Health Problems & Solutions

Not to Get Pregnant

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I have done something wrong,” said the young woman. No, it was not theft or murder she was confessing to but unprotected sex. An unguarded passionate moment with her boyfriend had made her pregnant. She was terrified of the stigma — the boyfriend was still a student, there was no way they could get married right away.
This is quite a common scenario in urban as well as rural India. Women increasingly face the problems of unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. It’s most important that they know how to take care of themselves, married or single.

First, women need to be in control of their bodies, especially when it comes to sexual intercourse, pregnancy and childbirth. Many safe women-oriented contraceptive methods are available.

Women become pregnant only on certain days of the month. The ovum or egg of a fertile woman is released 14 days before her next period. The egg survives 12 to 24 hours after release and the sperm for up to 72 hours. Couples may refrain from intercourse on these days if they wish to avoid pregnancy. This method, however, is not reliable as many women do not menstruate with clockwork precision.

Women may use contraceptive creams containing nonoxynol-9 in the vagina. These substances increase the effectiveness of the safe period. They are effective for about an hour. But they do not suit everyone and may cause vaginal irritation or allergic reactions. They are available in pharmacies without a prescription.

Diaphragms can be inserted prior to intercourse. These come in various sizes and need to be combined with a spermicide. An initial medical examination is needed to confirm the size. The device has to be left in the vagina for eight to 12 hours after intercourse but should be removed within 24 hours.

Women can also opt for an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD), popularly known as a “copper T”. These need to be inserted by a medical professional. They can work for three, five or 10 years, depending on the type and manufacturer’s recommendations. Imported devices can be purchased from the pharmacy. Also, free IUCDs are distributed by the government.

“Depo” injections of long-acting progesterone are available
. A woman needs to have an injection every 12 weeks. They can cause weight gain, irregular cycles, breakthrough bleeding or spotting. The irregular periods can raise the spectre of an unwanted pregnancy.

Oral contraceptive pills (OCP) prevent pregnancy if taken regularly.
There are combination pills containing estrogen and progesterone with different trade names. They are also provided free by the government (Mala D). The active ingredient is given for 21 days. Then there is a pill-free interval of seven days after which the next lot needs to be started. Sometimes placebo pills are administered during the pill-free period. They prevent pregnancy as well as regularise the cycle. They do not increase the risk of cancer.

Breast feeding women can opt for “progesterone only” pills. These are taken without a pill-free interval.

There’s a new contraceptive in the market — a plastic ring impregnated with estrogen and progesterone. The ring needs to be inserted in the vagina and left there for three weeks followed by a one week ring-free interval. A woman can purchase and insert the ring herself. An advantage of this over the pill is that the question of forgetting the latter does not arise.

Condoms can be used by the male partner. These have to be used from the beginning to the end of intercourse, and can be combined with a spermicidal cream.

Casual sex and multiple partners can result in sexually transmitted diseases. Some like Hepatitis B and HIV can eventually be fatal. Only condoms can prevent these diseases.

Even if you have had unplanned and unprotected sex, you can use emergency contraception (morning after) pills. Although theoretically these pills should be dispensed only by prescription, in many places they are available over the counter (OTC). The tablet should be taken after intercourse as soon as possible. It is 80 per cent effective if taken within 72 hours.

The morning after pill contains either progesterone or a combination of estrogen and progesterone in higher doses than in the 21 or 28-day packs of OCPs. An alternative is to take four low-dose or two “standard-dose” OCPs, and then take an equal dose 12 hours later.

If an unwanted pregnancy occurs, do not buy medicine OTC or rush to an unqualified quack out of shame or fear. Medical abortion pills are available and effective. They work up to the 49th day after the last period.

The last two are stopgap emergency measures. They are not to be considered regular methods of contraception. They are detrimental to health if repeatedly used.

Source : The Teleghraph ( Kolkata, India)

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Health Problems & Solutions

Some Health Quaries & Answers

When mamma is at work …..
Q: I am a working woman. I recently had a baby and would like to continue to feed her breast milk. Can I store the milk in the refrigerator?

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A: Expressed breast milk (EBM) can be safely used for your baby. It is safer and healthier than cow’s milk or tinned formula. Wash your hands and collect the milk in a sterile plastic bottle with a tight screw-type lid. Label the bottle clearly, with the date and time, so that the oldest milk is used first. Place the bottle at the back of the refrigerator or in the freezer. Do not mix used leftover milk with fresh milk and use it for the next feed.

EBM can be warmed or thawed by placing it in a bowl of warm water. Do not use a microwave for this. Do not boil it. After warming it, do not refreeze and use again. EBM can be stored in the refrigerator for five days and in a freezer for two weeks. Otherwise, it can be kept in a cool place for six hours.

You may click to see :Breast Milk Storing

Stiff hands
Q: I am 55 years old and drive an hour to work. When I reach my office, my fingers become stiff — fixed in a claw-like position — and can’t be moved easily. I also get “catches” in my leg and chest muscles.

A: You need a check up to see if you are suffering from diseases such as diabetes or hypertension. If so, they need to be tackled. If you are overweight, try to reach your ideal body weight. Walk briskly for an hour and do stretches for 20 minutes before going to work. Yoga, particularly suryanamaskar, is ideal. While stretching, concentrate on the hands. Eat four to six helpings of fruits and vegetables daily. Take calcium supplements. If all this does not help, consult a physician.

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Hernia problem
Q: My doctor said I have an intestinal hernia. What does it mean?

A: Hernias are of many types. An umbilical hernia occurs at or just next to the umbilicus. Incisional hernias occur at the site of a previous surgical scar. Inguinal hernias are commoner in men and occur in the groin area. If the abdominal wall is lax, the intestines can appear to lie just under the surface of the skin, a condition called divarication.

A weakness or deficiency in the abdominal wall present from birth can’t be repaired except through surgery. Incisional hernias and divarication can be prevented by not gaining weight and maintaining abdominal muscle tone with regular exercise.

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Pricking ears
Q: My ears are always pricking. Cleaning them brings out fungus, which forms again becoming worse.

A: The secretion may not be fungus but discharge owing to an infection, allergy or impacted wax. Fungus in the ear causes pain. Allergic or seborrhic dermatitis is more likely to cause pricking or itching.

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You need to consult an ear-nose-throat surgeon to make a diagnosis. Using inappropriate over-the-counter antimicrobial eardrops may make the condition worse. Cleaning the ears may rupture the skin, aggravating the pain and pricking.


High BP
Q: What is BP? How can I diagnose and prevent it? What’s the treatment?

A: BP is short for blood pressure. It should be below 140/90. If it is higher, the person is said to have high BP or hypertension. For most adults, there’s no identifiable cause of high BP. It tends to develop gradually over years. Sometimes, high blood pressure can occur as a result of tumours, defects in the blood vessels, kidney diseases or certain medications.

High BP occurs with increasing age, particularly if one or both parents have hypertension. It is commoner in overweight individuals. Smoking or living with people who smoke also increases the BP. Drinking excessively damages the heart and raises the blood pressure.

If you have high BP, stop smoking and drinking. Do regular exercises, combined with yoga and meditation, and reduce your salt intake. Your doctor will be able to prescribe appropriate medications if it does not fall with these simple measures.

The pill
Q: I take pills for diabetes, hypertension and chest pain. I find it hard to have sex. Can I use Viagra?

A: Viagra is a trade name for Sidenafil citrate and is used for erectile dysfunction, which is probably what you have. It is contraindicated in persons with hypertension, stroke or coronary artery disease, and chest pain due to angina.

It is better to discuss the issue with your physician and see if the medicine is advisable for you. He would also advise you on the dosage and time. Relying on the neighbourhood medical shop for supply and advice might be dangerous for your health.

Source:The Telegraph (Kolkata, India)

Health Problems & Solutions

Some Health Quaries & Answers

My heel hurts ….
Q: I had severe pain in my left heel. A doctor administered an injection to the heel. I felt better for about six months but now the pain has returned. Is there a permanent cure?

A: This pain occurs when there is constant friction and irritation to the area where the thick plantar fascia (bottom of the foot) joins the heel bone or calcaneum. After some time the irritation may be sufficient to cause extra bone formation called a calcaneal spur. The pain subsides after an injection of a long-acting steroid into that point, but will recur, necessitating a second or even third injection. To prevent a recurrence:

• Soak your feet in hot water morning and night

• Maintain ideal body weight

• Do not walk barefoot

• Wear soft supportive soles

• Exercise (stretching on the tendons) by standing on your toes and then rocking forwards and backwards, on the heel and toes

If a spur forms, you may be advised surgery.

You may click to see : Heel Pain: Symptoms and Treatment

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Cut lip :-
Q: My grandson falls down frequently and cuts his lips. Please advise.

A: Cuts on the lip and tongue can bleed profusely. First, you need to apply an ice cube wrapped in a plastic bag to the area. This will stop the blood flow and help you see the wound clearly. If it is a shallow cut with no food or tooth chip inside, just give the child a little sugar to suck. Saliva contains natural antibodies and the wound will heal by itself in four or five days.

If the wound is deep, lacerated and contains mud, food or a chipped tooth, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

To clean these deeper wounds at home use eye drops, not antiseptic solutions. The latter can irritate the wound. Also, they may contain substances that should not be swallowed.

If bad breath develops, it means an infection has set in. Consult a doctor immediately.

Teething problem :-
Q: When do I start brushing my child’s teeth and what should I use?

A: A child’s teeth should be brushed daily morning and evening soon after they appear. A soft toothbrush and toothpaste containing 1,000 parts per million of fluoride should be used. Brushing needs to be supervised till they are seven or eight years old.

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Life after surgery
Q: I had hernia surgery about two weeks ago. When can I lead a normal life? More important, when can I have sex?

A: Many patients want to know this but hesitate to ask the doctor because they are embarrassed. They then consult friends who have had the surgery and therefore double as experts.

In most cases, you may resume your sex life when the doctor says you can return to normal activity. In the case of a hysterectomy, caesarian or hernia, this may be six weeks or longer. Always listen to your body. If there is pain, particularly at the incision site, stop whatever you were doing and try again after a week.

Head spinning :-
Q: I am 19 years old. Whenever I get up from bed, I feel giddy, like I am going to fall. Sometimes, I also feel that the room is spinning around. I tried to explain this to my doctor, but he says my blood pressure and sugar levels are normal.

A: You may have postural hypotension or orthostatic hypotension. This is a fall of blood pressure that occurs when there are sudden changes in posture. The diagnosis can be proven by measuring the BP separately in sitting, lying and standing positions. It is often mild and lasts just a few seconds to a few minutes after standing. The body usually adjusts to changes in posture within a few seconds. If there is a delay, it may be due to dehydration, as in your case hypertension and diabetes (the two other common causes) have been ruled out.

Try standing up slowly from a sitting position, allowing your body time to adjust to the postural change. Some yoga exercises (such as crane, tree positions) help if done regularly. You could jog, swim, run or walk for an hour a day. Alternatively, you can take up one of the martial arts.

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Foul breath
Q: I feel I have bad breath and that this puts off people I have contact with.

A: You are right about people being repulsed by bad breath or halitosis. It is because bad odours are equated with disease, which our bodies are conditioned to avoid. To know if you really have bad breath, you may ask your parents or spouse. They are the only people who will give you a truthful answer.

Foul breath may be due to tooth decay or gum disease, as well as colds, sinusitis, indigestion and a faulty diet. You must tackle the cause and eliminate it.

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Source :The Telegraph ( Kolkata, India)

Health Problems & Solutions

Some Health Quaries & Answers


Exercising with arthritis :-

Q: I am 50 and have had rheumatoid arthritis for 10 years. It flares up intermittently no matter what treatment I follow. My knee joints are also affected and I am not able to go for a walk. Can I use a treadmill?

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A: Rheumatoid arthritis relapses and remits on its own, without any dietary indiscretion or obvious aggravating factor. Follow your doctor’s advice. Sometimes he may suggest low-dose maintenance therapy with medication to prevent relapses. Apply moist heat to the joints regularly and then do passive exercises. In addition, you must do some active exercises. A non-weight bearing reclining stationary exercise cycle is a good alternative.

Addicted to porn:-
Q: I am a 30-year-old man working in a multinational company. At times I am the only one there at night and on holidays. I have begun watching pornography on the Internet. I enjoy it so much that I sometimes switch to these sites even during work hours when no one is watching. Is this an addiction?


A: Pornography is addictive and is now classified with drugs, alcohol and the like. It can escalate like drugs and alcohol and needs to be overcome. There are several sites that offer stepwise programmes to help you. Physical activity is often therapeutic. Try running or jogging an hour a day before or after work. Addiction to exercise is something you do not have to hide or be ashamed of.

Health drinks:-
Q: I am overweight and exercise in a gym. My personal trainer has been suggesting health drinks after the workout to replace lost calories, protein and electrolytes. Is this needed?

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A: You need to replace the electrolytes lost if you sweat profusely during the exercise. This can be done cheaply, naturally and effectively by drinking lightly salted buttermilk, lime juice or tender coconut water. For the lost potassium, you can eat a small yellow banana. Don’t take health drink supplements. The ones available locally may be containing harmful chemicals.

It you are exercising to lose weight, why do you want to replace the calories you worked off?

TV all day:-
Q: My five-year-old grandson can’t recognise or remember alphabets and numbers. He is a TV addict and watches children’s programmes the whole day. He does not look in the eye while talking to strangers, but is quite articulate with relatives. He eats and sleeps normally but is thin. Is it attention deficit syndrome or something more serious?

A: Perhaps someone should take an interest in the child and make him more physically active. Heneeds to play outside in fresh air for two hours after school. It’s no use telling him to “go and play”. A parent (or grandparent) may be by his side to encourage him. Perhaps you could enroll him in a martial arts class, or coaching for football or cricket. He may do homework from 6pm to 8pm. If the school has not given any homework, you could give him some work with alphabets, colouring and numbers. Tell him firmly that the TV works only once a week, on Saturdays. I don’t think anything is wrong with him as yet. But if he continues thus, his personality may soon be permanently affected.

Vanishing voice:-
Q: I am a teacher. Sometimes, as I speak, my voice suddenly becomes softer and even disappears.

A: Constant speech can cause thickening of the vocal cords. At times, small nodules may also form there. You need to get the condition evaluated by an ENT surgeon. In the meantime, try not to speak unless absolutely essential. You may also try steam inhalations.

Source : The Telegraph ( Kolkata, India)

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Health Problems & Solutions

Some Health Quaries & Answers

On the computer all day…

Q: I work on the computer all day and develop a terrible headache by evening. I have had an eye check up and an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan. Both are normal.

A: Computer furniture has to be ergonomically designed so that the screen, keyboard and chair are aligned correctly and placed at the correct height. The chair should be adjusted so that the eyes are on level with the screen. Also, the glare of the screen should be reduced with an antiglare filter or spectacles.
If the room is air-conditioned, take steam inhalations morning and evening to reduce nasal congestion. Try to do head and neck exercises morning and evening to reduce strain and tension in the muscles. Also, jog 40 minutes in the morning before going to work.

Cervical ribs…

Q: I have a shooting pain down my left arm. I thought it was a heart problem but the doctor said the ECG and other tests were normal. I then took an X-ray. It was diagnosed as a “cervical rib”. What should I do?

A: Ribs normally arise from the vertebrae in the chest. However, in 0.5 per cent of people, partial ribs arise from the neck vertebrae. These are called “cervical ribs”. They are usually asymptomatic and discovered incidentally on a routine X-ray. They cause symptoms if they compress nerves and blood vessels going to the arm. This can occur in middle age as a result of weight gain, poor posture or decreased muscle tone.

Physiotherapy is usually all that is required. If the pain is severe and intractable, surgery may be advised.

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Boil trouble….

Q: My son has started to develop boils all over his arms and legs. They are painful and when they burst yellow pus oozes out.

A: These superficial skin boils are usually due to a bacterium called Staphylococcus, which lives harmlessly on the skin of most people. Sometimes it manages to get a foothold in the skin (usually at the site of mild trauma), producing recurrent boils.

Your son needs a scrub bath with a medicated soap like Neko applied with a plastic or natural scrubber twice a day. No talcum powder should be used. Apply Neosporin skin cream or Mupirocin ointment.

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Primary complex

Q: My three-year-old daughter always has a runny nose. She also has a frequent cough. After a course of antibiotics for three or five days, she is better. But the cycle repeats within a few days. Could it be primary complex?

A: Primary complex classically causes “failure to thrive”. In short, the child fails to gain weight and may actually lose weight instead. Also, fever is present everyday, usually at night. Your daughter does not seem to have these symptoms.

The doctor may be prescribing the antibiotics to allay your anxiety. If the child has only a viral infection or an allergic cold, the antibiotics will not help. Check the temperature with a digital thermometer. It should be more than 100.5° F for at least three days before antibiotics are begun.

If your child has recently started school, you can expect six to eight colds a year.

It is also possible that she is allergic to something in the house like cigarette smoke, incense or a mosquito repellent.

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Frozen shoulder….

Q: I find that I cannot lift my right arm. It does not go up more than half way after which I develop severe pain.

A: It sounds like you have “adhesive capsulitis” or frozen shoulder. It occurs usually in middle age, as a result of injury or diabetes. Sometimes it can occur without any apparent reason. Treatment is with painkillers and physiotherapy. Rarely, surgery may be required.

Large tonsils…..

Q: My tonsils are very large and they seem to have yellow dots. I am 35 years old. Do I need to have them removed?

A: Tonsils usually become smaller as people grow older. They are rarely troublesome after the age of 20 years. You need to consider surgery only if they are an obstruction to swallowing, or become infected, and cause pain and fever five or six times a year.

The yellow dots may be food particles stuck in the crypts of the tonsil. Perhaps if you gargle with salt water they may disappear.

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Falling forwards

Q: My two-year-old son falls forwards for no reason at all. This occurs several times a day, even while he is sitting.

A: Children sometimes develop partial seizures with the movements you are describing. It’s very much a treatable condition. Consult a paediatrican who may order tests like an electroencephalogram (EEG) and a brain scan. You may be referred to a neurologist.

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Source : The Telegraph (Kolkata, India)
