Healthy Tips

The Wonders of Olive Oil!

Myriad benefits of Olive oil.
Moderate amounts of olive oil will also reduce abdominal fat

An olive-oil-rich diet is not only a good alternative in the treatment of diabetes, but also helps in preventing or delaying the onset of the disease.

Obesity and abdominal fat:
Olive oil is high in calories like any other fats and oils, but the research states that, there is less obesity amongst the Mediterranean peoples, who consume the most of olive oil. Olive-oil- rich diet helps in greater and long lasting weight loss than a low- fat- diet. Moderate amounts of olive oil will also reduce abdominal fat, if eaten as part of a diet high in plant foods.

Olive oil plays a key role in foetal development during pregnancy. If women consume olive oil during pregnancy, they give birth to children better in terms of height, weight behaviour and psychomotor reflexes.

Olive oil plays an important role in the prevention of continuous oxidation, one of the processes that influences the development of certain types of skin cancer.

Natural painkiller:
Good quality olive oil contains a natural chemical that acts like a painkiller. 50g of extra-virgin olive oil was equivalent to about a tenth of a dose of ibuprofen.

A mono unsaturated fatty acid called Oleic acid has significant protective effects against cancer. It has the ability to reduce the affect of an oncogene, a gene that will turn a host cell into a cancer cell. It can even help to fight breast cancer.

Other benefits:
It maintains metabolism and contributes to the development of the brain and bones in children. It is also recommended as a source of vitamin E for older people.

Olive oil also acts like a natural anti-oxidant, that slows down the natural aging process. It also slows down acid overproduction in the digestive system thereby diminishing the potential for ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems.

Source: The Times Of India

News on Health & Science

Dark chocolate lowers blood pressure

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Dark chocolate can reduce blood pressure but over-indulgence in it can cause harm, suggests a new study by researchers in Germany. Chocolates are made from cocoa – the dried and partially fermented fatty seed of the cacao tree.


Cocoa contains flavonoid, a type of chemical that researchers say has been shown to improve blood flow and reduce blood pressure.

Researchers at the University Hospital of Cologne studied 44 people with raised blood pressure, putting them into two groups. One ate six grams of dark chocolate daily, the other the same amount of white chocolate.

The people were between 56 to 73 years with either upper-range pre hypertension (blood pressure between 130/85 and 139/89) or stage 1 hypertension (blood pressure between 140/90 and 160/100).

None of those eating dark chocolate registered changes in body weight or their levels of glucose and lipids, the researchers wrote in the Journal of American Medicine (JAMA).

Their systolic blood pressure – the upper reading which measures the force of blood as the heart beats – fell by 2.9 mm and their diastolic blood pressure – the lower figure taken as the heart relaxes – reduced by 1.9 mm.

The suggestion that cocoa is beneficial for health is not new and previous research had also suggested it could bring down blood pressure.

However, it had been thought that large quantities were needed to achieve the desired effect and that the benefits would then be offset by the consequences of consuming the high levels of fat and sugar associated with cocoa products.

But the researchers said they have now shown that benefits can be achieved with a small amount – 30 calories worth of chocolate.

They noted that the blood pressure reduction was small but stressed that the effects were clinically noteworthy.

A 3 mm reduction in blood pressure could “reduce the relative risk of stroke mortality by 8 percent, of coronary artery disease by 5 percent, and of all cause mortality by 4 percent,” the researchers said.

They also stressed that asking people to consume a couple of chunks of chocolate a day was far easier than encouraging “complex behavioural changes” to help them reduce their blood pressure.

However, the British Heart Foundation‘s nutritionist Sara Stanner warned that it was “important to remember that chocolate is also high in fat and calories so over-indulgence is not good for your heart.
Source:The Times Of India

Healthy Tips

A Few Tips for Healthy Aging

[amazon_link asins=’0307277542,0971000735,1469627396,B005P0NY2Q,0323321380,B00LB8GIY2,1611803853,0323401678,B000X96YJE’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’94627ddf-7414-11e7-88aa-ed085945b585′]

Today, due to numerous medical and scientific advances, people are living longer than ever before. But you don’t just automatically live longer  you have to be good to your body, mind, and soul. The following tips may be a good start for getting you on your way to living a long and healthy life.

Eat a balanced diet
:- One that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fiber and low in saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol. A well-balanced diet can provide your body with the essential nutrients needed to achieve and maintain optimum health.
Be physically active :– Try to incorporate 30 minutes of activity into your day, every day. The options are endless; start walking on the beach in the mornings, join a yoga class, try jogging with a friend, sign up for a basketball league, or go for a bike ride in the afternoons. Make sure you choose activities that you enjoy, that way you’ll be more likely to make them a habit.

If possible Try to do some yoga rxercise under the supervision of an expart.

Meditation and deep breathing exercise considered very effective for aged people.
Get regular preventive check ups: – See your doctor regularly; remember your doctor is your partner in healthcare. The two of you are working toward the same goal—your optimum health. By having regular check ups, you may be able to catch small problems before they become big problems. And, it is just as important to visit you dentist regularly as well.

You will get more information on men’s health screenings, if you click here.
You will get more information on women’s health screenings,if you click here.
Don’t smoke :- Cigarette smoking is the number one cause of preventable death. This year alone, more than 400,000 people will die from smoking-related causes. It is never too late to quit. Your body will begin to feel the benefits almost immediately. Did you know that after one day of quitting, your risk of having a heart attack decreases?
Be Safe:– Use common sense and be street smart. Don’t put yourself in situations that are questionable. Just a few ways you can put safety first include:
Always wear your seatbelt and bike helmet.

Use smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your home.
Don’t go for a run, walk, or jog at night by yourself. Most attacks happen to people who are alone. Just by bringing a friend, you reduce your risk.
Use medicines wisely: follow directions and ask your doctor or pharmacist about side effects and drug interactions.
Keep your home well lit and free of things that could make you fall.
Avoid environmental extremes :- Protect your skin when you are outdoors—don’t get too much sun. Dress appropriately for the weather and avoid getting too hot or too cold.

If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation :- For a man under 65, moderation means no more than two drinks a day; for a man over 65 or a woman of any age, moderation means no more than one drink a day.

One drink is:
One 12-ounce bottle of beer
One 5-ounce glass of wine
1.5 ounces of spirits

Keep your personal and financial records in order
: – start planning now for your long-term housing and financial needs. For information on banking, saving, buying, getting credit, and investing, check out at—an excellent resource that can answer many of your questions.
Stay in touch with family and friends :- get to know your neighbors. Take the time to be involved with your community. By creating a strong social network, you will not only have friends to celebrate with when good things happen, but also a support system in difficult times.
Always Keep a positive attitude :- studies have shown that people who have a positive attitude tend to live longer, and lead healthier and happier lives. Don’t take it all so personal; rarely does it really have anything to do with you. Try to find the humor in life. And remember to laugh; several studies have shown that laughter makes you feel better. But really, who needed a study to prove that. Just laugh, and you will know it is true.

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Healthy Tips

Eating Longhorn beef


Eating longhorn beef is good because of these heart healthy facts… “Lean beef is good for you – and the key word is lean. A heart patient can eat steak every meal if it is in the right proportions. Longhorn meat on the average, contains 10 percent less saturated fat than that of other cattle. That puts lean Longhorn beef on par with skinned boneless white meat of chicken and that fact may come as a surprise to many dieticians.” -Dr. Joseph Graham, Cardiovascular Surgeon at St. John’s Medical Center in Joplin, Missouri, and a Longhorn breeder himself. “Red meat is really a treasure trove of nutrients, including protein, iron, vitamin B12, and more. One of the healthiest red meats is Longhorn beef, which is extremely low in fat.” -Cliff Sheats, certified clinical nutritionist, and nationally recognized author of Lean Bodies, Total Fitness. Beef is the number one source of protein, zinc and Vitamin B12, and the third best source of iron in the food supply. You’d have to eat almost 12 cans of tuna to get the equivalent amount of zinc in one 3 oz. serving of beef. It takes seven chicken breasts to equal the Vitamin B12 in one 3 oz. serving of beef. Beef is also a good source of selenium, providing 20-30% of the recommended daily allowance for men and women. Recent research has found that selenium may reduce the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer (such as prostate) as well as enhance the body’s ability to fight infections.


Healthy Tips

Canola Oil: The “Other” Olive Oil

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Achieve a healthy heart with this cholesterol-friendly oil.


Although olive oil is touted as a wonder food for your cholesterol, don’t think you have to use it exclusively. After all, there are instances — for example, when baking — where olive oil won’t do.

The best choice in those cases is canola oil. It’s the lowest in saturated fat, with a favorable ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids, and although it doesn’t get nearly as much publicity, it’s just as good as olive oil when it comes to lowering your cholesterol.

Studies have shown the many potential heart-healthy benefits of canola oil. At a 2000 meeting of the American Heart Association, scientist Dr. Lawrence L. Rudel presented evidence that canola oil can reduce atherosclerosis (otherwise known as the hardening of the arteries). This cholesterol-friendly oil is also a significant source of vitamin E, an antioxidant that has been shown to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).

Canola oil is also cheaper than olive oil and has very little flavor, making it more versatile. Keep a bottle in your cupboard for any recipe that calls for vegetable oil.

From :Cut Your Cholesterol
