Herbs & Plants


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Botanical Name:Hygrophila spinosa or Asteracantha longifolia / Hygrophila auriculata
Family: Acanthaceae
Genus: Hygrophila
Species: H. auriculata
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Asterids
Order: Lamiales

Common Name :: Gokhulakanta,marsh barbel,    Sanskrit: Kokilaksha

Description and Composition
Gokulakanta is a stout, rough, thorny, slightly tall annual herb. The stem of the plant is thin and small, round, hairy and red in color. The plant grows vertically up to about one metre with no branches on the sides. The leaves are simple, with waving or curling margins and the flowers are bright blue in color. The seeds are small, flat, round, dark red in color. The whole plant is covered with a soft hair growth. The entire plant is used medicinally, specially its leaves and roots.

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Hygrophila spinosa belongs to the plant family ACANTHACE and Genus Hygrophila This plant specimen prefers Wet soil a pH of 7 . All plants need light to allow the photosynthesis process of converting carbon dioxide to growth sugars to take place. Some plants need more sun-light than others. For this plant those sunlight conditions are well described as … Full sun .

Impressive Autumn foliage display is not shown by Hygrophila spinosa so look for an alternative plant for pleasing Fall leaf properties

Hygrophila spinosa gokulakanta is not known as a butterfly attracting plant

Almost all plants grown in gardens need to be fed using fertilzer in order to see them at their best. For this plant the suggested fertilizer program would be based upon … Typical mix of: 3 parts Nitrogen (N), 2 parts Phosphorous (P) and 3 parts Potassium (K for Latin name Kalium).

The roots of the plant contain an essential oil. Its seeds contain a yellow semi-drying oil-that is, the oil which possesses the property to dry partially by evaporation. They also contain diastase, lipase and protease. An alkaloid is also present in the seeds in addition to these chemical substances.

Benefits and Healing Power of Gokulakanta Herb.
Hygrophila spinosa has too many possible beneficial herbal uses to fully enumerate. A few of its uses include: as a demulcent, as an aphrodisiac, as a diuretic and as a urinary tonic. See the medicinal properties section for the full list. The aerial parts and the root are used in herbal preparations.

The herb is a tonic and stimulant. It increases the secretion and discharge of urine and promotes libido. The ash of the plant selVes as an excellent diuretic. It has a soothing effect on the skin and mucous membranes.

Special qualities
Tolerates drought no Tolerates high humidity no Tolerates seaside conditions no Insect resistant no Disease resistant no Deer resistant no Best uses Symbiosis Attracts butterflies no Attracts hummingbirds no Autumn foliage no Colorful berries no Desirable qualities Other interest Other interest color Other interest period

Adverse factors
Common pests Poisonous parts Poisonous indications Internal poison no Dermatologic poison no Livestock poison no Mechanical injury no Hay fever pollen Hay fever season Adverse qualities

Herbal medicine :
Medicinal properties demulcent aphrodisiac diuretic urinary tonic hepatoprotective Medicinal parts Aerial parts Root Has medicinal uses yes Do not self-administer no Do no use if pregnant no Legally restricted no Toxicity precautions Medicinal notes Hygrophila spinosa has too many possible beneficial herbal uses to fully enumerate. A few of its uses include: as a demulcent, as an aphrodisiac, as a diuretic and as a urinary tonic. The aerial parts and the root are used in herbal preparations.
Toxicity precautions & Medicinal notes: Hygrophila spinosa has too many possible beneficial herbal uses to fully enumerate. A few of its uses include: as a demulcent, as an aphrodisiac, as a diuretic and as a urinary tonic. The aerial parts and the root are used in herbal preparations.

Traditional uses
Parts used Traditional uses Contemporary uses Fragrance Fragrance parts Fragrance intensity Fragrance category Dye parts Dye color

Nutrition :
Is edible no Culinary uses Nutritional value Edible parts Description of edible parts Flavor / texture

Medicinal Uses: The herb is a good tonic and stimulant.It increases the secretion and discharge of urine and promotes libido. The ash of the plant serves as an excellent diuretic. It has a soothing effect on skin and mucous membranes.

Dropsy :– The ash of the plant is useful in treating dropsy, a disease marked by an excessive collection of watery fluids in the tissues or cavities of the body. The ash should be administered preferably with cow’s urine in doses of 1.5 to 3 grams. The root is also useful for treating dropsy.

Genito-Urinary Disorders :- The root of the plant is beneficial in .the treatment of gonorrhea and urinary disorders, including inflammation of the urinary tract and stone in the kidneys. Its decoction can be given in doses of 30 to 60 grams, twice or thrice a day.
The decoction of its leaves can be used with confidence in case of syphilis and gonorrhea. The mucilage obtained by infusing the seeds in water is also prescribed in gonorrhea, urinary diseases and as a tonic.

Liver Disorders :– The root of the plant is useful in treating liver disorders like jaundice and hepatitis. It is specially useful in hepatic derangement. A decoction of the root is administered in the treatment of such conditions. About 60 grams of the root is boiled in half a litre of water for 20 to 30 minutes in a closed vessel. About 30 to 60 ml of this preparation is given two or three time daily.

Anemia :- The herb purifies blood and is beneficial in the treatment of anemia. A decoction of its root can be administered in the same manner as for liver disorders.
Rheumatism :- The drug is also effective in rheumatic afflictions such as rheumatism, arthritis, and gout.

Methods for Uses and Dosages: The leaves of the plant do not have any noticeable taste. They contain a cellulose which is hard. The leaves can be taken by themselves or mixed with the leaves of holy basil (tulsi). The juice from 20 grams of leaves can be mixed with either buttermilk or coconut water or fruit juice. Two teaspoons of the powdered leaves can also be mixed with 120 to 180 ml of buttermilk or 100 ml of water.

Rheumatism: The drug is effective in rheumatic affictions such as rheumatism,arthritis and gout.

Other Uses:The leaves of the plant contain a cellulose which is hard. The leaves can be taken by themselves or misex with the leaves of holy basil. The juice of the leaves can be mixed with either buttermilk or coconut water or any kind of fruit juice.

Miracle of Herbs,,

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Ailmemts & Remedies

Lactose Intolerance

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Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest significant quantities of lactose. Lactose is a sugar found in milk and other dairy products like ice cream,milk shake,chocolate,cheese etc.

People sometimes confuse lactose intolerance with cow  as milk intolerance because the symptoms are often the same. However, lactose intolerance and cow’s milk intolerance are not related. Being intolerant to cow  as milk is an allergic reaction triggered by the immune system. Lactose intolerance is a problem caused by the digestive system.

Lactose intolerance is caused by an inadequate amount of the digestive enzyme lactase. Lactase breaks down the sugar lactose into sugars the blood stream can more easily absorb. Without enough lactase to digest the lactose eaten, lactose ferments in the colon (large intestine) and causes symptoms.Lactose intolerance is caused by a shortage of the enzyme lactase, which is produced by the cells that line the small intestine. Lactase breaks down milk sugar into two simpler forms of sugar called glucose and galactose, which are then absorbed into the bloodstream. Not all people deficient in lactase have the symptoms commonly associated with lactose intolerance, but those who do are said to have lactose intolerance.

Some people are born with the inability to make the enzyme lactase. Others develop the intolerance over time.

Causes of lactose intolerance include:
Some causes of lactose intolerance are well known. Primary lactase deficiency is a condition that develops over time. After about age 2 the body begins to produce less lactase, though most people will not notice symptoms until they are much older.

Secondary lactase deficiency occurs when injury to the small intestine or certain digestive diseases reduce the amount of lactase a person produces. These diseases include celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and Crohn’s disease.

Researchers have identified a genetic link for lactose intolerance. Some people are born with a likelihood of developing primary lactase deficiency because it has been passed to them genetically (inherited from their parents). This discovery may be useful in developing a diagnostic test to identify people with the condition.

Other common causes are:
Aging (lactase decreases as people age)
Gastroenteritis (or infection in the intestinal tract)
Nontropical and tropical sprue
Cystic fibrosis
Ulcerative colitis
Immunoglobulin deficiencies

Risk Factors
A risk factor is something that increases your chance of getting a disease or condition.

Race: Black, Asian, or Native American
Ethnicity: Mediterranean or Jewish

Symptoms of lactose intolerance generally begin within two hours of consuming milk or other dairy products. The severity of symptoms depends on how much lactase your body produces and how much lactose you eat.
People who do not have enough lactase to digest the amount of lactose they consume may feel very uncomfortable when they digest milk products. Common symptoms, which range from mild to severe, include nausea, cramps, bloating, gas, and diarrhea.. The severity of symptoms depends on many factors, including the amount of lactose a person can tolerate and a person’s age, ethnicity, and digestion rate.

Symptoms include:
Abdominal rumbling sounds
Loose stools

Lactose intolerance can be hard to diagnose based on symptoms alone. People sometimes think they suffer from lactose intolerance because they have the symptoms associated with the disorder, not knowing other conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome can cause similar symptoms. A doctor can use tests to diagnose lactose intolerance but may first recommend eliminating cow’s milk from the diet to see if the symptoms go away.

The doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history and perform a physical exam. Often the doctor will recommend a two-week trial period of eating no milk or milk products. If symptoms subside, you will be asked to consume milk products again. If milk causes symptoms to recur, you will be diagnosed with lactose intolerance.

Your doctor may also order some tests, which may include:

Lactose Tolerance Test   measures the amount of glucose (simple sugar that is created from lactose) absorbed two hours after drinking a high-lactose liquid. This tells how well the body is digesting lactose.

Hydrogen Breath Test   measures how much hydrogen is exhaled after drinking a high-lactose liquid

Stool Acidity Test (for infants and small children)   measures lactic acid in the stool

Biopsy of the Small Intestine   removing and testing a sample of tissue to confirm lactase deficiency (only performed in rare cases)

Lactose intolerance is easy to treat. No treatment can improve the body’s ability to produce lactase, but symptoms can be controlled through diet.
Young children and infants with lactase deficiency should not consume lactose-containing formulas or foods until they are able to tolerate lactose digestion. Most older children and adults do not have to avoid lactose completely, but people differ in the amounts and types of foods they can handle. For example, one person may have symptoms after drinking a small glass of milk, while another can drink one glass but not two. Others may be able to manage ice cream and aged cheeses, such as cheddar and Swiss, but not other dairy products. People can also tolerate more lactose by having smaller amounts of it at one time. The level of dietary control needed with lactose intolerance depends on how much lactose a person’s body can handle.

For those who react to very small amounts of lactose or have trouble limiting their intake of foods that contain it, the lactase enzyme is available without a prescription to help people digest foods that contain lactose. The tablets are taken with the first bite of dairy food. Lactase enzyme is also available as a liquid. Adding a few drops of the enzyme makes lactose more digestible for people with lactose intolerance.

Lactose-reduced milk and other products are available at most supermarkets. The milk contains all of the nutrients found in regular milk and remains fresh for about the same length of time, or longer if it is super-pasteurized.

Currently there is no way to increase the body’s production of lactase, so treatment focuses on managing symptoms.

Treatments include:

Dietary Changes
And Dietary changes include:
Keep a food diary of what you eat and what the reaction is. Discuss the findings with your doctor or a dietitian.
Make gradual changes to your diet and record the results.
Try eating a smaller portion before giving up on a dairy product. Dairy products made from milk include:
Ice cream
Aged cheese and yogurt may be easier to tolerate than other dairy products.
Try milk that is modified so it contains less lactose.
Ask a dietitian for help choosing substitutes for dairy products or recommending supplements to ensure that you eat enough calcium.
Non-dairy foods rich in calcium include:
Collard greens
Read product labels because other foods containing lactose include:
Baked goods
Processed cereals
Instant potatoes and soups
Non-kosher lunchmeats
Salad dressings
Pancake mixes
Frozen dinners
Other words that indicate lactose are:
Dry milk solids
Nonfat dry milk
Milk by-products

Be aware that some medications may contain small amounts of lactose.

The doctor may recommend lactase enzymes if you can tolerate only small quantities of lactose. The enzyme supplements come in liquid and chewable form. A few drops of the liquid added to milk allowed to sit overnight can decrease the amount of lactose in the milk by 70-90%. Tablets are chewed or swallowed prior to eating foods that contain lactose.

Ayurvedic answers to lactose intolerance

Can Homeopathy cure lactose intolerance

There are no guidelines for preventing lactose intolerance.

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.


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Ailmemts & Remedies

Managing Symptoms of Menopause

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The following tips may be beneficial for these common symptoms of menopause:

Hot Flashes:
1.Wear fabrics that breathe, such as cotton. Do not wear silk, polyester and other synthetics that tend to trap body heat.

2.If you feel a hot flash coming on, drink a glass of cold water.

3.If troubled by night sweats, keep a cold facecloth or ice pack by your bed.

4.Instead of pantyhose, wear cotton pants or thigh high stockings.

5.Decrease your intake of caffeine and alcohol.

6.Avoid spicy foods and hot drinks.

7.Avoid tobacco.

8.Try eating and drinking more soy products.

9.Some women claim that taking vitamin E daily helps.
Vaginal Dryness/Urinary Problems
(urinary tract infections, incontinence)

10. Use a vaginal cream or lubricant (avoid petroleum jelly) to help reduce pain from dryness during sexual intercourse.

11.Urinate before and after sexual intercourse to help prevent bladder infections.

12.Drink plenty of fluids and empty your bladder frequently.

13. Try Kegel exercises (tighten and relax the muscles you use to stop urination) daily. They strengthen the vaginal muscles, enhance orgasm, and help prevent incontinence.

Psychological Problems
(anxiety, irritability, depression)

1.Communicate openly with your partner about your symptoms and ask for support.

2.Join or even start a support group specific to menopause or other life changes you are experiencing.

3.Find and share support with colleagues at work who are going through the same thing.
Seek counseling.

4.Medication such as tranquilizers and antidepressants may help.

5.Identify which sources of stress you can eliminate from your life.

1.Write things down.

2.Use appointment books, calendars, post-it notes, alarm clocks and timers.

3.Ask other people for reminders.

Weight Gain:
1.Engage in an aerobic or Yoga exercise at least three times per week for at least 30 minutes per session.

2.Find ways to incorporate more exercise into your daily routine, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

3.Decrease your intake of fat and calories.

Native Remedies has put together a trio of effective, natural remedies proven Menopause and PMS. Each, on its own, has been shown to be highly effective.

Fast Menopause Relief

Herbal Menopause Relief

Homeopathic & Natural relief of Menopause

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.

Ailmemts & Remedies

Cystitis (Inflammation of the urinary Bladder)

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The term  CYSTITIS  refers to inflammation of the urinary bladder. The recurrence of cystitis may in some cases, be associated with kidney trouble.


The patient complains of an almost continual urge to void and a burning sensation on passing urine. There may be feeling of pain in the pelvis and lower abdomen. The urine may become thick, dark and stringy. It may have an unpleasant smell and may contain blood or pus. Some pain in the lower back may also be felt in certain cases. In an acute stage, there may be rise in body temperature. In the chronic form of cystitis the symptoms are similar but generally less severe and longer lasting, and without a fever.

Root causes:
Cystitis may result from infection in other parts connected with or adjacent to the bladder such as the kidneys, the urethra the vagina, or the prostate gland. There may be local irritation and inflammation in the bladder if urine is retained there for an unduly long time. Cystitis may also results from acute constipation. Other conditions like an infected kidney, stones in the kidneys or bladder, or an enlarged prostate may also lead to this disorder.

When cystitis is suspected, the doctor first examines a person’s abdomen and lower back, to evaluate unusual enlargements of the kidneys or swelling of the bladder. In small children, the doctor checks for fever, abdominal masses, and a swollen bladder.

The next step in diagnosis is collection of a urine sample. The procedure involves voiding into a cup, so small children may be catheterized to collect a sample. Laboratory testing of urine samples as of the early 2000s can be performed with dipsticks that indicate immune system responses to infection, as well as with microscopic analysis of samples. Normal human urine is sterile. The presence of bacteria or pus in the urine usually indicates infection. The presence of hematuria (blood in the urine) may indicate acute UTIs, kidney disease, kidney stones, inflammation of the prostate (in men), endometriosis (in women), or cancer of the urinary tract. In some cases, blood in the urine results from athletic training, particularly in runners.

Other tests
Women and children with recurrent UTIs can be given ultrasound exams of the kidneys and bladder together with a voiding cystourethrogram to test for structural abnormalities. (A cystourethrogram is an x-ray test in which an iodine dye is used to better view the urinary bladder and urethra.) In some cases, computed tomography scans (CT scans) can be used to evaluate people for possible cancers in the urinary tract.

Uncomplicated cystitis is treated with antibiotics. These include penicillin, ampicillin, and amoxicillin; sulfisoxazole or sulfamethoxazole; trimethoprim; nitrofurantoin; cephalosporins; or fluoroquinolones. (Fluoroquinolones generally are not used in children under 18 years of age.) A 2003 study showed that fluoroquinolone was preferred over amoxicillin, however, for uncomplicated cystitis in young women. Treatment for women is short-term; most women respond within three days. Men and children do not respond as well to short-term treatment and require seven to 10 days of oral antibiotics for uncomplicated UTIs.

Persons of either gender may be given phenazopyridine or flavoxate to relieve painful urination.

Trimethoprim and nitrofurantoin are preferred for treating recurrent UTIs in women.

Individuals with pyelonephritis can be treated with oral antibiotics or intramuscular doses of cephalosporins. Medications are given for ten to 14 days and sometimes longer. If the person requires hospitalization because of high fever and dehydration caused by vomiting, antibiotics can be given intravenously.

A minority of women with complicated UTIs may require surgical treatment to prevent recurrent infections. Surgery also is used to treat reflux problems (movement of the urine backward) or other structural abnormalities in children and anatomical abnormalities in adult males.

Alternative treatment
Alternative treatment for cystitis may emphasize eliminating all sugar from the diet and drinking lots of water. Drinking unsweetened cranberry juice not only adds fluid but also is thought to help prevent cystitis by making it more difficult for bacteria to cling to the bladder wall. A variety of herbal therapies also are recommended. Generally, the recommended herbs are antimicrobials, such as garlic (Allium sativum), goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis), and bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi); and/or demulcents that soothe and coat the urinary tract, including corn silk and marsh mallow (Althaea officinalis).Cucumber juice ,Radish Leaves ,Spinach ,Sandalwood Oil.

Diet: At the onset of acute Cystitis, it is essential to withhold all solid foods immediately. If there is fever, the patient should take only liquid food like fruit juices, soups, barley water, boiled vegetables etc. After the fever is over then patient should take non-spicy food for few days. Then gradually embark upon the all types of food.

Lifestyle : During the first three or four days of acute cystitis, when the patient is on a liquid diet, it is advisable to rest and keep warm. Pain can be relieved by immersing the pelvis in hot water. Alternatively, heat can applied to the abdomen, by using a towel wrung out in hot water and covering it with a dry towel to retain warmth. The treatment may be continued for three or four days by which time the inflammation should have subsided and the temperature returned to normal.

Regular pratice of  Yoga ,  particularly   Pranayama and Padma Asana will  give a very good result.

Homeopathic medicine also can be effective in treating cystitis. Choosing the correct remedy based on the individual’s symptoms is always key to the success of this type of treatment. Acupuncture and Chinese traditional herbal medicine can also be helpful in treating acute and chronic cases of cystitis.

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies. and

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Is there a way to help your child avoid the common cold?

In the late 19th century Sir William Osler, one of the founding doctors of the Johns Hopkins Medical School, said that colds should be treated with contempt. It’s not known if Dr. Osler was suffering from a cold at the time, but this fact is known – we all get them from time to time and some kids get more than their share. It is nearly impossible for your child to avoid catching a cold. Adults average 2 to 3 colds per year and children 6 to 10, depending on their age and exposure. Youngsters are particularly susceptible to colds because of their close contact with other children, they have yet to learn good personal hygiene, such as hand washing and covering coughs and sneezes, and they constantly have their hands in their mouth and nose.

Yet, there are some things that can be done to reduce the frequency of colds in children (and adults, as well)
. First, parents should get to know their enemy, how we are infected, and if we can discover any weaknesses in our opponent. Second, parents should do all they can to keep their child’s immune system strong.

The enemy is one of over 100 different viruses, with strange sounding names like rhinovirus and adenovirus. The viruses first contaminate the hands of a child or adult with a cold as a result of nose blowing, covering sneezes, and touching the nose. The virus also contaminates objects (particularly toys) and surfaces in the environment of the cold sufferer. Casual contact transfers the virus to the hands of a non-infected child or adult, who then infects his or her self by touching their nose or rubbing their eyes (virus deposited in the eye promptly goes down the tear duct into the nose). Touching contaminated toys and surfaces, where they can survive up to three hours, can also pick up the virus. Less often, an adult or child can be infected when they breathe virus-containing droplets that were recently expelled in coughs and sneezes by an infected person (did you know that airborne droplets can travel up to 25 feet?).

Once infected, it takes only 8-12 hours for the viruses to begin multiplying and another 10-12 hours for cold symptoms to begin. Therefore, the only defense against the virus is to prevent this uninvited guest from entering the body in the first place.

Teach Your Kids to Wash Their Hands.
80% of all infectious disease could be eliminated by more frequent and proper hand washing with soap and water. This is the first line of defense against colds. It takes lots of soap, hot water, and 15 seconds of scrubbing to do any good. Remind your kids that they should never put their hands in their eyes or to their nose without washing them first.

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Encourage your kids to use tissue instead cloth handkerchiefs
Handkerchiefs catch and retain the viruses. Encourage your youngster to use paper facial tissue instead, and then throw them away immediately after each use. And remember to remind them to wash your hands after blowing your nose. Infectious disease specialists encourage parents to tell their kids to “blow, throw and wash” theory. After they blow their nose, be sure that they throw the tissue away…don’t carry it around… and then, wash your hands.

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Reduce your child’s social life. If you know that there is a high incidence of colds in your community, try to keep your child’s contact with other children to a minimum. Limit your youngster’s time they spend with infected kids.

Get some fresh air
During the cold season, kids tend to stay indoors and the germs spread faster this way. By opening windows and doors for a few minutes, and allowing air to circulate, you can push out airborne viruses. Viruses love stagnant air.

Help keep your child’s nasal passages clear Artificial heating tends to be very drying, so consider using a humidifier in the home to keep their air moist enough so as not to dry out the mucus membranes of the nose. Likewise, an air filter in an indoor environment, especially a HEPA type filter, can help remove airborne dust and germs.

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Eliminate Cigarette Smoke from Your Child‘s Environment Children exposed to passive cigarette smoke will get five times the number of colds when compared to youngsters who live in a smoke-free home.

Get Plenty of Sleep Our moms were right on when they encouraged us to get enough sleep. Although researchers have not directly proven that sleep deprivation causes more colds, some studies have sleep loss of three to four hours can cause a 50 percent decline in immune response.

When possible avoid closed-in spaces. Airplanes are virus-breading grounds. Cold viruses can’t escape these poorly ventilated areas. In addition, these areas are notorious for providing low humidity. This dries our mucous membranes that normally trap and dispose of viral invaders. A closed in space is just one more opportunity for the virus to spread to your child.
