Health Alert

Toomuch Use of Cell Phone May Cause Brain Cancer

[amazon_link asins=’B00BXYWXY8,B01DRV2BBY,B01DRV2B2I,B00BXYWXV6,B07121Y7CV,B00S5A66EG,B00WFNNNCC,B00PVYKPPA,B071SHJRF4′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’0c922ff3-e46b-11e7-b501-371c5856c559′]

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An epidemiologist and toxicologist who is an expert in environmental health has found evidence linking cell phone usage to an increased rate of certain kinds of brain tumors in young people who were heavy cell phone users.

In her book, Disconnect, Dr. Devra Davis talks about how she found evidence of studies, some decades old, showing that the radio-frequency radiation used by cell phones could have biological effects — enough to damage DNA and potentially contribute to brain tumors.

As reported by Time, Davis also found that many of the studies debunking a link between cell phone usage and adverse events were mostly funded by the industry. According to Time:

“She found that other countries—like France and Israel—had already acted, discouraging the use of cell phones by children and even putting warning signs on handsets. …

“This is about the most important and unrecognized public health issues of our time,” says Davis. “We could avert a global catastrophe if we act.”

“Davis also said that industry resistance would make regulation “harder and harder,” but that the good news is “simply using a wired headset should significantly cut down on radiation exposure to the brain, although Davis recommends that children—whose thinner skulls can absorb higher levels of radiation—avoid using phones altogether.”

Source: September 27, 2010

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Health Alert

Cooking with Tropical Oils – Your Healthiest Alternative

[amazon_link asins=’B00DS842HS,B00Y8HZS1W,B00PMR3QF2,B00CPZPYLS,B06VZ3SRGD,B01766NTU8,B003OGKCDC,B01M2WIOR5,B00HNTPF7E’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’62ce31c3-7fe8-11e7-a1a1-01e6bf717231′]

COCONUT OIL  is most recommended oil for cooking purpose. The reasons are mentioned  below:-


Click to see :Healthy cooking in a nutshell

It’s a saturated fat.  Your body will burn it as fuel or it will get rid of it some other way. It won’t store it in your body.. So from that point of view, if you’re going to use oil then that’s a good one to use.”

Interestingly, unlike carbohydrates, which can also deliver quick energy to your body, coconut oil does this without producing an insulin spike. Yes, it acts like a carbohydrate, but without any of the debilitating insulin-related effects associated with long-term high carbohydrate consumption.

•Promoting heart health
•Promoting weight loss, when needed
•Supporting your immune system health
•Supporting a healthy metabolism
•Providing you with an immediate energy source
•Keeping your skin healthy and youthful looking
•Supporting the proper functioning of your thyroid gland

Part of what makes coconut oil such a healthful oil for cooking is that 50 percent of the fat content in coconut oil is a fat rarely found in nature called lauric acid.  This is also one of the features that distinguishes coconut oil from other saturated fats.

Your body converts lauric acid into monolaurin, which has potent anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-protozoa properties.

In addition, coconut oil is about 2/3 medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), also called medium-chain triglycerides or MCTs.  These types of fatty acids also produce a host of health benefits.

Best of all, coconut oil is stable enough to resist heat-induced damage, which you cannot say for other oils. In fact, it’s so stable you can even use if for frying (although I don’t recommend frying your food for a number of health reasons).

Dr.Mercola recommend using coconut oil in lieu of every other oil, whether your recipe calls for butter, olive oil, vegetable oil or margarine.


Polyunsaturated fats are the absolute WORST oils to use when cooking because these omega-6-rich oils are highly susceptible to heat damage.

This category includes common vegetable oils such as:

Damaged omega-6 fats are disastrous to your health, and are responsible for far more health problems than saturated fats ever were.

Trans fat is the artery-clogging, highly damaged omega-6 polyunsaturated fat that is formed when vegetable oils are hardened into margarine or shortening.

Dr. Mercola says :”I  strongly recommend never using margarine or shortening when cooking. I guarantee you you’re already getting far too much of this damaging fat if you consume any kind of processed foods, whether it be potato chips, pre-made cookies, or microwave dinners”..

Trans fat is the most consumed type of fat in the US, despite the fact that there is no safe level of trans fat consumption, according to a report from the Institute of Medicine.

Trans fat raises your LDL (bad cholesterol) levels while lowering your HDL (good cholesterol) levels, which of course is the complete opposite of what you want. In fact, trans fats — as opposed to saturated fats — have been repeatedly linked to heart disease. They can also cause major clogging of your arteries, type 2 diabetes and other serious health problems.

Personally I don’t cook very much but when I do I use our Pure Virgin Coconut Oil as it is the most resistant to heating damage, but also a great source of medium chained triglycerides and lauric acid.

So, cleaning these oils out of your kitchen cupboard is definitely recommended if you value your health.

You may click to see :
:New Warning About Olive Oil

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Health Alert

Protect Yourself from Cancer and High Cholesterol By Not Using Nonstick Cookware

[amazon_link asins=’B001167VIQ,B009JXPS6U,B00JYHNNYK,B005H05SXM,B00JGPAGK4,B00TQJWF1I,B005H05T4K,B01ER18O1E,B0084002LK’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’0d707ec7-8387-11e8-bbdf-23dde9b62bce’]

Children and teens who have high blood levels of chemicals used in the production of non-stick cookware may be more likely to have elevated LDL cholesterol levels, according to a report.

Humans are exposed to perfluoroalkyl acids, such as PFOA and PFOS, through drinking water, dust, food packaging, breast milk, cord blood, microwave popcorn, air and occupational exposure.

Recent survey results reported detection of these chemicals in almost all people in the U.S.

Newswise reports:

“[Researchers] assessed serum lipid levels in 12,476 children and adolescents (average age 11.1) …

[H]igher PFOA levels were associated with increased total cholesterol and LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol, and PFOS was associated with increased total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and HDL or ‘good’ cholesterol.”

Newswise September 6, 2010
Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine September 2010; 164(9):860-9

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Health Alert

Don’t Ever Drink This During Pregnancy

Fluoride avoidance reduced anemia in pregnant women, and decreased preterm births, according to a new study.

Anemia in pregnancy can lead to maternal and infant mortality; it continues to be a problem despite nutritional counseling and maternal iron and folic acid supplementation.

Medical News Today reports:
“Anemic pregnant women living in India, whose urine contained 1 mg/L fluoride or more, were separated into two groups. The experimental group avoided fluoride in water, food and other sources …

Results reveal that anemia was reduced and pre-term and low-birth-weight babies were considerably fewer in the fluoride-avoidance group.”

Click to see:Chlorine may cause birth defect

Medical News Today September 3, 2010
Current Science May 25, 2010, Vol. 98, No. 10

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Health Alert

Gardeners Warned Legionnaire’s Risk from Compost

[amazon_link asins=’B01EXBDDSW,B01KTNPEBM,0891418873,B00002NDKW,1847170323,B00AH6K002,B077RY8XJW,B01LLJQGNI,B01EKG4BG8′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’edbe5d40-1d5d-11e8-a041-9309dfe77530′]

The Royal Horticultural Society recognises Legionnaire’s as a risk Gardeners are being warned about the risk of Legionnaire’s disease from compost, after a pensioner developed the disease after handling some.

The 67-year-old ended up in intensive care after being infected through a cut to his hand which he got while using a trowel, the Lancet reported

He has now fully recovered from the rare form of the disease.

But doctors said precautions could be taken and medics should be aware, so it can be quickly diagnosed.

The man, described as previously fit and healthy and a “keen gardener”, was struck down by a serious fever in March.

Doctors saw him in the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley, central Scotland, after eight days of trembling, confusion, lethargy and shortness of breath, but initially failed to diagnose the problem.

It was not until he had an invasive procedure where the lung is washed out to obtain a sample that Legionnaire’s was identified.

He tested positive for Legionella longbeachae, a rare form which cannot be detected through normal tests.

Legionnaire’s disease is normally caused by the bug Legionella pneumophili, which lives naturally in rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, and can also be found in man-made structures containing water such as air conditioning systems.
Legionella longbeachae is a less common and is mostly found in soil and potting compost.

In the UK, just nine cases have been reported since 1984.

However, it is much more common in Australia, New Zealand and Japan, where it accounts for about 30% of all cases of Legionnaire’s disease and has been linked to gardening.

Dr Simon Patten, who treated the patient at the Royal Alexandra Hospital, said: “I think doctors and gardeners need to be aware of this. The risk may be low, but precautions can be taken.”

The Royal Horticultural Society acknowledged Legionnaire’s was a risk, but called for a “common-sense approach”.

It recommends wearing gloves, not opening composts bags with your head right over them and folding the top of the bags over when they are not in use.

It said gardeners may also want to consider wearing dust masks when turning composts heaps.

Source :BBC NEWS

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