Ailmemts & Remedies


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The heart, workhorse of the body, beats more than 100,000 times a day, pumping life-giving blood through thousands of miles of arteries, capillaries, and veins. Irregular heart rhythms — or arrhythmias — can disrupt this process and require careful medical evaluation… & see

Heart palpitations or pounding heartbeats.
Fluttering in the chest or neck.
Fatigue, light-headedness.
Shortness of breath, chest pain, fainting spells.
Often there are no symptoms; your doctor may find an arrhythmia during a routine exam.

When to Call Your Doctor
If you notice frequent irregularities in your heartbeat or suddenly become light-headed, dizzy, or weak.
If someone suddenly loses consciousness, or has severe chest pain or shortness of breath — call an ambulance right away.
Reminder: If you have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before taking supplements.

What It Is
Arrhythmias are abnormal rhythms of the heart. They may be as fleeting as a single missed beat, or they may be more serious, causing the heart to beat irregularly or unusually fast or slowly for extended periods.

What Causes It
For many people with arrhythmias, the cause is unclear. However, some cases can be traced to a heart condition, such as coronary artery disease, a heart valve defect, or in rare cases, an infection of the heart. Thyroid or kidney disease, certain drugs, and imbalances of magnesium or potassium in the body can contribute to arrhythmias. Abnormal rhythms may also be induced by a high intake of caffeine or alcohol, heavy smoking, and stress.

How Supplements Can Help
It’s important to remember that some arrhythmias can be serious. The supplements listed in the chart are meant to complement — not to replace — standard treatments. Never discontinue a heart drug without consulting your doctor first. All the supplements can be used together, but your doctor should determine which ones you should take and in what order. They may work within a week, but often need to be used long term.
Magnesium supplements often benefit people with heart-rhythm disorders, many of whom are deficient in this mineral. Magnesium is vital for coordinating the activity of nerves (including those that initiate heartbeats) and muscles (including the heart). According to a study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 232 people who had frequent arrhythmias significantly reduced their likelihood of abnormal heart rhythms after just three weeks by increasing their intake of magnesium and potassium.

Also valuable is hawthorn, an herb that has been used as a heart tonic for centuries: It increases blood flow to the heart, making it beat more strongly and restoring rhythm. Coenzyme Q10 also helps steady heart rhythm and may be particularly useful for people who have previously suffered a heart attack or have another form of heart disease.

In addition, fish oils are being extensively studied for treating heart ailments; early results strongly suggest that they are effective at relieving arrhythmias. In a recent study from Denmark, 55 heart attack survivors were given capsules of either fish oils or olive oil (placebo). After three months, those receiving the fish oils did significantly better on heart tests, indicating that they were less likely to suffer from serious arrhythmias.

Other supplements may stabilize heart rhythm as well. Some recommend the herb cactus grandiflorus; it is often used with hawthorn. The trace mineral manganese, which promotes healthy nerves, and the amino acids taurine and carnitine increase oxygen supply to the heart. Taken as a tea, pill, or tincture (30 drops three times a day), the herb astragalus has been found to contain various substances that stabilize heart rhythm. Doctors also occasionally prescribe potassium supplements to prevent arrhythmias, though for most people, eating fresh fruits and vegetables is a better way to get adequate supplies of this mineral.

What Else You Can Do

Reduce or eliminate caffeine and alcohol.

Supplement Recommendations
Coenzyme Q10
Fish Oils
Amino Acids

Dosage: 400 mg twice a day.
Comments: Do not take if you have kidney disease.

Dosage: 100-150 mg 3 times a day.
Comments: Standardized to contain at least 1.8% vitexin.

Coenzyme Q10

Dosage: 50 mg twice a day.
Comments: For best absorption, take with food.

Fish Oils

Dosage: 1,000 mg 3 times a day.
Comments: Take only if you don’t eat fish at least twice a week.

Dosage: 25 drops tincture 3 times a day.
Comments: Known as night-blooming cereus; may cause diarrhea.

Dosage: 20 mg every morning.
Comments: Often included in multivitamin and mineral formulas.

Amino Acids
Dosage: 1,500 mg L-taurine twice a day; 500 mg L-carnitine 3 times a day.
Comments: For long-term use, try a mixed amino acid complex.

Dosage: 400 mg twice a day or 3 cups of tea a day.
Comments: Supplying 0.5% glucosides and 70% polysaccharides.

Ayurvedic Recommended Product:  Arjunin 
Ayurvedic Recommended Therapy:  Virechan

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.This is purely for educational purpose.


Source:Your Guide to Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs

News on Health & Science

Obesity Is Found to Make Ovarian Cancer Deadlier


[amazon_link asins=’B01FL1IA0O,B073WKCL8P,0897936434,B014K2VNE0,B01BJ4WZ9O,B01C94RMCI,B072VRWX6W,B072283ZWY,B01F9A34K8′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’68e2fdab-6d5a-11e7-9250-9fb39c521034′]Obesity makes ovarian cancer more deadly, a new study reports. Obese women with advanced ovarian cancer have a shorter time to recurrence and a shorter overall survival time than women of ideal weight — and not because obese people often have other medical problems. Obesity itself, the researchers suggest, is the problem……...CLICK & SEE

Ovarian cancer is fairly common. ”About one in 60 American women will develop ovarian cancer,” said Dr. Andrew J. Li, the senior author of the study, a faculty physician at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of California, Los Angeles. Each year, about 20,000 new cases are diagnosed and about 15,000 women die of the disease, according to the American Cancer Society.

It is well known that obesity is associated with various malignancies, including kidney, throat, breast and colon cancers. Findings about obesity and ovarian cancer have been somewhat less clear, the researchers say, but evidence from previous studies suggests that obesity predicts a worse outcome for ovarian cancer patients as well.

The scientists wanted to know whether excess fat, apart from any other health problems it might cause, had direct effects on tumor growth. They reviewed the medical records of 216 patients at Cedars-Sinai who had surgery for epithelial ovarian cancer. The data included information on height, weight, age and any other diseases. The cause of death was presumed to be cancer related if the patient had advanced recurrent disease at the time of death.

Half the patients had ideal weight, with a body mass index from 18.5 to 24.9, and 8 percent had a B.M.I. of less than 18.5, considered underweight. Twenty-six percent were overweight, with indexes exceeding 25, and 16 percent were obese, with indexes higher than 30.

The overweight and obese differed little from normal and underweight people in age or in health status, except that they had more hypertension and diabetes.

But among patients with Stage III or Stage IV disease, the most advanced stages, those with B.M.I.’s greater than 25 survived disease free for an average of 17 months, compared with 25 months for people with indexes lower than 25.

For each increase of one unit in the index, the researchers found a 4 percent increase in the risk of recurrence and a 5 percent increase in the risk of death.

This ”dose response” effect strongly suggests that obesity alone is responsible for the decreased survival time, Dr. Li said.

The researchers acknowledge that their study, published yesterday in the journal Cancer, has certain weaknesses.

They found that a slightly lower dose of chemotherapy relative to body surface was given to obese patients, and it is possible that this underdosing may have had a role.

In addition, fluid in the body cavity, a symptom of the disease, may have artificially increased the B.M.I. of some patients. And it is possible that other diseases like hypertension and diabetes, more prevalent among the obese, could have decreased survival among those patients.

The study was also limited by its retrospective method and small sample population.

The researchers said they believed that it was unlikely that those factors could have accounted for the decreased overall survival time of obese women. More likely, they said, is that the presence of fat tissue encourages tumor growth or increases resistance to treatment.

”There may be some factor secreted by adipose tissue that makes tumors less sensitive to chemotherapy,” Dr. Li said, referring to fat tissue. ”We have some ideas, and we’re working on looking at those factors now.”

Dr. Li said obesity did not increase the risk of developing ovarian cancer, but did affect the chance of survival when a person developed it.

”Reducing obesity and maintaining an ideal body weight,” he said, ”is important for many reasons. This is just one more health problem in which obesity plays a role.”

Source:The New York Times

Ailmemts & Remedies

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

[amazon_link asins=’B009B9X36Y,1583335145,B01N9QGN7Z,0060922605,0972893873,1497362989,B00BGVMHWQ,1546596623,1510713948′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’6e2bc3d2-6d5c-11e7-8dc4-3d823d3452b7′]

Many people turn to supplements to combat the persistent tiredness and flu like symptoms that characterize this poorly understood and disabling disorder. Although no one knows its cause, a weakened immune system may be a factor.


Continuing or recurring fatigue lasting at least six months and not relieved by sleep or rest.
Memory loss, inability to concentrate, headaches.
Low-grade fever, muscle or joint aches, sore throat, or swollen lymph nodes in neck or armpits.

When to Call Your Doctor
Fatigue that lasts longer than two weeks or is accompanied by sudden weight loss, muscle weakness, or other unusual symptoms may signal other, more serious ailments.
Fatigue can be a side effect of certain medications. Your doctor can rule out other possible and often correctable causes.
Have your doctor monitor your progress even if you are improving or if fatigue worsens despite home treatment.
Reminder: If you have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before taking supplements.

What It Is
Marked by profound and persistent exhaustion, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) affects more women than men, most younger than age 50. Patients feel weak and listless much of the time and often have difficulty sleeping, concentrating, and performing daily tasks; many also have underlying depression. Doctors disagree about whether CFS is a specific condition or a group of unrelated symptoms not attributable to a single cause.

What Causes It
The specific cause of CFS is unknown, but an impaired immune response may play a role in its onset. People with CFS have other immune disturbances as well: About 65% are allergy sufferers (versus only 20% in the general population), and some have autoimmune disorders such as lupus, in which the immune system attacks the body’s own healthy tissues.

click & see the pictures

To Learn more about CFS  you may click ……..(1)…...(2)……...(3)

How Supplements Can Help
Supplement therapy aims to restore a healthy immune system, so begin with vitamin C and carotenoids. A powerful immune enhancer, echinacea can be added to the mix; it can be alternated with the herbs astragalus, which has antiviral and immunity-enhancing effects, pau d’arco, which fights many microbes (especially the yeast infections so common in those with low immunity), or goldenseal. For muscle pain, use magnesium too.

What Else You Can Do
Try behavioral counseling and relaxation techniques, such as hypnosis or meditation, to manage stress and treat any underlying depression.
Get a good night’s sleep. If needed, use supplements for insomnia, such as valerian, melatonin, or 5-HTP.
Mild aerobic exercise may be excellent for chronic fatigue syndrome, according to a recent study in the British Medical Journal. After a 12-week program of walking, swimming, or biking from 5 to 30 minutes a day, 55% of CFS patients felt “much” or very much better. Relaxation and stretching exercises may also work. But start and proceed slowly: If you do too much, you may suffer a setback. It may help to keep an energy diary-to record peaks and ebbs of energy-and plan your schedule around the times you routinely feel the best.

Supplement Recommendations

Vitamin C
Siberian Ginseng
Pantothenic Acid
Pau d’arco

Vitamin C
Dosage: 2,000 mg 3 times a day.
Comments: Reduce dose if diarrhea develops.

Dosage: 2 pills mixed carotenoids a day with food.
Comments: Each pill should supply 25,000 IU vitamin A activity.


Dosage: 400 mg once a day.
Comments: Take with food; reduce dose if diarrhea develops.

Dosage: 200 mg twice a day.
Comments: Standardized to contain at least 3.5% echinacosides. Limit consecutive use to 3 weeks or rotate with other herbs.

Siberian Ginseng
Dosage: 100-300 mg twice a day.
Comments: Standardized to contain at least 0.8% eleutherosides.

Dosage: 200 mg 3 times a day.
Comments: Standardized to contain 22% glycyrrhizin or glycyrrhizinic acid; can raise blood pressure.

Pantothenic Acid

Dosage: 500 mg twice a day.
Comments: Take with meals. Provides adrenal gland support.

Dosage: 200 mg standardized extract twice a day.
Comments: Rotate in 3-week cycles with echinacea and pau d’arco.

Pau d’arco
Dosage: 250 mg twice a day.
Comments: Standardized to contain 3% naphthoquinones.
Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.This is purely for educational purpose.

Source:Your Guide to Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs

News on Health & Science

Obese diabetics at risk of kidney disease

[amazon_link asins=’B071JCF1YQ,B005ZERWVG,B00XO96P7Q,B0062YYSTW’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’88c82c61-4fee-11e7-8387-d7d650b4ed46′]

Are you suffering from Type 1 diabetes? You better watch that weight around your waist. Researchers from the   University of Washington, Seattle, have found that adults with Type 1 diabetes who are obese, especially those who carry excess weight around the waist, are at an increased risk of developing kidney disease. In fact, according to the study that was presented at the recently concluded World Diabetes Congress, for every four-inch

increase in waist circumference, the risk of microalbuminuria    small amounts of the protein albumin in urine, the first sign of diabetic kidney disease  increased by 34%. Microalbuminuria is not only an important sign of kidney disease but also a marker of increased risk for cardiovascular disease.

Dr Ian H de Boer from the university’s department of nephrology said,”For patients with Type 1 diabetes, obesity is an important risk factor for the development of kidney disease. Our study suggests that lifestyle interventions, such as exercise and diet, will be useful in preventing kidney and heart disease in this group of people.” The study will appear in
the January 2007 issue of the Journal of American Society of Nephrology.

According to the researchers, the risk of microalbuminuria was significantly higher for patients who were suffering from central obesity fat around the midsection.
The study says,”Weight gain and central obesity are associated with insulin resistance, hypertension and dyslipidemia in Type 1 diabetes.

These metabolic abnormalities are risk factors for kidney disease. Whether waist circumference is associated with microalbuminuria was examined among 1,279 participants who had Type 1 diabetes.”
“Over 93 of 1,105 participants with normal albumin excretion rate developed microalbuminuria over the 5.8 year period.

In conclusion, waist circumference predicts the subsequent development of microalbuminuria in Type 1 diabetes.”

Source:The Times Of India

Ailmemts & Remedies

Canker Sores

Patients with ulcerative colitis can occasiona...

Given their diminutive size, it’s hard to fathom how canker sores can hurt as much as they do. Commonsense self-care measures can assist you in avoiding these painful mouth ulcers, and supplements may help you reduce their frequency and speed their healing.

Small white or yellowish sores surrounded by a red area on the tongue, gums, or soft palate, or inside the lips or cheeks.
Burning, itchiness, or a tingling feeling before a sore appears.
Raw pain when eating and speaking; strongest during the first few days.

When to Call Your Doctor
If pain is too severe to consume adequate liquids.
If more than four sores appear throughout your mouth.
If sores persist longer than two weeks.
If fever is 101 degree F or higher.
If sores occur more than two or three times a year.
Reminder: If you have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before taking supplements.

What It Is
Though not serious, canker sores can be so bothersome that they can cause intense pain when talking, kissing, drinking, and eating. Affecting women more often than men, these shallow, ulcerated areas appear singly or in small clusters inside the mouth, and range in size from as tiny as a pinhead to as large as a quarter. Cankers emerge fairly suddenly and usually go away within one to three weeks. Fortunately, it is possible to ease the discomfort they cause.

What Causes It

The prevailing view is that the sores are triggered by stress, which can cause the body’s immune system to overreact to bacteria normally present in the mouth. Canker sores can also be precipitated by a number of actions, such as irritating the
mouth cavity with a rough filling or a jagged or chipped tooth or wearing ill-fitting dentures. Maybe you’ve unconsciously gnawed the inside of your cheek, used a toothbrush with very hard bristles, or brushed too vigorously. Occasionally, even
eating acidic, spicy, or salty foods — tomatoes, citrus fruits, hot peppers, cinnamon, nuts, or potato chips — can be the initiating factor.
Some experts believe recurring cankers are an allergic reaction to food preservatives (benzoic acid, methylparaben, or sorbic acid, to name a few) or to something in a food. They single out gluten, the protein found in wheat and some other grains, as the most likely offender.

How Supplements Can Help
When canker sores erupt, turn to one or more of the following supplements. First try lysine — a deficiency in this amino
acid has been associated with canker sores. Echinacea strengthens the immune system, and lower doses of this herb (200 mg each morning, three weeks a month) may also prevent cankers from forming. Another immune-booster, vitamin C helps heal the
mouth’s mucous membranes; flavonoids are natural compounds that enhance the effectiveness of this vitamin. Licorice (DGL) wafers coat and protect sores from irritants and help them heal. Goldenseal in liquid form applied directly to the sore also promotes healing. Instead of DGL or goldenseal, you may want to try zinc lozenges to speed healing and boost your resistance.

People who get canker sores frequently may be deficient in B vitamins; a daily vitamin B complex is useful as a preventive.

What Else You Can Do
Keep your mouth clean and healthy by flossing and brushing your teeth at least twice a day. Be gentle and use a soft-bristled brush.
See your dentist if a tooth problem is irritating your mouth.
Be aware if you’re constantly gnawing at the inside of your cheek.
Don’t eat spicy foods if you’re prone to recurrent canker sores. Stay away from coffee and chewing gum, other known irritants.
Eating onions regularly might prevent these sores. Onions contain sulfur compounds that have antiseptic properties, and they are also a leading source of quercetin, a flavonoid that stops the body from releasing inflammatory substances in response to allergens.
If supplements or other self-treatments don’t help relieve the pain or frequency of canker sores, you might want to try a new prescription oral paste known by the generic name of amlexanox.
Supplement Recommendations

Vitamin C/Flavonoids
Licorice (DGL)
Zinc Lozenges
Vitamin B

Dosage: 500 mg L-lysine 3 times a day.
Comments: Take on empty stomach; discontinue when sores heal.

Dosage: 200 mg 2 or 3 times a day at first sign of a sore.
Comments: Begin with higher dose and reduce as sore heals. As a preventive, take 200 mg each morning for 3 weeks of each month.

Vitamin C/Flavonoids
Dosage: 1,000 mg vitamin C and 500 mg flavonoids 3 times a day.
Comments: Reduce vitamin C dose if diarrhea develops.

Licorice (DGL)
Dosage: Chew 1 or 2 deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) wafers (380 mg) 3 or 4 times a day.
Comments: Take between meals.

Dosage: Apply liquid form to the sore 3 times a day.
Comments: After application, wait at least an hour before eating.

Zinc Lozenges
Dosage: 1 lozenge every 2 hours for 3 or 4 days.
Comments: Do not exceed 150 mg zinc a day from all sources.

Vitamin B
Dosage: 1 pill each morning with food.
Comments: Look for a B-50 complex with 50 mcg vitamin B12 and biotin; 400 mcg folic acid; and 50 mg of all other B vitamins.

Herbal Remedy: YOU can fight small and painful ulcers on the tongue, lips, gums and insides of cheeks with underlying causes ranging from poor dental hygiene to allergies, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances to viral infecrion with the following herbs:-

Red clover, burdock, garlic extract, and any herb containing berberine as an active ingredient, including barberry, Oregon grape root and goldenseal root.

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.This is purely for educational purpose.

Your Guide to Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs

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