Herbs & Plants

Linseed (Flax or Flaxseed)

Botanical Name :Linum usitatissimum
Family: Linaceae
Genus: Linum
Species: L. usitatissimum
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Malpighiales

Synonyms:Linseed, flaxseed, common flax, lint bells, winterlien

Habitat: Common flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) was one of the first crops domesticated by man. Flax originated in India, and from its hardiness and usefulness, is generally diffused over the globe. Ancient centers of flax-growing are mountainous areas of India and China, In India flax was cultivated as a fiber crop earlier than cotton. As early as in the 4th or 5th millennium B.C. flax was cultivated for its fiber in Mesopotamia, Assyria and Egypt. Wild narrow-leaved flax and semi-cultured procumbent flaxes grow in Transcaucasia. Many monuments of Ancient Egypt reflect cultivation of flax and spinning and weaving of its fibers. In Russia flax has been cultivated since the birth of the Russian nation

Growing countries :The significant linseed producing countries are Canada ~34% and China ~25.5%, though there is also production in India ~9%, USA ~8%, and Ethiopia ~3.5% and throughout Europe.

Description:The flax plant is an annual herb, it grows   erect to 3 feet with slender stems and entire leaves. The leaves are glaucous green, slender lanceolate, 20-40 mm long and 3 mm broad. The flowers are pure pale blue, 15-25 mm diameter, with five petals. The fruit is a round, dry capsule 5-9 mm diameter, containing several glossy brown seeds shaped like an apple pip, 4-7 mm long, which is indehiscent. Linum is an erect annual herb with a glabrous stem and few branches, growing about 60cm in height and cultivated in most temperate and tropical regions. The stem bears alternate, sessile, simple entire lanceolate to oblong leaves. Each branch produces one or two violet-blue five-petalled flowers in a terminal cluster from June to August, and a globular capsule containing about ten seeds.In addition to the plant itself, flax may refer to the unspun fibres of the flax plant.

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Flax seeds come in two basic varieties: 1. brown; and 2. yellow or golden (also known as golden linseeds). Most types have similar nutritional characteristics and equal numbers of short-chain omega-3 fatty acids. The exception is a type of yellow flax called solin (trade name Linola), which has a completely different oil profile and is very low in omega-3 FAs. Flax seeds produce a vegetable oil known as flaxseed oil or linseed oil, which is one of the oldest commercial oils. It is an edible oil obtained by expeller pressing, sometimes followed by solvent extraction. Solvent-processed flax seed oil has been used for many centuries as a drying oil in painting and varnishing.

Although brown flax can be consumed as readily as yellow, and has been for thousands of years, its better-known uses are in paints, for fiber, and for cattle feed.

Parts used: ripe seeds and their expressed oil. Linseed oil, obtained from seed of the flax plant, is primarily used in industry; but some is used for edible purposes in eastern Europe.

Collection: when fully ripe in September.

Constituents: 30-40% fixed oil including linoleic, linolenic and oleic acids, mucilage (6%), protein (25%), the cyanogenic glycoside linamarine, bitter principle; the oil contains vitamins A, B, D and E, minerals and amino acids. The seeds contain around 35 to 44 percent of drying oil.

Use: Flax is grown both for its seed and for its fibres. Various parts of the plant have been used to make fabric, dye, paper, medicines, fishing nets and soap. It is also grown as an ornamental plant in gardens, as flax is one of the few plant species capable of producing truly blue flowers (most “blue” flowers are really shades of purple), although not all flax varieties produce blue flowers.

In eastern Europe, the seed is generally first cold pressed, the cold-press oil being used in foods. A later hot press yields additional industrial oil. In the U.S., oil extraction is generally hot press, followed by solvent extraction, and the oil is not used as food. The press cake from hot pressing is a valuable livestock feed. The flax seed contains a cyanogenic glucoside which forms hydrocyanic acid by enzyme action unless the enzyme is inactivated by heat. Flax seed for oil was grown in the U.S. on an average of about 2.7 million acres, 1964-66.
Flax fibers
Flax fibers are amongst the oldest fibre crops in the world. The use of flax for the production of linen goes back 5000 years. Pictures on tombs and temple walls at Thebes depict flowering flax plants. The use of flax fibre in the manufacturing of cloth in northern Europe dates back to Neolithic times. In North America, flax was introduced by the Puritans. Currently most flax produced in the USA and Canada are seed flax types for the production of linseed oil or flaxseeds for human nutrition.

Flax stem cross-section, showing locations of underlying tissues. Ep = epidermis; C = cortex; BF = bast fibres; P = phloem; X = xylem; Pi = pithFlax fibre is extracted from the bast or skin of the stem of flax plant. Flax fibre is soft, lustrous and flexible. It is stronger than cotton fibre but less elastic. The best grades are used for linen fabrics such as damasks, lace and sheeting. Coarser grades are used for the manufacturing of twine and rope. Flax fibre is also a raw material for the high-quality paper industry for the use of printed banknotes and rolling paper for cigarettes.

Medicinal Actions: demulcent, antitussive, gentle bulk laxative, emollient, anodyne, resolvent, relaxing expectorant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, locally drawing, soothing and healing, antitussive, pectoral

Indications: Respiratory catarrh, bronchitis, furunculosis, pleuritic pains

Therapeutics and Pharmacology: Linum may be used in all pulmonary infections, particularly where there is much catarrh, as in bronchitis. It is often applied as a poultice in pleurisy and other pulmonary conditions. A poultice may also be applied to boils and carbuncles, shingles, psoriasis and burns. Linum is also used in chronic or acute, atonic or spastic constipation. Whilst not a true laxative, it acts as a bulking and lubricating agent causing no irritation. Linseed oil is an valuable source of essential fatty acids which can help prevent the build-up of fatty deposits in the tissues. The oil has also been used to help the passage of gallstones.

Combinations: As a poultice for the chest Linum combines well with Sinapsis alba. For boils, localised swellings and inflammations it may be combined with Lobelia, Althaea root and Ulmus as a poultice.

The health benefits associated with flaxseed include:

Protecting against cancer:
Consuming flaxseed may help protect against prostate, colon, and breast cancers. Flaxseed is thought to prevent the growth of cancerous cells because its omega-3 fatty acids disrupt malignant cells from clinging onto other body cells. In addition, the lignans in flaxseed have antiangiogenic properties – they stop tumors from forming new blood vessels.

One US study presented at the 43rd annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) revealed that consuming flaxseed can stop prostate cancer tumors from growing. Dr Wendy Demark-Wahnefried, lead investigator of the study said that the team was “excited that this study showed that flaxseed is safe and associated with a protective effect on prostate cancer.”

Lowering cholesterol:
Researchers at the Iowa State University’s Nutrition and Wellness Research Center found that cholesterol levels lowered among men who included flaxseed in their diet. Suzanne Hendrich, lead author of the study, said that for “people who can’t take something like Lipitor, this could at least give you some of that cholesterol-lowering benefit.”

Preventing hot flashes:
A study published in the Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology suggests that a dietary intake of flaxseed can decrease the risk of hot flashes among postmenopausal women. “Not only does flaxseed seem to alleviate hot flashes, but it appears to have overall health and psychological benefits as well,” concluded Dr. Pruthi.

Improving blood sugar:
There is strong evidence to suggest that consuming flaxseed every day improves glycemic control in obese men and women with pre-diabetes4, according to a study published in Nutrition Research.

Protecting against radiation:
A diet of flaxseed may protect skin tissue from being damaged by radiation, revealed researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. The investigators concluded that their “study demonstrates that dietary flaxseed, already known for its strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, works as both a mitigator and protector against radiation pneumonopathy.”

Caution: Only the ripe seeds should be used; immature seeds can cause poisoning as they contain traces of prussic acid. Linseed oil deteriorates rapidly. It is important to stress to anyone taking linseed that at least two glasses of water should be taken at the same time to ensure proper swelling of the linseed in the stomach. In many cases where linseed appears to fail, the reason is that not enough fluid has been taken.

Side effects and precautions:
Even though research on the safety of taking flaxseed during pregnancy is scarce, pregnant women should stay on the safe side and avoid consuming flaxseed because of its estrogen-like properties which doctors believe may affect pregnancy outcome. In addition, people suffering from a bowel obstruction should avoid flaxseed too (because of its high level of fiber), according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.5

Side effects associated with the consumption of flaxseed, include:
*Stomach pains

Preparation and Dosage:

Regulatory status GSL

Crushed or entire seeds: 3-6g or by infusion

Oil: 5-30ml, in vehicle, as a purgative

Additional Comments: As the source of linen fibre, Linum has been cultivated since at least 5000 BC; today it is mainly grown for its oil. It was used by the Egyptians to make cloth in which to wrap their mummies, and the Bible contains many references to the plant. The medicinal properties of the seeds were known to the Greeks and Hippocrates recommended them for inflammations of the mucous membranes. In 8th century France, Charlemagne passed laws requiring the seeds to be consumed to keep his subjects healthy. Linseed oil is used as a purgative for sheep and horses. Flax is obtained from the stem fibres. The oil has a number of uses in the paint and other industries. It is also used in cooking and has been recommended to help leach toxic heavy metals such as aluminium from the body.

The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.


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Healthy Tips

Anti-Aging the Natural Way

Americans go to great lengths to reduce the signs of aging. But risky surgeries and synthetic injections are not the answer. What is? Good old-fashioned exercise.

click & see

A recent study in PLoS One evaluated the effects of six months of strength
training in volunteers aged 65 or older. Researchers compared thigh-muscle cells
from the seniors with cells from volunteers in their 20s. At the end of the
six-month period, researchers discovered not only a 50 percent increase in
strength and higher energy in the seniors, but also dramatic changes at the
genetic level.

It doesn’t take working out five days a week to get these results. The seniors
performed one hour of strength training twice a week for six months, completing
three sets of 10 repetitions for each muscle group on typical gym equipment. At
the start of the study, researchers noted significant differences between older
and younger participants in 600 genes. After six months of training, exercise
had changed a third of those genes, most of which affected the process of
turning nutrients into energy.

So, next time you look in the mirror and ponder the latest anti-aging treatment, remember this: An exercise regimen at any age can improve your strength and appearance, sure – but it also can keep you young and healthy all the way down to a cellular level. Now that’s deep cleansing.

Yoga exercise with Pranayama   is the best  way to keep some one young and fit till old age

For more information, go to

Health Alert

For Soft And Young Skin

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Five minutes everyday is all it takes to pamper your skin, and keep it looking soft and young.

Work , stress, party nights, harried mornings , pollution, sun, dust – Every minute of the day your skin faces these challenges . Is it not fair on the skin’s part to demand a little of your time? Five minutes everyday is all it takes to pamper your skin, and keep it looking soft and young.

For dark circles
Rose water helps get rid of these. You could also prepare some warm tea, dip a piece of cotton in it, and place it on your eyes. Change it thrice. Apply some eye gel as it helps keep the area moist.

For dryness
Excess makeup tends to make your skin dry and lifeless. A deep cleansing cream takes away all the dirt and pollution. You can also massage your face with almond oil along with a drop of essential oil like jasmine. Parties in air-conditioned rooms cause this problem too. For the skin to retain its natural glow, it’s essential that you spray some rose water on your face and apply a lot of moisturiser.

For dull skin
Clean your face with a NH exfoliator. Scrub your skin well; exfoliate dead skin. Splash drinking soda on your face, apply a moisturiser and then do makeup. Once a week, apply a face pack.

For acne & pimples
Not everyone has the right skin to handle copious amounts of make-up , and the sweetmeat indulgence doesn’t help either. Control skin break-outs by applying water based makeup and use a gel based moisturiser. Use a good cleansing face wash, a medicated toner and non-alcoholic toner.

Finally, remove your makeup before you go to bed. Apply a cleansing cream and wipe off with a damp cloth. Use a good face wash followed by a toner. And, while you sleep, your skin will do the rest of the work, so that you wake up with a glow in the morning.

Source: The Times Of India

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Herbal Beauty & Body Care

Skin Care

If you have the proper knowledge of your skin you can take its proper care and keep it free from problems. On the one hand to keep the skin intact, healthy and glowing, you ought to take good diet to provide the vitamins required by the skin; on the other hand , to deal with the harmful effects of atmosphere you have to take the help of external applications known as cosmetics. Cosmetics claim to be everything from ensuring safe tanning to reversing the aging process.


1. Avoid too much of sweets, fried foods,alcohol and cakes because they cause blemishes and blotchiness on the skin surface.

2. Eat one seasonal fruit in the morning , preferably before eating anything else. Also eat vegetables and salads , specially raw ones.

3.Drink at least 6 to 8 glass of fresh water daily.

4.Try to avoid the sun. If you have to go out either cover your head (wearing a hat) or take an umbrella. Also apply sunscreen lotion.

5. Avoid smoking, specially passive smoking, that is inhaling the air polluted by somebody’s smoking.

6. Use bathing oil to soften your skin. For miking your own bathing oil … take one cup each of palm,almond and olive oil and half cup of wheatgerm oil. Mix them well and keep it in a bottle in dark. Take a little of it and massage into the whole body before bathing or swimming.

7. Try to keep your bathroom worm so that the increase in temperature will encourage the skin pores to open.

8. Use a body brush to break down the more fleshy skin tissues of the body. A bath brush and pumice stone help to soften the hard skin often found on the feet,knee and elbow.

9. Cleanse your skin, once in the morning and again in the evening , before going to sleep with products suitable to your skin type.

10.Use face mask suitable to your skin type atleast once a week.

11. Massage your whole body for minimum half an hour (take other’s help if possible) atleast once a month.

Help taken from :Herbal Beauty & Body Care

Ailmemts & Remedies

Skin wrinkles

[amazon_link asins=’B01DC6XTYC,1569243832,B00005JTW8,B01M4MCUAF,B005793IEY,B01832E516,B00JH2JS0K,B00BD41F1U,B007MYLM1I’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’cb50e45a-799a-11e7-a1d2-bfad49fd4a98′]

Skin wrinkles typically appear as a result of aging processes such as glycation or, temporarily, as the result of prolonged (more than a few minutes) immersion in water. Wrinkling in skin is caused by habitual facial expressions, aging, sun damage, smoking, poor hydration, and various other factors.

Aging wrinkles
Treatments and products (including anti-aging creams) promising to reduce, remove, or prevent age-related wrinkles are big business in many industrialized countries. Despite great demand, most such products and treatments have not been proven to give lasting or major positive effects. Wrinkle reduction with acetyl hexapeptide3. Non surgical face lift . Anti aging -Concept

Stretching the skin via a face lift will many times remove some wrinkles.

Anti-aging creams are cosmetic products marketed with the promise of making the consumer look younger and reducing visible wrinkles on the skin. Despite great demand, most such products and treatments have not been proven to give lasting or major positive effects.

There are a range of cosmetic treatments for the appearance of wrinkles on the skin such as plastic surgery and botox injections. Advertising sometimes presents anti-aging creams as an alternative to these more costly and invasive cosmetic treatments.

Traditionally, anti-aging creams have been marketed towards women, but products specifically targeting men are increasingly common.

Many anti-wrinkle creams contain some form of retinol (for instance, in the form of retinyl palmitate) which in various formulations has been shown to give a “rejuvenating” appearance to the skin, in that it stimulates the renewal of skin cells and reduces dark spots. Alpha hydroxy acids and beta hydroxy acids have a peeling effect when used as chemical peels. However, the effects of these compounds likely depend on their concentration and mode of application, making the effects of the commercial products less certain.

Easy Way to Solve Skin Wrinkle Problem:

A fountain of youth may be as close as your kitchen, new study findings suggest. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and unsaturated fats may ward off wrinkles by boosting the skin’s natural defenses against sun damage.

In an international study of eating patterns and skin aging, investigators found that dark and fair-skinned people who ate plenty of wholesome foods but passed on butter, red meat and sugary confections were less prone to wrinkling. Some of the skin-smoothing foods included green leafy vegetables, beans, olive oil, nuts and multigrain breads, researchers reported in The Journal of the American College of Nutrition.

Many of the skin-protecting foods the study turned up are rich in antioxidant vitamins, which may fend off environmental damage. More than 400 adults, aged 70 and older, who ate more of the foods that are universally recommended for good health had smoother skin.

The study authors speculate that certain foods offered skin protection due to their high levels of antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E. Monosaturated fats such as olive oil may offer beneficial protection through the same mechanism. Fatty acids are present in the skin, and monosaturated fats resist oxidative damage.

How do you know what fruits and vegetables have high levels of antioxidants? Ask your doctor of chiropractic, or ask that your local grocer post nutritional information about the products that you choose, if they don’t already. For additional information on senior health issues, visit

Ayurvedic Anti Wrinkle & Skin Care
Herbal Remedies for dry skin and wrinkles


Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies. and
