News on Health & Science

People with Migraine Prone to Clotting

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People with migraines are more likely to develop blood clots in their veins, a study has suggested….CLICK & SEE

The research, published in the latest issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, found that those suffering from migraines may be more likely to develop blood clots in their veins.

In the condition, called venous thrombosis or thromboembolism, blood clots form in a vein, which can limit blood flow and cause swelling and pain. Those clots can then dislodge from the vein and travel to the heart and the lungs, which can be fatal.

The study examined 574 people in Italy age 55 and up to determine whether they had a history of migraine or migraine at the time of the evaluation. The doctors also reviewed their medical records for cases of venous thrombosis.

The Science Daily online reported that of the participants, 111 people had migraine. A total of 21 people with migraine also had one or more instances of venous thrombosis. In comparison, 35 people without migraine had the condition.

Though researchers were unable to pinpoint the reason for the link between migraine and venous thrombosis, a theory is that the blood of people with migraine may be more prone to clotting, the report said.

It was also found that people with migraine are not more likely to have hardening or narrowing of the arteries, which is contrary to a current theory.

“The thinking has been that because people with migraine are more likely to have strokes and other cardiovascular problems, that they would also have more severe and early atherosclerosis,” said study author Stefan Kiechl, of Innsbruck Medical University in Austria. He said the study provides solid evidence to refute it.

Sources: The Times Of India

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Health Quaries

Some Health Quaries & Answers

Towering disturbance:-…....CLICK & SEE

Q: I own a flat on the third (top) floor of a building. The residents’ association has leased out the terrace to a cell phone company which has erected a tower there. I have a pacemaker and am worried about the impact of the signals from the tower on my heart. What should I do?

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A: Signals from microwaves and cell phones do affect pacemakers. Irregularities in the heart rate have been noticed when a phone is held even 15cm away from the pacemaker. When you are living just under a phone tower, the signal is likely to be strong and powerful. The first symptoms of the pacemaker being affected are a feeling of faintness and irregularity in your pulse rate. You can be fitted with a 24-hour monitoring device by your cardiologist. This will document any irregularity, so you know it is real and not psychological.

If there are any changes, it may make sense to move. Your building association is unlikely to cancel a financially lucrative enterprise and get the tower relocated.

Circumcise to protect:-

Q: I read that circumcision offers protection against AIDS. I wonder if I should get my one-year-old son circumcised.

[amazon_link asins=’0465026532,B0083Y0W26,0983411573,0964489538,B000FA5TTC,1451012772′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’3fcbab51-c8fe-11e7-ba3f-ed9eaf7e3cf6′]

A: Circumcision is a surgical procedure that involves removal of the skin and mucosal tissue that covers the glans, the tip of the penis. Circumcision is unconditionally practised by Jews and Muslims. It is a part of their religious culture. In others it is usually performed if the foreskin gets stuck (phimosis) or infected. It does help in the prevention of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. But it does not give 100 per cent protection.

All operations can have complications. Problems like infection or bleeding, though rare, can arise after the surgery. Unless your son’s paediatrician has advised circumcision for a particular reason, it does not make sense to put him through elective surgery. When he is older, teaching him about responsibility, sexual norms and safe sex may be a better option.

Yellow vs white:-

Q: There are natural and “artificial” eggs available in the market. The colour of the yolk in the two differs. Is there a difference in their nutritive values? Is eating eggs healthy?

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A: Eggs contain easily digestible proteins, fats, vitamins and antioxidants. They are a complete food in themselves. The recommended intake is one egg a day for those with a normal lipid profile (cholesterol and triglycerides). If the lipids are raised, cutting down on yolks to a maximum of two per week would be fine. Egg whites do not add to the cholesterol level, and you can eat as many of these as you like.

The colour of the yolk only depends on the type of feed the hen has received. It does not affect the egg’s nutritive value. By natural eggs, I think you mean those laid by hens that roam free, and by “artificial” the ones that are laid in hatcheries. Nutrition-wise, both are the same.

Music mania:-

Q: My daughter listens to music the whole day. I don’t like it, but do not want to put a stop to it unless it is harmful.

[amazon_link asins=’1590789016,0967890691,1889163023,076792536X,1542814472,1542685184′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’ab4c280d-c8ff-11e7-a003-f5eace4fbdc7′]

A: If your daughter is listening to music instead of doing her homework or studying, perhaps you need to interfere. But do check her academic performance first. Listening to music does have many positive effects. It soothes, pacifies and relieves tension in children and in adults. Music during exercise provides a cognitive boost, in addition to the other benefits of regular activity. Loud music, on the other hand, can damage hearing, increase the heart rate and produce paradoxical excitement.

Unequal feet:

Q: My shoes never fit both the feet perfectly. One is always a little loose or tight.

A: A person’s feet may not be identical in shape and size. One is usually marginally larger than the other. If this difference is marked, footwear will never fit properly. It is better to buy a bigger size and wear two socks on the foot that is smaller. Otherwise, you have to buy two pairs of shoes.

Cauliflower ear:

Q: I pierced my ear in the upper part, in addition to the ear lobe. It has become red, swollen and painful. My ear now looks ugly and deformed. What should I do?

[amazon_link asins=’B006SBMZ9Y,B01LY71ZN5,B01DAYRA0U,B00R0ZD06E,B0768SVSN1,B07315P7YD’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’16604419-c900-11e7-bb9b-91c25c1d7ec4′]

A: The condition you are describing is called “cauliflower ear”. It occurs when a blood clot develops in the cartilage of the ear as a result of injury. The accumulated blood becomes infected and this destroys the cartilage, making it shrunken and shrivelled.

As soon as there is pain and swelling owing to an injury (even piercing), it should be treated with ice packs and antibiotics. Once it becomes misshapen, cosmetic reconstruction by a plastic surgeon is the only option.

Sources: The Telegraph (Kolkata, India)

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News on Health & Science

How Women Can Avoid Heart Disease

New American Heart Association guidelines could help women lower their long-term risk of heart disease.

The guidelines, which are further-reaching than those released in 2004, focus on problems associated with aging rather than immediate risk.

Women are less likely to have heart attacks and strokes early in life, possibly due to the protective effects of estrogen. But while short-term risk is low for many women, over the course of a woman’s life, she will have a nearly one-in-three chance of dying of heart disease.

The guidelines reaffirmed the importance of diet, exercise, controlling weight and blood pressure, limiting salt intake and quitting smoking. They also recommended not relying on vitamins, not using hormone therapy or selective estrogen modulators as a heart attack prevention method, and not taking aspirin for heart attack prevention until after the age of 65.

These new recommendations come at a time when scientists estimate some 38 million American women are living with heart disease, and a growing number of health care professionals are coming around to the opinion they should be preventing and treating conditions that may happen over the course of a patient’s lifetime, and not just until the next diagnosis.

It’s important to remember that any diet you follow should be tailored according to the foods your body burns best, based on its unique metabolic type. High-fat and high-protein food choices could be the worst or the best choice for you, it all depends on your metabolic type.

Additionally, along with the many safe and effective lifestyle changes women can make to reduce their risks of heart problems, it’s also important to remind you the primary reason older women die from heart disease: After menopause, women stop menstruating and begin gaining excess iron. High iron levels will cause serious free radical damage. It is one of the easiest items to check for and FAR more of an important risk factor than cholesterol levels.

A simple blood test that measures ferritin levels can determine if your iron levels are dangerously elevated. It is strongly advised to have your doctor perform this simple and relatively inexpensive test for you.

The safest and most optimal way to eliminate any problems with iron: Donating your blood one to six times a year, depending on the amount of iron in your system.

Of course, normalizing your fasting insulin level is also another powerful and effective way to not only reduce your risk of heart disease, but also cancer. While you are getting your ferritin level done, please make sure you have a fasting insulin level done. If your level is above five you have some homework to do to lower it.

Featured Healthy Tips

Sadness & Depression is Unhealthy

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What contributes frowning to one’s face? Is it not sadness? This state of being is one of the many reasons why people who have emotional breakdown put their lives at risk. When deeper sadness or depression consumes the individual, illness and disturbance clog his mind and feelings.


Most people who suffer from depression or extreme sadness are affected with the way they deal with their fellow man. Depressed people are sensitive and demand special attention. At times, depression swallows them and affects their relationship with other people, particularly their families and those who stay closer to them.

You have your ups and downs, but for the most part, you are moderately happy. There’s no burning desire to change your life. You’d probably have an uplifting effect on someone who is less happy than you, but at the same time, you could benefit if you associated with those happier than yourself.

Enthusiasm is a feeling similar to happiness but the emotion involved is intense. Enthusiasm is often associated with divine inspiration, an intense emotion deeper than happiness itself. However, our society’s status these days hinders people from being enthusiasts. Instead, many are grieving and saddened with what they see in the surroundings and in the whole world. Most people who were victimized by wars and social problems find enthusiasm impossible to feel. Why, even the richest people on earth feel sad at times. If this is the case, is it true that enthusiasm is elusive?

Many sigh because of sadness and bad experiences. We can say that indeed, happiness or enthusiasm is a relative state of being. This is the reason why many people resort to illicit drugs, thinking that they can escape the bitter experiences they are experiencing. They thought they can fake happiness for a few hours. Little did they know that no matter how difficult life is, happiness is still available and waiting to be rediscovered.

How can you promote and contribute to enthusiasm and happiness?

1. Set goals and seek life’s purpose. Happiness cannot be achieved overnight so starting early means experiencing happiness the soonest.

2. Take away all the bitterness you kept for years. Learn to say sorry and accept your limitations.

3. Keep your life simple by allotting time for you to relax and enjoy wholesome recreation.

4. Learn to develop self-worth. Love your deeds and do favors for yourself. Adopt changes if necessary and if you feel like you are bored in doing routines.

5. Humbly accept others support and appreciate small gifts from them.

6. Try rendering support or reciprocating the kindness shown to you.

7. Develop hobbies that will contribute to your self-worth. Some women and housewives, for instance, love gardening. They at times talk to their plants. They find this rewarding in most ways.

8. Read some inspirational books. Keep simple but inspiring messages and share these to others. Remember that giving brings joy to every person; learn the value of generosity at all times.

9. Constantly communicate to others your inspiring and up building stories. Learn to accept feedbacks from your listeners.

10. Learn to be flexible, accept the fact that everything does not just happen the way you think everything should be.

Keeping these simple things in mind, I can say that happiness and enthusiasm are not that difficult to find. Many people pay huge amounts of money just to have the opportunity to gain worthwhile experiences. In the end, these people are convinced that the real happiness they seek cannot be bought. It can be achieved in many ways; but to find it, they must be humble enough to compromise some wants in exchange of the need to be happy.Always try to get rid of GRID. Grid and desire are not same.Grid will make you unhappy but desire will encourage you to succeed and success will give you happiness.

