News on Health & Science

Arthritis Can Be Managed With Diet and Exercise

exercise, yogaMany people with arthritis automatically reach for pain medication, but it is not always necessary to do so. There are other solutions that work just as well, or even better, for both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.For instance, a variety of supplements — including bromelain, essential fatty acids, and glucosamine — can be beneficial for arthritis. But the best supplement of all is proper food. Proper, nutritious food has yielded health effects that surpass any supplement.

Exercises, including activities that engage the full body, are also recommended for individuals with arthritis. This:

  • Helps joint mobility
  • Prevents loss of lean muscle tissue
  • Maintains strength
  • Reduces pain and stiffness
  • Mobilizes stiff or contracted joints

But perhaps most importantly, it helps people with arthritis stay independent.

News on Health & Science

Fish Oils Offer Lupus Treatment

 [amazon_link asins=’B01NBTJFJB,B004U3Y9FU,B01GV4O37E,B00KKA0G04,B06WGQ3VWG,B000NPYY04,B00CAZAU62′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’ec0af623-da41-11e7-83b1-fb6ef0055504′]

Scientists have found that low dose dietary supplementation with omega-3 fish oils in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) – a chronic inflammatory disease that can affect the skin, joints, kidneys, lungs, nervous system, and other organs of the body – has a significant therapeutic effect on disease activity……click & see

It also improves endothelial function and reduces oxidative stress and may therefore confer cardiovascular benefits, according to a study presented at the American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts.

In a study, 60 patients with lupus were randomly assigned in a double-blind, placebo controlled trial to determine the effect of dietary supplementation with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on disease activity and endothelial function.

The researchers employed various methods to measure lupus disease activity, and to study endothelial function and cell damaging free radical molecules in this 24-week study.

Participants who had been taking omega-3 fish oil showed significant improvement in all areas of measurement, including improved blood vessel function and a reduction in cell damaging molecules, at the end of the study. This in turn provided the subjects with potential cardiovascular benefits.

According to the researchers, there was also a significant improvement in a number of the symptoms of active lupus.

This study confirms the beneficial effects of omega-3 fish oils in improving the symptoms of SLE and also provides evidence for the potential cardioprotective effect they may have in this group of patients,” said Dr Stephen Wright, specialist registrar in rheumatology, department of therapeutics and musculoskeletal education & research unit, Queen’s University of Belfast, Northern Ireland, and lead investigator in the study.

Source: The Times Of India

Healthy Tips

Omega-3 fatty acids For Heart Disease

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Learn the numerous benefits of fish oil for good cardiovascular health.
Consider, for a moment, the Eskimos of Alaska and their indigenous cousins in Canada and Russia. These hardy souls survive on diets of nearly pure fat, and yet they tend to be completely free of heart disease. How in the world is this possible? The answer is fish oil….click & see

Every medical journal on heart health brings, it seems, another study demonstrating the cardiovascular benefits of the oil — specifically, its omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fat found in few foods other than fish and flaxseed. A primary reason it’s so healthy: omega-3s are a natural anti-inflammatory. In recent years, scientists have discovered that inflammation within our arteries — triggered in response to damage done by plaque, high blood pressure, and free radicals — is a major cause of heart disease. While inflammation is a healing response, in your blood vessels it only causes further damage, leaving them stiffer and working at far less then optimal capacity. Omega-3s cause this type of inflammation to recede.

There’s more. Omega-3 fatty acids also seem to make blood less sticky so it’s less likely to form clots that can block blood flow and trigger a heart attack. They also seem to affect heart rhythm, keeping it more regular and reducing your risk of sudden death caused by arrhythmia, or erratic heartbeat, a major cause of death from coronary artery disease. And they lower levels of triglycerides, blood fats linked with heart disease.

Bottom line: Get more omega-3 fatty acids into your body, either through foods or supplements. Plus, here are the fish with the largest amounts of this crucial nutrient (amounts are per 3.5 ounces of fish):

Mackerel: 2.6 grams

Atlantic herring: 1.7 grams

Chinook salmon: 1.5 grams

Fresh albacore tuna: 1.5 grams

Anchovies: 1.4 grams

From : Stealth Health

News on Health & Science

Fish Oil Linked to Lower Alzheimer’s Risk

A substance found in fish oil may be associated with a significantly reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s and other dementias, researchers reported yesterday…….click & see

The scientists found that people with the highest blood levels of an omega-3 fatty acid called docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, were about half as likely to develop dementia as those with lower levels.

The substance is one of several omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids found in fatty fish and, in small amounts, in some meats. It is also sold in fish oil or DHA supplements. The researchers looked for a reduced risk associated with seven other omega-3 fatty acids, but only DHA had any effect.

The study, in the November’06 issue of The Archives of Neurology, used data from the Framingham Heart Study to follow 899 initially healthy participants, with a median age of 76, for an average of more than nine years.

The scientists assessed DHA and fish intake using a questionnaire and obtained complete dietary data on more than half the subjects. They took blood samples from all the participants to determine serum levels of fatty acids.

Ninety-nine people developed dementia over the course of the study, including 71 cases of Alzheimer’s disease. The average level of DHA among all the participants was 3.6 percent of all fatty acids, and the top 25 percent of the population had values above 4.2 percent. People in this top one-quarter in DHA levels had a 47 percent reduced risk of developing dementia, even after controlling for body mass index, diabetes, hypertension, smoking status and other known or suspected risks. Risk reduction was apparent only at that top level of DHA — those in the bottom three-quarters in DHA level showed no detectable difference in risk.

People who ate two or more servings of fish a week reduced their risk for dementia by 39 percent, but there was no effect on the risk for dementia among those who ate less than that.

The finding that DHA alone reduces risk, the authors write, is consistent with earlier data showing high levels of DHA in healthy brain tissue and low levels in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Ernst J. Schaefer, the lead author of the study, was cautious in interpreting the results.

“This study doesn’t prove that eating fish oil prevents dementia,” he said. “It’s an observational study that presents an identified risk factor, and the next step is a randomized placebo-controlled study in people who do not yet have dementia.” Dr. Schaefer is chief of the Lipid Metabolism Laboratory at Tufts University.
The study was financed in part by Martek, a concern that manufactures DHA, and one author received a grant from Pfizer, France.

Eating fish is not a guarantee of having high levels of DHA. In fact, fish intake accounted for less than half of the variability in DHA levels. Other dietary intake and genetic propensities probably account for the rest. Dr. Schaefer pointed out that the kind of fish consumed is important. Fatty fish, he said, is best, and frying will cause DHA to deteriorate.

Supplements may be an additional source of DHA, but an editorial in the same issue, by Dr. Martha Clare Morris, an associate professor of medicine at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, points out that there are no published human studies of the effects of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation. The Food and Drug Administration does not endorse DHA or fish oil capsules, but recognizes doses of up to 3 grams a day of fish oil as generally safe. High intakes of fish oil can cause excessive bleeding in some people.

Dr. Morris writes that there are few human studies examining the effect of mercury intake from eating seafood, and it is not known if the risks of eating fish outweigh the benefits.

But, she adds, epidemiological studies consistently show positive health effects from fish consumption on mortality, cardiovascular risk factors and, now, dementia.

Source:The New York Times

Ailmemts & Remedies


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Eczema is a skin condition characterized by inflammation of the outer skin layer called epidermis. This may be very uncomfortable and even embarrassing for people because it causes severe itching and red discoloration. It affects people of all ages, and it can occur on any part of the body.
Symptoms Of Eczema:
*Eaching,often intense and sometimes worsening in the evening and at night,

*acute lesions may be intensely itchy, small red raised bumps

*subacute lesions may be thicker, paler, scaly, red patches

*chronic lesions may be small, thick, round, scaly bumps, dry rough skin

*Often seen as a rash on the face, scalp, and backs of arms and fronts of legs in infants and young children

*often seen as a rash inside the elbows and wrists, backs of knees and ankles in older children and adults

*hand eczema is common in adults

*itching resulting in scratching often leads to secondary bleeding and worsening of the skin condition leading to raw, broken and bleeding patches of skin

*more easily prone to infections .

Natural Eczema Treatments:
Eczema is a syndrome of inflammatory skin reaction most often characterized by itching, redness, blister, or dryness. The skin inflammation is a sign of toxins inside your body. You see it on the skin because your skin is the largest and only visible organ of your body. Therefore, in the case of serious or chronic skin problems, treating from outside with cream becomes insufficient. The better approach is to detoxify your body by expelling the toxins from inside; preventing the problems from coming back.

*Detoxify your body system to control the inflammation of the skin, clear up your eczema by treating the root.

*Reduce itching, redness and crack associated with eczema.

*Improve your blood circulation to nourish your dry skin.

   * To avoid the aggravation of your eczema, you need to eliminate certain foods, which might generate toxins inside your body. These foods include alcohol, coffee, spicy food, dairy products, nuts, tropical fruit (mango, pineapple), seafood and red meats. And try to reduce your stress level by doing exercise; having enough sleep, etc.

   * Dead Sea Salt Bath Restore minerals to your skin. It can help heal damaged skin barrier caused by eczema or improper topical treatment.

*Grape Seed Extract:   Grape is the most potent preventive medicine you can take! Grapes have been used not only for eating and drinking, but have been also used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. A popular red wine is well known for protection against heart conditions, but very few people know that a substance called oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC) in grape seed is what provide excellent heart support.Not only OPC support eczema but also improves our immune system and the overall health. Its healing and preventive benefits are simply phenomenal. OPC has been found to be the most potent antioxidant every discovered. It is 20 times more potent than Vitamin C and 50 times more potent than Vitamin E. GSE yields a 95% concentration of OPC, the highest of any source.Here are the benefits that OPC can contribute to our health

*Protection against pollution and environmental toxins. GSE is nature’s most potent antioxidant and will help to reduce and prevent free radical damage.

   Fight skin diseases and other inflammatory conditions including eczema and psoriasis:

*Enhances the immune system and balance the breakdown of proteins. Helps to prevent autoimmune diseases.

*Protection against cardiovascular disease.

* Provide energy, improves joint flexibility and prostate function. Anti-aging properties:-

Fish Oil/ Omega-3: Fish-oil contains omega 3 fatty acids, which are essential to human health. Omega 3 has been found have anti-inflammatory properties and aid in preventing eczema, psoriasis, lupus, yeast infections, and other immune diseases and also best known for its magic against cholesterol and heart diseases.One experiment designed to test the efficacy of fish oil on psoriasis showed that people with inflammatory conditions whom were treated with omega-3 resulted in decrease of overall severity and scaling. Over 50% of patients have shown significant improvements. Not serious side effects were observed.

Echinacea:  This is a very common plant that grows in North America. It has been popular herbs for thousands of years, best know for stimulating the immune system, thus used in treating and preventing eczema, psoriasis, yeast infection, lupus, herpes, and other auto-immune diseases. A great deal of research shows that Echinacea increases the number of activity of key white blood cells and boost the activity of T-cells and the production of interferon.Echinacea can be also used externally for eczema treatment and other inflammatory skin conditions. A study where 4500 patients with inflammatory skin condition externally applied Echinacea Products amazingly resulted in 85% cure rate.When patients with rheumatoid arthritis took 15 drops of the fresh-pressed juice of Echinacea three times daily, they experienced a 21.8% drop in inflammation, without any side effects.

 Aloe Vera This plant, native to Africa, is one of the most popular and effective treat many skin diseases. The juice extracted from Aloe Vera plant is filled with nutrients; contains vitamin B (1, 2, and 6), minerals, 18 amino acids and others. Aloe Vera juice has antibiotic, healing, soothing, and penetrating properties and proven to be effective against various skin diseases such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, insect bites, wounds, burns, skin cancer, and also provides excellent support for our immune system.The problem today with Aloe Vera is that many skin care products contain this ingredient but many of them have been made by over-processing the Aloe Vera juice, thus they do not have the original benefit of the plant’s juice. Those products have somewhat degraded the reputation of the plant’s magic. But there is no denying about the amazing things that it can do for our skin and health.Although it’s difficult, look for Products that contain high quality and fresh Alovera Plant. Its most natural and original form is most recommended for eczema treatment.

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.This is purely for educational purpose.

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