Ailmemts & Remedies

Conjunctivitis (Pinkeye)

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acute conjunctivitis Day 3
Image via Wikipedia

Conjunctivitis is inflammation or infection of the membrane lining the eyelids (conjunctiva).

Alternative Names
Inflammation – conjunctiva; Pink eye

Causes, incidence, and risk factors
The conjunctiva is exposed to bacteria and other irritants. Tears help protect the conjunctiva by diluting bacteria and washing it away. Tears also contain enzymes and antibodies which kill bacteria.

There are many causes of conjunctivitis. Viruses are the most common cause. Other causes include bacteria, Chlamydia, fungus, and rarely, parasitic agents.

“Pink eye” refers to a viral infection of the conjunctiva. These infections are especially contagious among children. Handwashing is key to preventing the spread of the virus, which is similar to the type that cause the common cold.

Bacteria are an uncommon cause of conjunctivitis. Many physicians give a mild antibiotic eyedrop for pink eye to prevent bacterial conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is also caused by allergies (allergic conjunctivitis), chemical exposure, and certain systemic (throughout the body) diseases.

Newborns can be infected by bacteria in the birth canal. This condition is called ophthalmia neonatorum, and it must be treated immediately to preserve eyesight. Use of contact lenses, particularly extended-wear lenses, can cause conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis occurs when the transparent membrane that lines the eyelids and part of the eyeball becomes inflamed and red. This may be due to an allergy, infection, a foreign body or blocked tear duct. The redness appears because the small blood vessels in the conjunctiva react to it. If the infection is severe the conjunctiva may be swollen. The eye may then feel gritty and itchy, shed tears and have a yellow or white discharge.

Infection is often due to a seasonal bug — an adeno or influenza virus. It may be associated with a cold or sore throat. These infections are self-limiting. Cold or warm compresses applied to the eyes can be soothing. It does not really require any treatment with eye drops and clears up spontaneously in three or four days.

The discharge in bacterial conjunctivitis can be yellow and purulent (containing pus). This requires antibiotic eye drops. These are effective when applied every two or three hours. An eye ointment may be applied at night.

Infectious conjunctivitis (viral or bacterial) can spread rapidly within a classroom, home or community. Contrary to popular belief, just looking at an affected person does not cause the infection to spread. The virus or bacteria gets transferred from the infected person’s eyes on to table tops, books and other frequently used items. If an uninfected person touches a contaminated surface, and then his or her eyes, the infection is transferred. Wearing dark glasses reduces photophobia due to the infection and prevents people from touching and rubbing their own eyes.

*Increased tearing
*Eye pain
*Redness in the eyes
*Gritty feeling in the eyes
*Itching of the eye
*Blurred vision
*Sensitivity to light
*Crusts that form on the eyelid overnight


Signs and tests
*Examination of eyes
*Swab of conjunctiva for analysis

Treatment of conjunctivitis depends on the cause.

Allergic conjunctivitis may respond to treatment for underlying allergies, or it may disappear on its own when the allergen that caused it is removed. Cool compresses may be soothing for allergic conjunctivitis.

Antibiotic medication, usually eye drops, is effective for bacterial conjunctivitis. Viral conjunctivitis will disappear on its own. The discomfort of viral or bacterial conjunctivitis can be soothed by applying warm compresses (a clean cloth soaked in warm water) to closed eyes.

Some people apply drops of pure and fresh rose water and get good result.  cats-claw the Miracle Herb from the Rain Forest of Peru can cure conjunctivitis by putting drops of the tea in eyes several times over the course of two days. The juice of Amla mixed with Honey if taken twice daily will cure conjunctivitis and glaucoma.It reduces intraocular tention in a remarkable manner.

Ayurvedic  cure &  home remedies of  conjunctivitis

Homeopathic Remedies for Conjunctivitis

Expectations (prognosis)
The outcome is usually good with treatment.

Reinfection within a household or school may occur if preventive measures are not followed.

Calling your health care provider
Call for an appointment with your health care provider if symptoms persist longer than 3 or 4 days.


If you develop conjunctivitis:

• Don’t touch your eyes. Don’t itch or scratch

Wash your hands often

• Use a clean towel which must be changed daily. Don’t share towels

• Change your pillow cases everyday

• Don’t share eye cosmetics or personal eye-care items (like mascara and kajal)

• Apply a compress to your eyes by soaking a clean cloth in water and applying it gently to your closed eyelids. Don’t touch both eyes with the same cloth. This reduces the risk of spreading red eye from one eye to the other

• Clean the crusts from the eyelids with a solution of 1 part of baby shampoo to 10 parts of warm water

• Stop wearing contact lenses until the infection completely clears up.

Children with viral conjunctivitis rapidly transmit the infection to their classmates. They should stay at home if infected and return to school only when the eyes no longer have a discharge. This may take around a week.

During the process of birth, a baby’s eyes can become contaminated by organisms present in the birth canal. An antibiotic ointment or drops are usually applied soon after birth to the infant’s eyes to prevent infection. In ancient civilisations, these infections were recognised and treated by applying a few drops of expressed breast milk to the baby’s eyes. Breast milk contains high concentrations of immunoglobulin which can protect against infection.

Sometimes, the tear ducts in babies are blocked. This occurs because either they are not yet fully developed or have been partially blocked by debris during the process of birth. This causes constant tearing of the affected eye and can result in a secondary infection. It usually clears up spontaneously by the age of one year.

All cases of conjunctivitis are not caused by infection. Allergy to substances like pollen, dust or chemicals can also cause the mucous lining of the eyes and airways to respond by releasing chemicals like histamine. This can result in itchy, red and watery eyes, a running nose and sneezing.

Non-steroidal anti allergy eye drops containing sodium chromoglycate are usually all that is needed to clear this. The eyes may respond faster to over-the-counter steroid eye drops but if the diagnosis is wrong, they can cause a flare up of the infection.

Chemicals like chlorine in swimming pools or detergents in soap and shampoo can cause a conjunctivitis-like response. Flushing the eye with clean water usually cures the problem within a day.

Dust particles, saw dust and other foreign bodies can be accidentally imbedded in the eye. An eyelash may also grow inwards. Both these cause constant irritation, redness and watering. If this occurs, you need to consult an ophthalmologist.

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.This is purely for educational purpose.


The Telegraph (Kolkata, India)

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Health Problems & Solutions

First aid In Fever

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Fever is one of your body’s reactions to infection. What’s normal for you may be a little higher or lower than the average temperature of 98.6 F (37 C). That’s why it’s hard to say just what a fever is. But a “significant” fever is usually defined as an oral or ear temperature of 102 F or a rectal temperature of 103 F. For very young children and infants, however, even slightly elevated temperatures may indicate a serious infection. In newborns, a subnormal temperature   rather than a fever   also may be a sign of serious illness.

Don’t treat fevers below 101 F with any medications unless advised to do so by your doctor. If you have a fever of 101 F or higher, your doctor may suggest taking over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others). Adults may also use aspirin. But don’t give aspirin to children. It may trigger a rare, but potentially fatal, disorder known as   Reye’s syndrome.

How to take a temperature
You can choose from several types of thermometers. Today most have digital readouts. Some take the temperature quickly from the ear canal and can be especially useful for young children and older adults. Other thermometers can be used rectally, orally or under the arm. If you use a digital thermometer, be sure to read the instructions, so you know what the beeps mean and when to read the thermometer. Under normal circumstances, temperatures tend to be highest around 4 p.m. and lowest around 4 a.m.

Because of the potential for mercury exposure or ingestion, glass mercury thermometers have been phased out and are no longer recommended.

Rectally (for infants)
To take your child’s temperature rectally:

* Place a dab of petroleum jelly or other lubricant on the bulb.
* Lay your child on his or her stomach.
* Carefully insert the bulb one-half inch to one inch into the rectum.
* Hold the bulb and child still for three minutes. To avoid injury, don’t let go of the thermometer while it’s inside your child.
* Remove and read the temperature as recommended by the manufacturer.
* A rectal temperature reading is generally 1 degree F higher than an oral reading.

To take your temperature orally:

* Place the bulb under your tongue.
* Close your mouth for the recommended amount of time, usually three minutes.
* If you’re using a nondigital thermometer, remove it from your mouth and rotate it slowly until you can read the temperature accurately.

Under the arm (axillary)
Although it’s not the most accurate way to take a temperature, you can also use an oral thermometer for an armpit reading:

* Place the thermometer under your arm with your arm down.
* Hold your arms across your chest.
* Wait five minutes or as recommended by your thermometer’s manufacturer. Then remove the thermometer and read the temperature.
* An axillary reading is generally 1 degree F less than an oral reading

Get medical help for a fever in these cases:

* If a baby is younger than 2 months of age and has a rectal temperature of 100.4 F or higher. Even if your baby doesn’t have other signs or symptoms, call your doctor just to be safe.
* If a baby is older than 2 months of age and has a temperature of 102 F or higher.
* If a newborn has a lower-than-normal temperature — less than 95 F rectally.
* If a child younger than age 2 has a fever for longer than one day, or a child age 2 or older has a fever for longer than three days. If your child has a fever after being left in a very hot car, seek medical care immediately.
* If an adult has a temperature of more than 104 F or has had a fever for more than three days.

Call your doctor immediately if any of these signs or symptoms accompanies a fever:

* A severe headache
* Severe swelling of the throat
* Unusual skin rash
* Unusual eye sensitivity to bright light
* A stiff neck and pain when the head is bent forward
* Mental confusion
* Persistent vomiting
* Difficulty breathing or chest pain
* Extreme listlessness or irritability
* Abdominal pain or pain when urinating
* Any other unexplained symptoms


Ailmemts & Remedies


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When you or your children aren’t feeling well, one of the first things you may do is check for a fever. Although a fever isn’t an illness itself, it’s usually a sign that something’s going on in your body. Yet fevers aren’t necessarily bad. In fact, they seem to play a key role in helping your body fight off a number of bacterial and viral infections.

If you’re an adult, a fever may be uncomfortable, but it usually isn’t dangerous unless it measures 103 F or higher. For very young children and infants, however, even slightly elevated temperatures may indicate a serious infection. In newborns, a subnormal temperature — rather than a fever — may be a sign of serious illness.

Because a fever can occur with many different conditions, other signs and symptoms can often help identify the cause. If you don’t know why you have a fever, it’s best not to try to lower your temperature. This may only mask your symptoms and make it harder to determine the cause. In addition, some experts think that aggressively treating all fevers actually interferes with your body’s immune response. That’s because the viruses that cause colds and other respiratory infections thrive at cool temperatures. By producing a low-grade fever, your body may actually be helping eliminate the virus. What’s more, most fevers go away in a relatively short time  is usually within a few days.

Signs and symptoms

A fever occurs when your temperature rises above its normal range. What’s normal for you may be a little higher or lower than the average temperature of 98.6 F. That’s why it’s hard to say just what a fever is. But a “significant” fever is usually defined as an oral or ear temperature of 102 F or a rectal temperature of 103 F. A rectal temperature reading is generally 1 degree Fahrenheit higher than an oral reading.

Depending on what’s causing your fever, additional signs and symptoms may include:

* Sweating
* Shivering
* Headache
* Muscle aches
* Lack of appetite
* Dehydration
* General weakness

Very high fevers, between 103 and 106 F, may cause hallucinations, confusion, irritability and even convulsions.

Approximately four percent of children younger than age 5 experience fever-induced seizures (febrile seizures). The signs of febrile seizures, which occur when a child’s temperature rises or falls rapidly, include a brief loss of consciousness and convulsions. Although these seizures can be extremely alarming, most children don’t experience any lasting effects. Febrile seizures are often triggered by a fever from a common childhood illness such as roseola, a viral infection that causes a high fever, swollen glands and a rash.


Even when you’re well, your body temperature varies throughout the day — it’s lower in the morning and higher in the late afternoon and evening. In fact, your normal temperature can range from about 97 to 99 F. Although most people consider 98.6 F a healthy body temperature, yours may vary by a degree or more.

Your body temperature is set by your hypothalamus, an area at the base of your brain that acts as a thermostat for your whole system. When something’s wrong, your normal temperature is simply set a few points higher. The new set-point, for example, may be 102 F instead of 97 or 98 F.

What happens with a fever
When a fever starts and your body tries to elevate its temperature, you feel chilly and may shiver to generate heat. At this point, you probably wrap yourself in your thickest blanket and turn up the heating pad. But eventually, as your body reaches its new set-point, you likely feel hot. And when your temperature finally begins to return to normal, you may sweat profusely, which is your body’s way of dissipating the excess heat.

A fever usually means your body is responding to a viral or bacterial infection. Sometimes heat exhaustion, an extreme sunburn or certain inflammatory conditions such as temporal arteritis — inflammation of an artery in your head — may trigger fever as well. In rare instances, a malignant tumor or some forms of kidney cancer may cause a fever.

Fever can be a side effect of some medications such as antibiotics and drugs used to treat hypertension or seizures. Some infants and children develop fevers after receiving routine immunizations, such as the diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTaP) or pneumococcal vaccines.

Sometimes it’s not possible to identify the cause of a fever. If you have a temperature higher than 100.9 F for more than three weeks and your doctor isn’t able to find the cause after extensive evaluation, the diagnosis may be fever of unknown origin. In most cases, though, the reason for your fever can be found and treated.

When to seek medical advice

Fevers by themselves may not be a cause for alarm — or a reason to call a doctor. Yet there are some circumstances when you should seek medical advice for your baby, your child or yourself.

For infants

An unexplained fever is greater cause for concern in infants and children than in adults. Call your baby’s doctor if your baby:

* Is younger than 2 months of age and has a rectal temperature of 100.4 F or higher. Even if your baby doesn’t have other signs or symptoms, call your doctor just to be safe.
* Is older than 2 months of age and has a temperature of 102 F or higher.
* Is a newborn who has a lower-than-normal temperature — under 95 F rectally.
* Has a fever and unexplained irritability, such as marked crying when you change your baby’s diapers or when he or she is moved. Some infants might have a fever and seem lethargic and unresponsive. In infants and children younger than age 2, these may be signs of meningitis — an infection and inflammation of the membranes and fluid surrounding your brain and spinal cord. If you’re worried that your baby might have meningitis, see your doctor right away. Don’t wait until morning to see your usual physician — meningitis is an emergency.

For children
Children often tolerate fevers quite well, although high temperatures may cause parents a great deal of concern. Still, it’s best to be guided more by how your child acts than by any particular temperature measurement. If your child has a fever but is responsive and is drinking plenty of fluids and wanting to play, there’s probably no cause for alarm.

Call your pediatrician if your child is listless or irritable, vomits repeatedly, has a severe headache or stomachache or has any other symptoms causing significant discomfort. If your child has a fever after being left in a very hot car, seek medical care immediately.

Also call your doctor if fever persists longer than one day in a child younger than age 2 or longer than three days in a child age 2 or older.

Don’t treat fevers below 101 F with any medications unless advised by your doctor.

For adults
Call your doctor about a fever if:

* Your temperature is more than 104 F
* You’ve had a fever for more than three days

In addition, call your doctor immediately if any of these signs and symptoms accompany a fever:

* A severe headache
* Severe swelling of your throat
* Unusual skin rash
* Unusual eye sensitivity to bright light
* A stiff neck and pain when you bend your head forward
* Mental confusion
* Persistent vomiting
* Difficulty breathing or chest pain
* Extreme listlessness or irritability
* Abdominal pain or pain when urinating
* Any other unexplained symptoms

Screening and diagnosis

Your doctor will likely diagnose the cause of your fever based on your other symptoms and a physical exam. Sometimes you may need additional tests to confirm a diagnosis. If your doctor suspects pneumonia, for instance, you may have a chest X-ray following your physical exam. In other cases you may have blood or urine tests to check for signs of infection.

If you have a low-grade fever that persists for three weeks or more, but have no other symptoms, your doctor may recommend a variety of tests to help find the cause. These may include blood tests and X-rays.


A rapid rise or fall in temperature may cause a febrile seizure in a small percentage of children younger than age 5. Although they’re alarming for parents, the vast majority of febrile seizures cause no lasting effects.

If a seizure occurs, lay your child on his or her side. Remove any sharp objects that are near your child, loosen tight clothing and hold your child to prevent injury. Don’t place anything in your child’s mouth or try to stop the seizure. Although most seizures stop on their own, call for emergency medical assistance if the seizure lasts longer than 10 minutes.

If possible, try to time the seizure using your watch or a clock. Because they’re so alarming, seizures often seem to last longer than they really do. Also try to note which part of your child’s body begins to shake first. This can help your doctor understand the cause of the seizure. Your pediatrician should see your child as soon as possible.


Medical treatment depends on the cause of your fever. Your doctor will likely prescribe antibiotics for bacterial infections, such as pneumonia or strep throat. For viral infections, including stomach flu (gastroenteritis) and mononucleosis, the best treatment is often rest and plenty of fluids.

Your doctor may also suggest taking over-the-counter medications, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) to lower a very high fever. Adults may also use aspirin. But don’t give aspirin to children. It may trigger a rare, but potentially fatal, disorder known as Reye’s syndrome.


The best way to prevent fevers is to reduce your exposure to infectious diseases. One of the most effective ways to do that is also one of the simplest — frequent hand washing.

Teach your children to wash their hands often, especially before they eat and after using the toilet, spending time in a crowded public place or petting animals. Show them how to wash their hands vigorously, covering both the front and back of each hand with soap, and rinsing thoroughly under running water. Carry hand-washing towelettes with you for times when you don’t have access to soap and water. When possible, teach your kids not to touch their noses, mouths or eyes — the main way viral infections are transmitted.


Because your body loses more water with a fever, be sure to drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. Water is best, but if it’s hard to get your children to drink water, encourage them to drink juices or sports drinks containing electrolytes, or to eat frozen ice pops. Adults and children should also get enough rest. Don’t be concerned with treating a fever just because it’s a fever. Often, a low-grade fever is actually helping fight off an infection. In addition, follow these guidelines for both children and adults:

For temperatures less than 102 F
Don’t use any medication for a fever in this range unless advised by your doctor. And don’t give children aspirin because of the risk of Reye’s syndrome. Instead, dress in comfortable, light clothing and try bathing in lukewarm water. At bedtime, cover yourself or your child with just a sheet or light blanket.

For temperatures between 102 and 104 F
Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen according to the label instructions or as recommended by your doctor. If you’re not sure about the proper dosage, be sure to check with your doctor or pharmacist. Adults may use aspirin instead.

Be careful not to give too much medication. High doses or long-term use of acetaminophen may cause liver or kidney damage, and acute overdoses can be fatal. If you’re not able to get your child’s fever down, don’t give more medication. Call your doctor instead. Side effects of aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Motrin and Advil include stomach pain, bleeding and ulcers.

For temperatures greater than 104 F
Give adults or children acetaminophen or ibuprofen following the manufacturer’s instructions or as recommended by your doctor. Adults may use aspirin instead. If you’re not sure about the dosage, check with your doctor or pharmacist. Be careful not to give too much medication.

Acetaminophen is available in liquid, chewable and suppository forms for children, but it’s often easiest to give medications in liquid form. For a small child, use a syringe with measurements on the side and a bulb on the tip. Gently squirt the medicine in the back corners of your child’s mouth.

Use a five- to ten-minute sponge bath of lukewarm water to try to bring your own or your child’s temperature down. A sponge bath is most likely to help if it’s used shortly after a dosage of acetaminophen or ibuprofen, so that the medication can work to keep the fever down after the bath takes effect.

If your child shivers in the bath, stop the bath, dry your child and wait. Shivering actually raises the body’s internal temperature — shaking muscles generate heat. If the fever doesn’t moderate or your child has a febrile seizure that lasts longer than five minutes, seek immediate medical care.

Taking a temperature
To check your or your child’s temperature level, you can choose from several types of thermometers, including electronic thermometers and ear (tympanic) thermometers. Thermometers with digital readouts and those that take the temperature quickly from the ear canal are especially useful for young children and older adults. Because glass mercury thermometers harm both humans and the environment, they have been phased out and are no longer recommended.

Although it’s not the most accurate way to take a temperature, you can also use an oral thermometer for an armpit (axillary) reading. Place the thermometer in the armpit with arms crossed over the chest. Wait four to five minutes. The axillary temperature is about 1 degree Fahrenheit less than an oral temperature.

Use a rectal thermometer for infants. Place a dab of petroleum jelly on the bulb. Lay your baby on his or her tummy. Carefully insert the bulb one-half inch to one inch into your baby’s rectum. Hold the bulb and your baby still for three minutes. Don’t let go of the thermometer while it’s inside your baby. If your baby squirms, it could go deeper and cause an injury.

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.

From MayoClinic.Com  & Special to

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Few Warning Signs of Kid’s Immunodeficiency

Most PARENTS are no strangers to infections. Just about every child has had their share of colds and coughs and infected cuts or the flu. Some youngsters have had first-hand experience with infections that are even more serious   pneumonia and meningitis.

Usually, we expect our kids to quickly recover from an infection. We count on our body’s immune defenses (sometimes with the help of antibiotics) to get rid of any germs that cause infection, and to protect our kids against new germs in the future.

Some children, however, are born with an immune defense system that is faulty. They are missing some or, in the worst cases, almost all of the body’s immune defense weapons. Such youngsters are said to have a primary immunodeficiency (PI).

There are over 70 different types of PIs. Each type has some what different symptoms, depending on which parts of the immune defense system are deficient. Some deficiencies are deadly, while some are mild. But they all have one thing in common: they may open the door to multiple infections.

If your child is affected by more than one of the following conditions, speak to their doctor about the possible presence of Primary immunodeficiency.

Eight or more new ear
infections within 1 Year……………..
Recurrent, deep skin or organ abscesses

Two or more serious sinsus
infections within 1 year………………
Persistent thrush in the mouth or elsewhere on skin after age 1.

Two or more months on
antibiotics with little effect…………
Need for intravenous antibiotics to clear infections

Two or more pneumonias
within one year………………………
Two or more deep- seated infections in one year

Failure of an infant to gain
weight or grow normally………….
A family history of Primary Immunodeficiency

Source:  Kid’

Ailmemts & Remedies

Colds and Flu

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Sooner or later, just about everyone comes down with a miserable cold or case of the flu-and some unfortunate people seem to get infected again and again. Vitamin C is probably the most familiar natural remedy for these viruses, but it’s not the only one.


Head and chest congestion.
Sneezing and cough.
Sore throat.
Watery nasal discharge.
Muscle aches.
Fever and chills.

When to Call Your Doctor
If your temperature is above 100F for three days or ever goes to 103F or higher.
If you have a sore throat combined with a fever that stays above 101F for 24 hours — it may indicate strep throat, which requires antibiotics.
If mucus is green, dark yellow, or brown — this may be a sign of a bacterial infection in the sinuses or lungs.
If you have chest pain, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing — this may mean you have pneumonia, especially if you also have a high fever.
Reminder: If you have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before taking supplements

What It Is
Because the common cold and the flu are both respiratory infections, determining which you have may be difficult. Generally a cold comes on gradually, and the flu strikes suddenly — you can feel fine in the morning and lousy by afternoon. The classic cold symptoms — congestion, sore throat, and sneezing — are usually less severe than those of the flu, which often include fever, extreme fatigue, muscle aches, and headaches.
The amount of time needed to recover is different too. In general, a cold lasts about a week, but symptoms may trouble you for only three or four days if your immune system is in good shape. You can be sick with the flu for up to 10 days, and fatigue can persist for two to three weeks afterward. A cold rarely produces serious complications, but the flu can lead to bronchitis or pneumonia.

What Causes It
Both colds and flu are caused by viruses that attach themselves to the lining of the nose or throat and then spread throughout the upper respiratory system and occasionally to the lungs as well. In response, the immune system floods the area with infection-fighting white blood cells. The symptoms of a cold or the flu aren’t produced by the viruses but are actually the result of the body trying to stave off the infection. Colds and flu are more common in winter, when indoor heating reduces the humidity in the air; this lack of moist air dries out the nasal passages and creates the perfect breeding ground for the viruses.

How Supplements Can Help
The supplements listed in the chart assist your body in combating cold and flu viruses, rather than suppressing symptoms. For this reason, you may not feel better immediately after taking them, but you’ll probably recover faster. In some cases, prompt treatment may prevent a cold or the flu from fully developing. Start the supplements when symptoms first appear and, unless otherwise noted, continue until the illness passes.

What Else You Can Do
Wash your hands often to reduce your chances of catching an infection.
Use a humidifier or cool-mist vaporizer in winter to keep indoor air moist.
Consider getting a flu shot. It takes six to eight weeks to build up a viral immunity, so get vaccinated in late fall before the flu season begins. Different flu strains emerge each year, so you’ll need to have an annual shot.
Don’t smoke. Smokers are twice as likely to catch colds as nonsmokers, according to a study from the Common Cold Unit of the Medical Research Council in Salisbury, England.

Supplement Recommendations

Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Zinc Lozenges

Vitamin A
Dosage: 50,000 IU twice a day until symptoms improve; if needed beyond 7 days, reduce dose to 25,000 IU a day.
Comments: Women who are pregnant or considering pregnancy should not exceed 5,000 IU a day.

Vitamin C
Dosage: 2,000 mg 3 times a day until symptoms improve; if needed beyond 5 days, reduce dose to 1,000 mg 3 times a day.
Comments: Reduce dose if diarrhea develops.

Dosage: 200 mg 5 times a day.
Comments: For prevention, take 200 mg a day in 3-week rotations with the herb astragalus (400 mg a day).

Zinc Lozenges
Dosage: 1 lozenge every 3 or 4 hours as needed.
Comments: Do not exceed 150 mg zinc a day from all sources.

Dosage: 400-600 mg 4 times a day with food.
Comments: Each pill should provide 4,000 mcg allicin potential.

Dosage: 125 mg standardized extract 5 times a day for 5 days.
Comments: Don’t use during pregnancy or with high blood pressure.

Source:Your Guide to Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs
