
The Locust (Yoga Exercise)

Benefits of the Exercise.

1.This exercise makes the legs and lungs strong,spinal column strong and flexable

2. This exercise is very helpful for back pain due to sciatica.

3.This exercise ensures efficient functioning of the digestive systyem preventing constipation, reducing fat.

4.Effective for diabetic people and it helps to cure hernia aswell.
How to do the exercise:………

To perform this Exercise successfully, concentrate on every muscle being exercised, try to remain relaxed.

1.Lie face down with your forehead resting on the mat, your legs out behind you, the soles of your feet facing upward and your arms by your sides, palms downwards. Strech your neck, pushing your chin as far forward as possible, so that it rests on the mat. Brethe out slowly.

2.Breathe in, and leaning slightly on your left arm, contract the muscles in the small of your back and lift your left leg. It is important to keep your pelvis on the mat and not to twist it and to keep your left arm from shoulder to fingertips firmly on the mat. Keep your left leg straight as you lift it. Hold the position for a few seconds, then lower your leg as your breathe out. Repeat with the right leg.


Stretching the Spine (Yoga Exercise)

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1. If these yoga exercises are performed regularly it will give the spine great flexibility of movement.

2.Invigorates the internal organs, reduces fat, effective for diabetes and stimulates the entire nervous system.
3.It also stimulates the gastric fire and , and removes all the diseases of men.

4.The pose is particulary effective for combating menstural irregularities and pain, anaemia and relieving constipation.

5. These exercise invigorates splin,kidney , liver and stimulates sexual ability.

There are two types of Yoga Exercise (asana) for stretching the spine.

1.The Forward Bend (Paschimothana Asana) and 2. The Cobra (Bhujanga Asana)

1. THE FORWARD BEND (Paschimothana Asana)

How to do the Exercise

1.From a lying position, with your arms straight out behind you, inhale and come up to a sitting position. Point your feet at the ceiling and pull the flesh of your buttocks out from underneath you, so that you are sitting directly on the pelvic bone.

2. Stretch your arms above your head, lengthening the spine.

3.Pulling the abdomen in, exhale and fold forward from the pelvis, leading with the chest and keeping your back straight.

4. Bring your chin toward your shins and your chest toward your thighs. Don’t bend from the middle spine.

5.Continue right down and hold on to whichever part of your legs or feet you can comfortably reach without bending the knees. With practice, you can warp your index fingers around your big toes and bring your elbows down to the floor, or stretch your arms out over your feet..

6.In the position, breath deeply, feeling yourself advancing forward a little more every time you exhale. Hold for three to four deep breaths at first gradually increasing the number as you become relaxed in the pose. When you release the position, reach forward as you come up.

2.THE COBRA (Bhujanga Asana)

How to do the exercise:

1.Lie down with your legs together and your hands palms down under your shoulders. Rest your forehead on the floor.

2. Inhaling, bring your head up, brushing first your nose, then your chin against the floor.

3. Now lift’up your hands and use your back muscles to raise your chest as high as possible. Hold for a few deep breaths then, exhaling; slowly return to position 1, keeping your chin up until last.

4. Inhaling, come up as before, but this time use your hands to push the trunk up. Continue up until you are bending from the middle of the spine. Hold for two or three deep breaths, then exhale and come slowly down.

5. Inhaling, raise the trunk as before, but this time continue up and back until you can feel your back bending all the way down from the neck to the base of the spine. Breathe normally.

6. To complete the exercise, walk your hands in toward your body, straighten the arms, and lift the pelvis slightly. Separate the legs, bend the knees and, pushing out the chest, drop the head back and touch the feet to the head. Breathe normally, then slowly come down, as before.


The Headstand(Yoga Exercise)

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Aids in circulation, Relieves pressure on the lower back Improves memory, concentration and the sensory faculties.It helps to improve eyesight defect, dental illness, headache, histeria and nurve disease.

Description :
King of asanas, the Headstand or Sirshasana is one of the most powerfully beneficial postures for both body mind.

How to do the exercise: >...CLICK & SEE THE PICTURES

1. Kneel down and rest your weight on your forearms, Wrap your hands around your hands around your elbows.
2. Release your hands and place them in front if you , with fingers interlocked. Your elbows now stay in this position.
3. Place the back of your head in your clasped hands and the top of your head on the floor.The hands and elbows from a tripod, making a firm foundation for the inverted body.
4. Now straighten your knees and raise your hips.
5. Without bending the knees, walk your feet in as close to your head as possible. Pull your hips back so that your neck is not bent backward or forward, but is in straight line with the spine.
6. Bend your knees in to your chest and lift your feet of the floor pulling your hips backward as you do so. Pause at this point do not immediately attempt to raise your knees higher.
7. Then, keeping your knees bent, lift them up toward the ceiling, using your abdominal muscles.
8.Now slowly straighten your legs. You will feel most of the body’s weight on the forearms. To come down, reverse steps 5, 6 and 7. Rest in the Child’s pose for at least six deep breaths.
People with high BP, glaucoma or a detached retina should avoid head stand exercise.

FOR BEGINNERS :This exercise should be practised under the guidance and supervision of an expart only.


The Bridge(Yoga Exercise)

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Strengthens the abdominal and lower back muscles and makes the spine and wrists more supple.For women this exercise is verymuch useful for reducing excess fat in buttock.

How to do the exercise:

1.Come up in to the Shoulder stand, supporting your wrist with your hands. Bend one leg and lower the foot toward the floor.
2.Repeat with the other leg. Keep your elbows close together.
3.Walk your legs out until your knees are straight and your feet flat on the floor.
4.Hold the pose for at least three or four deep breaths, then walk your feet back in toward the body.

5.Do this exercise three times and then take total rest or complete relaxation for few seconds.
Do not attempt this exercise if you have pain in the upper part of the back or in the neck or the throat.


The Lotus Posture (Yoga Exercise)

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Effective For liver disorder . It is considered as the best posture for concentration and meditation.



Lotus warm-ups
Sit with spine erect and soles of the feet together, heels close to the body. For the Ankle-knee pose, press your knees forward with a straight back. For the Butterfly, right, clasp your feet and move your knees up and down.

Those who are biginers, it seems to be little diffucult at first, but gradually it becomes easy.

The lotus

1.To assume the Lotus position, start by sitting with your legs out in a “V” shape in front of you, with spine erect. Bend one knee and bring the foot in, placing it high on the thigh. Now bring the second foot in. If you place it under the opposite thigh, you form the Half Lotus.

2.The Half lotus(Ardha Palmasan) which is easier at first, and can be used for meditation and pranayama until your legs are more supple. For the full Lotus, you lift the second leg in over the first placing the foot high on the opposite thigh. In the classic Lotus, the left leg is on top, and the knees touch the floor.

3. Close your eyes,place your hands and fingers as shown in the picture.

4. Take one or two deep breathing and try to concentrate your mind on a particular object.

5. Stay in this position for some time and then take out the legs and stretch, take little rest.

6. Now repeat the lotus again just by altering the leg positions.
