
The Half Wheel (Yoga Exercise)

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1. Most dynamic back ward bend.
2. Stimulates all the charkas or energy centers.
3. Effective for respiratory problems, backache, rheumatic pains etc.


How to do the exercise:

1.Keeping feet far apart and hands on hips arch slowly backward.
2.Keep your weight on your knees and push your hips forward.

3.Inhale, raise your arms over and behind your head and drop back onto your hands.

4.To stand up again , shift your weight to your knees, then push yourself forward and bring your arms up one at a time or both at once.

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The Locust (Yoga Exercise)

Benefits of the Exercise.

1.This exercise makes the legs and lungs strong,spinal column strong and flexable

2. This exercise is very helpful for back pain due to sciatica.

3.This exercise ensures efficient functioning of the digestive systyem preventing constipation, reducing fat.

4.Effective for diabetic people and it helps to cure hernia aswell.
How to do the exercise:………

To perform this Exercise successfully, concentrate on every muscle being exercised, try to remain relaxed.

1.Lie face down with your forehead resting on the mat, your legs out behind you, the soles of your feet facing upward and your arms by your sides, palms downwards. Strech your neck, pushing your chin as far forward as possible, so that it rests on the mat. Brethe out slowly.

2.Breathe in, and leaning slightly on your left arm, contract the muscles in the small of your back and lift your left leg. It is important to keep your pelvis on the mat and not to twist it and to keep your left arm from shoulder to fingertips firmly on the mat. Keep your left leg straight as you lift it. Hold the position for a few seconds, then lower your leg as your breathe out. Repeat with the right leg.


Why do we stop growing after a certain stage?

When certain aquatic plants keep growing throughout their life, then why do we terrestrial animals stop growing? Well, a simple explanation is that that all animals, including humans, have evolved such that they stop growing at a size that balances energy efficiency and their competitive needs as they struggle to survive.

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In humans, genes determine the growth pattern and height that one attains. Growth is said to occur when cells called chondroblasts multiply, adding cartilage to the ends of bones. Cells called osteoblasts then deposit calcium and other minerals in the cartilage and turn it into new bone tissue. As the deposition of calcium and minerals goes on, bones become longer and you grow taller. Toward the end of puberty, your body produces lots of oestrogen and this inhibits chondroblast proliferation thus slowing down the addition of new cartilage to the ends of your bones. When all the cartilage in the active growth area is calcified, you stop growing.

The overproduction or underproduction of certain hormones (bio-chemicals released in our body) or the inability to respond to them can affect growth, making it above or below normal. Gigantism is caused by the overproduction of the pituitary growth hormone, whereas severe short stature is often caused by the body’s inability to respond to this and other growth hormones.

Another interesting theory to explain this issue is that terrestrial animals have to support their weight without any help. Therefore, we have been designed to stop growing to protect our bodies from becoming bigger than we can manage.

According to space researchers, if you travel into space, you will  grow irrespective of your age. Although the effect is temporary, you can actually grow by as much as eight centimetres while in orbit, they say. This is due to reduced gravitational force acting on your body. As a result, the spinal column stretches out a bit thus making one taller. This phenomenon is also visible when you are asleep. If you sleep horizontally, you will actually be a little taller in the morning since gravity is unable to compress your spinal column until you stand up.

Source:The Telegraph ,Kolkata(India)

Therapetic treatment

Back Pain Prevention Through Chiropratic

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What is back pain?
Back problems can be caused by an extraordinarily wide range of problems – some of them originating elsewhere in the body, but with pain being transmitted (referred) to areas of the back by the nervous system. Back pain is one of the most common reasons people seek medical attention. It is the symptom that prompts most patients who get chiropractic care. The majority of backache sufferers complain of pain in the lower back; the second most common site of discomfort is the base of the & see

Who suffers from back pain?
Virtually all human beings are subject to back problems. The fact that humans walk upright, on two legs, puts great pressure on the spine and muscles that support it. Over time, back pain is all but inevitable. Normal wear and tear, accidents, disease, and such bad “back habits” as unnecessary strain from overexertion at play or work (especially lifting, pushing, pulling, and reaching for things improperly), and poor standing and sitting posture result in both immediate and long-term back problems.

What can chiropractic do?
Chiropractors successfully treat subluxation (a complex of functional and/or structural changes in joints, which can interfere with nerve transmission, disturb other organ systems and undermine general health). Spinal subluxations may have symptoms localized in some part of the back or may radiate down to the buttocks, thighs and legs. Chiropractors also treat tension that can show up as backaches and/or headaches or pains elsewhere in the body….click & see

Doctors of chiropractic draw upon a wealth of knowledge and experience with treating and preventing back pain and back injuries. Soothing and pain-reducing spinal adjustments have been developed over the last century, during which chiropractors have practiced, improved and refined their techniques.

The chiropractic approach is similar to the clinical practice guidelines of the U.S. Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. That is, doctors of chiropractic not only treat the pain, they try to keep patients engaging in their normal activities rather than resting immobile in bed, which can actually cause further debilitation. And, of course, chiropractors do not rely on surgery, hospitalization and medication that can be both dangerous and needlessly costly for patients and their insurance providers.

News on Health & Science

Reading diet articles may harm health

 Magazine headlines entice teenage girls with promises: “Get the body you want” and “Hit your dream weight now!” But a new study suggests reading articles about diet and weight loss could have unhealthy consequences later.

Teenage girls who frequently read magazine articles about dieting were more likely five years later to practice extreme weight-loss measures such as vomiting than girls who never read such articles, the University of Minnesota study found.

It didn’t seem to matter whether the girls were overweight when they started reading about weight loss, nor whether they considered their weight important. After taking those factors into account, researchers still found reading articles about dieting predicted later unhealthy weight loss behaviour.

Girls who read dieting articles were twice as likely five years later to try to lose weight by fasting or smoking cigarettes, compared to girls who never read such articles. They were three times more likely to use measures such as vomiting or taking laxatives, the study found.

“The articles may be offering advice such as cutting out trans fats and soda, and those are good ideas for everybody,” said Alison Field of Harvard Medical School. “But the underlying messages these articles send are ‘You should be concerned about your weight and you should be doing something.‘”

Source:   The Times Of India
