may be done to measure the amount of thyroid hormones (TSH, T3, and T4) in your blood.

To prepare for a thyroid scan:

*Do not eat for 2 hours before the test.

*Do not take any antithyroid medicine for 5 to 7 days before the test.

Your doctor may ask you to eat a low-iodine diet, especially if this test is being done to check for thyroid cancer.

Just before the test, you will remove your dentures (if you wear them) and all jewelry or metal objects from around your neck and upper body.

Before a thyroid scan, you need to sign a consent form that says you understand the risks of the thyroid scan and agree to have it done. Talk to your doctor about any concerns you have regarding the need for the test, its risks, how it will be done, or what the results will mean. To help you understand the importance of this test, fill out the medical test information form .

How It Is Done
A thyroid scan is done in the nuclear medicine section of a hospital’s radiology department by a person trained in nuclear medicine (nuclear medicine technologist).

A radionuclide is either injected into a vein or given to you as a pill. Timing of the test then depends on the type of radionuclide your doctor uses, and whether you will also have an uptake test. If you are having only a thyroid scan and your doctor prefers to give a radionuclide by intravenous injection, the scan can be done within 30-60 minutes. If you are given radioactive iodine in pill form, you need to wait four to six hours, and possibly as long as a day, before having the scan. (This gives the radioactive iodine time to reach your thyroid.) If you’re having both a scan and the uptake test, you are likely to receive radioactive iodine in pill form. This allows one radionuclide to be used for both the scan and uptake test, instead of two, and eliminates the need for an injection.

After you’ve received the radionuclide and have waited the appropriate amount of time, a technician places a radioactivity detector-a camera specially designed to take pictures of radioactive objects – against your neck and takes several images. The camera itself doesn’t expose you to any radiation. This portion of the test usually takes about half an hour.

An uptake test only takes several minutes and is performed while you are sitting up. Using a device that resembles a Geiger counter, the doctor or technician places a probe several inches in front of your neck, where the thyroid gland is located, and measures the percentage of radioactivity that is retained by the thyroid gland. You return the next day for follow-up testing to obtain a second set of uptake readings, which are then compared with the first set to determine how much hormone has been formed and secreted in the interim.

If you get technetium, you may feel warm, flushed, and nauseated when it is given. Taking deep breaths to relax may relieve these feelings.

For this test, you will lie on your back with your head tipped backward and your neck extended. It is important to lie still during this test. A special camera (called a gamma scintillation camera) takes pictures of your thyroid gland from three different angles 4 to 6 hours after you took the iodine. The test takes about 10 minutes. Another scan is done again in 24 hours.

After a thyroid scan, you can do your regular activities. But you will be asked to take special precautions when you urinate. This is because your body gets rid of the radioactive tracer through your urine. This takes about 24 hours. It is important to flush the toilet and wash your hands thoroughly after each time you urinate.

How It Feels
You may find it uncomfortable to lie still with your head tipped backward.

How long is it before the result of the test is known?
For the thyroid scan, it takes an hour or more for the pictures to be developed and additional time for a radiologist to examine them. Your doctor will probably receive a report within a day or two. The scan will show the outline, shape, and position of your thyroid so that the doctor can determine whether it is enlarged and whether there are any suspicious growths or nodules. The scan also provides a rough measure of thyroid activity, although this has to be confirmed with a radioactive iodine uptake test.

Uptake test results are available immediately, but because the initial and follow-up readings must be compared, it may take your doctor a day or two to get back to you. To obtain results, your doctor determines an uptake value, which is the net result of how much iodine is picked up by the thyroid, how much is converted to hormone since the time of administration, and how much is either leaked or secreted into the bloodstream. (The thyroid normally secretes hormone in an orderly fashion based on physical needs; leakage is less controlled and indicates that the gland is damaged.) A low reading of radioactivity suggests that your thyroid gland has retained only a small amount of iodine. This generally indicates that the thyroid gland is not producing excess thyroid hormone, but has become inflamed and is unable to properly store the hormone, which then leaks into the bloodstream. A high reading suggests that your thyroid is overactive, producing an excessive amount of thyroid hormone.

A thyroid scan uses a radioactive tracer and a special camera to make a picture of the thyroid gland. The radioactive tracer used in this test is usually iodine or technetium. A thyroid scan is done to help find problems with the thyroid gland.

Thyroid scan  Normal: A normal thyroid scan shows a small butterfly-shaped thyroid gland about 2in. long and 2in. wide with an even spread of radioactive tracer in the gland.

Thyroid scan Abnormal: An abnormal thyroid scan shows a thyroid gland that is smaller or larger than normal. It can also show areas in the thyroid gland where the activity is less than normal (cold nodules) or more than normal (hot nodules). Cold nodules may be related to thyroid cancer.

A whole-body scan will show whether iodine is in bone or other tissue (iodine uptake) after the thyroid gland has been removed for cancer. The whole-body scan can check to see if cancer has spread to other areas of the body.

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Featured Health Alert

Some Common Health Myths

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There’s nothing like a health message to make you feel even more anxious about your body. But it seems many commonly held beliefs about what we should  –  and shouldn’t  –  be doing are entirely unfounded. Here we tried through different internet websites  to reveal the steps we ought to be taking to protect our health…


FACT: Research shows that the chances of a 50-year-old, non-smoking man suffering a heart attack is about one in a million in any hour.

Having sex increases these odds to two in a million. Sex, like any other form of physical exertion, does raise the heart attack risk in men with heart disease, or who experience severe chest pains regularly, have very high blood pressure or have a weak heart muscle or heart palpitations.

Sex raises your heart rate to around 130 beats a minute, which is roughly the same effect as climbing stairs for 15 to 20 seconds  –  so if you feel comfortable climbing the stairs, sex shouldn’t be a heart attack worry.
If you are comfortable climbing stairs you shouldn’t worry about having sex

FACT: It is always wise to try to avoid drinking alcohol when taking medication, since there is a possibility the combination will make you feel unwell. But doing so while taking antibiotics is unlikely to have any effect.

It’s likely the myth came about since there are many drugs which can interact with alcohol, and either increase in potency of the medicine, or make you get drunk quicker.

The only exception, says Sean Woodard, a spokesman for the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, is Metronidazole, an antibiotic used for a variety of infections. When mixed with even small amounts of alcohol, it causes vomiting.

Drinking alcohol has no effect on antibiotics but can make you drunker faster when combining the two

FACT: Diabetes is not caused by having too much sugar, but by a failure of the pancreas to produce enough insulin to control glucose levels in the blood, says Caroline Butler, a care adviser for Diabetes UK.

This means having too much sugar cannot in itself cause such a malfunction.

However, she points out that Type 2 diabetes can be triggered by excess weight gain, perhaps through eating too many sugary foods.

It is also a myth that those with the condition need to buy sugar-free foods suitable for diabetics. This is not the case, particularly as many products contain sweeteners which could have a laxative effect.

It is not necessary to cut sugar completely out of a diabetic diet. Intake should be moderate and monitored in accordance with insulin intake and general health.

Too much sugar doesn’t lead to diabetes but  may lead to excess weight gain

FACT: The idea that regular breast examinations prevent women from dying of cancer was discredited by a major American study.

In a survey of 266,000 women by the prestigious Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre in Seattle, the death rate from breast cancer was the same in the group taught to check their breasts as in the group given no information.

The researchers also found that self-examination led to an increase in anxiety and needless biopsies.

Rather than routine breast self- examination, it is far more important to be breast aware, advises Lester Barr, a consultant at the Genesis Breast Cancer Prevention Centre in Manchester.

‘Breast examination may not have an effect on mortality, but being quick to respond to any noticeable changes such as a lump, any puckering or pain, may reduce the need for more extensive treatment.’

He also added that screening programmes and mammograms have been shown to improve survival.


FACT: Though it might leave you with a sore arm or slight fever, you will not develop flu, says GP Dr Sarah Brewer, as the vaccine does not contain live germs.

Many people make this mistake because the jab is usually given in autumn, which is the peak time for viruses such as the common cold.

And when people go on to get a cold, this is misinterpreted as flu, and incorrectly linked to the vaccination.

It is also a myth that if you are healthy you don’t need the vaccination. It’s recommended to all over-65s, even if they’re fit and well, as they may have lower immunity to the virus.


FACT: You should never do this, says Dr Phil Stemmer, a dentist at the Teeth For Life clinic in London.

Whenever you eat something acidic or sugary it causes a temporary softening of the enamel.

So if you brush straight away, you are scraping off this protective coating and, in effect, spitting your teeth down the sink. Wait at least an hour before brushing with a fluoride toothpaste as the enamel will have hardened by then.
Dentists advise waiting an hour to brush teeth after eating something sweet


FACT: Headaches alone are very rarely sign of a brain tumour, says John Wadley, consultant neurosurgeon at barts and The London hospital.

Brain tumours may cause headaches, but generally this will by no means be the only symptom. Other signs to look for you’re worried include memory problems, personality change or unnsteadiness. But always see your doctor if the problem persists.


FACT: Since the disease is caused by uncontrolled cell division, many patients fear that massage or even pressing on the skin could encourage cancer cells to multiply.

However, Lester Barr says there is no evidence for this; many studies testify to the benefits of massage for patients, in terms of reducing anxiety and dealing with the symptoms of the disease or the side-effects of treatment.


FACT: As we get older, our eyesight naturally deteriorates which is why many of us start wearing glasses in our early 40s. People often assume this makes the eyes ‘lazy’, causing further deterioration.

This is wrong, says Dr Rob Hogan, President of the College of Optometrists. It’s true that when you take your glasses off, your sight seems much worse.

But this is a psychological impression: glasses improve your focus; when you take them off you lose that focus that’s all
Wearing glasses doesn’t make vision worse, but helps our eyes stay focussed

FACT: Unfortunately, a slow metabolism is no excuse for being overweight. In fact, according to Dr David Ashton, medical director of the Healthier Weight Centres, heavier people often have a faster metabolism.

He explains that the heavier a person is, the higher their basal metabolic rate (BMR)  –  meaning they need to consume more calories each day simply to sustain life.

‘People think that they’re overweight because their metabolism is slow  –  which means they burn calories very slowly and therefore can do nothing about it.

‘But heavy people actually carry more weight, have heavier organs and therefore need more calories to sustain themselves. As you lose weight, it is then that BMR slows down.’


FACT: Though a well-balanced diet, low in fat and rich in fruit and vegetables, is important for overall health, simply following this and using low-cholesterol products such as margarine is rarely enough to reduce high cholesterol significantly, says Dr Mel Lobo, a consultant in cardiovascular medicine.

In fact a ten per cent reduction is the best that’s ever been shown to be achieved. High cholesterol is often genetic, therefore dietary intake will make little difference to bringing it down.

The condition can be successfully treated with drugs such as statins.
However, Dr Lobo does point out that once cholesterol level drops through the use of drugs, a healthy diet is needed to help maintain it at an acceptable level.

High cholesterol is not dangerous in itself, but is a marker for potentially serious conditions such as high blood pressure, which is why it is vital to keep it in check.

FACT: Though tiredness and general fatigue is very common, it is usually caused by stress or depression or even a lack of exercise rather than ill health, says Dr Dawn Harper, a GP with a specialist interest in women’s health.

She says that being ‘tired all the time’ is such a common reason for a GP visit that patients will be given a diagnosis Tired All The Time.

Classic signs of anaemia include looking pale, weakness, feeling faint, shortness of breath, palpitations, headaches, sore mouth and gums, and brittle nails. As many doctors may do a routine blood test when a patient complains of tiredness, it is sometimes the case that unrelated anaemia is detected this way, causing patients to make the link.

Constant tiredness is more likely due to depression or lack of exercise
FACT: Skin cancer is a direct consequence of sunburn. Reducing exposure to the sun, through protective creams, can reduce the risk of burning, but this does not mean that you are protected from skin cancer, particularly if you spend hours in the sun.

Sun creams are simply filters, not total blocks, so they still allow some of the cancer-causing UV light to hit the skin, explains Mike Brown, sun-care scientific adviser for Boots.

The lesser forms of skin cancer, such as Basal cell carcinoma, are linked to rays known as UVB, while the more dangerous forms  –  malignant melanomas  –  are thought to be connected to UVA exposure.

When buying a sunscreen, look for a product that offers high protection against both (Mike Brown advises opting for a cream or lotion with four or five stars).

Sunscreen alone isn’t enough to protect us from skin cancer

FACT: Although smoking is the main cause of lung cancer, one in eight cases are not linked to smoking, explains GP Dr Dawn Harper.
Second-hand smoke and contact with some substances such as asbestos will increase the risk, though the disease can occur in those who have not had any obvious exposure.

An American study found around eight per cent of men and 20 per cent of women who are diagnosed with lung cancer have never smoked.

Even if you are not an obvious candidate, it is always wise to see your doctor if you experience symptoms such as a prolonged cough or unexplained pain and weight loss.

Although smokers have a higher risk of getting lung cancer, one in cases are diagnosed in non-smokers

FACT: The popping sound is caused by a change of pressure in the joints, which is created by the action of cracking the knuckles rather than as a result of wear and tear in the fingers, says Robert Moots, professor of rheumatology at the University Hospital Aintree in Liverpool.

Since there is no cumulative damage, cracking knuckles will not lead to arthritis. However, when joints produce a creaking sensation this is usually a sign of arthritis.


FACT: Doctors usually prescribe a couple of days’ worth of antibiotics more than are needed to ensure that the bacteria which cause an infection are killed off, explains Sean Woodward.

That’s why you may feel better even if you have a further couple of days worth of medication left. However, if you don’t finish the course there is always a risk that some bacteria remain in the system.

These will not only multiply, but can also mutate so that they become resistant to the antibiotics you have been taking in the first place, so always finish the course.



FACT: Pins and needles alone are very rarely a sign of multiple sclerosis, or any other serious neurological illness, says Dr Mike Boggild, consultant neurologist at the Walton Centre in Liverpool.

In most cases, pins and needles are caused by pressure on a nerve, and this can be triggered by anything from wearing tight shoes to sleeping on your arm. The sensation should pass after a few minutes.

The difference with MS, says Dr Boggild, is that the problem will persist for days on end  –  having a family member who suffers with the disease may also increase risk.

He also points out that pins and needles almost never occur in isolation if they are caused by the disease, and that a sufferer is likely to have other symptoms such as numbness or loss of feeling in the limbs.


FACT: Too much brushing can actually harm teeth, as once plaque has been removed, lengthy, aggressive brushing can damage the tooth enamel, causing the teeth to wear away.

Up to 20 per cent of people suffer from receding gums, often caused by scrubbing their teeth too aggressively.

Dr Phil Stemmer suggests brushing for no more than two minutes at least twice a day, using a rotating motion.

Place the brush at the neck of the tooth where it meets the gum and use small movements at a 45 degree angle. (Electric toothbrushes can do the job for you more easily, but should be used for just as long.)

This is completely false no matter what your mom told you. Reading in the dark can cause temporary strain to the eyes but rapidly disappears once you return to bright light. 200 years ago people were reading by candle light. There is just no scientific evidence to support this myth.

Most of the fluid we intake comes from juices, milk and even caffeinated drinks. Too much water has been proven to cause electrolyte imbalances, intoxication and sometimes death. Bottom line, drink when you are truly thirsty.

Sorry not this time. Soy in all of its forms contains Phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) while it is ok in small quantities, it’s when we exceed that limit we do more harm then good. A medical study done showed that eating lean cuts of beef helped lower bad cholesterol and raise the good. Soy in some cases actually raised bad cholesterol .

Reality check, go grab a 10-20 minute nap which has been proven to refresh the brain and improve memory function. Gingko Biloba does not have any effect on your memory.

While this might be partially true to help you in promoting good health, taking too many vitamins in unnecessary and will cause harm to your body. If you eat right you will take in all the nutrients and minerals your body needs without having to supplement them through vitamins.

Germs do not know the difference. Researcher’s found that anti-bacterial soap has no special germ fighting ingredients so the best way to get rid of germs is to wash your hands properly.

SPF 45 and SPF 60 block out the same percentage of rays. You cannot block 100% of the suns rays so if you use at least an SPF 30 broad spectrum sunscreen it is just as effective as a higher SPF so don’t waste your money.

Each year 4% of patients who develop this debilitating disease are under 60. Early on-set of the disease can strike men and women in their 30’s and 40’s. Your family history will determine your risk factors.

Not on your life! Frozen can be just as good as fresh if harvested at the proper time when plants are at the peak of their nutritional value and frozen right on the spot.

NOPE! Chilled air does not cause colds.

Myth-Feeling sore after exercise means you lost weight.

Actually, soreness is basically fatigue in your muscles. When you have a tough workout and have done numerous reps of an exercise, the burn you feel is the blood getting squeezed with your muscles. It doesn’t reduce the amount of fat around the muscles. To do that, one must combine regular exercise with healthy eating.

Myth-Not eating after exercising will help you lose more weight.

While it’s not advised to eat a huge meal right after you exercise, you need to refuel with a 200-calorie snack about 30 minutes after you work out and a full-size meal about two hours after. When you don’t eat, your body conserves food as fat, which is harder to burn off.

Myth-Once you find a fitness routine you like, you should do it all the time.

Variety is the spice of life, and changing your workout routine every six to eight weeks will help you to avoid a fitness plateau if you’re trying to lose weight. Your body will conform to the routine and will no longer be challenged. Mixing it up makes your workouts more interesting and will give you better results.

Myth- Being a vegetarian means you’ll be thin.

Vegetarians don’t just eat salads all the time. While some of the vegetarians I know became vegetarians because they wanted to lose weight, they found it was actually harder to maintain their weight. You need the protein found in meat to help stabilize your metabolism and give you energy to exercise. Also, foods like chicken and turkey often have fewer calories than some vegetarian dishes. Whether you are a carnivore or a herbivore, it all comes down to balance and moderation.

Myth- You’ll be happier once you lose 5 pounds.

Once you start that attitude, it’s very difficult to stop it. After losing 5 pounds, you want to lose five more, and then you’d be happy if you lost five more after that – it becomes a mess. Also, thinking that way just sets you up for disappointment. What if you don’t lose 5 pounds? Is your life over? Be confident in your size now. Feel good about yourself, eat healthy and work out because it makes you feel good, not because you want to live up to someone else’s standards.

You can test your own fitness myth savvy with The Fitness Myth Quiz on If you have other myths that you want busted, e-mail me at Feel free to send questions, comments and ideas my way.
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Herbs & Plants

Pterocarpus Marsupium

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Botanical Name: Pterocarpus Marsupium
Family:    Fabaceae
Tribe:    Dalbergieae
Genus:    Pterocarpus
Species:    P. marsupium
Kingdom:    Plantae
Order:    Fabales
Common Name(s): Indian Kino Tree, Malabar Kino Tree and Kino,Benga,Bijiayasal or Venkai
Names – Hindi – Vijaisar kaashtha

Sanskrit Name : Bijaka,Pithasara, Pithashalaka, Bandhukapushpa, Priyaka, Sarjaka, Asana, Vihayasara

English – Indian kinowood
Peetasaar, Sanskrit- Pitasala Asana, Sarfaka
Telugu – Paiddagi Chekka
Marathi – Biyala lakda
Tamil – Vegaimaram chakkal
Trade name – Bijaisaar Kaashtha
Kingdom: Plantae
: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Fabales
Tribe: Dalbergieae
Genus: Pterocarpus
Species: P. marsupium

Parts Used: Heart Wood, Leaves and Flowers,Bark, gum.

Habitat: The tree is common in central and peninsular India, found at 3000 ft in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Sub-Himalayan Tract.

The Indian Kino is a medium to large; deciduous tree and can grow up to 30 meters tall. Leaves compound, having 5-7 leaflets, 3 to 5 inch long, oblong or elliptic, margin wavy, flower about 1.5 cm long, yellow in colour.

click to see

The heartwood of this tree is golden yellow. Tree bark yields a reddish gum called kino, the trade name.It turns the water blue as soon as it comes in contact with the water.

Properties:Astringent, alterant (A drug which corrects, or is presumed to correct disordered bodily function), hypoglycemic.
Phytochemicals: Glycosides, flavours, terpenes, phenols.

Medicinal Uses:Parts of the Indian Kino (heart wood, leaves, flowers) have long been used for their medicinal properties in Ayurveda. The heart wood is used as an astringent and in the treatment of inflammation and diabetes.

The bark of this plant is used as an astringent and for toothaches. It is good for elephantiasis, leucoderma, diarrhea, dysentery, rectalgia, cough and grayness of hair.

The strongly astringent kino tightens the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.  It can treat chronic diarrhea and relieve the irritation caused by intestinal infection and colitis. Although its taste is unpleasant, this herb makes a good mouthwash and gargle.  It is widely used in Asia as a douche for excessive vaginal discharge.  Alcoholic and aqueous extracts of the plant produced a significant reduction in the blood sugar level in rabbits. The decoction of bark has significant effect on scrum cholesterol in hyper- cholesterolemic rabbits. Propterols, isolated from the plant, show antibacterial activity against gram-positive bacteria.  Epicatechin was tested for antidiabetic activity in albino rats; it protected against alloxan-induced diabetes  Kino is almost entirely soluble in alcohol and entirely in ether and partly in water.

(a) In Diabetes

The tree has been regarded as useful in diabetes from ancient time. The water, in which a block of wood of this tree has been soaked overnight is given to diabetic patients.

Water stored overnight in a tumbler made of this wood has shown anti-diabetic properties. People often seen using such tumbler for drinking water.

Decoction of bark 56 to 112 ml once in the morning for 10-15 days is useful in controlling diabetes.

Powdered bark 3 to 6 g or extracted juice 125 mg 2/3 times after meals control diabetes.

Powdered bark 5 g left overnight in a cup of water. Next day, water is decanted and taken on empty stomach in the morning for 10 days checks diabetes. Promising results have been reported with regard to reduction in the sugar levels in blood and urine.

(b) Other Uses

The gum (Kino) which is obtained from incisions in bark is astringent (a substance that shrinks soft tissues and contracts blood vessels thus checking the flow of blood) and used in leucoderma, diarrhoea, pyrosis (heart burn; gastric hyperacidity) and toothache. Bruised leaves are used externally for boils, sores and various skin diseases. It promotes the complexion of the skin. The flowers are used in fevers. The plant is considered to be useful by santhal tribals in burns, syphilis, stomachache, cholera, dysentery and menorrhagia (Excessive or prolonged periods).


Decoction – 50 to 100 ml

Powder – 3 to 6 g

Extracted Juice – 125 mg

Disclaimer:The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.


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