News on Health & Science

Long bed rest bad during pregnancy

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Long periods of bed rest could be harmful for pregnant women and may cause degeneration of their musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems, says a new study.

The musculoskeletal system gives human beings and animals the ability to physically move by using the muscles and skeletal system. The cardiovascular system is composed of the heart, blood vessels, or vasculature, and the cells and plasma that make up the blood.

Doctors often advice women to go on bed rest if they suffer (blood) spotting, contractions before 37 weeks’ gestation, high blood pressure or have a history of pre-term labour, as well as if the foetus appears to be growing abnormally. A majority of the women rest at home, while others are hospitalised, the report added.

Studies by Nasa scientists, who used bed rest to simulate weightlessness in space, found that as a result of long periods of bed rest, a person’s entire musculoskeletal and cardiovascular system become de-conditioned. This degeneration begins in less than 48 hours.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists no longer advises bed rest to prevent pre-term births because no large-scale studies have proven the method effective. Researchers recommend that women on bed rest see a physical therapist and begin a light exercise programme, if appropriate.

Source:The Times Of India

Ailmemts & Remedies

Woman Breast Pain

click & seeBreast pain can range from mild tenderness to a dull ache to a stabbing sensation in the breasts (milk-producing glands composed of fat and other tissue). According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services  Office on Women’s Health, approximately 50 percent of all women experience breast pain at some point in their lives.

In most cases, breast pain is caused by hormonal changes, such as those associated with the onset of puberty, menstruation, menopause, pregnancy and breastfeeding. In addition, certain medications, such as antidepressants, cardiovascular agents or oral contraceptives (birth control pills), can cause breast pain. However, women should notify their physician immediately if they experience breast pain that is persistent, more intense than usual or recurrent, especially if it is exhibited in only one breast… & see

Diagnosis of breast pain typically begins with a complete medical history and physical examination. Treatment for breast pain is directly related to the cause of the pain. For less serious causes of breast pain, treatment may be as simple as wearing a support bra or taking a pain reliever. For more severe cases of breast pain, there are medications that can relieve the discomfort. For women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, all drugs should be approved by a physician prior to use to avoid possible harm to the baby.
About breast pain
Breasts are milk-producing glands that are made up of fat and other tissue, including nerves, blood vessels and milk ducts (small tube-like paths). Breast pain can occur in a variety of forms – from a slight tenderness to a dull ache to a stabbing pain. Approximately half of all women experience breast pain at some point in their lives, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services  Office on Women’s Health.

The medical terms for breast pain include mastalgia, mastodynia and mammalgia. It is usually caused by normal hormonal changes in a woman’s body, such as those associated with menstruation. Because of its strong association with hormones, breast pain or tenderness is more common in premenopausal women than in postmenopausal women. Some experts believe that stress can be another factor that affects the development and severity of breast pain. Other conditions that commonly cause breast pain include:

Fibrocystic breast changes
Breast cysts (fluid-filled sacs inside the breast)
Breast infection (mastitis)
Injury or trauma to the breast
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
Water retention (common during menstruation)
Surgery to the breast (e.g., breast implants)

Other, less common conditions that can cause breast pain include:

Poorly fitting bra or uncomfortable clothing
Medications, such as antidepressants, cardiovascular agents or oral contraceptives
Excessive caffeine consumption
Breast cancer
Nipple piercing that becomes infected
Mondor’s disease (a blood clot in the breast)
Liver damage from alcoholism
Arthritis or a pinched nerve in the neck area
Inflammation of a rib joint
Muscle pulls or strains

News on Health & Science

Insecurity may impact your immune system

Feeling insecure in close relationships may take a toll on the immune system, preliminary Italian research suggests……… & see 

A team led by Angelo Picardi from the Italian National Institute of Health in Rome reports its findings in Psychosomatic Medicine.

In a study of 61 healthy women the researchers found that those who had difficulty establishing close, trusting relationships showed signs of weaker immune function.

Specifically, lab experiments showed that the women’s “natural killer”immune system cells were less lethal compared with those from other study participants.

Whether this means they’re more susceptible to disease is unknown, and for now the answer to that question is a “very prudent maybe”, says Picardi.

The findings are in line with research showing that chronic stress can impair immunity, and the extent of the impact may depend on how an individual perceives and responds to stress.

In short, personality traits may affect immune function. The researchers looked at the trait known as “attachment insecurity,”characterised by difficulty trusting and depending on others, feeling uncomfortable with emotional intimacy or worrying about being abandoned by loved ones.

A person’s “attachment style”forms in childhood, based on a child’s relationship with his or her parents, says Picardi. And it affects and is further shaped by romantic relationships later in life. So attachment style can be seen as a fairly stable trait that affects a person’s response to stressful events.

Picardi says attachment insecurity affects people’s ability to regulate emotions, including how they perceive and deal with stress—which may affect the body’s physiological response to stress.

For their study, Picardi and team recruited a random sample of female nurses, who were younger than 60 years old, had no chronic illnesses and no history of major psychiatric disorders.

The researchers measured the women’s attachment style using standard questionnaires and collected blood samples to study the function of their immune system cells.

The study found, women with greater attachment insecurity had lower activity in their natural killer cells, key defenders against illness.

Picardi noted that in other research, his team found associations between insecurity and certain skin diseases related to immune dysfunction.

These include plaque psoriasis, a condition where scaly patches form on the skin, and alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss.

Source:The Times Of India

Ailmemts & Remedies


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Knowing the ABCs of this liver disorder can save your life. Though some hepatitis viruses cause an acute but temporary flulike illness, others can produce a chronic, festering liver infection. Natural therapies are designed to protect the liver and boost your immune system.

Loss of appetite.
Nausea and vomiting.
Aching muscles or joints.
Abdominal discomfort, pain, or swelling.
Jaundice (yellowish tinge of skin and whites of eyes).
Dark urine and pale stools.

When to Call Your Doctor :
If you think you have been exposed to hepatitis, either through contaminated food or water or by sexual contact with an infected person.
If you develop lingering flulike symptoms. During its acute phase, viral hepatitis so closely resembles the flu that it is frequently misdiagnosed.
If you develop jaundice or other symptoms of hepatitis.
Reminder: If you have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before taking supplements.

What It Is :
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. Of the two forms — acute and chronic — the first is the easier to treat. Hepatitis can be caused by any of six viruses, called A, B, C, D, E, and G. Hepatitis A, the most common, is highly contagious; it produces acute flulike symptoms but usually no long-lasting damage. Hepatitis B and C, on the other hand, can linger for years, often causing few or no symptoms but in some cases leading to irreversible liver scarring (cirrhosis) or liver cancer. Types D, E, and G are rare. All forms of hepatitis attack the liver, impairing its ability to process sugars and carbohydrates, to secrete fat-digesting bile, and to rid the body of toxins and waste. But the chronic forms are the most dangerous because they may ultimately lead to liver failure.

What Causes It:
Whether contracted through contaminated food or water (type A), or through blood transfusions, infected hypodermic needles, or sexual intercourse (types B and C), hepatitis is most often caused by a viral infection. Certain medications, toxic chemicals, or years of alcohol abuse can also result in hepatitis. Rarely, an autoimmune dysfunction — in which the immune system attacks the body’s own tissues — is to blame. And sometimes, no cause can be determined.

How Supplements Can Help :
Conventional medicines have achieved only limited success in treating hepatitis, particularly the more dangerous chronic form. The natural therapies listed in the chart are designed to protect and strengthen the liver and boost general immunity. They should be used together, along with conventional drugs, until symptoms of acute hepatitis subside. Benefits may be noticed within a week. For chronic disease, take them long term.

What Else You Can Do :
Watch what you eat and drink when traveling in areas where sanitation is poor and disease rates high. Have only bottled water and cooked foods.
Refrain from alcohol, especially during and for a month after an acute illness, or until your doctor says your liver function tests are normal.
Make sure disposable or sterilized needles are used during acupuncture, body piercing, tattooing, and similar procedures.
Vaccines against both hepatitis A and hepatitis B are available. Ask your doctor if you should have one or both.

Supplement Recommendations:-

Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Milk Thistle
Lipotropic Combination
Alpha-lipoic Acid
Dandelion Root

Vitamin C
Dosage: 1,000 mg 3 times a day.
Comments: Reduce dose if diarrhea develops.

Vitamin E
Dosage: 400 IU a day.
Comments: Check with your doctor if taking anticoagulant drugs.

Milk Thistle
Dosage: 150 mg 3 times a day.
Comments: Standardized to contain at least 70% silymarin.

Dosage: 200 mg 3 times a day for a maximum of 10 days.
Comments: Standardized to contain 22% glycyrrhizin or glycyrrhizinic acid; can raise blood pressure. Don’t use DGL form.

Lipotropic Combination
Dosage: 2 pills twice a day.
Comments: Should contain milk thistle, choline, inositol, and other ingredients.

Alpha-lipoic Acid
Dosage: 200 mg 3 times a day.
Comments: Can be taken with or without food.

Dandelion Root
Dosage: 500 mg standardized extract twice a day.
Comments: May be contained in lipotropic combination formulas.
Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.This is purely for educational purpose.

Source:Your Guide to Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs (Reader’s Digest)

Ailmemts & Remedies


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What is Scoliosis?
Almost three out of every 100 people have some degree of abnormal spinal curvature, and for some it never becomes a serious problem. But for many others, the curve gets worse over time and can cause considerable pain, frustration, and limitations on normal activities. Severe scoliosis can even complicate breathing and circulation… & see

Who suffers from scoliosis?
The most common form of scoliosis is called idiopathic scoliosis, which basically means that the cause is unknown. Anyone can suffer from scoliosis; the condition usually begins in childhood, although too often it is not identified until the teenage years or later.

Scoliosis tends to run in families, and it affects many more girls than boys. In fact, research indicates that girls are nearly eight times more likely than boys to have scoliosis and five times more likely to require some form of treatment for their condition than boys, and the curvature of their spine is more likely to worsen over time, especially if left unattended.

What are some of the symptoms of scoliosis?

Sometimes curvature of the spine is visible (the body tilts to the left or the right, or one shoulder blade is raised higher than the other. Some of the actual physical symptoms of scoliosis can include back pain, fatigue (especially postural fatigue — feeling tired when standing, sitting, etc.), and in more severe cases, problems with circulation and breathing.

Chiropractic Doctors can help a lot.
Doctors of chiropractic are trained to identify and manage problems relating to the spine and the back. An initial visit to the chiropractor will include a thorough physical and diagnostic examination (including range-of-motion tests and spinal x-rays) to identify any problems you may be having, including whether you or your children may be suffering from abnormal or dangerous curvature of the spine.

If you do show signs of scoliosis, your chiropractor can provide a variety of techniques to help your condition, including spinal adjustments to increase movement and biomechanical function, and advice on posture and exercise to help prevent further increase in the problem.

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.This is purely for educational purpose.

