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Botanical Name :Cordyline roxburghiana Merr.
Family :Asparagaceae
Subfamily: Nolinoideae
Gender : Sansevieria
Species : S. roxburghiana
Division : Magnoliophyta
Order : Asparagales
Other vernacular names :
SANSKRIT: Murva, Devi, Madhurasa, Devashreni, Singdhapami, Muruva, Morati, Piluparnika.
Other Scientific Names : Sansevieria roxburghiana Schultes,Sansevieria zeylanica Roxb.,Cordyline hyacinthoides W.F. Wight
Local Names : Aspi-aspi (Pamp.); baniat (Is.); dildila (Ilk.); kakarohai (Ibn.); pakarohai (Ibn.); rabo de leon (Sp.); rabo de tigre (Sp.); sigre (Is.); tigre (Sp., Tag.); bowstring hemp (Eng.).
Habitat :Tigre is native of tropical Asia, now pantropic is cultivation.It is very often cultivated in many regions of the Philippines. It is neutralized, occurring in thickets and hedges at low and medium altitudes.
The rootstock is very stout, branching, and stoloniferous. The stem is very short. The leaves are erect, fleshy, fibrous, flat (in other varieties cylindrical or concave above, and rounded dorsally), suberect, dagger-shaped, rigid, pale green, with transverse bands of dark green, or dark green with gray mottles, 0.4 to 1.5 meters long, 4 to 7 centimeters wide. The scape is erect, 30 to 80 centimeters long. The flowers, in fascicles of 3 to 6, are numerous, pale-straw-colored, and sweet-scented, 2.5 to 3 centimeters long, with the perianth segments nearly twice as long as the tube. The fruit, which is sparingly produced, is globose, about 8 millimeters in diameter. The seeds are broadly ovoid, and white, with horny albumen.
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Chemical constituents and properties: Contains an active constituent= the alkaloid sansevierine.
Medicinal Uses:
Parts used : Leaves, shoots, rootstocks.
*The roasted leaves used as an emollient.
*Rootstocks used for cough.
*Juice of tender shoots used to clear phlegm.
*Also used as febrifuge, tonic and purgative.
*In India, tender roots and rhizome used as expectorant. Also, used in bone setting.
*In viral diseases associated with stringy nasal discharge, slightly warmed leaf juice is used as nasal drops, thrice in two hours. A paste is also applied over the body.
• Anticancer: Study of the methanol extract of Sansevieria roxburghiana in male Swiss albino mice transplanted with Erlich Ascites Carcinoma cell line showed significant dose-dependent anticancer activity.
Others Uses:
From the leaves of tigre are obtained strong fibers, which are sometimes mixed with piña locally. From the fibers of the leaves, bowstring, cordage, cloth, and paper are made.
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