
The Bow (Yoga Exercise)


1. Tones the back muscles, maintains the elasticity of your spine.

2. Improves posture and increases vitality.

3. Reduces abdominal fat

4. Keeps the digestive and reproductive systems healthy.

5.Effective for Bronchitis, Asthma, Constipation, Diabetes, Rheumatism etc.


1.Lie down on your front, head down. Inhale and bend your knees up, then reach back with your hands and clasp hold of your ankles. Exhale.

2. lnhaling, raise your head and chest, and simultaneously pull your ankles up, lifting the knees and thighs off the floor. Arch backward and look up. Take three deep breaths in this pose, then exhale and release it.

3. Practice it 2 to 3 time in one sation and then take total relaxation for few seconds.


The Fish Posture (Yoga Exercise)

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Effective for Malabsorption, Colitis, Sinus Congestion, Asthma, Sore throat, Diabetes, Bronchitis, Jaundice.

Daily practicing of this exercise will improve parathyroid glans secretion which helps the power of general activity, retains the power of sex even at older age. It helps to improve the digestive power as well.It strengthens and improves the chest and shoulder muscles.

How to do the exercise:


1.Lie down on your back with your legs straight and your feet together. Place your hands, palms down, underneath your thighs.

2.Pressing down on your elbows, inhale and arch your back, resting the very top of your head on the side, and your elbows should be on floor.

3.Exhale. Breathe deeply while in the position,keeping legs and lower torso relaxed.

4.To come out of you back. the pose, first lift your head and place it gently back down, than release the arms.

Note: In the fish pose, your hands should rest palms down, side by side, and your elbows should be as close together as possible under your back.

If the fish makes you feel giddy or nauseas, stop immediately and do not attempt it again without consulting a physician or Yoga Specialist.

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The Shoulder Stand (Yoga Exercise)

Effective for Excessive anger or hate, Migraine headache, Liver disorder, hemorrhoids, Anaemia, Hypertension, Indigestion.

The Shoulder stand invigorates and rejuvenates your whole body. It improves thyroid,para-thyroid and toncil glands and sextual ability.

How to do the Exercise:

1.Lie down on the floor with your legs together and your hands, push down, by your sides. inhaling, push down on your hands and raise your legs straight up above you.

2.Lift your hips off the floor and bring your legs up, over and beyond your head, at an angle of about45°.

3.Exhaling, bend your arms and support your body, holding as near the shoulders as possible, thumbs around the front of the body, fingers around the back. Push your back up, lift your legs.

4.Now straighten your spine and bring the legs up to a vertical position. Press your chin firmly into the base of your throat. Breathe slowly and deeply in the pose, gradually trying to work your elbows closer together and your hands further down your back toward the shoulders, so as to straighten your torso. Keep your feet relaxed.


Shoulder stands should not be attempted without a qualified teacher.

Any one suffering from breathing difficulties or pain in the upper spine should not attempt these postures.


The Plough(Yoga Exercise)

Effective for Asthma, Back ache, Depression, Sciatica, Headache, Sexual debility Rheumatoid Arthritis, Bronchitis, Sinus, Congestion,Premenstrual tension etc.
One who practices this Yoga exercise regularly improves his or her splin and lever functions.It helps the Thyroid and Tonsil glands to function properly. This exercise is very suitable for maintening a balanced weight  also.

How to perform the Exercise

click & see

1. Lie down on your back with your legs together and your palms on your sides.
Inhale & raise your legs up.

2. Exhale first and then inhale.

3. Bring your hips up off the floor.

4. Support your back with your hand, keeping your elbows as close to one another as possible.

5. Without bending your knees, exhale and bring your legs down behind your head.

6. If you cannot yet touch the floor with your feet, keep on breathing in this position.

7. If your feet comfortably reach the floor, walk them as far behind your head possible.

8 .With your feet curled under, push your torso up and your heels back.

9. Now clasp your hands together.

10. Breathe slowly and deeply.


If you have breathing difficulties, hernia or are having nasal congestion, do not attempt this exercise.


Basic Breathing (Pranayama)

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PRANAYAMA :    A BREATHING EXERCISE:Yogic breathing or pranayaam revitalises the body steadies the emotion and creats great clarity of the mind. Yoga breathing exercises are performed sitting down with the spine neck and head in a straight line in the lotus pose.

Kalpabhati is a kriyas of purification besides being a pranayama. The forced exhalation rids the lower lungs of the stale air making way for a fresh intake of oxygen rich air in cleansing the entire respiratory system. This is a wonderfully invigorating exercise to begin your pranayam. By increasing the amount of oxygen in the body its effect is to clear the mind and improve concentration.

Kalpabhati to see


Effective for cardiovascular problems.
To clear the mind and improve the concentration
Description of the asana

1. Sit in ardha padmasana (lotus )–But if you have knee ache,sit on a bench or chair.Keep the feet crossed on a rug or a carpet.

2.Take two normal breaths.

3.Inhale, Now exhale, pulling in your abdomen and inhale, relaxing your abdomen.

4.Repeat 20 times, keeping a steady rhythm and emphasising the exhalation each time.

5.Inhale fully and hold your breathe as long as you can.

6.Slowly exhale.
Anuloma Viloma  click to see

In this alternate nostril breathing exercise, you inhale through one nostril, retain the breath, then exhale through the other nostril in a ratio of 2:8:4. If you are really healthy, you the will breathe predominantly through the Ida nostril for about one hour and fifty minutes, then through the other nostril. But in many people this natural rhythm is disturbed. Anuloma Viloma restores an equal flow, balancing the flow of prana in the body.

Description of the asana

Close your right nostril with your thumb and keeping it closed breathe in through the left nostril counting up to four.
Hold your breath and count to sixteen while opening the right nostril and closing your left with your third finger.
Breathe out slowly through the right nostril to a counterfiet.
Repeat the exercise but breathe in through the right nostril and out through the left.

It’s a kind of meditation which improves concentration memory and confidence. This extended exhalation makes it a very beneficial exercise for pregnant women, in preparation for labour. Sometimes known as the humming breath, Brahmari also gives a sweet clear voice and is highly recommended for singers.

Description of the asana

To practise Brahmari….click to see

1.You partially close the glottis as you inhale through both nostrils, making a snoring sound
2.Then exhale slowly, humming like a bee.
3.The inhalation clears and vibrates the throat area.

4Humming while you breathe out, enables you to spin out the breath and make a longer exhalation.

5.You should repeat Brahmari five to ten times.


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