
Control your temper (Through Yoga)

Simple Yoga to Control Anger which harms you all the time:

The next time you get angry, think of yoga. Unless and until you learn the tricks of controlling your anger, you are likely not only to lose control over your life but also ruin your relationship with people who are close to you.

Anger is a very strong emotion. Technically, it is a response to some actual or perceived injury, about which we feel the need to retaliate immediately. It is a reaction to the non-fulfilment of something that we desire. In most cases, our ego comes to the forefront, which acts as a negative catalyst. Later on, after calming down, we regret this reaction and its consequences.

Anger is such an unbridled energy that it has the power to destroy reason and our ability to respond to a situation in an appropriately mature manner. We say things without really meaning to, only to repent later on for having said them, but very often the damage has already been done. Words, once uttered, cannot be withdrawn, and the reaction to anger is usually anger.

So a vicious cycle drags us into a vortex of negative reactions. An angry personality can be transformed significantly by following a yogic approach. Yoga helps us to harness this raw energy through a combination of asanas, pranayama, relaxation, diet, and regular reflection about attitudes and expectations.

Bhramari Pranayama  click to see

The best time for this pranayama is late at night  before you retire for the day, or early in the morning   when it is relatively silent outside. If you are extremely tensed up, you can do it for up to half-an-hour. However, it must be done sitting down. Once again, if you have heart ailments, avoid breath retention.

Advasana   click to see
Lie down on your stomach, with the forehead resting on the floor. The big toes should be touching each other and the heels should be allowed to flop to the sides. If you find difficulty in breathing, place a pillow under the chest.
Breathing: As you breathe naturally and without extra effort, notice the gentle rising and falling of the spinal column.

Surrender yourself to the floor and gradually start breathing longer and deeper. Try to breathe steadily. You can continue in this position for as long as you wish.
Benefits: This is a position of surrender and makes the mind calm down rapidly. If you have a short temper, this asana will help to a great extent. When you feel that you are on the verge of an emotional outburst, move away from the situation and lie down in advasana. Keep focusing on the incoming and outgoing breath rather than your agitated thoughts.
Shashankasana (Rabbit posture)
You can easily visualise an angry person, animal or bird, but you will find it very difficult to visualise an angry rabbit. This is what Shashankasana helps you to achieve.

Do this asana for a few minutes every day. If you find it difficult to bring your forehead to the floor, use a cushion for support. Keep the big toes together and the heels outwards and sit with the buttocks in the space between the heels. Try to settle down in this posture, allowing the spinal column to stretch fully. Continue sitting in this manner for a few minutes.

Breathing: Breathe in a relaxed and normal manner.

Sheetali Pranayama
Sit in any comfortable cross-legged posture, close your eyes and relax the body. Put your tongue out as much as possible and turn the sides of the tongue upwards, trying to bring the edges together to form a tube.
Breathing: Inhale deeply through this tube, draw in the tongue, close your mouth and then exhale through the nostrils. When you are inhaling through the tube, there should be a sound of air rushing in. Once again, open the mouth, form the tube, inhale, close the mouth and exhale through the nostrils. Continue this for one to two minutes.

During the summers, you can do this pranayama for a longer period.

WARNING: People with low blood pressure and respiratory tract disorders should avoid doing this asana. Those with heart diseases should not attempt breath retention.The best time for this pranayama is late at night   before you retire for the day, or early in the morning   when it is relatively silent outside. If you are extremely tensed up, you can do it for up to half-an-hour. However, it must be done sitting down. Once again, if you have heart ailments, avoid breath retention.

Nasikagra Drishti
This is an excellent practice for calming down an angry personality, but people suffering from depression should avoid doing this.
Sit in a comfortable meditative posture, with the head and spine upright. Place the hands on the knees in any mudra, close the eyes and allow the body to relax.
Open the eyes slightly and focus the gaze at the nose tip, without strain. If you are doing this correctly, you will see a double outline of the nose like an inverted V. Concentrate on the tip of the V-image and try not to allow the mind to wonder.

After a few seconds, gently close the eyes and let them relax for a while. This completes one round. Repeat the practice for five minutes.

Bhoochari Mudra
Sit in any comfortable meditative posture, head and spinal column upright and eye closed. Open the eyes and raise the right hand so that the elbow points outwards, the palm faces downwards and the thumb touches the top of the upper lip. A dark background helps.

click to see

Focus the gaze on the little fingertip and continue to gaze at it intently for as long as you can, without blinking. Lower the hand and continue to gaze at the place where the fingertip was, without blinking, for as long as you can. As you do this, remain aware of any thoughts that are passing through your mind. Try to observe them as a witness, without involvement.

Continue this practice for about five minutes.

Cool tips

 1. Talk less. Don’t get into arguments. Think objectively.
2. Try to see the flip side of life. Don’t take yourself too seriously.
3. Reduce the intake of foods such as meat, fish, eggs, onion, garlic, masoor dal, cauliflower, oily and spicy foods.
4. Whenever you feel that you are beginning to lose your temper, become silent and reflect on your expectations. Go for a brisk walk. Be patient.
5. Reflect upon the idea âs you cannot change the world, but you can change yourself if you want to try.

Source:The Telegraph-Calcutta India

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News on Health & Science

New moms at risk of getting mental problems

[amazon_link asins=’B00FX7RF0S,B079DSPJZK,0465003362,B00TE3TEZG,B01LBFBW5E,B077GH8TTC,B078W3RS9S,B078M35K9B,B00HZD8EWQ’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’dcf6b35c-07cf-11e8-a95f-7f26e63adcc7′]

New moms face increased risks for a variety of mental problems, not just postpartum depression, according to one of the largest studies of psychiatric illness after childbirth.

New dads aren’t as vulnerable, probably because they don’t experience the same physical and social changes associated with having a baby, the researchers and other experts said.

The study, based on medical records of 2.3 million people over a 30-year period in Denmark, found that the first three months after women have their first baby is riskiest, especially the first few weeks. That’s when the tremendous responsibility of caring for a newborn hits home.

During the first 10 to 19 days, new mothers were seven times more likely to be hospitalised with some form of mental illness than women with older infants.

Compared to women with no children, new mothers were four times more likely to be hospitalised with mental problems.

New mothers also were more likely than other women to get outpatient psychiatric treatment.

However, new fathers did not have a higher risk of mental problems when compared with fathers of older infants and men without children. The prevalence of mental disorders was about 1 per 1,000 births for women and just 0.37 per 1,000 births for men.

Mental problems included postpartum depression, but also bipolar disorder, with altering periods of depression and mania; schizophrenia and similar disorders; and adjustment disorders, which can include debilitating anxiety.

The study underscores a need for psychiatric screening of all new mothers and treatment for those affected, according to an editorial accompanying the study in Wednesday’s Journal of the American Medical Association.

“Mental health is crucial to a mother’s capacity to function optimally, enjoy relationships, prepare for the infant’s birth, and cope with the stresses and appreciate the joys of parenthood,”the editorial says.

Two of the editorial’s three authors reported financial ties to the psychiatric drug industry. The study researchers said they had no financial ties to the industry.

They examined national data on Danish residents from around 1973 to July 2005. About 1.1 million participants became parents during the study.

A total of 1,171 mothers and 658 fathers   none diagnosed with any previous mental problems — were hospitalised with a mental disorder after childbirth.

Source: The Times Of India


Manage Arthritis Pain The Creative Way

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How your mind may prove the best manager of pain.

Relieving pain has always been one of the chief goals of medicine, yet doctors traditionally haven’t addressed it as a separate problem, focusing instead on underlying diseases. That perspective is changing as studies find that relieving pain helps people fight their illnesses better. It’s now becoming common for doctors to view pain almost as a distinct disorder — or at the very least, a “fifth vital sign” (along with temperature, pulse, respiration, and blood pressure) that must be controlled for overall good health. Most treatments for arthritis both help ease pain and fight joint breakdown, but that’s only the start of pain-control methods at your disposal.

Take Your Mind Away
It’s clear that pain is as much a mental experience as a physical one. Ever get a sports injury that didn’t really hurt until after you stopped playing, laughed off a bump on the head, or kissed away a child’s boo-boo? That’s the nebulous power of the mind at work against all-too-real pain.

As pain signals zip back and forth between the brain and far reaches of the nervous system, they can be influenced in a number of different ways. One theory holds that gates in the nervous system’s circuitry can be closed to pain if competing signals use the same pathway. That may allow you to curtail pain by filling your head with more pleasant thoughts through meditation, hypnosis, or exercises using imagery. Other research suggests that the way you interpret pain can change its impact on the body, making a sense of control, good spirits, and lack of anxiety potent buffers against suffering.

Picture Yourself in a Boat on a River
You don’t need mind-blowing psychedelic excess to take your brain beyond your pain. You just need to focus on thoughts that are pleasant, calm, and engaging. Some of the best ways to do it:

1. Distract yourself. When pain flares, avoid dwelling on it by keeping yourself occupied. Any engaging activity such as reading, working a puzzle, watching TV, visiting friends, working on a craft, or going to an artistic performance can help. If you’re stuck with nothing to do, try mind games such as counting backward from 100, listing the 50 states, or remembering the names of all your primary school teachers.

2. Meditate. Settle into a comfortable chair in a quiet corner. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply. Focus your mind on a simple word or phrase tied to your breathing. Those are the basic elements of meditation, which can ease pain by calming both your mind and body.

3. Take a mental trip. Wherever you go, there you are — but your mind can still be far away: strolling a beach at sunset, saluting the world from a mountaintop, or playing care-free in your old childhood home. To practice the technique known as imagery, picture yourself moving from one vivid setting to another. To engage as much of your brain as possible, focus on these elements:

    • Sensation.

Imagine how your whole body is affected by the soothing rock of a boat in calm waters or the wafting of a gentle breeze on your skin.

    • Smells.

Olfactory signals are closely linked with memories and emotions, and are thought to calm the same part of the brain that processes pain.

    • Colors.

Vivid hues are not only a feast for the mind’s eye, they can also be used to represent your pain. Example: Visualize your pain as a red spot on your body that fades and dissipates as it’s struck by the warming rays of the sun.

    • Temperature.

Imagined warmth is often more soothing (unless, perhaps, you live someplace oppressively hot). Imagine yourself in the temperate dawn of a tropical paradise.

    • Setting.

Picture yourself in locations you associate with relaxation or happiness — an island, a childhood vacation site, a favorite room.

From: The Everyday Arthritis Solution

Healthy Tips

Don’t Invite Food-Poisoning to Dinner

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Nothing can ruin the Thanksgiving holiday more than a bout of food poisoning. Because the health of everyone eating a meal depends on the actions of the cook, sloppy food preparation can result in a serious medical problem – twenty-five Americans will die today–and another 16,000 will become ill–from something they ate.

While the cause of some food borne illnesses is never found, more than 95% of diagnosable food poisonings can be traced to eating food that contains large numbers of tiny microorganisms called bacteria. Children are probably more susceptible to these agents for a variety of reasons, including lack of immunity and poor hygiene.

Like other living things, bacteria need food (they prefer dairy products, egg products, meat, poultry, fish, and shellfish), warmth, water to grow (a moist environment), and time to multiply (under ideal conditions, one bacterium can duplicate itself 2,097,152 times in seven hours.)

Only 3% of reported cases of food poisonings are caused by manufacturing errors. That means that most food borne illness comes from our own kitchen and restaurants.

Parents can think of food poisoning as a chain of events: there must be bacteria on the food, the microorganisms must have the right conditions to grow (warmth and moisture) and they must have the time to multiply.The Partnership for Food Safety Education has listed four steps to help break this chain of events and prevent food poisoning:

Keep Foods Clean

  1. Discourage anyone with an infectious disease from handling, preparing, or serving food.
  2. Work with clean hands, clean hair, clean fingernails, and wear clean clothing.
  3. Wash hands with soap and water after using the toilet, assisting anyone using the toilet, or changing diapers.
  4. Handle raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs as if they were contaminated. Even if they don’t start out with enough bacteria to make you sick, mishandling them could get you and your family in trouble. Wash hands with soap and water after touching raw meat, poultry, sea foods or eggs, before working with other food.
  5. Avoid using hands to mix foods when clean utensils can be used.
  6. Keep hands away from your mouth, nose, and hair.
  7. Avoid using the same spoon more than once for tasting food while preparing, cooking, or serving.
  8. Thoroughly clean all dishes, utensils, and work surfaces with soap and water after each use
  9. Thinking of becoming a vegetarian to avoid food poisoning? Think again. Food poisoning bacteria are also found in vegetables and fruits. Advice: wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly – even the part you will peel away
  10. Microwave your sponges on high for 30 to 60 seconds. That will keep them clean

Keep Food Separate

  1. Keep raw meat, eggs, poultry, or seafood and their juices away from ready to eat foods.
  2. Never place cooked food on an unwashed plate that previously held raw meat, poultry, eggs, or seafood.
  3. Use a different cutting board for fruits and vegetables.

Cook Food Adequately

  1. Cook all meat and poultry using a meat thermometer to insure proper temperature.
  2. Keep hot foods HOT (above 140 degrees F) and cold foods COLD (below 40 degrees F). Food may become unsafe if held for more than 2-3 hours at 60-125 degrees F, the zone where bacteria grow rapidly.
  3. Cook eggs until both the yolk and white are firm.
  4. Bad news for rare meat lovers: When cooking burgers, the center of patties and meat loaf should not be pink and the juices should run clear.
  5. Cook fish until it is opaque and flakes easily.
  6. Make sure leftovers are steaming hot before serving
  7. Never eat shellfish like oysters, clams, or mussels, unless they’ve been thoroughly cooked.
  8. Stuff raw poultry just before cooking it. Better yet, cook your poultry and stuffing separately.

Chill food Properly

  1. Refrigerate or freeze perishables, prepared food, and leftovers within two hours.
  2. The colder food is kept, the less chance bacteria have to grow. Use a thermometer to make sure your refrigerator is giving you good protection against bacterial growth. The refrigerator should register 40 degrees F or lower.
  3. Do not defrost food or marinate on the counter. Juices drip and bacterial multiply faster at room temperature. Defrost food and marinate in the refrigerator instead (and do not taste your food with the uncooked marinade unless you’ve cooked it). If microwave defrosting, cook food immediately.
  4. Keep uncooked ground meat and poultry in the refrigerator and cook or freeze within one or two days. Use or freeze meat and poultry stored in the refrigerator within three to four days.

It used to be that parents worried whether their dinner was going to taste good. Now they are wondering whether their dinner is going to be safe. Just like the security of everyone in the car depends on the performance of the driver, the health of everyone eating a meal depends on the actions of the parent or grandparent in the kitchen!


Ailmemts & Remedies

Hyperhidrosis Or Excessive Sweating

[amazon_link asins=’B010BVZ1VU,B01FWALYJ8,B001TU1EPU,B00K4I91RG,B01JB1MUNI,B002PQ8BQM,B019E8H5TC’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’278ed861-8a27-11e7-b9b5-21cc944697bf’]

Hyperhidrosis – Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition in which a person sweats excessively and unpredictably. People with hyperhidrosis can sweat even when the temperature is cool, and when they are at rest.Hyperhidrosis affects millions of people around the world  nearly 3% of the population, according to some studies.In simple terms, hyperhidrosis is a medical disorder characterized by excessive sweating. This kind of excessive sweating typically occurs either on your palms (palmar hyperhidrosis), in your underarms (axillary hyperhidrosis), on your face (facial hyperhidrosis), or in your feet (plantar hyperhidrosis).
Hyperhidrosis is a physical condition caused by excessive sweating in the body. Hyperhidrosis is caused due to malfunctioning of the sympathetic nervous system or disorders of the sweat glands. Curesweatyplams provides the best excessive perspiration treatment.

Click to see the picture

Sweat Gland – a simple tubular gland of the skin that excretes perspiration, is widely distributed in nearly all parts of the human skin, and consists typically of an epithelial tube extending spirally from a minute pore on the surface of the skin into the dermis or subcutaneous tissues where it ends in a convoluted tuft.


Though we in our ignorance often loosely use the term sweat problem for a lot of people who display the symptoms described above, they may actually be suffering from hyperhidrosis, which is a serious medical condition, and which requires proper diagnosis and treatment. Though excessive sweating causes are many the primary causes are still unknown but the secondary causes range from anxiety, obesity and psychological tension. Hyperhidrosis symptoms can be dripping sweat, odor along with sweat, stained clothes due to sweat and inferiority complex due to sweat

Under ordinary conditions, the hypothalamus, which is the part of the brain that regulates sweat-related functions, sends sensory signals to the sweat nerves. These nerves — part of the sympathetic nervous system located in the chest cavity — in turn send the signals to the sweat glands, causing the latter to produce sweat. As a result of hyperhidrosis, the sweat glands disobey these signals, as it were, and produce substantial volumes of sweat that then seek outlets on your underarms, face, palms and feet.

Types Of Hyperhidrosis:

Hyperhidrosis can either be generalized or localized to specific parts of the body. Hands, feet, armpits, and the groin area are among the most active regions of perspiration due to the relatively high concentration of sweat glands. When excessive sweating is localized (e.g. palms, soles, face, underarms, scalp) it is referred to as primary or focal hyperhidrosis. Generalized or secondary hyperhidrosis usually involves the body as a whole and is the result of an underlying condition.

Hyperhidrosis can also be classified depending by onset, either congenital or acquired. Focal hyperhidrosis is found to start during adolescence or even before and seems to be inherited as an autosomal dominant genetic trait. Primary or focal hyperhidrosis must be distinguished from secondary hyperhidrosis, which can start at any point in life. The latter form may be due to a disorder of the thyroid or pituitary glands, diabetes mellitus, tumors, gout, menopause, certain drugs, or mercury poisoning.

Hyperhidrosis may also be divided into palmoplantar (symptomatic sweating of primarily the hands or feet), gustatory hyperhidrosis, generalized and focal hyperhidrosis.

Alternatively, hyperhidrosis may be classified according to the amount of skin affected and its possible causes. In this approach, excessive sweating in an area greater than 100 cm2 (16 in2) (up to generalized sweating of the entire body) is differentiated from sweating that affects only a small area .

Broadly, hyperhidrosis can be categorized into two types: primary and secondary. There are four major areas of the body that are typically more susceptible to primary hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating induced by natural causes) than others .

Primary hyperhidrosis

When your excessive sweating is not caused by any other medical condition, or is not a side effect of any drugs that you may be under, you are suffering from primary hyperhidrosis. You may also find that the condition is described as focal hyperhidrosis. In such cases, the excessive sweating occurs on specific (or focal) parts of the body, the most affected areas being the hands, feet, underarms, and face.

Research has shown that the first signs of primary hyperhidrosis are often detected in childhood or early adolescence. Plenty of sufferers tend to sweat less excessively when at rest or asleep, though that is not always the case. There is also a theory that the sweat problem is hereditary, though there has been no conclusive research on this. Areas of the body most vulnerable to primary hyperhidrosis are :your face, underarm, hands and feet.
Secondary Hyperhidrosis

This type of excessive sweating (also called generalized hyperhidrosis) is caused by a usually unrelated medical condition (e.g. menopause), or is a side effect of a particular drug. In other words, it is everything that primary hyperhidrosis is not. There are two other significant differences: people suffering from secondary hyperhidrosis typically experience sweating on generalized  or larger parts of the body, and they usually experience the excessive sweating even while at rest.

When there is excessive sweating under the arms it is called axillary hyperhidrosis (click & see)  sometimes some people have excessieve sewating on the face then it is called facial hyperhidrosis   (click & see)  and excessieve sweating on the feet is called plantar hyperhidrosis.(click & see)


Given the profound social and professional embarrassment that excessive sweating can cause, there have been several different approaches to the treatment of hyperhidrosis. These include herbal remedies, chemical lotions, oral medication and over-the-counter antiperspirants. However, none of these have cured hyperhidrosis .

Since a couple of decades ago, an extremely delicate form of invasive endoscopic surgery has been performed on patients to restrict the flow of neural transmissions to the sweat glands. Though many patients have reported an alleviation of the problem of excessive sweating, the surgical approach is beset by the appearance of certain side effects that can assume potentially dangerous consequences.

Yet another method of treatment is iontophoresis, a procedure that involves the administering of mild electrical currents to the affected areas to thicken the outer layer of the skin, thus blocking the flow of sweat to the skin’s surface. However, this method is absolutely out of the question for a large group of sufferers, which may include pregnant women, and cardiac and epileptic patients.

Another very recent development involves the use of Botox to treat hyperhidrosis. As of now, however, Botox has received FDA approval only for use in the treatment of underarm or axillary hyperhidrosis. Additionally, the relatively high cost of treatment and the fact that a top-up dose needs to be administered every 6-10 months means that not everyone has access to this treatment.

Some effective home remedies:
1.Saga Tea: For excessive sweating infuse one teaspoon of dried saga in a cup of boiling water for 15 minutes, strain and drink the tea 2-4 times a day.
2.Zinc: Take 30 to 50 mg. of zinc perday.
3. Tea bags: For sweaty hands or feet , boil 5 regular tea bags in a quart of water for 5 minutes, let it cool and soak hands or feet for 20 to 30 minutes at night before bed.
4. Always try to avoid more sugar, alcohol, and hot spicy food.
5.Drink plenty of pure water(6 to 8 glass a day) and this is essential.


Click to learn more about Hyperhidrosis

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Regular Yoga Exercise with PRANAYAMA  under the guideline of  expert  cures the problem totally….click & see

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