Fruits & Vegetables

Fruits & vegetables

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What is the diffenence between fruits and vegetables?

The difference between a fruit and vegetable depends largely on your perspective, From a botanical perspective, a fruit is the mature ovary of a plant, such as an apple, melon, cucumber, or tomato. From the common, every day “grocery store perspective,” we tend to use the word fruit with respect to fruits eaten fresh as desserts —- apples, peaches, cherries, etc. – We normally eat fruits raw and vegetables cooked. In India green papaya, green banana etc. are considered as vegetable, because, they eat them cooked but when they are ripen they call them fruit as then they eat them raw.Now sometimes vegetable when we eat raw we call them SALAD, like cucumber,tomato,onion,radish,cabbage,carrot etc

But whatever way you eat  “EATING FRUIT & VEGETABLES” is always good for health. Eating raw (uncooked) fresh vegetable is better. I have learnt about a family in India who eat only raw but fresh vegetables & fruits in their break fast, lunch and dinner.(never eat anything cooked).They have been doing this practice since last 20 years and they claim that none of their family members visited any doctor during this period for any kind of illness.They became a news flash in TV channel in Calcutta, (a city in India.)

Why do we eat vegetables?

This is a question that would never be asked of fruit. Fruit is sweet. We love sweet things. We love to eat fruit. But vegetables can be bitter, and apart from carrots and sweet potatoes, they are generally not sweet.

How is it, then, that we came to eat vegetables? Partly, it is ‘hardwired’ into us. For good body efficiency reasons.

Basically, we are an evolutionary line from a group of mammals that, from about 65 million years ago until around 50 million years ago were small insectivores, but which evolved to fill tree top vegetable-matter (foliage, fruit, tree seeds, or mixed vegetation based diets) eating niches, while still eating insects whenever we could (chimpanzees , orang-utans, gorillas, gibbons, and the siamang – all apes – eat insects).

Gorillas probably branched out earlier from the ape human ancestral line and so their life way gives us fewer insights into our ancestry (they probably went their separate way around 8 million years ago). Mountain gorillas, in particular, are primarily foliage eaters, consuming large amounts of pithy stems, buds, leaves and shoots. These foods are low in energy density, and gorillas have to eat a lot of plant material to meet their energy needs. They are now fairly specialized vegetation eaters.

Chimps, which have more recently diverged from our ancestral line (generally estimated at around 4.5 million years ago), are more likely to reflect at least some of our ancestral food preferences. Chimps don’t seem to tolerate grossly fibrous food as well as gorillas. They chew leaves into a “wadge’, and press the wadge against their teeth to extract the juicy parts, then spit out the fibrous residue. Chimps prefer insects and meat where it is available in their environment, but in their (primarily) forest environment it is not commonly available. Succulent piths – carefully peeled of the tough exterior – blossoms, fruit, shoots, and leaves are the mainstay (around 95%) of their diet, with insects, eggs, and monkey meat opportunistically thrown in as and when available.

Even limited omnivory is a conservative adaptive trait, and even in the great apes, which have put ‘all their eggs in one evolutionary basket’, so to speak, retain the ability and desire to eat insects (and eggs!).

We eat vegetables because, while we intensively exploit ground based and shoreline animal protein and fats, we share massive amounts of our genetic profile with our related plant food subsisting apes (some scientists assert the genetic similarities are so overwhelmingly great that chimpanzees, the ape genetically ‘closest’ to us, ought to be classified as a species of human), and we are therefore genetically ‘programmed’ to exploit plant food as part of the primate omnivorous capabilities.

Even by the Australopithecine stage in our evolutionary line, we lacked the kind of molar configuration to deal with very pithy vegetation. But we did have the kind of jaw form that could do a lot of chewing on moderately firm and fibrous foods – such as lizards, locusts, baby birds, and plant ‘underground storage organs’ – tubers, roots, corms, bulbs – soft new stems, immature flower buds, fleshy leaf bases, tender new shoots, tree seeds (once opened with rocks), fungi, and acacia gums. The microscopic wear marks on Australopithecus afarensis front teeth are very similar to those on baboon front teeth – suggestive of an intake of similar highly selected, nutrient dense shoots, bulbs, and leaves.

Our gut has become overall shorter, but with an increase in the proportion devoted to the small intestine (where high nutrient foods such as meat are dealt to and absorbed) in order to be able to handle the higher nutrient density foods of seashore and hunt. The price of a shorter gut is less efficient digestion of plant materials, as there is not enough room for the necessary micro flora to help break it down (the female of our species is said to have a longer gut than men. It is an interesting speculation whether this is an evolutionary adaptation to eating more vegetable foods than men, and whether this explains the difference in ‘intestinal gas production’ between men and women -women have more vegetable efficient guts).

Because we have taken omnivory far further than any other related animal, and can live quite well on an almost exclusive meat and fat diet if we had to, does not mean that we can forever abandon eating plants. Plants are ‘powerhouses’ of many and complex ‘life enhancing compounds’, and we almost instinctively ‘know’ that we need them. If our sense of taste hasn’t been completely dulled and distorted by the cultural forces of our urban ‘fad’ diet, we sometimes feel a craving for ‘bitter herbs’, and seek them out. There may be the distant echo of instinctive ‘self medication’, or perhaps, ‘self biochemical regulation’ in this feeling.

Vegetables are an important – perhaps key – part of our ‘generalist’ evolutionary niche, in that the reliable carbohydrate source of bulbs and roots (and certain seeds) acted as insurance against failure in the high value but much more uncertain hunt. On top of this, humans need far more energy to fuel our brains than any other primate – around 300 kcal when at rest, and it has to be in the form of glucose, because that is the fuel the brain runs on. This energy requirement can be met relatively easily with some roots and tubers, depending on the carbohydrate content of the particular species. In some respects, we should perhaps consider roots and tubers as a major food item, in a separate class to leafy greens, shoots, buds, and flowers

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Healthy Tips Meditation

Control your depression

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Depression is one of the most under-diagnosed and misunderstood illnesses……

Sign of Depression
Constant sadness,Lack of motivation,Irretability,Trouble of concentration,Feeling isolation,Loss of interest in favorite activities,Hopelessness,Feeling worthless or guilty for no reason,Fatigue, Low energy,Sleeping trouble, and significant wet loss….CLICK & SEE

There might be thousand reasons for mental Depression but you will have to find out some ways to get rid of it.You will have to alter your wayof thinking.You must look at the people arround you and observe what has happned or is happening in your life ,the same might have happened or is happening in their lives too.But all are not reacting the same way like you.Some are crying and getting more and more depressed and few are taking it as a life’s experience and again fighting it out as a challange.

It is a fact, that everyone wil not be challinging type, but one can always alters one’s way of thinking which is verymuch possible for most of the person.

If you start thinking with reasons, you will understand that it is only your Personality which gives all the mental pain and if you can take strong decision that you are not going to entangle yourself again to this type of situation.… I believe,… HALF WORK IS DONE.

There are reasons for depression but all reasons are not controlable, we can only alter our thinking. When we cannot control certain thing ,our mood gets off,our mind deeps into negativity. If that very moment we start doing something which is within our control and successfully overcome it , we get back into positivity and get relief from Depression.

According to me MEDITATION is the best way to get rid of all kinds of frastration and mental depression and quickest and easiest way to get back to normal happy life.
click to see the picture

Now,what is meditation?
There are many types of meditation, but all involve focussing one’s attention on something, such as a word, a phrase, an image, an idea or the act of breathing. Some people think that meditation is a way to awareness of your thoughts and how they affect your life. Some people see meditation as a way to “quiet the chatter” of their own minds. Some people think that meditating is a form of prayer – another way of communing with God.

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Meditation would typically be practised sitting in a quiet environment for around 20 minutes a day. For some people, meditation is a spiritual or religious activity and they use meaningful thoughts as the focus of their meditation. However, meditation can also be used as a relaxation method without any spiritual or religious goal .
Meditation has been used as a relaxation method to relieve stress and anxiety. Because anxiety and depression often occur together, meditation may help with depression as well.

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How do you meditate?
Popular books on how to meditate are available in many bookshops. Various organisations (generally with spiritual goals) also offer training in meditation. Here is a simple technique of meditation that is similar to those taught in these books and courses:
1.Sit in a quiet room in a comfortable position with eyes closed.
2.Choose a word which is relaxing or meaningful for you (for example, ‘Love’ or ‘Calm’ or “ Jesus” or OM or whatever as per your wish) and repeat it silently over and over in your mind. Do not force yourself to concentrate on the word. Alternatively, concentrate on your breathing or look at the flame of a candle.
3.If your mind wanders, turn your attention gently back to the word, or to your breathing, or to the candle.
4.Do this for about 20 minutes each day

In few ocations meditation can make depression worse
Although meditation can be very helpful in relieving depression or in preventing depression from arising, the act of focussing inwards can actually heighten feelings of despair. I would suggest not trying to meditate when you are extremely depressed, and especially not at times that you are having any thoughts of self-harm.

As one experienced meditator said, “Meditation while clinically depressed can result in intensification of feelings of despondency, hopelessness, and negativity generally. The metta practice (where the meditation is focussed on the development of loving kindness towards yourself, and others) is theoretically a good thing, but in practice it can be a nightmare if all you feel is self-hatred!”

Thus, if meditation seems to be making things worse, then you would be advised to stop immediately.

However extremely depressed students have benefited from meditation when they have had constant guidance and feedback from an experienced teacher to make sure that they are using meditative techniques in a helpful way.
Although such opportunities are unfortunately very rare, a very experienced meditation teacher who is on hand to give you step by step guidance can probably help you even when you are experiencing severe depression.

 Click & see : How to Tackle  depression otherwise


Drinking Tea

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It is a good and healthy habit to drink a few cups of tea everyday.After lots of research it is found that A Cup of Hot Tea = A Cup of Good Health.

Tea Consumption Linked to Numerous Body Benefits
A hot cup of tea may do more than relax you. Research shows tea consumption may help prevent a wide range of ailments.

The latest medical research is finding potential healing powers in this ancient beverage. Recent research, for instance, suggests drinking tea may help prevent everything from cavities to Parkinson’s disease. And some studies indicate it may even save lives.

The benefits of tea consumption may extend throughout the body, experts believe. Here is a partial list of conditions some research has shown may be prevented or improved by drinking tea:

Arthritis: Research suggests that older women who are tea drinkers are 60 percent less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis than those who do not drink tea.

Bone Density: Drinking tea regularly for years may produce stronger bones. Those who drank tea on a regular basis for 10 or more years had higher-bone mineral density in their spines than those who had not.

Cancer: Green tea extracts were found to inhibit the growth of bladder cancer cells in the lab — while other studies suggest that drinking green tea protects against developing stomach and esophageal cancers.

  • Dring on a cup of hot tea may be a safeguard against cancer. Population studies have linked the consumption of tea with a reduction in risk for several types of cancer. Researchers speculate that the polyphenols in tea may inhibit certain mechanisms that promote cancer growth. Both green and black teas have been credited with cancer-inhibiting powers.

Flu: You may be able to boost your fight against the flu with black tea.
Your best defense against contracting the flu is to wash your hands often and get vaccinated against the influenza virus. Black tea may further bolster your efforts to stay healthy. In a recent study, people who gargled with a black tea extract solution twice per day showed a higher immunity to flu virus compared to the people who did not gargle with black tea.

Heart Disease: A recent study published in the journal Circulation found that drinking more than two cups of tea a day decreased the risk of death following a heart attack by 44 percent. Even less spirited tea drinkers were rewarded: Consuming just two cups a day decreased the risk of death by almost a third.
Tea is a rich source of the flavonoids quercetin, kaempferol, and myricetin, and research shows that high dietry intake of these compounds is associated with a reduced risk of fatal heart attacks. In one study, people who drank about a cup and a half of tea per day were almost 40% less likely to suffer a heart attack compared to tea abstainers.

High Blood Pressure: Tea lovers may be surprised to learn their beverage of choice touts yet another health benefit: blood pressure control. Drinking a half-cup of green or oolong tea per day reduced a person’s risk of high blood pressure by almost 50% in a new study. People who drank at least two and a half cups per day reduced their risk even more. Their risk was reduced even if they had risk factors for high blood pressure, such as high sodium intake.

Parkinson’s Disease: Tea consumption may be protective against developing this debilitating neurological disorder.


Drinking tea regularly — at least one cup of tea every day for six months — slashed a woman’s risk of gallbladder cancer by 44 percent, bile duct cancer by more than a third and bile stones by 27 percent. Men derived similar benefits from tea, just not nearly as much as women did

Oral Health: Rinsing with tea may prevent cavities and gum disease.

Alzheimer’s Disease

NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE, England, Oct 26, 2004 (United Press International via COMTEX) — British researchers have determined regular tea-drinking can improve a person’s memory, and may offer clues to fighting Alzheimer’s disease

More recent research information we may have from here and also from this site

Ailmemts & Remedies

Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia

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Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disorder that gradually destroys a person’s memory and ability to learn, reason, make judgments, communicate and carry out daily activities. As Alzheimer’s progresses, individuals may also experience changes in personality and behavior, such as anxiety, suspiciousness or agitation, as well as delusions or hallucinations.


Dementia simply means the symptom of a deterioration of intellectual abilities resulting from an unspecified disease or disorder of the brain.Dementia can best be defined as one of the symtoms of Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimers Disease is one disease/disorder that causes dementia. Many other illnesses or “syndromes” can also cause dementia. Parkinsons Disease can cause dementia. A stroke can cause dementia. Even dehydration can cause dementia...CLICK & SEE

When people think about staying fit, they generally think from the neck down. But the health of your brain plays a critical role in almost everything you do: thinking, feeling, remembering, working, and playing “ and even sleeping.He can be called a fit person who is perfect in body,mind and sole.

There are two basic types of Alzheimer’s disease: Early-onset Alzheimer’s disease tends to strike people under age 65 and is more likely to run in families. Late-onset Alzheimer’s disease, the much more common type, generally afflicts people after age 65. The exact cause of Alzheimer’s is unknown, although researchers studying this puzzling disease are making progress.

Who Is Affected?
The chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease increase with age. It usually occurs after age 65. Most people are not affected even at advanced ages. Research indicates that there are two definite factors which may increase the risk for Alzheimer’s disease: a family history of dementia and Down’s syndrome.

  • Family History of Dementia
    Some forms of Alzheimer’s disease are inherited. If Alzheimer’s disease has occurred in your family members, other members are more likely to develop it.
  • Down’s Syndrome
    Persons with Down’s syndrome have a higher chance of getting Alzheimer’s disease. Close relatives of persons with Down’s syndrome also may be at risk

The good news is that we now know there’s a lot you can do to help keep your brain healthier as you age. These steps might also reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia.

Simple lifestyle modifications also would have an enormous impact on our public health and the cost of healthcare woul be reduced. If you make brain-healthy lifestyle changes and take action by getting involved, we could realize a future without Alzheimer’s disease.

1.Try to make you brain healthy and keep you happy in most of your actions.

Like other parts of your body, your brain may lose some agility as you get older. It can deteriorate even more if you don’t take care of it. Science is unlocking many of the mysteries of the brain, but we don’t have all the answers yet.

2.Stay mentally active

This will strengthen your brain cells and improve connections between them.

3. Stay physically active

This will increase the blood flow to the brain as well as encourage new new brain cells.

4. Always try to eat healthy diet.

Research suggests that high cholesterol may contribute to stroke and brain cell damage. A low fat, low cholesterol diet is advisable. And there is growing evidence that a diet rich in dark vegetables and fruits, which contain antioxidants, may help protect brain cells.

I personally believe that regular practice of YOGA and MEDITATION this type of disease can be kept under total control and particularly PRANAYAM is very good for this.


Click to see :Moss protein linked to Alzheimer’s? published in the Times Of India. 9Th. Feb.’08.

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.This is purely for educational purpose.

Ailmemts & Remedies


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Gastritis is a medical term for inflammation of the lining of the stomach. It may be a sudden attack or chronic. It means that white blood cells move into the wall of the stomach as a response to some type of injury. Gastritis does not mean that there is an ulcer or cancer. It is simply inflammation , either acute or chronic gastritis has many underlying causes, from infection with the bacterium H. pylori, bile reflux, or excessive consumption of alcohol or certain foods.

You may click to learn more about Gastritis

Gastritis is not a single disease, but several different conditions that all have inflammation of the stomach lining. Gastritis can be caused by drinking too much alcohol, prolonged use of non -steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin or ibuprofen, or infection with bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Sometimes gastritis develops after major surgery, traumatic injury, burns, or severe infections. Certain diseases, such as pernicious anemia, autoimmune disorders, and chronic bile reflux, can cause gastritis as well.


The most common symptoms are abdominal upset or pain. Other symptoms are belching, abdominal bloating, nausea, and vomiting or a feeling of fullness or of burning in the upper abdomen. Blood in your vomit or black stools may be a sign of bleeding in the stomach, which may indicate a serious problem requiring immediate medical attention.

Gastritis may be caused by:

  • Bacterial or viral infection (infection by a virus is contagious)
  • Excess stomach acid caused by heavy smoking, alcohol use, caffeine, improper diet such as spicy, greasy foods
  • Use of drugs such as Aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, cortisone
  • Stress

Preventing gastritis

  • Eat regularly and moderately
  • Stop smoking
  • Limit or avoid alcohol and caffeine
  • If possible avoid drugs that are irritating to your stomach
  • Avoid foods that you don’t digest easily

Before starting any type of treatment the patient must try to locate the cause of this Gastritis and his first and foremost duty is to stop the cause. Those who drink alcohol or smoke or eat too much fast-food or spicy food , should stop as soon as he detects Gastritis.
Several very good Ayurvedic medicines are available in the market which may cure the disease.This web site may be a help.One can try Extra virgin Siberian pine oil to stop gastric pain and heal gastritis.

In several cases it is due to Constipation or IBS and for all these,one may visit this site
I would also recommend him this site to get rid of all this type of diseases permanently by doing regularly Shudhikriyas yoga.

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