Ailmemts & Remedies

Abnormal Puberty in Females

Puberty is the period during which sexual development occurs. in girls, puberty is characterized by a growth spurt, hair growth in the armpits and pubic region, the development of the breasts and reproductive organs, and the onset of menstruation. although there is considerable variation in the age of onset of puberty, girls tend to start this process between age 10 and 14. puberty may be considered abnormal if it starts either earlier than normal or later. early puberty occurs if a girl develops breasts before age 8 or if menstruation starts before age 10. in extreme cases, puberty may begin at age 4. puberty is delayed if menstruation has not started by age 16 or breast development is absent at age 14….you may click & see

Early puberty is rare and may be a sign of an underlying hormonal disorder. delayed puberty is more common. there may be an underlying cause, but many girls who have not menstruated by age 16 are simply late developers, a tendency that often runs in families.

Abnormal puberty can be disturbing for a girl and her family because physical and sexual development will not coincide with that of her peers. medical advice should be sought as soon as abnormal puberty is suspected.

What are the causes?
Puberty in girls is controlled by female sex hormones produced by the ovaries. the production of these hormones is controlled by hormones from the pituitary gland in the brand and from the hypothalamus. disorders of any of these organs may lead to an abnormally early or late puberty.

Precocious puberty may be due to an underlying disorder that leads to a premature rise in female sex hormones. for example, an ovarian cyst that develops in childhood may produce sex hormones, causing early sexual development. a tumor of the hypothalamus or damage to the pituitary gland as the result of a head injury or an infection such as meningitis may also lead to early puberty.

Delayed puberty may be caused by certain chromosomal disorders, such as turner syndrome or less commonly by a pituitary tumor. excessive weight loss or exercise may create a temporary hormonal imbalance that can lead to delayed puberty.In many cases of abnormal puberty no underlying cause is found.

What might be done?
The doctor will do a physical examination to determine whether puberty has started or how far it has progressed. a blood test may be arranged to measure hormone levels or check for a chromosomal abnormality. you may have mri or ct scanning of the brain if a pituitary tumor is suspected or ultrasound scanning of the ovaries to look for cysts.

If there is an underlying condition, it will be treated. for example, an ovarian cyst will be removed. hormonal treatment may be prescribed to suspend precocious puberty or to promote sexual development if puberty is delayed. delayed puberty may be associated with infertility and further evaluation and treatment may be required in the future if a woman who has had a delayed puberty wants to have children.

Sometimes, puberty is simply late and treatment is not necessary. gaining weight and reducing strenuous activity may help if delayed puberty has been caused by weight loss or exercise.

Precocious Puberty
Click for more knowledge on The Problem of Precocious Puberty

Read The Hazards of Abnormal Puberty due to Estrogens in the Environment”

Treatment Of Early Puberty

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.



Ibuprofen: An Injured Child’s Best Friend

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When a child is hurt, parents want to do anything to ease his pain. But often they don’t know what the best course of action is, or what type of pain medication will work best. Of three well-known analgesics, acetaminophen, ibuprofen and codeine, which one, if any, is best for children?

Ibuprofen found in over-the-counter Advil and Motrin was more effective than other two competitors in relieving children’s pain from musculoskeletal injuries to extremities, the neck, and the back, a new Canadian study published in the March Issue of the journal Pediatrics.

The researchers came to the conclusion after they compared ibuprofen with acetaminophen – an active ingredient found in Tylenol and codeine at an equivalent OTC dose in children admitted into an emergency department.

“No one had done comparison studies on the pain medications we use [on children] shift after shift,” Dr. Eric Clark, the lead author and an emergency medicine doctor at the University of Ottawa School of Medicine was quoted as saying by

Clark said some doctors have actually used ibuprofen more frequently than other two painkillers, but this study justified such a preference.

In the study, researchers randomly assigned 15 mg/kg acetaminophen, 10 mg/kg ibuprofen, or 1 mg/kg codeine to 330 children aged 6 to 17 admitted to the emergency department of the Children’s Hospital department of Eastern Ontario with pain from a musculoskeletal injury that occurred 48 hours before admission into the hospital.

Children’s pain at the time of admission and at 60 minutes after treatment was evaluated on a pain scale ranging from 1 to 100 and then compared. 300 children were randomly selected for an analysis.

The researchers found that children in the ibuprofen group had a significantly greater improvement in pain score (pain score decreased by 24 mm) than those in the codeine (11mm) and acetaminophen (12mm).

Additionally at 60 minutes, more children receiving ibuprofen achieved adequate analgesia as defined by a visual analog scale less than 30 mm than other two groups.

There was no significant difference between acetaminophen and codeine in change in pain score at any time or in the number of children experiencing adequate analgesia.

Click for Dose of ibuprofen in chieldren and what parents need to know about ibuprofen


Homeopathy And Painful Periods

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The monthly menstrual cycle for many women can be a painful experience which
ranges in intensity from mild discomfort at best, to a state of complete
incapacitation for up to fifteen days of the cycle. Too many women suffer this
common but debilitating condition unnecessarily.

click & see the pictures

Dysmenorrhea (painful or difficult menstrual periods) may be attributable to a
variety of possible causes. There are many theories, and the excessive action
of a small endocrine structure within the ovarian follicle known as the corpus
luteum, which secretes progesterone is often considered to be at fault. An
excess of prostaglandins are thought to be a possible cause also.
Prostaglandins are a group of biologically active fatty acid derivatives which
are present in many tissues and which affect the cardiovascular system, smooth
muscle and stimulate the uterus to contract. Hormonal imbalance or instability
has also been considered a possible antagonist as it causes the endometrial
lining of the uterus to become thickened, later detaching from the uterus in
large pieces during the period. The associated pain is considered to result
from spasm of the uterine walls.
There is also the possibility of dysmenorrhea being the result of an emotional
factor such as depression, anxiety or some unresolved internal conflict or
stress which seems to interfere with the normal estrogen/progesterone balance.
In situations where there is an underlying emotional factor, it is obvious that
effective treatment must be targeted to include the emotional imbalance before
the dysmenorrhea will abate.

The conventional treatment of dysmenorrhea recommends warm applications and rest
together with a variety of analgesics to control pain but which may cause
stomach irritation. Antispasmodics such as atropine which relax smooth muscle
are also routinely used. To correct the hormonal imbalance the contraceptive
pill is sometimes employed to suppress ovulation so that progesterone build-up
does not occur. Anti-prostaglandin drugs such as Naprosyn, which inhibit their
build-up are also tried. Anti-inflammatory drugs may be used in an attempt to
relieve inflammation and subsequent pain.

Throughout history ill health has been viewed from two fundamentally different
perspectives. The first view-point is that illness is a malfunction of specific
components of the body and symptoms are seen as the disease itself. Treatment
is aimed at removing the symptoms through suppressive drugging or removing the
actual suffering parts surgically. Orthodox medicine works with this concept
and patterns its treatment accordingly.

The second viewpoint is that disease is a result of a deeper disturbance or
imbalance of the vital life energy affecting the person as a whole, of which
symptoms are simply the outward manifestation. In a state of health the vital
energy controls all sensations and functions of the organism and keeps
everything in harmonious balance. It causes cells to reproduce and regenerate,
organs to function, hair and nails to grow, etc. When it leaves us at death our
bodies then begin to degenerate, disintegrate and decay. Homeopathic medicine
recognizes the concept of a vital energy and focuses its treatment on resolving
the underlying imbalance of that energy so that the organism may return
naturally to healthy functioning. When the organism is rebalanced the symptoms
go away of their own accord.

Symptoms, whether physical, emotional or psychological, are expressions of the
imbalance. In homeopathy, treatment is based upon the totality of symptoms
expressed on all levels and not solely on the specific condition or disease.
The task of the homeopathic doctor is to match the total picture of symptoms and
individualizing characteristics provided by the patient with the indicated
homeopathic remedy.
The matching of remedy to patient is done via a comparison of the known curative
action of the remedy to the similar total symptom picture presented by the
patient. The result of this matching of ‘similars’ is to stimulate the vital
or life energy of the organism to return to normal functioning, thereby
ameliorating symptoms and restoring health.

With this approach to healing it follows that two people presenting with the
same disease-label, i.e. asthma, arthritis, dysmenorrhea, etc., would probably
be given quite different homeopathic remedies because they would almost surely
express their illness differently and uniquely. Their symptoms would differ
somewhat from one another. Their heredity, metabolism, personalities, likes and
dislikes, psychological and emotional states would be unique to them. These are
factors of great importance when deciding upon a homeopathic prescription for an

So, women presenting with dysmenorrhea may be prescribed one of several possible
remedies depending on the total symptom picture (psychological, emotional and
physical) of that person.
For example, Pulsatilla may be indicated if the person’s nature is shy, gentle,
easy-going but sad and moody with a tendency to cry easily. They have a need
for consolation. Their moods are changeable as are their physical symptoms. In
fact, everything is variable in the Pulsatilla patient. Their periods may stop
and start or be different every time. Shivering often accompanies the pain and
there is usually a lack of thirst. They are aggravated by heat and hot, stuffy
rooms and are improved by being outside in the open air and moving around. If
these signs are present and the specific symptoms of the case indicate
Pulsatilla, it can produce a remarkable amelioration of the condition.

Women who are very irritable during periods which are often late, scanty, and
last a few hours with cramps extending down the thighs may benefit from
Viburnum. They have bearing-down pains before the period and the ovarian region
feels heavy and congested. They may also have spasmodic or membranous
dysmenorrhea with aching in the sacrum and pubic region with a sensation of
feeling faint.

Magnesia phosphorica may be appropriate for sudden, intolerable spasmodic pains
which make the patient cry out. They may lament about their terrible pains and
may be unable to think clearly. The pains begin and end suddenly and tend to be
erratic and cramp-like. They are improved by exposure to heat and by leaning
forward and doubling-up, and are aggravated by exposure to cold. The pains are
predominantly right-sided.

Colocynthis is another remedy with similar symptoms but the pains are
predominantly left-sided.

Another possible remedy is Platina. There is colic, together with a cramping
pain in the left ovarian region, associated with extreme vaginal
hypersensitivity and constipation. Periods are early, heavy and often dark with
clots. The overall mood is one of restless agitation, suspicion and haughty
authority, with underlying anxiety and an inability to relax.

A couple of case examples will illustrate the variety of symptomatology
experienced in cases such as these.

A woman aged 34, had painful periods with pressing down pains in the lower
abdomen as if every thing would pass out from her vagina. She would sit with
her legs crossed which made her feel somewhat more secure and relieved the awful
bearing-down sensation she was experiencing. The pain during menses increased
up to the third day and she could not move from the bed. She was irritable and
depressed because of this and would often lash out verbally at her partner with
little provocation. She also had abdominal distension and pain. Her menstrual
flow was scanty with colicky pain in abdomen for the first few days of her
period. Sepia cured her troubles quickly.

A 17 year old girl always had painful menstruation with backache as soon as it
started. During her period she would pass dark pieces of clotted blood. This
was because the endometrium or mucosa was also inflamed and received a greater
supply of blood but it shed into large or small pieces, or clots, during her
periods. She was quite depressed and gloomy during her periods which alternated
with loquacity. She would talk non-stop about anything and everything at these
She also had cramping, or griping pains in the lower abdomen with inflammation
of the ovaries with neuralgic pains which were worse in her right ovary.
Magnesia phosphorica partially relieved her symptoms, and this was followed by
Cimicifuga which cured of the dysmenorrhoea.

There are many different possible remedies which may be appropriate for any
given case. The ultimate choice is made after considering all the possible
factors, signs and symptoms. A remedy is chosen that is most similar to the
total symptom picture expressed by the woman concerned. It often requires
considerable skill and precision in order to make the appropriate choice and it
is wise to consult an experienced homeopath to assist you.

Homeopathy is a centuries-old system of natural medicine that was extremely
popular in Canada and the United States during the latter part of the 19th and
early 20th century. It was so popular in fact that homeopathic hospitals were
present in major Canadian cities including Toronto and Montreal, and Canada’s
first female physician, Emily Stowe, was a homeopathic doctor.

It declined in popularity, partly due to the advent of the so-called
‘wonder-drugs’ in the 1940s and 1950s, but is now making a distinct comeback as
more and more people are disillusioned with the mechanistic and impersonal
nature of modern medicine. Also the fact that homeopathy has a documented
history of over two hundred years of cured cases to its credit, as well as an
untarnished record of safety and gentleness of action, has provided the impetus
for many to rediscover what this amazing system of natural medicine can

Treating painful periods usually requires professional homeopathic treatment to
improve this condition substantially. It is recommend that you consult with a
well-qualified homeopath if you want to be pain free in your monthly cycle.

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News on Health & Science

How to Choose Pain Medication

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Not every pain killer is created equal. Find out the differences between common over-the-counter medications and discover what’s really in your medicine cabinet.

Two Groups of Pain Medications are there:
Over-the-counter medications fall into one of two groups. The first are known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This group includes aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and ketoprofen. Ibuprofen goes by the brand names Advil and Motrin. Naproxen is better known as Aleve. Ketoprofen is sold as Orudis. These drugs work by preventing your body from producing chemicals that cause fever and swelling. Doctors recommend them for minor to moderate discomfort due to headaches and muscle aches, colds and the flu, menstrual pain, arthritis, and toothaches.

The other category includes just one drug: acetaminophen. It’s also known as Tylenol. No one is sure exactly how it works. One theory is that it keeps the brain’s pain centers from receiving nerve signals. It’s good for fever and mild to moderate pain from headaches, including tension headaches and migraines, as well as back pain, sore throat, arthritis, and shingles. The main difference between acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is that acetaminophen does not reduce inflammation. That means it won’t help with aches caused by swelling due to sports injuries, for example.

Some Warnings Regarding Pain Medication:

In general, each one of these drugs is safe for most people when taken as directed. There are some exceptions. Don’t give aspirin to children or teenagers because it can cause Reye’s syndrome, a rare life threatening condition. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs shouldn’t be taken by people who have ulcers or take blood thinning drugs, or by pregnant women. Acetaminophen is usually okay for pregnant women looking for short-term pain relief. In addition, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs shouldn’t be given to children under 12 without first consulting a doctor. While acetaminophen is considered to be safe for children, pay close attention to dosage. Acetaminophen overdose is a common cause of drug-related deaths in children and adolescents.

Choose a Pain Medication:
So with all these choices, how should you decide which over-the-counter pain medication is best for you? It partly depends on your symptoms. They all help with pain and fever, but since acetaminophen doesn’t work for inflammation, you’ll need to use one of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce swelling. Because people respond in different ways to each of these drugs, most doctors suggest that you stick with the one that has worked for you in the past. That increases the chances that the drug will be effective and lowers the odds that you will suffer any side effects.

So do you need a cabinet full of over-the-counter pain medications?
Not really. You’re probably better off with just the one or two that work best for you. And if you’ve inadvertently collected more than a couple different kinds, some of them have probably expired anyway. So it may be worth checking to see what you’ve got. And what you can toss out.

Natural and Ayurvedic Pain relief Medication is most of the time hermless and can be safely used even without consulting any one.The main advantage is that they have no side effect.

Herbal Pain Relief

Drug Free Pain Relief

Natural Pain Relief Medication

Finding Hope for Chronic Pain Relief

Homeopathic Pain Relief

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Positive thinking

Centering And Expressing

When we are in a relationship where we feel listened to and understood, we count ourselves lucky because we know how rare that experience is. We reserve our most intimate selves for the people who, along with us, cocreate an open space where we feel free to express ourselves and listen without judgment. These relationships, which thrive on open communication, can mean the difference between existential loneliness and a deep sense of belonging. We all long to feel heard, understood, and loved, and clear communication makes this possible.

Sometimes problems arise in the process of expressing how we feel, but it is always worth it to do the work. Even in our less intimate relationships, expressing ourselves honestly is essential to our sense of well-being. Whether at home with family or in the outside world, successful communication requires some forethought; otherwise we risk blundering through our relationships like the proverbial bull in a china shop. However, too much forethought can stifle us or cause us to pad our words so extremely that we end up saying nothing at all or confusing the matter further. The good news is that there are many methods that can come to our rescue, from meditation to visualization to journaling.

If the person we need to communicate with is open to sitting in meditation together for a set period of time before speaking, this can be invaluable. When we are calm and centered, we can count on ourselves to speak and respond truthfully. We can also meditate on our own time and then practice what we need to say. A visualization in which we sit with the person and lovingly exchange a few words can also be a great precedent to an actual conversation. If writing comes easily, we can write out what we need to say; it may take several drafts, but we will eventually find the words. The key is to find ways to center ourselves so that we communicate meaningfully, lovingly, and wisely. In this way, we honor our companions and create relationships in which there is a genuine sense of understanding and respect.

Source:Daily OM
