
A Simple Stretch Loosens Back, Legs

Here is a very easy, yet amazing stretch that you can do anytime your back and legs feel tight. You’ll need a sturdy chair or, if you’re outside, you can use a park bench or even a small wall.
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STEP-1.Stand in front of a chair or bench with your shoulders, hips and toes facing the chair. Inhale, shift your weight to your left leg and place your right foot flat on the seat of the chair. Make sure that your right heel is below your right knee. On an exhale, twist your rib cage, chest and shoulders to the right as far as possible. Check that your hips, knees and toes are still facing the chair. Reach your right hand out at shoulder level, palm facing out, thumb turned up. Place your left hand on your left outer thigh and gently press against it to increase the stretch in your spine. Gaze over your right shoulder while holding this position for three complete breaths. Return to the center and repeat on the other side.

STEP-2. Stand in front of a chair or short wall that comes to about hip level. Inhale, shift your weight to your left leg and place your right heel on the backrest of the chair or on top of the wall. On an exhale, twist your ribcage, chest and shoulders to the right as far as possible. Check that your hips, knees and toes are still facing the wall or chair. Reach your right hand out at shoulder level, palm facing out, thumb turned up. Place your left hand on your left outer leg and gently press against it to increase the stretch in your spine. Gaze over your right shoulder while holding this position for three complete breaths. Return to the center and repeat on the other side.

Source: Los Angeles Times

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Lifts for a Core Balance

[amazon_link asins=’B01CTRKNVC,B01AVDVHTI,B01BI4O5IY,B0136PR5TO,B01GPL71JA,B00MTX0TD4,B00KB2F2X2,B016SECB6W,B01IUKTOJ4′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’a5eb5210-7d14-11e7-b9e9-fd787dd42254′]

Develop your lower body as well as core strength with these challenging rear-leg balancing poses. You’ll immediately feel the work in your legs, buttocks, back and abdominals. Begin with your hands resting on the seat of the chair for added stability. Once you find your balance and feel comfortable with this pose, try the more advanced move by extending your arms out in front of you, resting them on the top of the chair.
1. Stand facing a sturdy chair or a bench. Inhale, bend forward at the hips and place your hands on the seat of the chair or bench, making sure that your wrists are directly below your shoulders. Shift your weight over your right leg and slowly raise your left leg up to hip height. Be sure to keep both knees straight and both hips and shoulders squarely facing the floor. (The knee and toes of your raised leg should be pointed toward the floor.) Pause while holding your leg at this level for three complete breaths. Lower the leg and repeat on the other side.

2. Stand facing a sturdy chair or a short wall. Inhale, bend foward at the hips and lightly rest your hands on the top of the chair back or on the short wall. Shift your weight to your right leg and slowly raise your left leg up to hip height. Be sure to keep both knees straight and both hips and shoulders squarely facing the floor. (The knees and toes of your raised leg should be pointed toward the floor.) Pause while holding your leg at this level for three complete breaths. Lower the leg and repeat on the other side.

Source: Los Angeles Times


A Stretch to Keep Your Hips Flexible

The more active we are, the tighter our hips tend to be. Perform this stretch on a regular basis and you’ll keep those strong gluteal muscles flexible.

1. Sit in a cross-legged position on the floor. Inhale and sit up tall. Hold your right ankle in the palms of both hands above your left knee. Relax the right buttock muscle and allow your right thigh and knee to drop toward the ground. Hold for 3 to 6 breaths.

2. Move into a deeper stretch by grasping your hands together under your right leg and cradling your ankle and knee in your arms. Be sure that you sit up tall. Do not round or hunch your back. Concentrate on relaxing the right buttock muscle as your bring your leg closer to your chest. Hold this position and breathe for 20 to 30 seconds. Lower your leg and repeat on the other side.

Source: Los Angeles Times

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Strengthen the Upper Back

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To strengthen the muscles in your upper back and rear delts (those muscles in the back of your shoulders), try this simple move. It’s ideal after hours of sitting in front of a computer or driving. Pulling your elbows behind you engages your upper back, which helps relieve tension in your chest, neck and upper trapezius muscles.

1. Place the center of a resistance band or stretch tubing under your right foot. Grasp the ends of the band in each hand. Bend your right knee and lean your torso forward with your arms hanging below your shoulders. Keep your abdominals pulled in to support your spine.

2. On an exhale, point your elbows back and gradually stretch the band as you move your hands toward your hip bones. Be sure to keep the tops of your shoulders pressed down away from your ears. Pause for two seconds with your hands near your hips. Lower to the start position and repeat 12 to 16 times.

Source : Los Angeles Times

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You Can Reduce Fat By Practicing Yoga

[amazon_link asins=’B01CTRKNVC,B00FO9U46W,B010MVAJZ2,B00K5VUQRG,B00R3MZQDE,B017C8OCB0,B00LY8TFZI,B00IJFQLXI,B00RXB758E’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’799db162-2c21-11e7-b243-49eb3ffba1cb’]

Some exercises that are highly beneficial for reduction of baby fat from stomach are described below. Remember, you should not attempt any of these on your own unless you have been shown and guided by a certified yoga master or guru.

Pavan Muktasan (Release or Regulation of Air): ..Click & see
Lie down on your back and take a deep breath. Bend your left leg at the knee and catching the toes, bring it to touch your stomach while at the same time you lift your head to touch the bent knee. Keep the right leg straight and your breath in. Count 10 and return to the original position. Leave your breath. Repeat with the other leg.

Dhanurasan (The bow posture) –click to see

Lie down on your stomach. Catch your ankles by bending your knees and then push outwards (up) to make your body look like a bow. Pull your head back as much as it goes. Keep for 10 seconds and release posture.

Bhujangasana to see
lie on your stomach and keep your hands right under your shoulders. Push your upper body backwards using only the back muscles not your hands. In case you find it difficult to ignore the hands, try keeping them over the hips.

All the above yoga exercises are extremely beneficial in reducing stomach fat. These need to be initially done in the presence and under the guidance of a yoga guru. There are many, many more other yoga exercises or postures that are helpful in reducing midriff fat and stomach flab. However, as with all other exercises, yoga too needs to be practiced on a daily basis regularly, preferably outdoors, at the crack of the dawn.

Click to see:->What is Yoga  Jan.19.2010

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