Ailmemts & Remedies


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Eczema is a skin condition characterized by inflammation of the outer skin layer called epidermis. This may be very uncomfortable and even embarrassing for people because it causes severe itching and red discoloration. It affects people of all ages, and it can occur on any part of the body.
Symptoms Of Eczema:
*Eaching,often intense and sometimes worsening in the evening and at night,

*acute lesions may be intensely itchy, small red raised bumps

*subacute lesions may be thicker, paler, scaly, red patches

*chronic lesions may be small, thick, round, scaly bumps, dry rough skin

*Often seen as a rash on the face, scalp, and backs of arms and fronts of legs in infants and young children

*often seen as a rash inside the elbows and wrists, backs of knees and ankles in older children and adults

*hand eczema is common in adults

*itching resulting in scratching often leads to secondary bleeding and worsening of the skin condition leading to raw, broken and bleeding patches of skin

*more easily prone to infections .

Natural Eczema Treatments:
Eczema is a syndrome of inflammatory skin reaction most often characterized by itching, redness, blister, or dryness. The skin inflammation is a sign of toxins inside your body. You see it on the skin because your skin is the largest and only visible organ of your body. Therefore, in the case of serious or chronic skin problems, treating from outside with cream becomes insufficient. The better approach is to detoxify your body by expelling the toxins from inside; preventing the problems from coming back.

*Detoxify your body system to control the inflammation of the skin, clear up your eczema by treating the root.

*Reduce itching, redness and crack associated with eczema.

*Improve your blood circulation to nourish your dry skin.

   * To avoid the aggravation of your eczema, you need to eliminate certain foods, which might generate toxins inside your body. These foods include alcohol, coffee, spicy food, dairy products, nuts, tropical fruit (mango, pineapple), seafood and red meats. And try to reduce your stress level by doing exercise; having enough sleep, etc.

   * Dead Sea Salt Bath Restore minerals to your skin. It can help heal damaged skin barrier caused by eczema or improper topical treatment.

*Grape Seed Extract:   Grape is the most potent preventive medicine you can take! Grapes have been used not only for eating and drinking, but have been also used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. A popular red wine is well known for protection against heart conditions, but very few people know that a substance called oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC) in grape seed is what provide excellent heart support.Not only OPC support eczema but also improves our immune system and the overall health. Its healing and preventive benefits are simply phenomenal. OPC has been found to be the most potent antioxidant every discovered. It is 20 times more potent than Vitamin C and 50 times more potent than Vitamin E. GSE yields a 95% concentration of OPC, the highest of any source.Here are the benefits that OPC can contribute to our health

*Protection against pollution and environmental toxins. GSE is nature’s most potent antioxidant and will help to reduce and prevent free radical damage.

   Fight skin diseases and other inflammatory conditions including eczema and psoriasis:

*Enhances the immune system and balance the breakdown of proteins. Helps to prevent autoimmune diseases.

*Protection against cardiovascular disease.

* Provide energy, improves joint flexibility and prostate function. Anti-aging properties:-

Fish Oil/ Omega-3: Fish-oil contains omega 3 fatty acids, which are essential to human health. Omega 3 has been found have anti-inflammatory properties and aid in preventing eczema, psoriasis, lupus, yeast infections, and other immune diseases and also best known for its magic against cholesterol and heart diseases.One experiment designed to test the efficacy of fish oil on psoriasis showed that people with inflammatory conditions whom were treated with omega-3 resulted in decrease of overall severity and scaling. Over 50% of patients have shown significant improvements. Not serious side effects were observed.

Echinacea:  This is a very common plant that grows in North America. It has been popular herbs for thousands of years, best know for stimulating the immune system, thus used in treating and preventing eczema, psoriasis, yeast infection, lupus, herpes, and other auto-immune diseases. A great deal of research shows that Echinacea increases the number of activity of key white blood cells and boost the activity of T-cells and the production of interferon.Echinacea can be also used externally for eczema treatment and other inflammatory skin conditions. A study where 4500 patients with inflammatory skin condition externally applied Echinacea Products amazingly resulted in 85% cure rate.When patients with rheumatoid arthritis took 15 drops of the fresh-pressed juice of Echinacea three times daily, they experienced a 21.8% drop in inflammation, without any side effects.

 Aloe Vera This plant, native to Africa, is one of the most popular and effective treat many skin diseases. The juice extracted from Aloe Vera plant is filled with nutrients; contains vitamin B (1, 2, and 6), minerals, 18 amino acids and others. Aloe Vera juice has antibiotic, healing, soothing, and penetrating properties and proven to be effective against various skin diseases such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, insect bites, wounds, burns, skin cancer, and also provides excellent support for our immune system.The problem today with Aloe Vera is that many skin care products contain this ingredient but many of them have been made by over-processing the Aloe Vera juice, thus they do not have the original benefit of the plant’s juice. Those products have somewhat degraded the reputation of the plant’s magic. But there is no denying about the amazing things that it can do for our skin and health.Although it’s difficult, look for Products that contain high quality and fresh Alovera Plant. Its most natural and original form is most recommended for eczema treatment.

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.This is purely for educational purpose.

 Extracted from:

Ailmemts & Remedies


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Toothache is a special type of pain in the region of the jaws and face, is pulpitis – inflammation of the pulp of the tooth. The short, sharp pains usually occur in response to hot, cold or sweet stimuli.If left untreated, the pulp dies and becomes infected, leading to the formation of a dental abscess. The pain from a dental abscess tends to be in response to pressure on the tooth, and is throbbing and continuous.

click to see

It may has several causes, some of them are written below:
# Dental decay.

# A fracture of the tooth.

# A cracked tooth. This may be invisible and so can be difficult to diagnose.

# Irritation of the pulp following dental treatment. Regardless of how well it is done, dental treatment and the materials used to fill the tooth can sometimes cause pain later.

# An exposed tooth root, which can occur if the gums recede or are damaged by over-vigorous brushing.

The following problems can also cause symptoms similar to toothache, even though the teeth themselves may be free of disease:

* an abscess in the gum (lateral periodontal abscess).

* ulceration of the gums (acute ulcerative gingivitis).

* ulceration of the soft tissues can sometimes be mistaken for toothache.

* inflammation of the gum around a tooth which is in the process of growing/breaking through (pericoronitis).

* inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis) can be mistaken for toothache in the upper jaw.

Several other conditions may also cause pain in the mouth – always seek advice from your dentist if you have toothache.

Examples of conditions that may cause a toothache and not have a dental origin include:
* Angina
– which is a specific type of pain in the chest caused by an
inadequate blood flow through the coronary vessels of the heart muscle. If
left untreated, a heart attack may result, which can be fatal. Pain in the teeth and/ or jaw may occur. Other symptoms can be shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, etc.
* Temporomandibular Dysfunction pain arises in the joint of the jaw (located in front of the ear) which can radiate
to the teeth and jaws.
* Sinusitis – a sinus inflammation or infection may mimic a toothache. This can be particularly bothersome during periods of the year where environmental allergies are prevalant.
* Earaches
* Trigeminal Neuralgia – also known as tic douloureux, a painful inflammation
of the trigeminal nerve which causes severe facial pain and severe spasms in
the muscles of the face can also make one feel that they have a toothache.
* Cancers – both oral cancers and non-oral cancers can manifest in the jawbone and mimic dental pain.

How can one try to get rid of toothache ?
The best way to prevent toothache is to keep your teeth and gums healthy.When wash your mouth gently massage the gum atleast 2 to three times a day. Try to avoid cavities by reducing your intake of sugary foods and drinks – have them as an occasional treat, and at meal times only.
Brush your teeth twice daily using a toothpaste containing fluoride. To get the most benefit from the fluoride, do not rinse the toothpaste away after brushing.
Clean between your teeth using dental floss, woodsticks or an inter-dental brush according to your dentist’s advice. Visit your dentist regularly. This way, problems can be diagnosed early and your treatment will be more straightforward.

# avoid hot, cold or sweet stimuli. This will help prevent pain from pulpitis.
# if the pain is prolonged and severe, painkillers such as ibprofen (eg Nurofen) or SN 15 may provide some relief. Remember even if the pain goes away, without treatment it will eventually become worse.
# if the pain is caused by exposed root surfaces, toothpaste for sensitive teeth, either used normally or rubbed onto the exposed root, may be helpful.
# a hot saltwater mouthwash (a teaspoon of salt to a cup of water) used to thoroughly rinse the painful area may help if the problem is caused by a tooth erupting.
# a saltwater mouthwash can also prevent infection if you have mouth ulcers.

# visit your dentist as soon as possible. This way any treatment will be simple

.(Partly extracted from:

1. Chew cloves or rub clove oil on the tooth.
2. Peel and crush a clove of fresh garlic and mix it with peanut butter. Apply it to the aching tooth and keep it there for some time.
3. Add some lime juice to asafetida (hing) powder. Soak a piece of cotton and hold it on the tooth and gum.
4 .Mix 1 tablespoon of common salt with 1/2 cup of boiling water. Take a mouthful of this water and move it around the aching tooth.
5 .Burn some turmeric (haldi) sticks, make a fine powder and use as toothpowder.
6. Chew a clove slowly with the aching tooth/teeth to release its juice and leave there for half an hour. Repeat 2-3 times.
7. Chew a ginger piece slowly with the aching tooth/teeth to release its juice and leave there for half an hour. Repeat 2-3 times.
8. Drink the juice of 2-3 star fruit twice a day to get relief from the tooth pain.
9. Boil 5 gram of peppermint and a pinch of salt in 1 cup of water. Drink it to relieve toothache and other pains. You can use peppermint mouthwash.
10. Pour a few drops of Vanilla extract on the paining tooth.
11. Pour a few drops oil of oregano on the paining tooth or gum.
12. Gargle with Listerine Antiseptic.
13.Chew a piece of ice on the side of your mouth that is aching/paining.


Teeth Stains: Add a drop of clove oil to the toothpaste and brush.
Brush your teeth with soda-bicarbonate, it removes nicotine and other dark stains. It helps to prevent the formation of tartar and keeps the teeth white.

Teeth and Gums – Bleeding:
Bacteria form plaque causes gums to recede and bleed due to inflammation. This is called GINGIVITIS Several treatment for GINGIVITIS are there.

Loose Teeth
Message teeth and gums with a paste of mustard seeds and table salt for about 10 minutes, twice a day.
Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.This is purely for educational purpose.

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Ailmemts & Remedies


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Insomnia is too little or poor-quality sleep caused by one or more of the following:

Click to see picture

  • Trouble falling asleep
  • Waking up a lot during the night with trouble returning to sleep
  • Waking up too early in the morning
  • Having un-refreshing sleep (not feeling well rested), even after sleeping 7 to 8 hours at night.

Insomnia can cause problems during the day, such as excessive sleepiness,fatigue,trouble thinking clearly or staying focused, or feeling depressed or irritable. It is not defined by the number of hours you sleep every night. Although the amount of sleep a person needs varies, most people need between 7 and 8 hours of sleep a night.

Types of insomnia and relevant causes:

  • Transient (short term) insomnia lasts from a single night to a few weeks.
  • Intermittent (on and off) insomnia is short term, which happens from time to time.
  • Chronic (on-going) insomnia occurs at least 3 nights a week over a month or more.

Chronic insomnia is either primary or secondary:

Women are twice as likely to suffer from insomnia than men. Some research suggests that certain social factors, such as being unemployed or divorced, are related to poor sleep and increase the risk of insomnia in women. Also, insomnia tends to increase with age.Somtimes primenopausal (the time leading up to menopause) women have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep; hot flashes and night sweats often can disturb sleep. Pregnancy also can affect how well a woman sleeps.

Click to see Complications of insomnia

Diagnose your insomnia:
If you think you have insomnia, talk to your doctor. It might be helpful to complete a sleep diary for a week or two, noting your sleep patterns, your daily routine, and how you feel during the day. Discuss the results of your sleep diary with your doctor. Your doctor may do a physical exam and take a medical history and sleep history. Your doctor may also want to talk to your bed partner to ask how much and how well you are sleeping. In some cases, you may be referred to a sleep center for special tests.

If insomnia is caused by a short-term change in the sleep/wake schedule, as with jet lag, your sleep schedule may return to normal on its own.

Doctor should only be consulted if day time work is hampered due to insomnia.

Treatment for chronic insomnia includes:

  • Finding and treating any medical conditions or mental health problems.
  • Looking for routines or behaviors, like drinking alcohol at night, that may lead to the insomnia or make it worse, and stopping (or reducing) them.
  • Possibly using sleeping pills, although controversy surrounds the long-term use of sleeping pills. You should talk to your doctor about the risks and side-effects.
  • Trying one or more methods to improve sleep, such as relaxation therapy, sleep restriction therapy, and reconditioning.
  1. Relaxation Therapy. This type of therapy aims to reduce stress and body tension. As a result, your mind is able to stop “racing,” the muscles can relax, and restful sleep can occur.
  2. Sleep Restriction. Some women suffering from insomnia spend too much time in bed trying to fall asleep. They may be helped by a sleep restriction program under the guidance of their doctor. The goal is to sleep continuously and get out of bed at the desired wake time. This treatment involves, for example, going to bed later or getting up earlier and slowly increasing the amount of time in bed until the person is able to sleep normally throughout the night.
  3. Reconditioning. This means using your bed only at bedtime when sleepy or for sex. Avoid other activities in your bed, such as reading or watching TV. Over time, your body will relate bed and bedtime with sleep.

Try the following for better and deep sleep at night:

  • Try to go to sleep at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning. Do not take naps after 3 p.m.
  • Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol late in the day or at night.
  • Get regular exercise. Exercise during the day–make sure you exercise at least 5 to 6 hours before bedtime.
  • Make sure you eat dinner at least 2 to 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Keep your bedroom dark, quiet, and cool. If light is a problem, try a sleeping mask. If noise is a problem, try earplugs, a fan, or a “white noise” machine to cover up the sounds.
  • Follow a routine to help relax and wind down before sleep, such as reading a book, listening to music, or taking a bath.
  • If you can’t fall asleep within 20 minutes or don’t feel drowsy, get up and read or do something that is not too active until you feel sleepy. Then try going back to bed.
  • If you lay awake worrying about things, try making a to-do list before you go to bed.
  • Use your bed only for sleep and sex.
  • It is adviced that inorder to have a goodnight sleep you should go to bathroom,takeout all your cloths,wipe all your body (from head to toe),specially shoulders,armpit,stomac,genetals and thighs with a wet towel,do little breathing exercise (if possible),drink a glass of fresh water,wear night dress and go to bed.

Consult your doctor if you think that you have insomnia or another sleep problem.

(Help taken from:

Ayurvedic remedy for insomnia.

Look home remedies for insomnia

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.

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Herbs & Plants Herbs & Plants (Spices)

Black Pepper

black pepper
Image by Pinot & Dita via Flickr

Botanical Name :Piper nigrum
Family: Piperaceae
Genus: Piper
Species: P. nigrum
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Piperales

Common NameBlack pepper.

Black pepper : Popularly known as “kali mirch” and a native of the western ghats in India , it is endowed with anti-coagulant properties. It is one of the few herbs which ayurveda describes as helping to open obstructions in different channels of the body. Starting from common cold, cough, sinusitis and bronchitis, black pepper is useful in a number of ailments like abdominal colic and sluggishness of the liver. Its overuse can result in intense burning sensation in the mouth. Desi ghee is considered its anti-dote.

Habitat :Black peppers are native to India and are extensively cultivated there and elsewhere in tropical regions. Currently Vietnam is by far the world’s largest producer and exporter of pepper, producing 34% of the world’s Piper nigrum crop as of 2008.

Black Pepper is one of the earliest known spices ever discovered, pepper is used worldwide in almost every household…..

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Pepper has been used for the last 3,000 years. Native to India, Pepper was first cultivated in the tropics.Trade between India and Europe, introduced the Peppercorn to large audience. Once it arrived in the United States, Pepper become a common household ingredient.

Pepper PLANT:…..Click to  see the picture

The pepper plant is a perennial woody vine growing up to 4 metres (13 ft) in height on supporting trees, poles, or trellises. It is a spreading vine, rooting readily where trailing stems touch the ground. The leaves are alternate, entire, 5 to 10 centimetres (2.0 to 3.9 in) long and 3 to 6 centimetres (1.2 to 2.4 in) across. The flowers are small, produced on pendulous spikes 4 to 8 centimetres (1.6 to 3.1 in) long at the leaf nodes, the spikes lengthening up to 7 to 15 centimetres (2.8 to 5.9 in) as the fruit matures.[15] The fruit of the black pepper is called a drupe and when dried is known as a peppercorn.

Pepper can be grown in soil that is neither too dry nor susceptible to flooding, moist, well-drained and rich in organic matter (the vines do not do too well over an altitude of 900 m (3,000 ft) above sea level). The plants are propagated by cuttings about 40 to 50 centimetres (16 to 20 in) long, tied up to neighbouring trees or climbing frames at distances of about 2 metres (6 ft 7 in) apart; trees with rough bark are favoured over those with smooth bark, as the pepper plants climb rough bark more readily. Competing plants are cleared away, leaving only sufficient trees to provide shade and permit free ventilation. The roots are covered in leaf mulch and manure, and the shoots are trimmed twice a year. On dry soils the young plants require watering every other day during the dry season for the first three years. The plants bear fruit from the fourth or fifth year, and typically continue to bear fruit for seven years. The cuttings are usually cultivars, selected both for yield and quality of fruit.

A single stem will bear 20 to 30 fruiting spikes. The harvest begins as soon as one or two fruits at the base of the spikes begin to turn red, and before the fruit is fully mature, and still hard; if allowed to ripen completely, the fruit lose pungency, and ultimately fall off and are lost. The spikes are collected and spread out to dry in the sun, then the peppercorns are stripped off the spikes.

When the yellow-red peppercorns are mature, they produce a single seed. Pepper plants are mature enough to bear seeds at the age of 2-years, and will constantly produce fruit for as many as 40-years.


As berries turn bright red, they are picked and collected. The berries are then dropped into boiling water, where they remain for about 10-minutes. The water causes the berry to turn black.


After the berries have been immersed in water, they are spread out to dry in the sun for several days. Once dried, peppercorns are shipped to pepper manufacturers and factories, where they will be ground and processed.


Grinding of whole peppercorns produces black pepper. After the short grinding process, ground black pepper is packaged and sold to distributors.

click to see


The pepper plant peppercorn can not only be made into common black pepper, but also white pepper. White pepper is made from ripe or overly ripe peppercorns. Instead of grinding the peppercorn, workers remove the outer shell of the peppercorn, after they have been exposed to high levels of moisture. The inside of the berry is then dried in the sun, packaged, and sold.

Green pepper
Green pepper, like black, is made from the unripe drupes. Dried green peppercorns are treated in a way that retains the green color, such as treatment with sulfur dioxide, canned or freeze-drying. Pickled peppercorns, also green, are unripe drupes preserved in brine or vinegar. Fresh, unpreserved green pepper drupes, largely unknown in the West, are used in some Asian cuisines, particularly Thai cuisine. Their flavor has been described as piquant and fresh, with a bright aroma.  They decay quickly if not dried or preserved.

Orange pepper and red pepper
A product called orange pepper or red pepper consists of ripe red pepper drupes preserved in brine and vinegar. Ripe red peppercorns can also be dried using the same color-preserving techniques used to produce green pepper. Pink pepper from Piper nigrum is distinct from the more-common dried pink peppercorns, which are the fruits of a plant from a different family, the Peruvian pepper tree, Schinus molle, and its relative the Brazilian pepper tree, Schinus terebinthifolius.

Medicinal Uses:
Like many eastern spices, pepper was historically both a seasoning and a medicine. Long pepper, being stronger, was often the preferred medication, but both were used.

Black Pepper (or perhaps long pepper) was believed to cure illness such as constipation, diarrhea, Limonene, Safrole, earache, gangrene, heart disease, hernia, hoarseness, indigestion, insect bites, insomnia, joint pain, liver problems, lung disease, oral abscesses, sunburn, tooth decay, and toothaches. Various sources from the 5th century onward also recommend pepper to treat eye problems, often by applying salves or poultices made with pepper directly to the eye. There is no current medical evidence that any of these treatments has any benefit; pepper applied directly to the eye would be quite uncomfortable and possibly damaging. Nevertheless, Black pepper either powdered or its decoction is widely used in traditional Indian medicine and as a home remedy for relief from sore throat, throat congestion, cough etc.

Pepper is known to cause sneezing. Some sources say that piperine, a substance present in black pepper, irritates the nostrils, causing the sneezing;[31] Few, if any, controlled studies have been carried out to answer the question. It has been shown that piperine can dramatically increase absorption of selenium, vitamin B, beta-carotene and curcumin as well as other nutrients.

As a medicine, pepper appears in the Buddhist Samaññaphala Sutta, chapter five, as one of the few medicines allowed to be carried by a monk.

Pepper contains small amounts of safrole, a mildly carcinogenic compound. Also, it is eliminated from the diet of patients having abdominal surgery and ulcers because of its irritating effect upon the intestines, being replaced by what is referred to as a bland diet. However, extracts from black pepper have been found to have antioxidant properties  and anti-carcinogenic effects, especially when compared to chili.

Piperine present in black pepper acts as a thermogenic compound. Piperine enhances the thermogenesis of lipid and accelerates energy metabolism in the body and also increases the serotonin and beta-endorphin production in the brain.

Piperine and other components from black pepper may also be helpful in treating vitiligo, although when combined with UV radiation should be staggered due to the effect of light on the compound
Pepper has long been recognized as an ingredient for stimulating the appetite as well as being an aid in the relief of nausea and vertigo.  It was used to treat gastro-intestinal upsets, flatulence, fevers and congestive chills.  It is supposed to be of help in anal, rectal and urinary troubles.  In India it has been used as a medicine since time immemorial for the treatment of anything from paralysis to toothache. East Africans are said to believe that body odor produced after eating substantial amounts of pepper repels mosquitoes.  Black pepper contains four anti-osteoporosis compounds.  It is of singular importance as a metabolic stimulant in Ayurvedic medicine.  Black pepper has the ability to recirculate vital nutrients.  When fasting, grind seven peppercorns and take them mixed with a little honey each morning.


BLACK PEPPER is a healthy addition to any diet. Pepper aids in stimulating circulation and digestion.

BLACK PEPPER has been used for centuries in Asia to help treat colds and cough and muscle aches and pain.

BLACK PEPPER is know as “The King of Spices” worldwide.

PEPPER is the single, most commonly used spice in the world today.

PEPPER is used in many popular brands of multi-purpose spices.

PEPPER contains minute amounts of essential oil.

Key Benefits of black pepper:

# Aids digestion.
# Improves the appetite.
# Prevents disease since it is anti-bacterial.

# It is beneficial in many diseases. If taken in adequate quantity, a man never suffers from flatulation.
# It helps in digesting the food of those people, who are accustomed to having rich food.
# Using rice in the diet with kidney beans, neutralizes its power of causing the formation of excessive wind. It becomes cool and gives complete nourishment

Disclaimer : The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplement, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.



Medicine in Food we eat

Borage from Project Gutenberg EBook of Culinar...Image via Wikipedia

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‘Let our foods be medicines and our medicines be food’ – the old aphorism first coined by Hippocrates is coming back into vogue. In an age where medicine has become a multi-billion dollar industry and the market is flooded with thousands of ever new permutations of various synthetic compounds that make it impossible to keep track, it may well be a good idea to simplify matters a bit. Even the natural remedy department is seeing an explosion of ever more pills and extracts which will do little but confuse the average consumer. Nobody knows what’s what anymore. Confronted with conflicting messages and a glut of magic pills the task of sorting the wheat from the chaff is not an easy one. Thus, it is essential to start with the basics and to educate oneself about health and nutrition.

The word health derives from the Anglo-Saxon root ‘hal’ meaning ‘whole’. Health is a state of wholeness, of balance and harmony between mind, body and soul. Disharmony and imbalance manifests as dis-ease. Thus, the first principle of healing is to restore balance. The three main factors responsible for that balance are: proper nutrition, exercise and relaxation.And he who maintens this balance keeps good health all along.
The average convenience diet barely contains enough nutrients to keep the system running, much less to keep it healthy. Refined carbohydrates, sugars and fats are the main ingredients, supplemented with gene manipulated, processed vegetables and meats, often with artificial flavors and preservatives added to the chemical concoction. Is it really that surprising that so many people suffer from degenerative diseases, allergies, food sensitivities, cancers and immune system deficiencies? To compensate the lack of nutrients in the normal diet many people are now on an expensive regime of vitamin and mineral supplements. Vitamins and minerals are extremely important to keep the body healthy and in general all essential nutrients can and should be obtained from a wholesome, well balanced diet. However, deficiencies can result in various ailments.

A balanced diet should supply all necessary vitamins and minerals, preferably obtained from natural, organic sources. Certain conditions can deplete vitamin and mineral levels in the body and it may become necessary to boost them with nutritional supplements. However, unfortunately vitamin pills don’t always live up to what they promise. If at all possible fresh pressed juices are the best way of obtaining nutrients from organic sources, facilitating easy absorption for the body).

Many foods and vegetables provide far more than essential nutrients, though. In fact, most can be used directly as healing agents. The distinction between staple foods, vegetables, spices, herbs and drugs are often rather arbitrary. Lets take a closer look at this scale of distinction:

Grains, (such as oats, barley, wheat and rice) and starchy root vegetables (such as potatoes, yams or cassavas) are sometimes called ‘the staff of life’. They should form the basis of a balanced diet, as they supply not only energy in the form of complex carbohydrates but also contain a large range of nutrients. They are rich in fiber, too, which is especially important for maintaining a healthy digestive system, vital for the process of eliminating toxins and keeping cholesterol levels low.

Then there are different kinds of vegetables. Some of these are root vegetables, such as carrots,radish and parsnips, others are leafy, such as spinach or cabbage. They supplement the staple foods and ensure a balanced intake of a wide range of nutrients. However, one should not let them dominate the diet completely, as too much of a good thing can be just too much: Fat soluble vitamins are stored in the body and can be damaging if built up to excessive amounts. Too much asparagus can damage the kidneys and too much spinach leeches the calcium from teeth and bones.

Next on the scale are the spices, which not only add flavor to a good meal, but also subtly insure that it can be digested comfortably. Most herbs commonly used in the kitchen are rich in volatile oils and thus stimulate the digestive juices. Their action is carminative and soothing. Additionally, many, kill worms and bacteria in the intestinal tract or add nutrients to the diet. In fact, most commonly used kitchen herbs are very useful medicinal herbs.
At the very far end of the scale, beyond these simple herbs and spices are the medicinal herbs, which don’t usually feature in the diet at all, but are generally only used as medicines. Most of these tend to have a tonic and restorative effect on the body. They are not fast acting magic bullets, but over time restore the bodily balance by toning the entire system. Beyond these are the toxic herbs, which, depending on the dosage, can either heal or harm. These are the plants that tend to be favored by the pharmaceutical industry as potential sources for their drugs, as they usually depend on one or more very definitive ‘active principles’, which can be isolated and synthesized with relative ease. In contrast to the gentler herbs, which act as toning restoratives, they tend to provoke a strong re-action from the body in response to the biochemical assault. Only experienced herbalists should attempt to use strong and potentially dangerous herbs in their practice. When such plant drugs are isolated and synthesized into chemical medicines the effect tends to become even stronger and oftentimes downright toxic as the herbs natural buffer substances (thought to be ‘inactive waste materials) are eliminated from the formula.

When faced with a subject as vast as herbal medicine, the number of different remedies available can be quite overwhelming. Thus, the simplest strategy is to start with herbs and spices that one is already well familiar with. There are dozens of simple home remedies that over time have proven to be extremely effective and safe,I therefore, try to include these types of remedies in most of my blogs for common diseases. Although they have almost slipped into the realm of ‘old wife’s tales’ and are forgotten by the general public, who tends to prefer the convenience of ‘modern’ processed chemical medicines, herbal pills or tinctures. This trend is supported by the ferocious advertising campaigns of the herb (and drug) companies, who find it more profitable to hype exotic, (thus expensive) and processed herbal remedies.

The truth is, that one rarely has to look beyond one’s own kitchen garden and spice cupboard to find all the remedies anybody could need to treat most common ailments. For more complicated conditions, such as heart disease, cancer, kidney disease and any other potentially life-threatening diseases one should never attempt to be one’s own doctor, but rather find a practitioner who is open towards integrating herbal remedies and nutritional therapies into his/her overall approach.

Herbal medicines and all home remedies one should always apply to mentain a good health all along one’s life through and this really gives very good result rather than taking modern chemical medicine for a very common day to day ailment and having various side effects which may cause afterwards serious desiases as mentioned above.

Most of the fruits,vegetables,herbs and spices that we eat daily as our food has healing power. Only we are to keep our eyes and ears open and learn a little bit about them and eat as per requrement.
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