News on Health & Science

Red Apples, Berries Boost Fitness

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A new study has shown that a powerful antioxidant commonly found in the skin of red apples, red onions, berries and grapes could   increase endurance capacity without regular exercise training.

Researchers from University of South Carolina‘s Arnold School of Public Health have revealed that fatigue-fighting and health properties of quercetin would have significant implications not only for athletes but also for average adults who battle fatigue and stress daily.

“The natural, biological properties of quercetin that include powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, as well as the ability to boost the immune system and increase mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell) in muscle and brain is great news for those who often think that they’re too tired to exercise,” said Dr Mark Davis, the study’s lead author and a professor of exercise science.

“While there’s no magic pill to make people get up and move, or to take the place of regular exercise, quercetin may be important in relieving the fatigue that keeps them sedentary and in providing some of the benefits of exercise,” he added.

During the study, the researchers recruited 12 participants, who were randomly assigned to one of two treatments.

Half were given 500 milligrams of quercetin twice a day in Tang for seven days. The other subjects drank Tang with placebos.

They also tested their additional VO2max (maximal oxygen capacity), one of the most important measures of fitness.

The findings revealed that participants who received quercetin had a 13.2 percent increase in endurance and a 3.9 percent increase in VO2max.

“These were statistically significant effects that indicate an important improvement in endurance capacity in a very short time,” Davis said.

“Quercetin supplementation was able to mimic some of the effects of exercise training,” he added.

The study appears in International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism.

Source: The Times Of India

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Triangle Pose

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..triangle‘ pose keeps muscles limber:-

Side bends — such as the classic yoga “triangle” pose shown here — will help you stretch the muscles between the ribs called the intercostals. This move will open your chest and improve breathing capacity. You’ll feel a stretch in your hips and the backs of your legs.


STEP-1. Stand with your legs 3 1/2 to 4 feet apart. Hold your arms out to the sides at shoulder height. Turn your right leg out 90 degrees and turn your left leg in 15 degrees. (Your right heel should be in line with your left arch.) Inhale. On an exhale, move your hips toward the left and bend sideways toward your right leg, placing your right hand anywhere on the right shin that feels comfortable. Raise your left hand above your left shoulder.
STEP-2. Lean back slightly and look up just beyond your left thumb. Keep your eyes focused there as you continue to reach your left arm overhead. Move your shoulders down away from your ears and lengthen your neck. Press the right side of your buttocks forward and pull your abdominals in toward your spine. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds while you breathe evenly.

Sources: Los Angeles Times

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Strength Training Builds Up Arm, Chest Muscles

This is the beginning position for two similar exercises that will strengthen your bicep, shoulder and chest muscles using light dumbbells. If you are new to strength training, stick with the bent-arm version. As you get stronger, progress to the extended-arm version for a more intense workout. to see

Step 1.. Holding a light dumbbell in each hand, bend your arms out to the side with your elbows at shoulder level. Keep your arms level and close them in front of your chest (not shown). Pause, then open your arms to the side. Repeat 10 to 12 times. Rest for 15 seconds and repeat two more times.

Step 2 Holding a light dumbbell in each hand, bring your arms out to the side at shoulder level with your palms facing forward. Keep your arms just slightly bent and move them in front of your chest (not shown). Pause, then open your arms to the side. Repeat 10 to 12 times. Rest for 15 seconds and repeat two more times.

Sources: Los Angeles Times

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Cardio Exercise that Multi-Tasks

[amazon_link asins=’B000PEM63K,B00O22I4F0′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’8676df2d-c69a-11e7-ab26-45d278488205′]

A fun way to rev up your workout is to combine movements that raise your heart rate while working your legs and core. Try this move in a wide-open area.

Step 1 ..Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and your toes facing forward. Hold a 5-pound dumbbell in front of your chest with arms straight out and a hand on each end of the dumbbell. Bend your knees into a squat and rotate your upper body to the right, keeping both arms straight and your knees facing front.

Step 2 ..Shift your weight to your left leg, straightening it as you lift your right knee in front of you. Simultaneously rotate your torso to the center, raising your arms above your head. Remember to keep your arms straight throughout the entire move. Step down and repeat the squat, rotating to your right for eight repetitions. Switch legs and repeat on the other side.

Sources: Los Angeles Times

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Leg Stretch Can Build Flexibility and Strength

Here’s a dynamic exercise to help you develop flexibility and strength without risking injury or building bulk. You’ll increase your upper body strength while stretching the backs of your legs.

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Step 1.
Kneel with your forearms and palms of your hands on the floor, shoulder-width apart. Spread your fingers, pressing down firmly with your index finger and thumb. Straighten your legs then walk toward your elbows until your heels are close to the floor and your knees are straight. Be sure to push against your forearms and keep your shoulders away from your ears. Do not collapse into your neck and upper shoulders. Pause for three breaths.


Step 2.  Slowly walk your feet away from your elbows, lower your hips and straighten your knees into a plank position. Balance on your toes and forearms while you tighten your abdominal muscles to keep your pelvis off the floor. Do not allow your midsection to sag. Hold this position for three breaths. Lift your hips and walk back toward your elbows. Repeat three times.

Sources: Los Angeles Times

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