Herbs & Plants

Achillea ptarmica

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Botanical Name : Achillea ptarmica
Family: Asteraceae
Genus: Achillea
Species: A. ptarmica
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Asterales

Common Name : Sneeze-Wort, Sneezeweed , Sneezewort, Bastard pellitory, European pellitory, Fair-maid-of-France, Goose tongue, Sneezewort yarrow, Wild pellitory, White tansy

Habitat :Achillea ptarmica is native to Europe, including Britain but excluding the Mediterranean, east to Siberia and W. Asia. It grows on the damp meadows, marshes and by streams.

Achillea ptarmica is a herbaceous perennial flowering plant growing to 0.6 m (2ft) by 0.6 m (2ft in) at a fast rate. It is widespread across most of Europe and naturalized in scattered places in North America.

Achillea ptarmica has loose clusters of showy white, flower heads that bloom from June to August. Its dark green leaves have finely toothed margins. Like many other plants, the sneezewort’s pattern of development displays the Fibonacci sequence.CLICK & SEE THE PICTURES

The name ptarmica comes from the Greek word ptairo (=sneeze) and means ’causes sneezing’

It is hardy to zone (UK) 5 and is not frost tender. It is in flower from Jun to October. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Bees, flies, self. The plant is self-fertile.
Cultivation & propagation: Achillea ptarmica is a hardy, drought-tolerant plant that prefers full sun and moist but well-drained soil. Propagation is by sowing seed or division in Spring

Edible Uses: Leaves are eaten raw or cooked. Used as a flavouring in salads.
Medicinal Uses:
Antidiarrhoeal; Antiemetic; Antiflatulent; Antirheumatic; Appetizer; Cardiac; Diaphoretic; Digestive; Emmenagogue; Miscellany; Odontalgic;
Sternutatory; Styptic.

Achillea ptarmica yields an essential oil that is used in herbal medicine. The leaf is chewed to relieve toothache.
Other Uses:
Landscape Uses:Border, Container, Rock garden, Seashore, Specimen. Succeeds in most soils but prefers a moist well-drained soil in a sunny position. The dried, powdered leaves are used as a sneezing powder. Yields an essential oil that is used medicinally. The report does not say what part of the plant the oil is obtained from, it is most likely to be the leaves harvested just before flowering. The leaves are used as an insect repellent.

Known Hazards:  The plant is poisonous to cattle, sheep, and horses. Symptoms are generally slow to develop, and include fever, rapid pulse, difficulty breathing, weight loss, drooling, spasms and loss of muscular control, and convulsions

Disclaimer : The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplement, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.

Herbs & Plants

Aeginetia indica

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Botanical Name : Aeginetia indica Linn
Family : Orobanchaceae

Other Scientific Names :Aeginetia indica Linn.,Aeginetia abbreviata Walp,Aeginetia pedunculata F.-Vill.
Common Names :Bangbañgan-ti-kiuing (Bon.),Dagatan (Tag.),Kola (Pamp.),Lapo (Ibn.),Suako-ti-uak (Ilk.),Dapong-tubo (Tag.),Cabrita (Tag.),Ye gu (Chin.),Ghost flower (Tag.)

Habitat :Native in Tropics of Asia.An annual, leafless, parasitic herb, growing on the roots of various grasses in India, Bangladesh,Srilankha.

• A root parasite on various coarse grasses, such as sugar cane, at low altitudes, and on wild grasses at medium altitudes.
• In Philippine, in most provinces in Luzon; in Panay and Leyte.

The plant is a a gregarious root parasite, producing numerous tubercles or swellings. The scapes are solitary or several, very slender, from 10 to 50 cm high, arising from the tubercle. Flowers are solitary. Calyx is ovoid, 1.5 to 3 cm long, purplish with longitudinal yellow stripes. Corolla is pale purple, two-lipped, tubular, bell-shaped, 2.5 to 5 cm long, 2.5 cm in diameter or less, and fimbriate in the margins. Capsules are ovoid or rounded, 1.5 to 2 cm long. Seeds are yellowish…...CLICK & SEE

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Medicinal Uses:
Parts Used: Whole plant.

Constituents and properties:
Studies have yielded aeginetic acid, aeginetolide, aeginetoside, polyenes and ionone glycosides.

* Infusion of the plant taken internally for diabetes.
* Decoction of plant used for treatment of anasarca due to acute nephritis.
* In Chinese folk medicine, used to treat chronic liver diseases, cough, and arthritis.
* In India the root is Prepared with sugar and nutmeg and eaten as an antiscorbutic.

• Immunomodulation: A indica, a root parasite that grows on bamboo, used extensively in Thai traditional medicine, was studied for its immunological effects. Results showed extracts from A indica had T cell stimulatory activity.
• Cytokine Production / Lymphocyte Proliferation: Previous study reported A. indica induces potent antitumor immunity in tumor-bearing mice. This study investigated the in vitro effects of A. indica extract on various lymphoid cells. Spleen cells from mice pretreated with AIL produced IL-2, IFN gamma, TNF and IL-6 when cells were stimulated in vitro by AIL. CD4 T cells were main producers of IL2 and TNF, while CD4 and CD8 T cells secreted IFN.
Phenylpropanoid Glycosides: Study yielded two new phenylpropanoid glycosides with seven known compounds.
• 55 kDa Protein / Cytokine Induction / Anti-Tumor Effect: Study isolated a 55 kDa protein from the seed extract of Aeginetia indica. Results strongly suggested that the 55kDa protein is a potent Th1 inducer and may be a useful immunotherapeutic.


The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.



Herbs & Plants


Botanical Name :Flacourtia indica (Burm. f.) Merr.
Family: Flacourtiaceae
Genus: Flacourtia
Species: F. indica
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Violales

Other Scientific Names : Gmelina indica Burm. f.,Mespilus sylvestris Burm.,Flacourtia sepiaria Roxb.,Flacourtia ranibtcgu L’ Herit. ,Myroxylon decline Blanco ,Flacourtia cataphracta Rolfe

Common Names :  Bitangol (Sbl.),Bitunogo (Tag.),Bolong (Mang.), Palutan (Ibn.), Saua-saua (Bis.),Many spiked Flacourtia (Engl.)

Habitat : Palutan is found in dry thickets at low altitude in Cagayan, Isabela, Zambales, Tarlac, Bataan, Rizal, and Batangas Provinces in Luzon; and in Mindoro. It also occurs in India to tropical Africa and Malaya.

The plant is an erect, branched, more or less spiny shrub of small tree, growing to a height of 3 meters. Spines are slender and scattered, up to 2 cm long. Leaves are obovate to oblong-ovate, 2.5 to 5 cm long, with toothed margins and rounded lobes, the based pointed with the tip rounded. Flowers are white, about 5 mm in diameter, borne on axillary or terminating short branchlets, solitary or in pairs. Fruit is rounded, about 1 cm in diameter, fleshy when fresh, smooth and purple or nearly black. The pulp is edible, fleshy and sweet, enclosing 6 to 10 small and flattened seeds.


Edible Uses: In India, fruits consumed as food by local people.

Medicinal Uses:
Parts Used: Bark and leaves.

*Bark is astringent.
*Dried leaves considered carminative, expectorant, tonic and astringent.

*Infusion of the bark used for hoarseness and as a gargle.

*In Madagascar, the bark is titurated in oil and used as a rheumatic liniment.

*The ashes of the roots are used for kidney ailments.

*Dried leaves are used in asthma, bronchitis, phthisis and catarrh of the bladder.

*Juice of fresh leaves and tender stalks used for fevers.

*As an antiperiodic for infants, 5 to 10 drops are placed in water or in mother’s milk.

*Also used in phthisical coughs, dysentery, diarrhea and indigestion during dentition.

*In Bengal, used as a tonic during parturition.

*The fruit is used for bilious disorders and to relieve nausea and vomiting.

*In India, used as an antiviral.

*In Sabah, roots used for headaches, leaves for colic.

*In Tanzania, fruit used for jaundice and enlarged spleens; leaves and roots for schistosomiasis, malaria and diarrhea. Also, the roots are used for hoarseness, pneumonia, intestinal worms; and as astringent, diuretic and analgesic.

Studies :-
Hepatoprotective / Paracetamol-Induced Hepatotoxicity: Study of extracts of aerial parts of F indica in paracetamol-induced hepatic necrosis in rat models exhibited hepatoprotective effects probably mediated through the inhibition of the microsomal metabolizing enzymes.
• Hepatoprotective / CCL4-Induced Hepatotoxicity: Study results conclude that aqueous extract of leaves of F indica protects the liver against oxidative damages and can be used as an effective protector against CCl4-induced hepatic damage.
• Antimalarial: Study reports on the antiplasmodial activity of the AcOEt extract and three major constituents of Flacourtia indica.

The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.


Click to access palutan.pdf

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Herbs & Plants

Tree Bean

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Botanical Name :Parkia javanica Merr.
Family : Fabaceae (Leguminosae)
Other Scientific Names :Gleditsia javanica Lam.,Acacia javanica DC.,Mimosa biglobosa Roxb.,Parkia roxburghii G. Don,
Local Common Names :Amarang  (Tagb.); bagoen (Ilk.); balaiuak (Ilk.); kupang (Tag., Sbl., Tagb., Ilk.).Tree bean (Engl.),Inga timoriana DC.,Mimosa peregrina Blanco ,Acacia niopa Llanos,Parkia timoriana Merr.

Habitat :Tree Bean is native to northeastern India to Java. It is common in forest at low and medium altitudes in La Union to Laguna Provinces in Luzon and in Palawan.

Description :
A very large tree growing to a height of 25 to 40 meters. The leaves are evenly bipinnate, 30-80 cm long. The pinnae are 40 to 60, 8 to 20 cm long. The leaflets are 60 to 140, linear-oblong, 6-12 millimeters long, close-set, shining above, and pointed at the tip. The heads are dense, obovoid or pyriform, axillary, long-peduncled, up to 6 cm long. Flowers are white, about 1 cm long. The pods are 25 to 30 cm long, about 3.5 cm wide, rather thick, pendulous, black and shining when mature, containing 15-20 seeds.

Propagation : It is grown from seeds.The wood is attracted by termites , so it has no commercial value.

Edible Uses: The seed pods are edible.Their pulp is golden yellow, with a sweetish taste and an odor like that of violets.Roasted seed are used in certain parts of Africa to make an infusion like coffee, for which reason they have been called “soudan Coffee”.

Chemical constituents and properties:-
Pulp contains 60% sugar weight (dextrose and levulose); 0.98 % free tartaric and citric acids, fats, and albuminoids.
Study extracted a lectin from the beans . The purified lectin showed two forms of protein that appeared to be singkle polypeptide chains.

Medicinal Uses:
*Seeds used for abdominal colic.
*In India, pods are used for bleeding piles. Bark extract used for diarrhea and dysentery.
*Lotion made from bark and leaves applied to sores and skin affections.


Phytochemicals: Study yilelded two new iridoid glucosides, javanicosides A and B along with known compounds, urosolic acid, B-sitosterol from the leaf and bark of Pj.
• Hemagglutinating Activity: Study yielded a lectin from the beans of Pj. The purified lectin could agglunate the RBCs of rabbit and rat but not human, sheep or goose.

Other Uses:
Fruit skin known to give a brown color but not used extensively for dyeing fabrics.

The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider


Click to access kupang.pdf

Herbs & Plants


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Botanical Name :Donax cannaeformis (Forst. f.) K. Schum.
Family : Marantaceae
Genus : Donax
Class: Liliopsida
Subclass: Commelinidae
Superorder: Zingiberanae
Order: Cannales
: Plantae
Other Scientific Names : Thalia cannaeformis Forst. f.,Maranta arundinacea Blanco ,Clinogyner grandis Benth. & Hook. f.,Donax arundastrum K. Schum. ,Actophanes arucanaeformis K. Schum. ,Phrynium dichotomum Roxb. ,Maranta dichotoma Wall. ,Maranta grandis Miq.

Common Names in Chinese:Zhu Ye Jiao
Common Names in Malay:Bamban, Bamban Batu
Common Names in Tagalog
:Bamban, Banban, Manban, Matalbak
Common Names in Visayan:Alaro, Bamban

Habitat :Common in secondary forests, especially along streams, at low and medium altitudes.


Rhizomatous shrub with stems up to 2 to 3 meters tall, several growing in a cluster, smooth, and much branched. Leaves are short-pertioled, thin, smooth, ovate, 15 to 18 cm long and 9 cm wide. Panicles are loosely- and few-branched. Calyx tube is about 1 cm long with lanceolate segments, acute and ribbed. Corolla lobes are white, linear to oblong, and longer than the tube. The staminodes are obovate and large, with the tip smaller, obovate and clawed. Anther, filament and lobe are linear. Fruit is globoid to ellipsoid, slightly hairy, about 1 cm in diameter and whitish. Seeds are oblong, grooved and strongly wrinkled.

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Medicinal Uses:

Parts Used: Roots, stems, leaves.

• Roots, brewed in decoction, are used as antidote for snake bites and for blood poisoning.
• In Macassar, paste of young stems with ginger and cinnamon bark is taken for biliousness.
• Juice from young curled up leaves used for sore eyes.
• In Vanuatu, used postpartum to draw placental fragments: right side of the leaf blade is squeezed into a glass of water to drink.

Other Uses: Split stems are used for basket weaving, making fish traps and hats, and for sewing nipa shingles.

The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.

