Healthy Tips

Sleep well for good health

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Sleep is defined as a natural periodic state of rest for the mind and body, in which the eyes usually close and consciousness is completely or partially lost, so that there is a decrease in bodily movement and responsiveness to external stimuli.
To have a sound and good sleep :-
* Sleep in a room that is dark, quiet, and fresh smelling.Do not expose yourself to bright light while you are sleeping. Light will make your brain stay awake.

* It is important to sleep in a well ventilated room. Don’t be afraid to open a window, even in winter. It is better to put on an extra woolen blanket than to breathe in stale air.
The amount of clean oxygen-rich air that you breath has an effect on your growth. Poor air can cause breathing defects and can prevent you from growing during sleep.

* Sleep with clean, soft, and comfortable clothes. Rough clothing can block the blood circulation and make you shift and turn many times during the night, thus preventing you from deep sleep. Remember your growth hormone can only work well when you fall into deep sleep.

* Keep your hands and feet warm. Scientific studies have shown that warm hands and feet will help induce REM (rapid eye movement) deep sleep. Cold hands and feet will keep you from deep sleep.

* Drink a big glass of water before going to bed and when you wake up; this will help clean out your system. Milk can also help you sleep. It contains an amino acid called
tryptophan, which produces the effect of a sedative. Do not consume any foods or drink that contain caffeine, nicotine,or alcohol at least 4 to 5 hours before going to bed.
Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants that will keep you from sleeping. Also, refrain from a large meal at least 3 hours before bed time.

* Doing exercises during the day can help you sleep better at night. , it will increase your blood circulation and quicken your metabolism for a whole day, so you should
perform enough exercise to ensure a good night’s sleep.

* Taking a hot bath before going to bed helps induce deep sleep because it cleans your body and relaxes tense muscles.

* Practice total relaxation and deep breathing for a few minutes before you go to bed. Relax from head to toe. Close your eyes and relax every part of your body. Do complete breathing exercises by following the three phases: (1) Inhale slowly and deeply through the nose for 3 to 5 seconds making sure that your stomach as well as your chest expand.
(2) Hold your breath for another 3 to 5 seconds; tighten
your stomach muscles lightly. (3) Exhale slowly and fully
through the mouth and nose. This breathing exercise will
help balance your blood circulation and get your body ready
to rest.

* Maintain a habit of sleeping at the same time everyday, including weekends. This will help you develop a regular rhythm for sleep. Your brain will send you a “sleep signals”
at about the same time every day, which can help you fall into deep sleep easier and faster.

Healthy Tips

Honey is good for health.

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It should be appreciated that Honey as natural food is delicious to eat. It has many curative effects too. Several Ayurvedic medicines are made from pure honey.It has tremendous positive effects on human body.There are various other aspects that have been proved by scintific research.

Due to the main components fructose and glucose, and due to the high osmotic pressure (osmotic value) of these monosaccharides, honey as a carbohydrate food is rapidly and directly absorbed into the blood. Therefore it supplies energy very quickly to the various organs, muscles, brain, etc. The absorption of fructose is faster than that of glucose. For weakened or over-exerted people, this rapid energy supply is of great nutritional value (especially for top class sportsmen, convalescent people, or babies).Liver function is rapidly activated by fructose. In the diet of liver patients, honey is very often recommended. Honey supports the detoxicating liver functions due to its glucose/fructose and cholin content.Honey promotes the peristalsis of the intestines, has a laxative effect, and stimulates the secretions of the intestines. The high osmotic pressure, the content of acetylcholin, and flavour components are responsible for this effect

In a study of 25 healthy adults, Gross and her colleagues showed that honey can boost antioxidant levels. For 29 days, participants added 4 tablespoons of buckwheat honey to their daily diet. The researchers tested two types of buckwheat honey with different amounts of antioxidants. Blood samples taken at the beginning and end of the study showed that the total level of phenolics increased in both groups of volunteers.In Ayurveda honey is called as “Madhu”. Its qualities are multivarius.

The contents of Honey are:

1. Sugars like fructose, glucose, sucrose, maltose, lactose and other disaccharides and trisaccharides.

2. Proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids.

3. Volatile aromatic substances.

4. Ashes and water etc.

Various ingredients of honey have helped it to become not only a sweet liquid but also a natural product with high nutritional and medicinal value.

The medicinal quality, taste, texture, color, aroma of honey differs according to the geographical area and the species of plants from which it has been collected.

Types of Honey:

Eight types of honey are described in ayurveda depending on the type of bee which collects it. They are Pouttika, Bhramara, Kshoudra, Makshika, Chatra, Arghya, Oudalaka, Dala.

Pouttika – This honey is collected by very large bees from the nectar of poisonous flowers. It increases vata, causes gout and burning sensation in chest. It is also sedative and reduces fat.

Bhramara – This honey is collected by large bees and sticky in nature.

Kshoudra – (Honey collected by medium sized honey bees) light and cold in nature. Dissolves Kapha.

Makshika – (Honey collected by small honey bees) very light and dry natured. Usefull in VataKapha diseases and kapha diseases.

Chatra – Heavy and cold in nature useful in gout, Leucoderma (Shwitra).

Arghya – Good for eyes but causes arthritis.

Oudalaka – Useful in skin diseases, and helps in modulation of voice.

Dala – Dry and reduces vomiting.

Amongst all the above “Makshika” is considered as the best type with immense medicinal properties.

Therapeutic uses of Honey:

1. As it contains sugars which are quickly absorbed by our digestive system and converted into energy, this can be used as instant energizer.

2. As it is hygroscopic it speeds up healing, growth of healing tissue and dries it up.

3. Honey acts as a sedative and is very useful in bed wetting disorders.

4. Honey is very good antioxident which restores the damaged skin and gives soft, young looks.

5. Honey has antibacterial properties due to its acidic nature and enzymically produced hydrogen peroxide.

6. Constant use of honey strengthens the white blood corpuscles to fight bacteria and viral diseases.

In Ashtanga Hridaya the great classic of ayurveda, the therapeutic uses of honey are explained as follows.

“Chakshushayam Chedi tritshleshmavishahidmaasrapittanut |

Mehakushtakrimicchardishwaasakaasaatisaarajit ||

Vranashodhana sandhaanaropanam vaatalam madhu ||”

a.. Honey is very good for eyes and eye sight.

b.. It quenches thirst.

c.. Dissolves kapha.

d.. Reduces effects of poison.

e.. Stops hiccups.

f.. It is very useful in urinary tract disorders, worm infestations, bronchial asthma, cough, diarrhea and nausea, vomiting.

g.. Cleanse the wounds.

h.. It heals wounds.

i.. Helps in quick healing of deep wounds.

j.. Initiates growth of healthy granulation tissue.

k.. Honey which is newly collected from bee hive increases body weight and is a mild laxative.

l.. Honey which is stored and is old helps in metabolism of fat and scrapes Kapha.

Ayurveda explains another special quality of honey. Honey is called as “Yogavahi” . The substance which has a quality of penetrating the deepest tissue is called as Yogavahi. When honey is used with other herbal preparations it enhances the medicinal qualities of those preparations and also helps them to reach the deeper tissues.

Precautions to be taken before using honey:

a.. Honey should not be mixed with hot foods.
b.. Honey should not be heated.
c.. Honey should not be consumed when you are working in hot environment where you are exposed to more heat.
d.. Honey should never be mixed with rain water, hot and spicy foods, and fermented beverages like whisky, rum, brandy etc, ghee and mustard.
e.. Honey includes nectar of various flowers of which some may be poisonous. Poison has hot or Ushna qualities. When honey is mixed with hot and spicy foods the poisonous properties get enhanced and cause imbalance of doshas.

Few Home remedies with Honey

a.. Mix 2 teaspoons of honey with carrot juice and consume regularly. This helps to improve eyesight and is very helpful for those who sit before computer for long hours.

b.. In cold, cough and congested chest mix 2 teaspoons of honey with equal quantity of ginger juice and should be consumed frequently.

c.. A mixture of black pepper powder, honey and ginger juice in equal quantities, when consumed thrice daily help to relieve the symptoms of asthma.

d.. Regular use of one teaspoon of garlic juice mixed with two teaspoons of honey help to control blood pressure.

e.. One glass of warm water taken with two teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in early morning reduces fat and purifies blood.



Taken from different ayurvedic sites


Healthy Tips Meditation

Control your depression

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Depression is one of the most under-diagnosed and misunderstood illnesses……

Sign of Depression
Constant sadness,Lack of motivation,Irretability,Trouble of concentration,Feeling isolation,Loss of interest in favorite activities,Hopelessness,Feeling worthless or guilty for no reason,Fatigue, Low energy,Sleeping trouble, and significant wet loss….CLICK & SEE

There might be thousand reasons for mental Depression but you will have to find out some ways to get rid of it.You will have to alter your wayof thinking.You must look at the people arround you and observe what has happned or is happening in your life ,the same might have happened or is happening in their lives too.But all are not reacting the same way like you.Some are crying and getting more and more depressed and few are taking it as a life’s experience and again fighting it out as a challange.

It is a fact, that everyone wil not be challinging type, but one can always alters one’s way of thinking which is verymuch possible for most of the person.

If you start thinking with reasons, you will understand that it is only your Personality which gives all the mental pain and if you can take strong decision that you are not going to entangle yourself again to this type of situation.… I believe,… HALF WORK IS DONE.

There are reasons for depression but all reasons are not controlable, we can only alter our thinking. When we cannot control certain thing ,our mood gets off,our mind deeps into negativity. If that very moment we start doing something which is within our control and successfully overcome it , we get back into positivity and get relief from Depression.

According to me MEDITATION is the best way to get rid of all kinds of frastration and mental depression and quickest and easiest way to get back to normal happy life.
click to see the picture

Now,what is meditation?
There are many types of meditation, but all involve focussing one’s attention on something, such as a word, a phrase, an image, an idea or the act of breathing. Some people think that meditation is a way to awareness of your thoughts and how they affect your life. Some people see meditation as a way to “quiet the chatter” of their own minds. Some people think that meditating is a form of prayer – another way of communing with God.

click to see the picture

Meditation would typically be practised sitting in a quiet environment for around 20 minutes a day. For some people, meditation is a spiritual or religious activity and they use meaningful thoughts as the focus of their meditation. However, meditation can also be used as a relaxation method without any spiritual or religious goal .
Meditation has been used as a relaxation method to relieve stress and anxiety. Because anxiety and depression often occur together, meditation may help with depression as well.

click to see the picture

How do you meditate?
Popular books on how to meditate are available in many bookshops. Various organisations (generally with spiritual goals) also offer training in meditation. Here is a simple technique of meditation that is similar to those taught in these books and courses:
1.Sit in a quiet room in a comfortable position with eyes closed.
2.Choose a word which is relaxing or meaningful for you (for example, ‘Love’ or ‘Calm’ or “ Jesus” or OM or whatever as per your wish) and repeat it silently over and over in your mind. Do not force yourself to concentrate on the word. Alternatively, concentrate on your breathing or look at the flame of a candle.
3.If your mind wanders, turn your attention gently back to the word, or to your breathing, or to the candle.
4.Do this for about 20 minutes each day

In few ocations meditation can make depression worse
Although meditation can be very helpful in relieving depression or in preventing depression from arising, the act of focussing inwards can actually heighten feelings of despair. I would suggest not trying to meditate when you are extremely depressed, and especially not at times that you are having any thoughts of self-harm.

As one experienced meditator said, “Meditation while clinically depressed can result in intensification of feelings of despondency, hopelessness, and negativity generally. The metta practice (where the meditation is focussed on the development of loving kindness towards yourself, and others) is theoretically a good thing, but in practice it can be a nightmare if all you feel is self-hatred!”

Thus, if meditation seems to be making things worse, then you would be advised to stop immediately.

However extremely depressed students have benefited from meditation when they have had constant guidance and feedback from an experienced teacher to make sure that they are using meditative techniques in a helpful way.
Although such opportunities are unfortunately very rare, a very experienced meditation teacher who is on hand to give you step by step guidance can probably help you even when you are experiencing severe depression.

 Click & see : How to Tackle  depression otherwise

Fruits & Vegetables Healthy Tips

Eat banana everyday

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A banana a day keeps the doctor away

…..In Thailand ,for example,pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature.
Eat at least one banana every day , they are said to contain everything a human needs and they contain all the 8 amino acids our body cannot produce itself.

Peculior characteristics:-   It is the most well known and eaten tropical food.In eastern Africa you can buy banana beer. This bear is brewed from banana fruit.Tropical fruit is usually picked unripen and transported to different places and there they ripen them artificially.Bananas are ripen in ethylene- gas.Sometimes they expose them to additional-gas to accelerate the process.

Banana is the only fruit that for some people can work fatting because they contain a lot of starch(more starch than sugar). These people shouldnot eat toomany bananas a day, but one is a must.

Bananas are very good sourse of fibre,potassium and vitamin C: Red bananas are often dried and converted to meal which is used in many ways. They contain more vitamine C .

Description & storage:
Long thick-skinned edible fruit that is yellow when ripe.
Keep bananas on a fruit dish in the living room at room temperature. If you want the bananas to ripen faster place the bowl in the sun. Like other tropical fruits and tomatoes and bell peppers, never store bananas in the refrigerator. Below 8 degrees Celsius the fruit will decay from the inside. These fruits will not ripen but will turn black in the refrigerator. If babana gets more ripen it’s skin may turn black,but nothing to worry, you can peal and eat that banana too.If you don’t want the skin to get black, wrap the yellow skined banana with a wet napkin, the skin will not turn black so quickly.

Medicinal uses:    Tape a small piece of banana skin (with the fleshy side towards the wart) over the wart at bedtime. Leave it on overnight. Some people report that warts given this treatment daily disappear within weeks.

Plant description : Banana plant can grow up to 15m.but most plant are 3 to 9m. It has very big leafs can grow 4x1m.

CLICK & SEE ->    Why bananas are a good fruit for weight loss – and how many you should eat
:Wild form of banana plant come originally from Indo -Malyasian area and are now caltivated all over the tropical and subtropical continents.

Anyone interested to learn more can go to this site

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Healthy Tips

Fish eating

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FISH and other SEAFOOD can play an important role in a good diet. Because fish are high in protein but low in unhealthy fats, they make a great alternative to red meat. Fish are a good source of vitamins and minerals Fish has an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which may protect against coronary heart disease and stroke, and are thought to aid in the neurological development of unborn babies,” said Joshua Cohen, lead author and senior research associate at the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis at HSPH.


It is recomended that eating fish(particularly fatty fish) atleast two times a week is very good for health. Fatty fish like mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon are high in two kinds of omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

Two new studies give one more reason to eat a diet rich in fish: prevention of age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in old age .

Even though the world’s fish contain slight amounts of mercury, eating lots of fish carries no detectable health risk from low levels of the substance, even for very young children and pregnant women, concludes the most comprehensive study of the subject yet.

The findings come from a nine-year University of Rochester study conducted in the Republic of the Seychelles, an island nation in the Indian Ocean where most people eat nearly a dozen fish meals each week and whose mercury levels are about 10 times higher than most U.S. citizens. Indeed, no harmful effects were seen in children at levels up to 20 times the average U.S. level. The work is published in the August 26 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association 2005.

Who should choose their fish carefully?
Too much mercury and PCBs can cause health problems for anyone. Because they alter the way young brains develop, these pollutants can harm babies and children most of all. Both mercury and PCBs linger in the body and build up over time. They can pass from a pregnant woman or a nursing mother to her baby.

It’s especially important for all children under 15, teenage girls, and women who are pregnant or could get pregnant to avoid eating fish that have high levels of mercury or PCBs

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