Health Problems & Solutions

Some Health Quaries & Answers

Bundle Of Joy:-

Q: My grandmother wraps up children in a bed sheet all the time so that they cannot move. She says it makes them sleep better.

[amazon_link asins=’B016MP5IZI,B00R0I21RK,B013GYQVCW,B01FQ3RHGK,B01CH5FEAG,B00V852S4C’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’c607baf6-ffce-11e6-8f0c-b1a7dc3efc37′]

A: She is following an ancient practice called “swaddling”. This involves wrapping the baby so that its hands and legs are inside the sheet. Newborn babies sleep better when they are swaddled as it makes them feel they are still in the womb. But this should be discontinued after 10-14 days as the baby needs to move its arms and legs freely to grow and develop normally.

By-pass surgery :-
Q: I am a 58-year-old woman. I underwent hysterectomy at 40. Of late, I’ve been developing a vague chest pain while climbing stairs. I consulted a cardiologist. He did an angiogram and said I had triple vessel block and advised immediate by-pass surgery. A second surgeon, however, said that since I had well-developed collaterals, there was no need for surgery now. He advised revaluation with a stress test every year.

A: I would go with the more conservative approach and not of the knife-happy surgical team. If your collaterals are well developed, you can probably continue indefinitely without a problem. You need to make sure the collaterals stay patent by walking an hour a day on level ground and maintaining your ideal body weight.

Vitamin deficiency :-
Q: I feel very tired all the time. My muscles pain and I cannot eat any spicy food. I went to a physician who prescribed a battery of tests. Finally, he said I had vitamin D deficiency, anaemia and vitamin B12 deficiency. I am only 37.

[amazon_link asins=’B00I65AGHI,B00VMZP9CG,1432748106,0452296889,B00ILV8V7E,1884995691′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’5b20d412-ffcf-11e6-8113-1d84aa40bc7d’]

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A: Vitamin D deficiency is common in India and much of the time it goes unrecognised. It may occur because of our lifestyle (remaining indoors) or it may be a genetic problem. A lot of research is being carried out. The deficiency makes the bones weak and this is reflected as muscle pain.

The stomach contains some cells that are essential for the body to bind and absorb vitamin B12. If those cells are damaged or wasted away, you will not only develop intolerance to spicy food but also adequate amounts of vitamin B12 will not be absorbed. Vitamin B12 is essential for red blood cell formation. That is why you are anaemic.

Your doctor will be able to treat all of this with medical supplements. Once your body responds, your symptoms will disappear.

TV and chips :-
Q: My niece is 10 years old. She is 150 cm tall and weighs 50 kg. I think she is fat. She watches cartoons all day and eats potato chips. Please advise.

A: Being fat or thin is a perception which may be incorrect. You need to find her ideal body weight using the calculation 23 x 1.5 x 1.5 = 51.75 (height in metre squared multiplied by 23). As per the calculation, if you have measured her height correctly, she is not overweight. On the other hand she may have no muscle mass, poor posture and a general round appearance. She does, however, need to curtail her television viewing, stop snacking and become physically more active.

This often involves a change of lifestyle for the whole family. Children learn a great deal by watching their parents and other family members.

Anti-obesity pill :-
Q: I want some tablets to lose weight. All this advice about diet and exercise really depresses me. Exercise makes my body ache and diets make me hungry.

[amazon_link asins=’B01GNUJEZW,B01N7EOER0,B01MSKZT31,B00U2WMWDO,B01JIPHOAQ,B01N0F2I8W’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’ca21ba98-ffcf-11e6-85b8-af9ab8b87b55′]

A: Weight gain and loss are usually gradual processes. When we gain weight, we are probably unaware of it until our clothes become tight and people make unkind remarks. Very rarely do people weigh themselves regularly. For many, maintaining the ideal body weight involves a lifetime of concentrated effort.

Try to control your total calorie intake. Say no to second helpings and avoid fat-filled snacks. Jog, walk or run for an hour every day. That way your body will utilise the food you consume more efficiently.

There are no “weight control” tablets. There are appetite suppressants but they have been banned in India as well as abroad as they were found to cause dangerous, non-reversible, life threatening side effects.

Taking thyroid hormones to increase your basal metabolic rate or steroids to “bulk up” is equally dangerous. Some advertised commercially available weight loss supplements contain these.

Pregnancy puff :-
Q: I have wheezing. I think it’s asthma. I am now pregnant and my doctor switched me from tablets to inhalers. Are they safe for the baby?

[amazon_link asins=’0941549100,B01LVU3MGD,B01F582WFC,B006QRVQBS,B00AW7JSKE,B007R4INOM’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’38ebd9da-ffd0-11e6-a378-ddfcf3886dcf’]

A: Inhalers deliver the medicine direct to your lungs which will help you stop the wheezing. Tablets, on the other hand, enter the bloodstream and go all over the body, including the lungs. Many also cross the placenta and reach the baby. Your doctor is right — inhalers are better.

All answers are given by Dr Gita Mathai , a paediatrician with a family practice at Vellore. Questions on health issues may be emailed to her at

Source : The Telegraph ( Kolkata, India)

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Health Problems & Solutions

Some Health Quaries & Answers

Stop the bottle, spare the teeth  :


Q: My three and a half-year-old daughter has a poor appetite. She is only 10 kg while the expected weight is 15 kg (as per the pediatrician’s calculation). The doctor prescribed de-worming medication several times as well as tonics. I give her milk with Pediasure in a bottle at night. She has several decayed teeth and frequently complains of toothache.

[amazon_link asins=’B01D3F25FQ,B00UGSHBTO,B003MGUMES,B00E3L1L3M,B00E3L1PZG,B009TAQ4OI,B00BFVKJIQ’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’3b921395-0fdc-11e7-b71a-9dfa7e27006e’]

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A: Your daughter probably has caries. The bottle will worsen her cavities because the milk will stick to the teeth which will allow bacteria to thrive in her mouth. These milk teeth will eventually fall off and you may feel they do not require any treatment. But food will get stuck there and cause discomfort. This will make her reluctant to eat, resulting in inadequate weight gain. Also, she is old enough to discard the bottle. You are probably giving it to her in the hope that she receives some calories. Stop the bottle and take her to a dentist. He might be able to fill the cavities.

Hiatus hernia
Q: I have heart burn all the time. After some tests the doctor found that I have hiatus hernia. What should I do?
[amazon_link asins=’B0093IRA4O,0897933184,1492950440,1481969994,1847093396,B01HATM8BM,0722512228,B001QNVWJI’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’69c24364-0fdc-11e7-a752-15df55c05dcd’]

A: The esophagus runs through the diaphragm to the stomach. It functions to carry food from the mouth to the stomach.The esophagus passes through the diaphragm just before it meets the stomach, through an opening called the esophageal hiatus.


A hiatal hernia occurs when part of the stomach protrudes up into the chest through the sheet of muscle called the diaphragm. This may result from a weakening of the surrounding tissues and may be aggravated by obesity and/or smoking.

Hiatus hernia is a condition where part of the stomach slides into the chest cavity. Many hiatus hernias are asymptomatic. Pain occurs because of acid reflux from the stomach into the esophagus.

You can get relief by losing weight, not lying down for an hour after food, and using medications like omeprazole and pantoprazole. If the hiatus hernia is long-standing with severe symptoms, surgery may be required.

Sugar free
Q: I am diabetic and have been taking Sugar Free in my coffee, tea and curd. Is it safe?
[amazon_link asins=’B00K7RH4SC,B00009Q95J,B0020N3NRC,B00K7RH4SC,B0019LTH3U,B0019LPM0C,B00M8ZE7EK,B00K8TQFCU,B01LYNM6MF,B002L82B2O’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’a58f411b-0fdc-11e7-84b3-4ba6aa0337b8′]
There are many natural and synthetic sugar substitutes available. In India, the ones commonly used are saccharin and aspartame. Both have been certified as safe although initially saccharin was found to cause bladder cancer in mice. Aspartame consumption should not be more than 40 mg a day. In these circumstances, perhaps it is better for you to get used to tea and coffee without sugar.

Vital fluid
Q: I am a 37-year-old woman. I am pale and the doctor said I am anaemic. My haemoglobin is 7gm. He gave me a capsule containing iron and zinc to be taken twice a day. After three months there has been no improvement. What should I do?

[amazon_link asins=’B0017O5N3W,B00IVDVRIW,B00CFBB46Q,B0017CV2CA,B00B7W679I,B019EBTOVQ,B00LDFZQ82,B00NG11OGO,B0017CV50Y’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’d73e3761-0fdc-11e7-ad5c-4b4eeeb331a9′]

A: Your anaemia needs to be investigated. You may be losing blood because of heavy periods, piles or a stomach ulcer. Or you may have intestinal parasites that are depleting you of blood. Rarely, cancer may present itself as anaemia. If there is no cause for the anaemia other than iron and zinc deficiency, it should respond to supplements. The binding sites on the intestines for iron and zinc absorption are identical. If you consume a tablet containing both these elements they compete for the binding site and block it. To be effective, iron and zinc have to be taken as separate tablets or capsules 12 hours apart (one in the morning and the other in the evening). Or, you take iron one day and zinc the next.

Health hour
Q: My son is unable to run or jog owing to a tight work schedule. Can he follow some other form of exercise?

[amazon_link asins=’B01CQ9T36E,B00OLSJ4TU,B00YBWBYF8,B01F3FCSZQ,B01CQ9T1GQ,B00OLSIZRW,B008TTHZVQ,B01GATUQ4E,B00FAXPAGG’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’21599f0c-0fdd-11e7-a47d-f3764035839c’]
The requirements of exercise for the maintenance of health have increased from 30 minutes three times a week to an hour a day. If you son is unable to spare that kind of time, he can get more or less the same benefits by skipping or continuous stair climbing (up and down) for 20 minutes. Cross training and doing different activities probably deliver the best benefits as compared to repeating the same one. Different sets of muscles are used, producing all-round toning.

Source: The Telegraph ( Kolkata, India)

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Health Problems & Solutions

Some Health Quaries & Answers

I want to shed weight fast :
Q: I am getting married in a month’s time and want to lose weight fast. I have to shed six kilos. How do I do that?

A: Crash diets work for short lengths of time, but they aren’t healthy and shouldn’t be continued indefinitely. If you follow a balanced diet of 1,200 calories (60 per cent from carbohydrates, 30 per cent from proteins and 10 per cent from fat), you will have a daily deficit of 800 calories. Once you lose 3,500 calories, you would have lost around half a kilogram of body weight. This means you will lose 3.5kg in a month. Try to combine this with 40 minutes of aerobic activity. That’s a deficit of another 200 calories. The exercise will help develop muscle tone so you don’t have a sagging, aged and unhealthy appearance after the hard gained weight loss.

[amazon_link asins=’B00EKT70DC,B007K2KAXS’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’acbfac9d-263e-11e7-93b7-336c9be8bab6′]

Hip surgery:

Q: I have severe pain in my right hip, so much so that I can’t bend. This makes it difficult for me to sit, squat or even walk. I went to an orthopaedic surgeon who advised hip replacement surgery. At 78, I am nervous.

A: Generally, non-surgical treatment with pain relieving medication and physiotherapy is first recommended to reduce hip joint pain, improve joint function and increase the range of movement. Replacement is performed when these have failed. Senior citizens with osteoarthritis who undergo total hip replacement are able to care for themselves, thereby improving the quality of life. Studies have shown that though it is an expensive and invasive process, it is safe. There’s no age limit for hip replacement surgery.

[amazon_link asins=’B00QFXCMB6,B017ME375Q’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’e7ce157f-263e-11e7-9be4-35db069f334d’]

No rice

Q: I don’t like rice, but am told it’s necessary and without it my health will suffer. Please advise.

A: Basically, 60 per cent of your calorific requirement needs to come from carbohydrates. Rice and other grains aren’t the only source of carbohydrates — they are also found in nuts, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. If you dislike rice, you can switch to wheat or oats. In Western countries, people hardly eat rice yet are healthy.

[amazon_link asins=’B000JTDIBU,0983490708′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’37df5e0a-263f-11e7-9e58-a3729134cbb1′]

Self medication:
Q: I had high fever. I went to a pharmacy and purchased some tablets recommended by the man behind the counter. I now have redness in the groin and armpit, itching and redness in the corners of my mouth. Could this be an allergy?

A: It could be an allergy. Maybe some of the tablets you took were antibiotics. They may have changed your normal bacterial flora so that there is now an overgrowth of a fungus called Candida. You may also have precipitated a vitamin B deficiency. See a doctor to find out what exactly it is. You can then receive appropriate treatment.

[amazon_link asins=’B00WDYH9KU,B00GOADKA2′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’5d63674b-263f-11e7-83d4-d75dbb08151b’]

Stretch marks:
Q: I was suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome for the last two years. I consulted an endocrinologist who suggested regular exercise with medication. Now I have recovered. But I still have reddish marks on my lower abdomen. The doctor had said they would disappear with recovery.

A: The reddish marks on your abdomen are called stretch marks. They develop because of damage to the underlying layers of skin with rapid weight gain. They can be prevented to some extent with regular oiling. Coconut oil, olive oil, baby oils, vitamin E and aloe vera have all been used with some degree of success. Once the marks have developed, oils and creams work slowly over a prolonged period of time.

[amazon_link asins=’B00DS842HS,B01MCQNKFJ’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’a369bb31-263f-11e7-ba32-518d2c5576fc’]

[amazon_link asins=’B004ZK3L8Y,B00BOTZTDO’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’bb7b14c3-263f-11e7-80cf-6f3abd9b892c’]

Surgical removal can be done with laser treatment, dermal ablation or tummy tucks. This is faster and more successful.

Immunity against tetanus

Q: I want to know about the tetanus vaccine and treatment for the disease. If I take a tetanus toxoid vaccine, how many weeks of immunity would it give? I’ve heard there’s a schedule of three doses (for adults) that gives immunity for three years. Please give me the timetable. If one is afflicted with tetanus, is there any life saving treatment?

A: Tetanus immunisation is provided free by the government to all children. It is given as a combined vaccine with those for diphtheria, pertussis and polio. Three doses are given in the first year and boosters at one, one and a half, five, 10 and 16 years. Pregnant women who have been immunised in childhood are given two doses in their first pregnancy. After the immunisation is complete — that is, up to 16 years — a booster needs to be taken once in 10 years.

[amazon_link asins=’B00486UTDA,B006H5UNCW’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’df9af8f5-263f-11e7-93a7-aff3909c3de2′]

Tetanus is caused by a bacterium called Clostridium tetani, which is found in the human intestine and soil. Once it causes an infection, it releases a poison that binds to the nervous tissue. Spasms of the muscles occur, making it difficult for the patient to swallow or breathe. This can eventually result in death. Individuals have survived with aggressive treatment with artificial muscle paralysis and ventilators for breathing.

Source: The Telegraph ( Kolkata, India)

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Health Problems & Solutions

Some Health Quaries & Answers

Say no to performance drugs :-
Popular Spanish athlete Marta Dominguez who is allegedly involved in a doping ring.
Q: I am an athlete competing at the district level in shot put and hammer throw. My coach says I am not performing to the best of my potential and that this is because I am not taking “supplements”. I saw some competitors injecting themselves a few hours before the finals. Others were taking tablets. My coach wants me to do this too.

A: The supplements your coach suggests are probably anabolic or androgenic steroids. They are abused by people in sports and bodybuilding. They can be detected in urine tests. If caught, the athlete is stripped of the medal and may be banned from the event for several years.

Performance enhancing steroids cause side effects like liver damage, jaundice, high blood pressure, rise in LDL (or “bad” cholesterol), renal failure, acne and tremors. In men, they may also cause shrinkage of the testicles, reduced sperm count, infertility, baldness, development of breasts and increased risk of prostate cancer. They affect the brain, causing mood swings, and aggressive and psychotic behaviour. They may eventually result in addiction.

You should just perform to the best of your natural ability and also concentrate on your academic performance. You can then study sports at the college level and become a sincere and principled athletic coach to other youngsters.

Bent penis :…………[amazon_link asins=’B01DCEL51I,B009TW18AG’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’50cb1ec5-f71d-11e6-a784-e93d4593f4c0′]

click to see
Q: My son was born through normal delivery, but his penis was bent sideways. The doctor says it requires surgery. I am worried.

A: Your son has a congenital condition called “chordee” where the shaft of the penis is bent. It may be an isolated defect. The reason for its occurrence is not known. Surgical correction by a paediatric surgeon is advisable between the ages of six months and a year. Following it, the penis becomes straight and normal so that the child can stand and pass urine. His sex life, too, will not be a problem.

Tonsil removal :………………[amazon_link asins=’B018VMED2E,B018YU4FSK’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’73d83425-f71d-11e6-a293-1d720260f259′]

click to see
Q: My tonsils and adenoids were removed when I was six years old. I suffer from frequent coughs and colds. Although there is no sore throat, the situation is pretty bad. I feel I have no immunity.

A: The tonsils are composed of lymphoid tissue. They stop a bacterial or viral infection at the throat itself, preventing it from proceeding to the lungs. Tonsillectomy is advised if the tonsils are too large and are frequently infected. There are no serious ill effects from the removal of these glands. Immunity is not permanently compromised.

Awake at night:-
Q: I am 76 years old. I have mild hypertension which is controlled with medication. I have difficulty falling asleep and then wake up by 3 am or 4 am. I lie in bed till the rest of the house wakes up. Can I take medication?

A: As people get older their sleep pattern tends to change. They sleep less and wake up early. It is better to manage as long as possible without medication. All sleeping tablets are addictive, though some less than others. Try to sleep an hour later at night. Fill that time by reading or watching television. Do not sleep in the afternoon. Walk for 40 minutes morning and evening.

Night cough :……………..[amazon_link asins=’B008R5W120,B002UKK6QG’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’5015e32b-f71e-11e6-a5d1-37dc06940174′]
Q: My child coughs whenever she lies down. I have tried all kinds of cough syrups but nothing works.


A:Sometimes the child may have a “post nasal drip”. This means the discharge irritates the throat as soon as the child lies down. It can be tackled by administering saline nasal drops at bedtime and an anti histamine an hour before bedtime. Also, check if there is something in the house or bedroom irritating her respiratory system like mosquito repellants or room fresheners.

Calcium dosage :…………..[amazon_link asins=’B004L4EJQ2,B00005V9CO’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’8dee68b4-f71e-11e6-804d-c3cb9f7bc859′]

Q: How much calcium does one need daily?

A: Four to eight-year-olds need 800mg, nine to 18-year-olds need 1,300mg, 19 to 50-year-olds need 1,000mg, and those above 50 need 1,200mg. Pregnant or lactating women require 1,000mg every day

Source : The Telegraph ( Kolkata, India)

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Health Problems & Solutions

Some Health Quaries & Answers

Too thin is not in

Q. I am very thin and friends poke fun at me because of this. I eat a lot, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food, but it does not seem to help.

A: Being thin or fat is a perception. Before you decide you are underweight, calculate your BMI (body mass index). This is your weight divided by height in metre squared. The normal value is 23. If your BMI is less than this and you feel you are eating a lot, you need to consult a physician to rule out metabolic diseases such as diabetes and hyperthyroidism. If your BMI is 23 or more, maybe you only need to improve your physique with weight training and aerobic exercises like jogging.

Constipated baby
Q: My four-month-old baby is breast fed exclusively and passes stools only every three or four days. Is this normal?

A: Breast milk is almost completely digested so there can be very little solid waste to eliminate. The frequency of stools in a breast-fed infant can vary. Some do it soon after a feed. That’s because of an active “gastrocolic reflex”. In others, it may happen only once in three or four, or even seven days. Both ends of the spectrum are normal. The stool in breast-fed infants is a golden yellow in colour. If there is a sudden change in the frequency or colour, or if it contains blood, consult your paediatrician. Changes may occur in the colour, consistency and frequency of stools once you start weaning foods.

Condom use
Q: Are condoms safe for long-term use? Do they cause side effects? Is the liquid used in them safe?

A: Condoms are safe for long-term use. It’s a male contraception that must be used from the beginning to the end of intercourse. However, it has a failure rate of around 15 per cent. So if the woman misses a period, she should do a pregnancy test.

There are no side effects unless the person is allergic to latex, the substance of which condoms are made. The liquid in them is a lubricant. It may be silicone, water or a spermicidal agent.

Post menopausal bleeding

Q: I attained menopause six years ago. For the last six months, however, I had a little bleeding. It’s just a few drops, and then it stops. Do I need to take it seriously?

A: What you are describing is post menopausal bleeding. This is any kind of bleeding or spotting that may occur after you have not menstruated for a full year. It occurs in 30 per cent of women. It could be harmless, due to weight gain or hormonal changes. Or it could be due to the endometrium (lining of the uterus) suddenly and inexplicably beginning to grow (endometrial hyperplasia). This needs evaluation as it can progress to cancer. You need to consult a gynaecologist.

Aortic valve disease
Q: My father developed a peculiar chest pain brought on by climbing stairs. He was evaluated by echo and doppler studies and found to have a “calcified aortic valve”. He is 79 years old.

A: About 4 per cent of the elderly develop stenosis (narrowing) or regurgitation (leaking) of a deformed calcified aortic valve. In either case, the work of the heart, particularly the left ventricle, increases as greater effort is required to pump blood through the defective valve. Moreover, since the coronary vessels – which supply the heart muscle – arise very close to the aortic valve, it can compromise blood supply to the heart muscle. Aortic valve disease can, therefore, cause fainting or chest pain with exercise. In your father’s case, the effort involved in climbing stairs may be too much.

Surgery, either to relieve the narrowing or replace the valve, has been successful in many elderly people and considerably improved their quality of life.

Hole in the heart
Q: My son was diagnosed with a hole in his heart. A doctor cured it with medicines when he was a year old. Now he has a persistent cough. Another doctor says that’s because of the hole and that it remains.

A: About 2 to 5 per cent of children have “ventricular septral defect” at birth. In 90 per cent, the hole closes shortly after birth. If it does not and continues to remain large, surgical intervention is recommended.

The Telegraph ( Kolkata, India)

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